One Chess Opening against ANYTHING!
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- Czech Defense: One Opening against anything
The Pirc Defense system with the pawn move c6 allows you to defend against almost anything white plays against you. This system is easy to understand and to memorize.
#️chess #️pircdefense
Enjoy The Video!
I love the pirc defence/kings indian. That combo is so similar, but offers you an answer to almost every first move the opponent can make. Really solid for a beginner
yes you get the same kind of setups
@@chessscapeWell spoken.
Pretty sure this is the Czech Pirc!!
Except if your opponoment pretends to play The london and controls the cente💀💀💀
Incredible opening. I play this all the time in bullet and ultrabullet so that I can play positions quickly, accurately and comfortably.
Play on 10 min mode IT WORKS!!
Back for watching again - this is pure gold! ❤
I friggin love this guy. I admit that I learned how pieces move as a kid and didn't pursue chess like one should. I admit that only after my son came home one day and asked if I knew how to play, and if I ever heard of Gotham chess, I picked up the game after 2 decades. What this guy teaches for absolutely free is so far above and beyond the other sites that I literally check daily for his next upload. I was actually worried that he met his demise due to all the wars and rumors of wars. This guy is absolutely dynamite at chess and we are all lucky to know his content.
thank you very much for the kind words 🙏🏼
Do you work in sales? Cause I haven't even watched the video and feel like subbing.
@@chessscape hi, thx for the great video but i was wondering, i've started playing the king indian recently and i have a question about the "main line" though i'm only around 1000elo and my oponents mostly play this exact set up (at 20:43) but instead of e4 their pawn is on e3 (is probably not call the main line anyway but whatever) the thing is in this case if i push e5 i end up losing a pawn since i dont have the e4 to take at the end of the varation, so i'm stuck here having no idea what to do or when to break in the center and usualy end up losing T_T
Lovely! Exactly what I needed. Great lines.
I play king's indian defence a lot but often end up in closed positions with less space and a sometimes a very bad position.
Your moves c6 and Qa5 are game changing.
Excellent and clear explanation of the theory - thank you!
What’s funny is if you play the Czech Pirc defense against the London system, you almost always end up winning a bishop by move eight or nine, because you push your central pawns to threaten a fork and a lot of times they’ll move their bishop to f5 to avoid it, then you push your pawn to attack the knight anyways and discover the attack on the hanging bishop. In a bullet or blitz game, they will forget that your queen is there and you win.
Nice. I tried the Caro Khan and the Acc. Dr. Sicc but this is so much easier to learn. And from there I can train the middle game. Thx.
Caro Kann, not Kahn
@@user-gr5tx6rd4h Thx for the correction.
This is great. Its really helpful to hear you talk through all the ifs and buts and possibilities. 'Assess the threat and deal with it': my new chess mantra!
I learned so much from your lesson on the d3 opening move for black, which I usually play, but in this lesson, I was also enlightened about the real beauty of the King's Indian defense. And you also have a mesmerizing voice! Thanks so very much! 🙏😊!!
I think you gave a great breakdown of one of my favorite openings, but I was sad to see you didn't cover the most critical lines starting with 1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 c6 4. f4.. Would love to see another video covering these more difficult variations
No need for video about 4.f4 This move totally kill the black set-up 🙂
Only 5% of players make that move and is not even good because white loses all advantage and equals the game, then just push d5.
A very enjoyable introduction to this opening. I've been playing the King's Indian... but this gives me some great ideas to move forward with!
One of the best explanatory demonstrations of the Pirc I have ever seen. If not _the_ best!
That really helped me. I have been playing for over a year with no progress. Mostly because its hard to remember all the variables your opponent can play. With your opening you have so many options that it seems winning at every move no matter what the opponent plays. Thank you so much. I finally have an opening I can understand and can build off of.
do you know where this happens?
Where? No.
This was great. I'll spend some time studying all these variations. Thank you for explaining!
I am just learning. Your careful and slow presentation as well as explaining are awesome: I understand!!!! Thank you so much!
