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Happy Love Month Friends! In lieu of Valentine's Day this week, we thought it would be fun to discuss some of the things we are loving these days! From our favorite coffee drinks, go-to protein picks, water bottle brands, skincare products and even a little discussion on our current fashion preferences ;). You won't want to miss this! Weigh in and …
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Hey friends! It's officially February!! We have survived the never-ending doom of January ;). Just kidding...kind of :). With all of the New Year hype behind us we're back in the grind of focusing on our "intentions". Remember we talked about setting "intentions" instead of 'goals' this year. Well for those of you who have already forgotten, here's…
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Hey hey friends! We're back for another New Year of Leave Your Excuses After The Beep! We're hoping to keep things fresh and new for the upcoming if you've been hoping that we'd cover a certain topic let us know!! We love learning about new topics and doing personal research, we're willing to be your guinea pigs! Whether it's an exercise,…
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Happy New Year Friends!! It's officially 2025 and we are excited to bring you some fresh perspectives for the new year. What can you expect this year? More health, more lifestyle, more real life, more parenting, more of us! As we kick off the first episode of 2025 we want to challenge you to reconsider your New Year Resolutions. If you've been arou…
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The final weeks of the holiday season are knocking on your door and the new year is coming in hot! How are you feeling about the new year? Ready to conquer those resolutions, ready to make this your year to bust through all of your objections, ready to drop your excuses and make things happen with your life?! Then this episode is for YOU! We are br…
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This week we are tackling the popular Healthy Gut, Healthy Brain topic. We've been hearing about gut health for quite some time, but it seems to have ramped back up over the past few years. So how do you know if you have an unhealthy gut and how might this be affecting your brain? We know that inflammation can wreck havoc on our physical body syste…
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Thanksgiving is right around the corner and we are celebrating with all things gratitude and thankfulness! Listen in to this week's episode as we share super simple strategies to get you focused on gratitude and thankfullness this week and beyond. Struggle to get your family on board? We share tips for them too! From gratitude for others, places, t…
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The holiday season is upon us and along that comes all of the winter germs!! So this week, we are giving you all of our best tips for boosting your immune system before you're struck by illness and if you've already been hit with an illness we have some tips for you too! You won't be shocked to find that all of the healthy habits that we practice a…
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This week we are chatting about the hype around medical spas, glp1 medications, horomone testing and replacement, vitamin infusions, infusion clinics, etc. What do all of these things have in common? We are being marketed to continuously about how we need to be incorporating these interventions into our health routines in order to be our healthiest…
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We've officially hit the HOLIDAY season!! Halloween kicks off the beginning of the upcoming series of holidays and we are here for it! We are sharing all of the tips that we use to help us keep our health in the forefront of our thoughts AND enjoy the holidays! The holidays can be your most successful season yet and we're not telling you to stay ho…
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This week we are breaking down protein! What is it? Where can you find it? How much of it should you eat? What sources should you eat? And everything in between. If you've heard that you should consume more protein but you're struggling with how to actually do that, this episode is for you! Even as seasoned health coaches we still find ourselves in…
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Are you running on fumes these days? You are not alone! What happened to the summer high that we were riding the past few months? It's suddenly gone and left are shorter days, longer nights and all of motivation went with it. Does any of that sounds familiar? Can you relate? I know you might be tempted to continue to ride this slumber out until the…
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Earlier this month we celebrated National Coach's Day! There are so many ways that you can use a coach to improve your life. Whether you have a life coach, financial coach, relationship coach, health coach, business coach, athletic coach, etc. You can hire a coach for practically any area of your life! And today we are sharing all of the reasons wh…
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This week we are talking about the best time of year for setting new goals with your health and you might be surprised to know that it's not January 1st, but rather right NOW!! Fall is a fantastic time of year to hunker down and set some realistic goals for yourself. Research shows that this time of year we are most productive and actually get thin…
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This week we are talking about the "Gluten-Free Trend". This is a topic that comes up frequently for Kitty, as she has been gluten-free for the past 7 years or so. So as someone who has first-hand experience with practicing a gluten-free lifestyle she is here to share some of the ins and outs with what to look for, why this might be something you w…
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This week we are getting serious about our promotion of strength training. When something makes such a difference in your life, it's hard to not shout it from the rooftops. That is strength training! Why does strength training matter? It's an exercise and form of body movement that EVERYONE can benefit from in one capacity or another. It can be ada…
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This week we are talking about fish oil supplements and whether or not you need to use them. So to supplement or not to supplement, that is the question that we are answering today. I think it's important that we breakdown the differences between Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids. Both are "essential fatty acids" which just means that we ne…
