show episodes

Yesodei HaTorah

Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

In this series, R’ Aaron Lopiansky learns through the fundamental Rishonim on the Parsha, collected in his essential Sefer ” Yesodei HaTorah” (for sale at week, R’ Aaron picks up from where he left off on that parsha the year before. He learns through this important Rishonim, elaborating on them, and teaching us how we can learn from them.
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Gedolei Torah

Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

Delivered in the yeshiva every Motzei Shabbos Mevarchim, these shiurim introduce us to Gedolim throughout history in way you have never heard before.Always based on primary material, Rav Aaron discusses each Gadol, his era, his accomplishments, his legacy and the impact he has on us to today.This shiur is ongoing so be sure to subscribe for all the latest shiurim in this series.
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Nach Daily

Rabbi Shaya Sussman, LCSW

NachDaily is a project of Yeshiva Ateres Shimon. A perek of day of Navi in 5 minutes or less. covering the entire Neviem Rishonim. Yeshoshua, Shoftim, Shmuel I, Shmuel II, Malchim I, Melachim II, Yeshaya, Yechezkel, Yirmiya, Hoshea, Yoel, Amos, ovadya, Yona, Micha, Nachum, Chabakuk, Tsfanya, Chaggai, Zechariah, Melachi. Thank God, we finished Navi and now we're learning Tehilim. The Shiurim are interlined with actual pesukim, classic meforshim, Drash and Chassidus to deliver practical lesson ...
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A 9 minutes or less shiur on the Parsha, grounded in Chazal and the Rishonim. Goal is to show how the parsha speaks directly to our lives today. Strive to be simple enough for the busy layman, yet deep enough for the advanced Talmid Chacham at the same time. Podcast is available on all the major platforms. Call in options: 712-432-3491 (US) or 079-574-2029(IL). Rabbi Yaakov Meltzer is a Talmid of Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim. He has a Semicha from Rav Moshe Heinemann, and an MS in Special Education ...
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The Prophets Project

