show episodes

The Eating Coach

Harriet Morris, Eating Psychology Coach

Irreverent, funny and challenging. This is the show for you if you are sick of being on the treadmill of binge eating and sugar addiction and none of the self-proclaimed gurus out there can help. The Eating Coach Harriet Morris brings you Stupid Idea of The Week (walking treadmill or baby food diet, anyone?) as well as real-life workable ideas from her own experience dismantling compulsive eating and sugar addiction, as well as psychology and neuroscience.
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show series
I coined the term chaotic foods to refer to products that have negative and unexpected effects on the body. In this episode, I chat with nutritional therapist Louise Digby about her take on this topic, as well as sharing some revelations about processed foods that our conversation sparked in me. Discover: *Why diet foods can backfire so badly *Why …
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Book a call to talk about coaching here: In this episode, I explore two very different real life type 2 stories. In the first story, we meet Hannah, whose food intake was very much controlled by what I call The Inner Food Rebel. I also interview a client of mine who in 6 weeks has dropped his A1C measure fro…
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Free type 2 diabetes coaching session - limited numbers available. Go to to find out more…or if you don’t want to wait, email me info (at) (subject line: T2D) The hidden gifts of diabetes? Are you bonkers, Harriet? Well, no. This episode will give you a massive Aha moment as you turn your dre…
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Go to to get your Mind Over Diabetes Starter Kit - completely free. If you don’t know anything about type 2 diabetes, treat this episode as a primer explaining what you need to know. If you do know your T2D stuff, you’ll get a new and refreshing take on this condition. Instead of imaging it as an invading enemy,…
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Introducing the Mind Over Diabetes series - a collection of episodes that aim to show how upgrading your mindset can make reversing type 2 diabetes. Next episode out in the next few days. If you are thinking: Well, Harriet, I don't have diabetes... you may be one of the estimated 850,000 people in the UK and 8.7 million in the US who are undiagnose…
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My experience of giving up gluten. The ups and the downs. Definitely some challenges here but NO STRUGGLE. Full disclosure: I am not completely gluten free, but its pull on me is loosening big time! There will be an epilogue about my story here out before the end of June. RESOURCES Get your free Mindtrailers instruction video here https://www.thesh…
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Get your link for the free taster Shift session at Note: no details of my past trauma are shared. No need for any trigger warning - hurray! In this episode, I talk about how I have processed my trauma and those experiences now feel irrelevant to me. The shame has all but dissolved. In this episode I give some …
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Get your link for the free taster Shift session at This is the second in this four-part series on Living Directly. Part one is at The hidden price of processed foods is that they enable a mindset you long to be free of. Another way in to this …
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Get your free Mindtrailers instruction video here: A series of four episodes focused on living directly. What's that got to do with food and binge eating, Harriet? Living directly is much more engaging, sustainable approach to health than the traditional problem solving that the whole world has been brai…
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Want to get the guided audio to help you make better choices without rousing your Inner Food Rebel? Just email me info @ theshiftinside dot com with the subject line GUT AUDIO Q: What’s better than a New Year’s Resolution? A: Why, a New Year’s REVOLUTION, of course! In this episode, I give you a total 180 degree change in how to approach health cha…
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Find out more about the Thrive event on 30th November here Get your video clips for the anti-cravings game here In this episode I am going to share a simple game you can use to walk away from processed food cravings. Starring two of my f…
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Find out more about the Thrive event here: .............................. This is a replay of episode 88: How to eat less at Thanksgiving, where I give a useful reframe of that question to make the 24th November (as well as the whole of December) easier, more fun and less guilt-ri…
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This episode is a follow on from episode 207 on your body as your long lost twin. Listen to that here: Today I talk about three ways to reconnect to that long lost twin inside you and make those important health and weight goals much more easily achievable. Reconnection Point 1:…
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Join the free planning session for the 3x1 project on Tues 1st Nov 8pm UK/4pm EST (Note different time difference this week only) The 3x1 Project is a one month, low maintenance way to slide a healthy new habit into your busy life - right under the radar of your self sabotage! How many times have you started…
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Get your link for the 3x1 project Zoom call on Tues 1 Nov: Halloween - (A) time of stealing from the sweet mountain your home has turned into…. …or (B) time to overstep your perceived limitations and manage the temptation more easily than you could have believed? If you fancy choosing B, here is a shortcut -…
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Schedule a 20 minute call ................................... We are all encouraged to think that body hatred is a great motivator for health and weight loss. Let me prove that toxic myth wrong using the metaphor of the human body as a person in its own right. How about if your body was actually your long lost twin? In this…
