42 - Panel: Triggers
Manage episode 445307208 series 3521918
This week, we have a panel discussion with three of my prior guests: Luke Wiersma, Daniel Eichelberger, and Dan Carlson. Today, we discuss triggers: What kind of things trigger you? Have you ever been triggered to a point where nothing really helped, and what did you do? Are there positive triggers? What should you do when you feel triggered? What causes triggers? Is there any value to experiencing triggers?
If you would like to join us for future LIVE podcast events, learn more at:
More about the panelists:
Previous podcast interviews with each panelist (links to Spotify - show notes within each episode have social media & other contact information, if any, for each guest):
Links mentioned during the episode (and other helpful links on this topic):
Previous podcast episode mentioned (links to Spotify):
Husband Material Podcast with Drew Boa - episodes mentioned (links to Youtube)::
Other links mentioned:
3-3-3 Technique for Grounding (mentioned by Luke; links to website)
5-5-5 Breathing Technique (mentioned by Luke; links to website)
Box Breathing (mentioned by Mike; links to website)
25 Grounding Techniques for Anxiety, PTSD, & Panic (including “look for blue items” in your room - mentioned by Mike; links to website)
The now EIGHT possible "F" Threat Responses – Fight, Flight, Freeze, etc. (from Tomlin Wilding)
Husband Material (“HM”; faith-based ministry helping men find freedom from pornography and other sexual brokenness issues) led by Drew Boa - FREE - https://www.husbandmaterial.com/
Info on Joining Husband Materials Academy (“HMA”; Paid)
Learn more about Husband Material's CSA Survivor Fellowship (led by Mike) and the PLC Chat on WhatsApp at https://www.polarlifeconsulting.com/live-chat
Please Note: The views and opinions expressed by guests of this podcast are their own, and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them, their beliefs, or any entity they represent, by neither Mike Chapman nor Polar Life Consulting.
**Trigger Warning/Explicit Content Warning** - we will talk openly and frankly about sexual abuse from the victims perspective. Sometimes cursing may be used, but kept at a minimum. Please practice self-care while listening to episodes and feel free to pause if you become triggered while listening.
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Website: https://www.PolarLifeConsulting.com/
Schedule a free 30-minute Coaching Intro call: https://calendly.com/polarlifeconsulting/intro-call
Mike’s Story: https://www.PolarLifeConsulting.com/about
66 episodes