I actually play this, I'm not perfect by any stretch of the means but I like this opening for black. I play this a lot and appreciate the lesson, thank you.
This opening was a game changer for me. Thank you!
A really instructive lesson 😎
I'll play this opening for my next few games
let me know how it goes 😉 if you have questions, send me a dm on IG
@@chessscapedoes this only work for black?
@@TheKnightOfZ0 obviously, if you watch the beginning of this vid he shows you "almost every move white can make " because every other opening is too passive
@ItzSwxzy you can do the pirc setup as white too, I like the lines that close the center and end up in an attack on the king side by first pushing the f pawn after the initial setup
After watching this video my perspective on where to look before move a piece, changed drastically. I still can't remember all the positions to counter each move, but this opening can lead to great sacrifices on blitz games. And the principles here can be aplied to whites as well.
This d6 opening followed by the Knight on f6 is in fact the PIRC Defense allowing to merge into the East indian with g6 followed by bishop on g7 onto the great diagonal.The rest is really instructive,as one can see how your thinking functions...Very good tutorial indeed...
I wish I knew what is The ELO ranking of M.Chesscape!
Don't know why RUclips didn't recomend this channel before.. very much helpfull staff.. love from india .. ♥️♥️♥️ very much different from other channels that fast forward chess staff. I liked your channel. Very helpful videos. Thanks brother for your explanatory instructional videos it helps a lot. Very thankful to your work. ❤❤❤ THANKS A LOT
Beautiful explanation of the official content of the chess game, in terms of techniques and strategies, congratulations!
I want to thank you for your great effort. I seem to be in a slump, trying new things and it is crushing my elo. I guess it is part of it. But I am going to study your channel. May Jesus bless all that you do Amen
You can do it!
I've been searching for a better black opening for a while now. This might be just what I need. Thank you!
G7 pawn to G6; wait for white; then F8 bishop to G7
That analysis is super great, many thanks !
Thank you so much. This is one of the best lessons I listened to on youtube. I owe you.
Clever! Thank you for all the variations as well! I will definitely be trying this!
I won twice, with one 1700 against a 1200 Bot. But got mated once also. I like it, I am learning from it. Thanks. Your a good instructor, just the right pace.
I have been working hard and studying openings trying to get to 900, when I survive the openings I can do very well. I watched your video and won 2 games against chess AI set to 900. Thank you for showing me this great opening. I am on the move up again.
Good luck!
What is the "King's Indian"? At least, that is what the closed captions are calling it.
Appreciate this kind of analysis in a slow, methodical manner. Very helpful.
Very nice lesson and I got good results with good players. Thanks and regards.
You for explaining the moves it opens up my eyes more variations
Thanks, bro, I've been struggling to defend against this consistently and now I feel like I understand it much better
No problem!
Your voice is so calm inyour old videos this is miraculous in comparison im shocked.
The voice is as menacing as the opening. Thank you !
Thanks for this video! I actually was losing over and over to white and when I tried this I destroyed him and what he was trying do because I was coming from all angles plus added some other moves I saw fit. 👍
I went from 1300 to 1000 playing this..
it is pp of shhh?
Idk what u did then lol
You may have been focused on what he’s telling you in the video!! Versus reading the board at the moment of your games
No. People just liked the comment@@Marcelopalaciosdexile
Fantastic! Well explained.
Giving it a shot. So far so good. Thank you for sharing 👍🏿
Never knew about this one! Incredible opening! And the video went over all the little details of this opening. This is what Chessscape is all about! Great video!
