[RERUN!!] "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds" - “C1E69: Mishmash Monday – vol 12” (orig. release: 11/07/22)
Manage episode 469723069 series 3597792
2025 re-run bonus notes:
This episode is the third in a trilogy of music blocks (parts 1 and 2 were our January and February reruns). Long time listeners may already know what this trilogy is all about, but for those who don't and have been following the reruns, the introduction to this episode finally explains what the trilogy is all about.
So, the fun [for me] question: of the three music blocks in the trilogy, which did you like best (and why), which did you like least (and why), and do you or do you not think I made the right decision bumping "music block A" for "music block B" in C1E41? Let me know at [email protected], or by any social media outlet on which we exist. I will genuinely be curious to know what you think. Even to this day in 2025, I *STILL* don't know what to think, personally!
DISCLAIMER: the production value was worse in 2022 when the intro and outro were produced, and substantially worse in 2018 when the music block was produced. So if this is your first time hearing Nerd Noise Radio, please keep in mind that our production values have much improved in the time since.
Original (2022) Show Notes
Today’s broadcast is C1E69 for Mishmash Monday, November 7th, 2022. Today’s Episode will be "Mishmash Monday - vol. 12, the long-lost "original C1E41", a 2018 Lost Level originally intended for 2019.
Track# / Track / Game / System / Composer(s) / Timestamp
01) Earcatcher - 00:00:00
02) Intro - 00:00:12
03) Flight - Panzer Dragoon - Saturn – c: Yoshitaka Azuma a: Tomoyuki Hayashi - 00:06:33
04) New Beginning pt. 1 - LA Noire - multi - Andrew Hale and Simon Hale - 00:10:15
05) This is Your Story - Final Fantasy X - PS2 – Masashi Hamauzu, Junya Nakano, and/or Nobuo Uematsu - 00:11:18
06) Track 06 - Colony Wars - PS1 – Tim Wright aka CoLD SToRAGE - 00:13:30
07) The Flatfields - Quizzes and Dragons - Arcade – Isao Abe - 00:14:03
08) Midnight Chaser / Breakthrough - Wolf Fang - Kuhga 2001 - Arcade - Hiroaki Yoshida / Akira Taemoto - 00:15:38
09) Let’s Go on an Adventure - Landstalker - Genesis – Motoaki Takenouchi - 00:18:57
10) Track 7 - Mutant Rampage: Bodyslam - CD-I – Tony Trippi - 00:20:18
11) BGM #57 - Quiz Daisousasen Pt 2 - Neo Geo - Yoshihiko Kitamura, Yasuo Yamate, Yoko Osaka, Hiroaki Shimizu, Toshikazu Tanaka - 00:22:10
12) BGM 4 (Stage 3-2) - Shadow Dancer - Genesis - Keisuke Tsukahara - 00:25:03
13) Rendezvous Theme - Golgo 13 - NES – Michiharu Hasuya - 00:27:05
14) Areas 41-50 - Slap Fight - Arcade - Masahiro Yuge - 00:28:12
15) Unknown Track 22 - Team Innocent - PCFX – Kenji Kawai - 00:29:16
16) Fonction - N++ - multi – Broca - 00:31:52
17) Jus’ Dance (Sole Channel Mix) - GT Sport - PS4 - Mr.V - 00:38:37
18) Just Hiss - WipEout HD - PS3 – Spector - 00:46:21
19) Rhythm Shift - Ridge Racer - Arcade / PS1 – Etsuo Ishii, Yuri Misumi, Keiichi Okabe, Shinji Hosoe, Ayoko Sasoh, Nobuyoshi Sano - 00:51:02
20) Fury - Rocket League - multi – Rogue - 00:53:00
21) Alien - Galactic Pinball - Virtual Boy – Kenji Yamamoto, Masaru Tajima and/or Minako Hamano - 00:56:58
22) Dungeon / Waterfall - Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest - SNES – Yasuhiro Kawakami and/or Ruiji Sasai - 00:59:50
23) Mysterious Ghost Ship - TMNT: Hyperstone Heist - Genesis – Masahiro Ikariko, Yuichi Takamine, Kaori Kinouchi, and/or Hideto Inoue - 01:02:06