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This week we are tackling the topic of processed foods! We are inundated with fast processed foods every day, both in our home and outside of our home. If you do not consume any form of processed food, then this episode is not for you. Our bet is that everyone consumes some level of processed food, so eliminating it all together is almost impossibl…
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This week we are talking about the difference between approaching your health journey through a lens of self-hate versus self-love. What does love and hate have to do with your health anyway?! This was an interesting topic to dive in to because we both agree that we've had many moments of self-hate inducing actions throughout our health journey's, …
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This week we are talking about obstacles and how they keep us from reaching our goals. Have you ever heard of the phrase, "The obstacle is the way"? This is something that we have been working toward embracing for the past few years as health coaches. Having this outlook that obstacles are set before us to guide us instead of block us, is a key com…
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In this week's episode of Leave Your EXCUSES After The Beep we are discussing some recent statistics that were shared with us regarding the need for health among American adults. 96% of surveyed Americans feel that they need to improve their health in some capacity, while just 17% of those surveyed feel that they know what to do, how to do it and h…
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Hey friends! Welcome back to another week of Leave Your Excuses After The Beep! This week we are diving into the Body Positivity Movement! What does this mean and how is it supposed to help us gain a better understanding of how we perceive our bodies? These are both great questions that we unpack in this week's episode. Which is the better perspect…
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This week we are diving into the topic of hormone health. Have you ever had the thought that your hormones might be out of whack? Have you ever been prescribed hormonal birth control to combat symptoms of PMS, heavy bleeding or mood swings? Have you ever considered your hormones to be the cause of your current heath state? These were all questions …
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Welcome back for another week of Leave Your EXCUSES After the Beep! We are in the thick of Midwest Summer's around here and these past few weeks have been throwing us some HEAT! So today we are sharing our best tips for how to stay on track with your health goals despite the scorching temps. How to keep your nutrition on track, keep yourself moving…
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Thanks for joining us this week as we break down the basics of macro's! What are macro's and why should you care to learn more about them? First off macros refer to 'macronutrients' which are components of food that the body needs in order to function properly. Your body is unable to make macronutrients and therefore requires that you consume these…
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This week we are switching gears and doing a twist on an interview for you. We are doing a rapid fire, question and answer session and the topic is fitness! What are are favorite exercises? What is our go-to exercise? What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you in the gym? How do you do know what to do next at the gym? How do you stay…
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Hey Hey! We're back this week with a *hot topic*! We are talking about the buzz with weight loss drugs. If you've been online or on the news at all over the past year, you have likely heard something about the GLP1 agonist drugs or better known as the "weight loss drugs" that people are taking to help them lose weight. Today we are sharing our thou…
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This week we are back for another mindset challenge!! What is your current state of mind and what does this even mean? The definition of state of mind : a person's mood and the effect that mood has on the person's thinking and behavior So when you are encountering things throughout your day that pose challenges or obstacles, how do you approach thi…
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This week we are unpacking the term, wellness. We've discussed many ideas related to wellness over the past year as we've been coming to you each week with an excuse about why we can't achieve our wellness goals. So today we're going to hit on the 8 dimensions of wellness and share a little about each dimension. We are hopeful that this might unloc…
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What is self-destructive behavior? That's what we're talking about today. I only sleep 4 hours a night because I need to work. I've had one glass of water today and an entire pot of coffee, I'm surviving on caffeine. I've taken 1000 steps today; I've been so glued to my desk. I haven't eaten since breakfast; I've been so busy. I haven't read a book…
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This week we are discussing the "Let Them Theory". This theory was discussed by Mel Robbins and has grown in popularity over the past year or so. The Let Them Theory essentially encourages you to allow people to do what they do without allowing it to affect you. Don't worry about what others are doing, saying, thinking, etc. You do you and know tha…
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In this week's episode of Leave Your Excuses After The Beep we are asking you a few questions and giving you some perspectives to consider. Have you ever considered that you aren't seeing changes or results because you do not really know what it is that you want?! We are quick to identify the things that we don't want in our lives but what happens …
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Another week, another episode of Leave Your Excuses After The Beep! We are breaking down the weather...if that is even possible! After a week of intermittent severe weather here in the Midwest, we've come to the conclusion that we will not let the weather get us down! Have you noticed how your mood changes based on the weather outside. If it's clou…