One question: What about white trying to threaten a scholar's mate after playing d6? The best response is to wait until we can punish it with g6? Or should we immediately deny scholar's?
you ll play Nf6 as a 2nd move so he cant play the scholar because the knight controls h5
I have an update,@@chessscape: played a 15/10 against white as follows
[WhiteElo "929"] (opponent)
[BlackElo "832"] (me)
1. e4 d6
2. Qf3 Nf6
3. Bc4 c6
4. Qb3 e6
5. f3 d5
6. exd5 cxd5
7. Bb5+ Nc6
8. Qa4 Bd7
9. Bxc6 Bxc6
10. Qd4 Qa5
11. Ne2 Bc5
12. Qf4 O-O
13. h4 Nh5
14. Qg4 g6
15. Nf4 f5
16. Qg5 Be3
17. g3 Rae8
18. c3 Bxf4
19. gxf4 e5
20. b4 exf4+
21. Kf1 Qb5+
22. Kg2 Re2+
23. Kh3 Qd3
24. Rf1 Qc4
25. Ba3 Ng3
26. Rg1 Rf2
27. b5 Qe2
28. Rxg3 Rh2# {0-1}
That was the game. I panicked a bit at the start because of the queen on f3 and the bishop on c4 but managed to lock not only his queen-side pieces with the pin with my queen on a5, which proved to be crucial as I not only prevented his dark-squared bishop from EVER leaving its starting square (it did move near the end of the game but only to a3 (which was blocked by a pawn on b4, making the bishop useless anyway) but also preventing a king-side castle with the bishop on c5 (which was supposed to kick the white queen in the first place.
I was amazed at how insanely powerful the Pirc Defense you have showed us in the video was.
And if you want to use this game in a future video, maybe as a showcase of this method in a follow-up, go right ahead.
And thanks once again for showing this one!
"Lets say your opponent plays this" one ever plays this...😂😂
what an opening, was playing a chess game while learning it and everything we et exactly like the video
After not even finishing half the video I played this opening and lost immediately 😂
at 12:40 we should discuss after 1...c5, white plays e5 instead of dc5 because white players are going to attack the f6 knight instead of relieving the pressure with d4 x c5
i started to use caro kan as black opening 3 months ago, and my ELO dropped from 1200 to 870 till now.
try to find the weakenesses in your game. its rarely due to the opening
Video was helpful thanks very much Sir
not even finished watching yet but this is giving my scandinavian vibes minus the early centre pawns trade
Good video.
Very clear.
Can you please make a tutorial on the Lion defense (d6, Nf6, c6, Nbd7, e5)? I love your videos
i ll look into it thx
3:41 I like it when they castle when I still have a lot of power on the board. In this case, I will sacrifice that Bishop and take that white pawn on a3, to open up his castle, then start the attack.
Wow this opening is so 😮 flexible easy to understand
Hi there among all the people on line I try to learn from you are by day the best I have seen thank you so much you make it easier to understand and follow have you dome one one the lii ok London jobava I would like to learn
So nice of you
@@chessscape my pleasure I all most beat my chess ♟️ computer
@@chessscape I am learning the kings Indian defence any more teaching
thanks master...good video....let´s try it...
I love this video I refer to it often thank you
With 1.d4 d6 2. c4 you can go into the English Rat by playing e5! That might appear crazy, but look at the win percentage of the resulting lines in Lichess.
Can't believe the chess bot in chesskid play this opening
There's a path that you can understand by watching Kasparov's great games, where he does kill chess...but maybe you put it out of your mind so your play does not stale. Well the banned gambit eventually makes you refine the path again.
After opening with d6-Nf6, what determines whether your next step is King's Indian or c6-Qa5? Is it simply, anything other than white e4-d4, then do the KI first, however, if white opens with e4-d4-Nc3, then black d6-Nf6-c6-Qa5?
Heyyyy i played this for months as main but now i main caro and this against anything other than e4 good opening and stable
D8-D5 = B2-B4 is the most common move against the Queen.
Thanks very much Sir
i love how ur voice sounds❤ anyways good video i usually use alkelhines opening and it usually works! meanwhile this opening just works all the time.