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Top of many people's health goals is weight loss. The problem with this is that this perfectly useful measure of health has been corrupted by the diet and beauty industries, who have injected harsh unrealistic expectations into the mix, along with a nice toxic dose of body shame. Actor Rebel Wilson's story around her weight loss departs from virtua…
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Did you know that today (3rd October) is exactly 90 days until 1st of January? If there was one day in the year that is the calendar equivalent of a genie in the lamp, it's today. But why? Because it offers a pretty magical opportunity - to transform your relationship with the very idea of change, to make it sabotage-proof - an empowering adventure…
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Join the Cravings Anti-Challenge here The Sugar Made Me Do It! This episode focuses on 2 laws, created on either side of The Atlantic, over 300 years apart. Both express polar opposite ways of looking at the power of food, politically and legally. But curiously, together they expr…
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Heads up: The Cravings Anti-Challenge is coming! Grab your spot here: This is a follow-on episode after Misbehaving With Integrity (link in resources). Today we look at another benefit of misbehaving with integrity - saying no to social norms around compulsion - plus an surprise p…
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Heads Up! Get access to The Sunday Story here (and watch previous lives) ....................................................................... Misbehaving with integrity (MWI) is a term Clarissa Pinkola Estes coined in her book The Late Bloomer. However it’s not just older people who can benefit fr…
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Grab your free 20 minute Change One Thing call with me here Here’s a subversive idea. Bye Bye teen youtubers and pop starlets…and hello Vera Wang. Stan Lee. Toni Morrison. Grandma Moses. None had success til forty or older - in some cases A LOT older. Grey is the new black, dontcha know!?! If you are nearing, celebrating or…
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Heads Up: find out more about the Reclaim coaching programme And join the Facebook group here: In June, a truly miraculous event took place: Brazilian conjoined twins Arthur and Bernado Lima were successfully separated. They had been fused at the brain. This op…
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Heads Up Here’s the link to access the talk on Carrot or Stick? Neither! On Wed 3rd August at 8pm UK (3pm Eastern) What is The Fundamental Fatribution Error? I made this term up. It is a corrupted version of the fundamental attribution error (FAE), which is the mistake we make when we for example bla…
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Clip discussed in this episode Heads up: Grab your link for the 5 Minute Appetite Suppressant Session here: One of my favourite films is Arrival, starring Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner. But it's not just a great movie - it is a brilliant metaphor for ending binge eating. Adams play…
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Get your link for the 5 Minute Appetite Suppressant Session on 28 July here. It’s free, so no excuses! “This is the greatest moment of your life, and you’re off somewhere, missing it!” Guess the movie this quote comes from. Now guess the lesson it has for you reclaiming your life from food. Thirdly, guess wh…
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Get access to the 5 Minute Appetite Suppressant event Join the Facebook group here and get access to What Really Works Wednesdays Lives Imagine if there were an appetite suppressant that was 100% natural, with zero side effects. One that is also a digestive ai…
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Grab your link for the 5 Minute Appetite Suppressant Zoom session on 28th July: Pop Quiz: #1 Would you give a five-year-old Tolstoy's epic War and Peace as reading homework? #2 Would you ask the office junior on their first day at work to present to the board of directors? #3 Would you get a learner driver t…
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Heads up: Join the Eating Coach Facebook group here to access the Live talk on parent-child dynamic: You've heard of dinner dates, right? But have you ever thought about dating your dinner??? You: What madness is this, Harriet? Me: This quite ludicrous title hides a very powerful shift that is the fo…
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The Eating Coach is back with a series of short 5-6 min episode for your pleasure during the month of July. Today: How junk food is an anaesthetic (as well as being damn hard to spell!). Check out the Facebook group where I will be posting more content. Many people understand that emotional eating is…
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Get free access to the introductory module of the Release programme to end emotional eating here: In this episode, I interview Lindsay, one of my clients, on her experience putting emotional eating out of a job. In this empowering chat, you will hear about… *Going from feeling lik…
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Find out more about Release here: Details below Book an informal chat with me to answer any questions you might have about Release here In today's episode, we look at the second major component (as well as emotional regulation) of freeing yourself from emotional…
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HEADS UP – ZOOM CHAT - 8pm Sunday 20th March. I made an error in time zone calculations and wrongly converted this to eastern The correct time is 4pm Eastern and 1pm pacific. PASSCODE 4321 Completely free – Just turn up, ask me anything and I will reveal the big mindset shift to put stress eating out of a job. …