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This week we are discussing the latest buzz phrase, "mindful eating". What the heck does it mean and what benefit does it bring us on our health journey. Are you frequently eating on the go, rarely sitting down at a table without an electronic device nearby to distract you? Are you constantly multitasking, trying to do many things at once while gra…
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This week we are back on the movement train! How can we meet you where you are at the level of activity that you are willing to perform? By promoting walking! Walking is simple, it is free, it is available everywhere, it is low impact, it is controlled by you, and it is a great way to get your body moving each and every day! Research is identifying…
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This week's episode covers a few aspects that we have experienced in raising our children. We are not experts in parenting, but rather, feel like most days are spent faking it until we make it. Just hoping that we somehow manage to raise respectful, loving, caring, kind children who bring something positive to the world. So for starters, when kids …
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Welcome back to another riveting episode of Leave Your EXCUSES After The Beep with Kitty & Kyla. We are thrilled to be attacking all things negative today! What does that even mean? The topic of negative thoughts is not a new one. We have discussed this at length on a few previous episodes but today we want to focus more on the specific component o…
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Leave Your EXCUSES After The Beep...This week we are touching on a few topics that are hard to stomach because we are currently living out these excuses! Procrastination is a choice. No one wants to hear that. But the things we choose to do or avoid is a choice. If we choose to avoid, we have to then face the consequences if this is something that …
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We're back for another episode of Leave Your Excuses After The Beep with Kitty & Kyla. Be sure to follow and subscribe on your favorite podcast player to get updates on when our new episodes go live each week! Share this with a friend who might be interested in the topic as well!! This week we are conversing about the mindset around food addictions…
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Hey friends! We're back for another round of Leave Your EXCUSES After The Beep! This week we are diving into thoughts about negativity. Why is it so easy for us to identify all of the negativity in our lives?! Is there something wrong with us?! The quick answer is, NO! There is nothing wrong with you if you are quick to realize the negativity aroun…
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Super conventional title for this week's episode ;)! We are bringing in some testosterone this week with our guest, David Bush! David has years of experience as a health, business and extraordinary life coach. He joins us today to share some insight into his personal health journey that began over 15 years ago and what that has looked like over the…
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Season 2 is starting off with a bang as we invite our friend, Gina Schmidt David onto the podcast to share some insight and relate to this week's topic all about overthinking! We touch base on a few areas of overthinking from our health habits, parenting strategies, how to optimize the time that we have, we'll even throw in a few healthy sleep idea…
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Season 2 is here and in full swing! This week we might be making some waves with our topic. We are talking about the negative stigma that some influencers are touting in regard to weight loss. We are hearing that weight loss is bad, we should be focusing on being healthier, have healthier habits, building healthier mindsets, being more physically a…
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Can you believe it's been ONE year since we hit record on our first episode of Leave Your Excuses After The Beep?! Listen in this week as we recap our most downloaded episodes and review some of the highlights of the topics we covered throughout the past year. We'll reveal our top excuses and dive into why we feel these excuses will continue to res…
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Listen in this week as we breakdown our mindset and how we perceive our surrroundings can limit our progress. Do you find yourself saying any of the following: "I can't do this..." "I can't afford it..." "I'll always be in debt..." "It's never going to work..." "I'm not strong enough..." "What if I'm injured..." Our brains work to keep us safe. If …
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Hey Hey friends!! It's EPISODE #50!! We've almost hit one year of coming to you with our weekly thoughts!! We are celebrating this milestone with our latest conversation all about cravings. We've heard it, we've said it, we've experienced it, we're talking about our recent experience with cravings during our cut and ways that we've found to overcom…
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This week we are discussing American Heart Health Month and how we are using the month of Feb-YOU-ary to take control of your health! Listen in as we discuss tips for making the most of your heart health from knowing your numbers, moving your body, avoid smoking, etc. These strategies can seem simple but most adults are not aware of their current h…
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Listen in this week as we give the excuses a break and offer our top 5-6 steps for living a healthier lifestyle. It really is simple...I know that sounds nuts! It's simple but isn't necessarily "easy". 1. hydration 2. protein 3. sleep 4. movement 5. surroundings 6. mindest These 6 words sound simple, but we're not dumb, we know there is an iceberg …
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Can you relate?! You feel like you are doing everything right when it comes to your nutrition, you're drinking water, maybe you gave up soda, alcocohol, etc, you're eating a salad for lunch, keeping your snacking to a minimum but you're not seeing the results you are looking for. Maybe the scale isn't moving, your clothes are fitting the same, you …
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Welcome back!! This week we are sharing our experience with overcoming sickness and feeling rundown. Tis the season of flu bugs, viruses and not feeling well. We will all come down with something eventually and we're here to help you have a plan in place for how to allow yourself to rest but also stay on track with your health goals. As we've exper…
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