**GRAPHIC CONTENT: Where are black children in cages coming from? Cages and Electroshock. Is it multi-generational? Or a simple plan that is not that old. Lying and Cheating Gypsies. German POWs went missing - was it murder?
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“Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie.” – Khaled Hosseini
Clips played: ✡ Jewish Sabbatean Frankist Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor Vicki Polin - Child Sacrifice (youtube.com)
Laid foundation for Concentration Camps. The Holocaust was not Germany's first Genocide (youtube.com)
Why Was There No German Mafia in the USA History? (Short - Documentary) (youtube.com)
The Untold History of German America (Deutschamerikaner) (youtube.com)
Music: Where Do The Children Play? (youtube.com)
6:00 tunnels Insight Ep.40 SRA Survivor Jeanette Archer (youtube.com)
WHY are they FREE after genocide? Where is KAGAME? Tracking Rwandan Genocidaires Across Borders (youtube.com)
Baby Cages: The Forgotten Re-Education Program of the Nazi Youth | FULL DOCUMENTARY (youtube.com)
BND - Exploring the Secrets of the Bundesnachrichtendienst in Germany - Spy Channel (youtube.com)
BOOKS and Testimonials: Frei Chantal - Speaking out ! - Free PDF
Cathy O'Brien, Mark Phillips - Trance Formation of America.pdf (avalonlibrary.net)
Her Family Made Her Participate In Their Scary Rituals: Mary Knight's Story (youtube.com)
Survivor Mary Knight: Abused In Rituals By My Parents (Exclusive Documentary) - YouTube
Diddy Victim From ViralPhotos Reveals Identity Tells All Part 1 - YouTube
Diddy Victim From Viral Photos Reveals Identity Tells All Part 1 (youtube.com)
Diddy Victim From Viral Photos, Tells All PT 2 (youtube.com)
The woman that JLo and Diddy shot in the face. JLO DRAGGED By Diddy Survivor NataniaChantal Frei : victime d'un réseau pédo-sataniste, elle dit tout. (youtube.com)
_OceanofPDF.com_Twenty-Two_Faces_-_Judy_Byington (1).pdf
unshackled-by-kathleen-sullivan-.pdf (fightingmonarch.com)
WHY Yoga is not a good idea for most: ANNEKA LUCAS AKA ANNE GEENS is she pushing agendas (youtube.com)
Restavek No More: Eliminating Child Slavery in Haiti (jmcstrategies.com)
25 Nations that Still Trade in Slaves (youtube.com)
Celebrities You Didn't Know Were Black - YouTube Reuben & How Shyne Is F’ed!?
J. Edgar Hoover's Family Confirms His Black Heritage🤯 (youtube.com)
The history of the BND, its founder Reinhard Gehlen, and its loyal service. Nazis in the service of Uncle Sam: How the US took control of Germany’s main intelligence service.
Schools Are Prisons - Unschooling.com
Lots of photos: Child Slavery: Restaveks - Vlad Sokhin
Mauritania: Slavery's last stronghold (youtube.com)
This 128-page report, classified Secret, was drafted in July 1963 as a comprehensive guide for training interrogators in the art of obtaining intelligence from "resistant sources." CIA Kubark 1-60.pdf (gwu.edu)
The Origin Of AIDS: OPERATION MK-NAOMI | Conspiracy Theories | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
Secret meeting in Switzerland WW2 Operation Sunrise (World War II) - Wikipedia
Sure, why not lower the age of consent for girls in Iraq. Iraqi Horror: Proposed Age of Consent Law Shocks the World (youtube.com)
CIA Project MK-ULTRA, by Larry Romanoff - The Unz Review
PROJECT MK-ULTRA | CIA FOIA (foia.cia.gov)
Allied Atrocities After World War Two: Bad Kreuznach (revisionist.net)
List of World War II prisoner-of-war camps in the United States - Wikipedia
Wormwood : Errol Morris : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
'The Greenbaum Speech' (rense.com)
Modern paganism in German-speaking Europe - Wikipedia
A Brief and Bizarre History of the Baby Cage | Mental Floss
Ad for Baby Cages: The Baby Cage: A Penthouse for a Baby? | British Pathé (youtube.com)
Russia Calls Out Germany as “Occupied by the United States”, by Andrew Anglin - The Unz Review
The Phoenix Program, My Lai and the “Tiger Cages” excerpt from The Phoenix Program (whale.to)
Global Pedogate Network Explained in Remarkable Detail – The Millennium Report
The Cabal Rapes, Tortures and Murders Children – Planetary Liberation Community
The German Experiment That Placed Foster Children with Pedophiles | The New Yorker
WHO are the Royal Monsters running the World? – Psychopath In Your Life
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Psychopath In Your Life – Dianne Emerson – YouTube
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