24) Mystic Woods (Forest 2) - Grounseed - PC98 (OPN vers) - Daisuke Takahashi - 01:04:32
25) Meridian (Night) - Horizon Zero Dawn - PS4 - Joris de Man, The Flight, Niels van der Leest, and/or Jonathan Williams - 01:08:05
26) Title Theme - AD&D Slayer - 3DO – Billy Wolfe - 01:11:48
27) Cobbleston, Nestled in the Hills - Octopath Traveller - SWITCH! - Yasunori Nishiki - 01:12:58
28) Sealed Temple - LoZ: Skyward Sword - Wii – Hajime Wakai, Shiho Fujii, Mahito Yakota, Takeshi Hama, Koji Kondo - 01:15:58
29) Globe at Night - Wii Forecast Channel - Wii – Kazumi Totaka - 01:19:06
30) Island of Memory - Doshin the Giant - GameCube - Tatsuhiko Asano - 01:21:38
31) The Cliff that Time Forgot - Earthbound - SNES – Hirokazu Tanaka - 01:25:40
32) Oblivious Past - Alien Soldier - Mega Drive - Kazuo Hanzawa - 01:26:56
33) Outro - 01:32:11
34) Exit Earcatcher - 01:43:21
Music Block Runtime: 01:25:40 / Total Episode Runtime: 01:43:57
Our Intro and Outro Music is Funky Radio, from Jet Grind Radio on the Sega Dreamcast, composed by BB Rights.
Intro / Outro / Final Production produced using Ardour 6 / Audacity 3 in Ubuntu Studio [Linux] 22.04 09/08/2022. Music Block produced in GarageBand in macOS 10/19/2018.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The tools and techniques I used back in 2018 in producing the music block were NOT up to my current standards – including featuring less sophisticated fades, more imprecise volume level balancing, less developed track run-order sorting, and even my having used MP3s rather than WAVs in the source production, resulting in a lower-fidelity final product, and further limiting my ability to touch it up after the fact. As such, the production value of this episode will NOT be to par with our current "fresh episodes". But production values aside, the quality of the CONTENT itself, otherwise, I feel, is excellent, and well worth digging up to share with you.....I hope that you'll agree! :-)
You can also find all of our audio episodes on Archive.org as well as the occasional additional release only available there, such as remixes of previous releases and other content.
Our YouTube Channel, for the time being is in dormancy, but will be returning with content, hopefully, in 2022. Meanwhile, all the old stuff is still there, and can be found here:
Our episodes (and occasionally, other content, including expanded show notes) can be found on our blog here:
Nerd Noise Radio is also available on The Retro Junkies Network at www.theretrojunkies.com, and is a member of the VGM Podcast Fans community at
Or, if you wish to connect with us directly, we have two groups of our own:
Nerd Noise Radio - Easy Mode: https://www.facebook.com/groups/276843385859797/ for sharing tracks, video game news, or just general videogame fandom.
Nerd Noise Radio - Expert Mode: https://www.facebook.com/groups/381475162016534/ for going deep into video game sound hardware, composer info, and/or music theory.
You can also follow us on Twitter at @NerdNoiseRadio. And we are also now on Spotify, TuneIn, Pandora, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, and Vurbl.
Thanks for listening! Join us again in December (all dates TBD) for C2R2: Channel 2's Season 2 retrospective, as well as not one, but TWO Channel 1s: The Best of 2022, Hugues' picks and St. John's picks - Tasty VGM and Talk on "Nerd Noise Game Club", as well as Delicious VGM on "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds"! And wherever you are - Fly the N!
193 episodes