The Prophets Project

The Prophets Project is a podcast on the stories of the four books of Nevi’im Rishonim, or the Early Prophets. Each fifteen-minute installment will cover one chapter, in order, by considering how elements of that chapter have been invoked and utilized by modern social movements. About the podcaster: My name is Chesky Kopel and I am a law student living in Philadelphia, PA with my wife Talya Laufer. I would love to hear feedback on this project and very happily welcome guest podcasters.
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show series
Too often, our understanding of God remains immature—shaped by childhood perceptions that no longer serve our spiritual growth. In this shiur on Rav Kook’s teachings, we explore how true spiritual alignment requires upgrading our vision of God, surrendering the ego, and allowing our soul’s natural connection to the Divine to flourish.When religion …
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The Aseres Hadibros start off Anochi Hashem Elokecha, shouldn't it Elokeichem if it's talking to the whole Kal Yisrael? Rashi quotes that it's to be a defense for us from the Chet HaEgel, since it's written in the singular form. A pshat in the Yesod from Rav Elyah Meir Bloch, and a Mussar Shmuess I developed on the Rashi..…
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In this shiur, we explore Rav Kook’s profound insights on healing, suffering, and the spiritual necessity of embracing the unknown. We discussed how the illusion of "knowing" God can lead us toward false certainty, which borders on idolatry (avoda zara) and heresy (kefira). True connection to Hashem requires a humble recognition that we cannot full…
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In this class, we explore begin "Chocham Adif Menavi" (the wisdom of a sage surpassing prophecy), the return of prophecy in our days, and the reversal of history as we approach redemption. We delve into the two distinct personality types—the creative visionary and the detail-oriented thinker—and how they shape our spiritual journeys.Additionally, w…
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In this class, we embark on the 'Zeronim' section of Rav Kook's Sefer Orot, a profound entryway into his spiritual vision. We explore how the soul's deepest yearning is to draw close to the Creator, delving into Rav Kook's unique insights on the soul's journey and its connection to the Divine. Join us as we open the door to Rav Kook's world, where …
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This class explores the ultimate paradox faced by those who yearn for Hashem: the soul longs to be filled with the air of God, yet Hashem is beyond our understanding. This tension can leave us fumbling through mitzvos with feelings of dissatisfaction and pain.Part of the answer lies in cultivating a deeper, broader lens of Emunah—learning to fully …
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In this shiur, we explore the profound healing that will take place at the end of days, as described by Rav Kook. Why do people turn away from wisdom and fail to see how mitzvot connect to Hashem? How is this a necessary step for the return of prophecy (Nevuah)?We delve into how current world events, particularly in Israel, point toward a deeper lo…
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Tasting Redemption: Unlocking the Soul's Deepest LightIn this inspiring shiur, we explore the transformative power of redemption and how we can begin to taste the light of the future Geula (redemption) in our lives today. Drawing from deep Torah wisdom, we uncover how the light of redemption emerges from the innermost point of our being and soul, l…
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In this shiur, we explore the incredible transformative power of mitzvot. Each mitzvah has the ability to bring Divine light into the world, illuminating and healing the individual, the nation, and the broader world. By engaging in mitzvot, we refine who we are and create a ripple effect of holiness and healing.We also reflect on the profound symbo…
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n today’s shiur, we began exploring Rav Kook's profound teachings on suffering. At the core of human experience lies an existential tension—the deep inner contradiction of needing to understand God while being confronted with the impossibility of fully grasping the Infinite. Rav Kook teaches that all pain, trauma, and suffering emerge from this par…
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In today’s Rav Kook class, we explored the profound idea that every soul has a unique tikkun (purpose and rectification). We discussed the concept of Neshamos Olam HaTohu—souls born from chaos—and how the tzaddikim reveal that no soul is ever truly lost. These souls, often through their struggles, bring out the best in us and help us fulfill our ow…
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In this episode, we explore the profound Kabbalistic teachings about the souls of the world of chaos (Tohu) and why they are considered higher than the souls of the world of order (Tikkun). Journey with us as we delve into the secrets of creation, the shattering of the vessels, and how these lofty souls, often the most broken, hold the greatest spi…
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This week’s class dives deeper into Rav Kook’s teachings on the paradox of the soul and its yearning for Hashem. Rav Kook offers the beginning of an answer: our longing itself becomes a vessel for Hashem’s light to illuminate within us.Through this divine light, we can move beyond seeing the world in duality and multiplicity. Instead, we begin to p…
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In this shiur, we delve into the powerful and chaotic nature of souls from Olam Hatohu—the World of Chaos—and their unique role in our generation as we prepare for the era of Moshiach. These souls, marked by their extraordinary chutzpah, embody a necessary disruption to bring about the ultimate redemption. Despite their resistance, their nekudah sh…
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The Sefer HaChinuch discusses why we need so many different Mitzvos to remember Yetzias Mitzrayim, and explains it's because our actions influence our hearts, and the more we do, the greater the influence. Exploring this technique in improving our Middos through the eyes of the Sefer HaChinuch and Rav Yechezkel Levenstein.Have a beautiful Shabbos…
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קבלת פני השכינה בשעת קידוש הלבנה רבנו בחיי (pg. 345) טעם כלל הקרבנות וקרבן פסח בפרט, לעקור דעת העובדים לבהמה מורה הנבוכים ג, מו (pg. 346) [12:58] שחיטת טלה בחדש ניסן, מורה כי יציאת מצרים לא היתה בכח המזל רמב”ן (pg. 347) [24:20] טעמי דיני קרבן פסח מורה הנבוכים ג, מו (pg. 347) [25:07]By Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky
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דחית דברי ראב”ע, כי בחלק מהמכות נכללו גם ישראל שו”ת רדב”ז ב, תתיג (pg. 333) מהות הכישוף אברבנאל (pg. 333) [03:40] הכישוף מוגבל בשמן, ובביטולו מיד שב הטבע לאיתנו ספורנו (pg. 335) [19:46] אין שינוי בטבע העולם, אלא לזמן קצוב ספורנו (pg. 336) [24:19]By Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky
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At the end of Yaakov's life, he blessed his 12 sons, Efraim, and Menashe. Efraim and Menashe were blessed that they would be the ones invoked when people bless their children. Why were they chosen, as opposed to blessing our sons they should be like Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov (akin to what we do by daughters)? Have a good Shabbos…
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ביאור קריאת שם השי”ת על המזבח רמב”ן (pg. 212) בנח שכם נתחייבו מיתה מחמת היותם מצווים על הדינים רמב”ם הלכות מלאכים ט’ יד (pg. 0212) [09:14] ההבדל בין החינוך המוסרי היהודי לחינוך המוסרי הכללי עקידת יצחק שער כז (pg. 215) [11:57]By Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky
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As we finish parshiyos in Chumash Bereishis/Shemos, we will go back to the beginning of Bereishis. בריאת העולם במידת הדין בשיתוף מידת הרחמים אברבנאל (pg. 0010) האם מנין הימים קדם לבריאת הזמן מורה הנבוכים ב, ל (pg. 0012) [08:14] מורה הנבוכים ב, ל (pg. 0012) [22:15]By Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky
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Avraham Avinu was given Ten Nisyonos, among them to chase away Yishmael, and to shecht Yitzchak. How can a loving father do that to his son BiSimcha? Did he do it by suppressing his love for his children, by overriding that love with love of Hashem? An analysis based on the ideas of Rav Simcha Zissel Broide in different approaches to controlling ou…
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