Ep. 58 Kerri Lake, Generation of Harmony
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Kerri Lake, whose business is Generation of Harmony, is all about Being Human Differently. She teaches interspecies consciousness and human evolution. Her primary vehicle for awakening and personal evolution in this life has been relationships - with family, with animals, with partners, with Creator Consciousness and within herself. Her immediate family has been the greatest catalyst of her journey, a perpetual reminder to stay awake, embody love and always continue to awaken to Creator Consciousness.
If you know Kerri Lake and me, you might think a conversation between us would be oil and water. Admittedly, I wasn't exactly sure how this one was going to go myself. On the aftermath side of things, this is definitely one of the my favorite podcast episodes to date.
Kerri is about as Woo Woo as that pendulum goes and I'm about as far the other way as things get. Yet we found a lot of common ground, made space for each other's thoughts, and disected a lot of ideas and pre-conceived notions. I'm now a lot more on the thought process that it's a circle and not a pendulum.
I met Kerri in person at Jim Masterson's Gathering last January and we had a very nice fireside chat one evening. Her intelligence, genuine interest in people, and rapport building skills were evident. I listened to her presentation and it inspired a lot of thoughts and ideas. People who inspire thoughts and ideas are exactly the type that I want to talk to and I hope the curiosity and pleasure of this conversation comes through.
She has a variety of online courses, both guided/inter-active, and self-study. She's written two books:
"Listen Like a Horse: Relationships Without Dominance"
"Spiritually Gifted: An Auto-Biography"
She also produces and hosts the podcast "Compass Conversations" where she brings in a group of 6 people to have an organic conversation on an unknown topic. You can look for me on a future episode.
Here are the links to Kerri's stuff:
My website and online course:
76 episodes