Thanks 😅
Yeah, that works great ... if your opponent plays the wrong moves. There are a lot of ways for white to lose this opening, but just playing the most popular moves will get white through it just fine, even with an advantage. Taking the second most popular moves at key points will work even better for white. For example, after 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 c6 4.Nf3 Qa5 5.Bd2 Qc7, white's most common move is Bd3, not Bc4, but Bc4 works just fine. After 6.Bc4 B5, white should retreat to Bd3, not Bb3. But OK, Bb3 is the more common move, so let's continue with 7.Bb3 b5 8.Na4 Nxe4 9.Bxb4, then what? 9...e4? is a mistake, because after 10.dxe5 dxe5 11.Bxf8, and now black won't be able to castle. 9...Ba6 might look good, but white just plays 10.Ba3. It is not the most active square for the bishop, but it is attacking near the center, and it also keeps black from advancing the queen's side knight. The two sides are even on material, white has all his minor pieces developed (while both black bishops are still on their starting squares, and the dark-square bishop isn't even able to move yet), and white has the only pawn in the center. His position is much more open. He will probably castle (on either side) in the next couple of moves, then bring his rooks to the center, and things look good for white. Stockfish rates the game as +0.4, and it seems to me that is a conservative estimate. There aren't many games in Lichess database with this position (662 with all options on) after 9.Bxb4, but those that exist are won by white 55% of the time, compared to just 41% for black.
I haven't looked through the 1.d4 and other opening moves, so I will not comment on how well it works for those, but I would not use it for king's pawn openings.
does this work well against the bird opening? I am about to play spomeone who loves the bird and I am considering uses it, been impressed so far with this. its a great post
Sir...thank you for all these secrets
Great video. Can you do a KID vs Bayonet attack?
Thank you so much u for this video thank you so much!!!!
Please recommend the best opening for white
It has a name, Pirc defense
If anyone wants to expand on this d6 idea there is an interesting book by GM Jorg Hickl called "Play 1...D6 Against Everything". Instead of the Czech defense he shows ways to play the Old-Indian defense or the Phillidor defense. Both system not too many players are familiar with.
There is even 1…d6 move by move which recommends the Czech Pirc instead like this video
a very good explanation!
Im getting cramps seeing how cramped my position is now.... All thanks to u🙁
Thank you
I downloaded an AI chess game and he foils every move every time.
The AI doesn’t even do any move you predict by white.
It seriously does something completely different and trumps any move you offer in this video.
excellent apart from you don't mention what a lot of people do and that is positioning their bishop on h6 ? also what happens when they sacrifice their bishop and take the h6 pawn again and blow your defence wide open ?
I tried this opening today, it went well!
I really like this system I'm allot more comfortable with black
That's a Great Defense.
Can you do a course about the Queen's Indian Defense like you did with Caro-Kann Defense?
this dude earned a sub
Interesting and thank you.
I try to improve my very modest game by playing against AI at levels above my skill. I am consistently trapped and am playing defense after a very few moves; very frustrating not to see the knight and bishop traps.
Should I play at my level to gain experience? Much lower frustration.
this video is pure gold
this gets killed to the fried liver attack
Thanks a lot! I just subbed. I am wondering what to do if I am White and Black plays pirc/kings indian against me! Could you (or did you, already) make a video from the White side? Thanks!
i will think about it
Dear Sir...very instructive...pls need ideas on semi-abervakh & makagonov variation of king's indian...thank u
Ok sure
in the 2nd part of this video i cover the kings indian as well. you stopped watching too early 😅
Thank you very much Chesscape.
You are welcome!
This move is like a Pirc defense Czech variation.
The other move is pawn e6, I won literally 30 games in a row went up from silver 36 to silver 6.
You explain very good. Is easy to remember when you explain. Keep doing that.
Thanks, will do!
Amazing really ❤❤
Thanks 😄
At which stage of the do you decide to fianchetto the bishop or castle king side ?
Thank you.I like to play as black.
Thanks Sir
Caro-kann left the game
Online chess is insane. I need at least 100.000 games more to bother about any of it.
Very clear video. Thanks 🙂
my pleasure
I always play this opening with minor changes the line I like is named black lion
What if he puts his other knight in between the pin that you have created by ping the knight to the queen or he can just put his bishop in between
Please correct me if I am wrong
merci beaucoup ! : )
Avec plaisir 🙂
Well done