Home Office Feng Shui to Support Business Growth w/ Janell Karst
Manage episode 468397225 series 3610735
Janell Karst is known for being BOLD. There’s this feeling around her of aliveness, decisiveness, and action!
After a recent retreat experience in Costa Rica combined with a home renovation—Janell felt called to bring in more of a beautiful flow and vibe into her office and home.
But she wanted to do it in an intentional, cohesive way that would benefit not only her and her business, but also her family and clients. Where we end up in this session is quite magical!
You’ll especially want to tune into this client session if you, too:
» recently renovated a home
» feel like career things are flowing ok
» are working on your money mindset
» live in Canada (or somewhere North)
» have a recessed front door
This client session is jam packed with tidbits and tips about working with the elements, reading an energetic map (for either a room or home), and working with “hidden in plain sight” parts of Feng Shui.
I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this episode!
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24 episodes