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Watch the follow up video in the Facebook group. Join here: Imagine a postie (mail delivery person if you live outside the UK) who delivers a parcel to your home, and invites themselves in for a cuppa. Ten years later they are still there, drinking you out of house and home… A ridiculous scenario, bu…
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HEADS UP - ZOOM CHAT You are invited to my informal Zoom call next Sunday 20th March, to talk all things emotional eating. I will talk about THE biggest shift most people need to make to reduce stress eating TIME: 20th March 8pm UK time - 9pm CET - 4pm Eastern - 1pm Pacific How do you deal with stress? Beating …
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Watch the video accompanying this episode in the new Facebook group: Today I correct what I think is a very unhealthy misconception about change: that everything springs from self belief. You will love this if you have ever doubted your ability too stop emotional eating – or indeed , you had zero sel…
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Contact me for a 15 minute chat about this issue and get a strategy you can use today to start to reclaim power info @ Today we ask: what if you stopped seeing emotional eating as a problem to solve and started asking some more useful questions. What if it is a really crappy life manager? What issues is it trying to solve for you…
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Book yourself in for an informal chat about emotional eating here and I will give you a strategy you can use straightaway to reduce this problem. Monday sees the start of my series on emotional eating. In it I will be covering: *A powerful reframe to make you feel more empowered *How to start believing that you can do somethi…
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An interview that makes no mention of food – yes, it’s true! I interview artist Catherine Rains and I wanted to bring you this interview because I extracted so much wisdom from it. Catherine is an amazing human being who has lots of life lessons that will put food out of a job. At the end of the interview, I discuss two areas relating to compulsive…
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Ever feel like you want more power in your life? I don’t mean power as in control, overruling others or even parts of yourself. I mean the ability to navigate problems - not just around food, but relationships, work and health on a bigger scale. A powerful way to view this is to take on The Queen identity. I recently appeared on The Real Estate Inv…
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Stressing over less than perfect food choices when you are away can ruin your vacation time. In this episode, we talk overeating on holiday: *The invisible reasons behind it *How to manage and reduce it *The mindset shift that starts with N…….. that is vital to this work *A useful reframe if you do make choices that you regret This is a personal ep…
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Today I present a completely biased review of Whole 30. Biased? I hear you cry. Isn't that meant to be UNbiased? Nope. I am completely skewed in favour of recovering binge eaters finding a programme that empowers them, that helps them start to trust themselves again. One that allows them to proceed at a doable pace, and build confidence as they go.…
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In this third part of my series on addiction, I tackle the question of why some foods are just so addictive….or as I want to rephrase it, just why is it so easy to feel compulsive about certain foodstuffs? *Brilliant Idea of The Week* is Focusmate. Find out more at *Main section* Just exactly why are some foods are just s…
  continue reading to find out more about dismantling your fear of hunger. Is this a problem for you? In this podcast episode of The Eating Coach, we dive into this topic - one that I have not heard discussed often. I talk openly about my own anxiety around my appetite, and what happened when I actually decided to experience hunge…
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In this episode, I take inspiration from The Hunger Games series, where hunger is used as a tool to control the people. What if hunger is not what you think it is? What if you are unconsciously using hunger as a tool to control YOUR life? In This episode, I talk about *How fear of hunger was an invisible force I used to oppress myself for years The…
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Have you ever heard anyone ever say "No, thanks, I don't actually like bread"...? Nope, me neither. Taking a tour of not only the Sugar Rollercoaster, but the Neolithic age, The Roman Empire and The Hunger Games, let's take a peek at the fascinating and surprisingly shocking hold bread has on the human race. A replay of episode 53. *Stupid Headline…
  continue reading - Boundary Setting 101 Week starts on 17th May. 3 masterclasses - all completely free. Possibly the worst titled episode in the history of this podcast. It makes you feel out of sorts just looking at it, doesn’t it? …and that’s the point. A TionQues is a question that is all wrong, just like the way I have spel…
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Heads up! Boundary setting 101 Week starts 10th May. Today I bring you an interview with Jamie Vine from Beautiful Disaster, a multi-million dollar clothing brand the like of which you’ve never seen. Their lines are not only size inclusive, but they have empowered slogans I absolutely love like Perfectly Imperf…
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Join the free No Struggle Intermittent Fasting Group on Facebook This is a replay of episode 34 from 2018. What cover stories do we tell ourselves to legitimise a binge? More importantly, how is that binge a cover story for a deeper problem in your life? These can be uncomfortable, yet incredibly lib…
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