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Conversations with Tyler

Mercatus Center at George Mason University

Tyler Cowen engages today’s deepest thinkers in wide-ranging explorations of their work, the world, and everything in between. New conversations every other Wednesday. Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.
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#pengepodden er podcasten for spørsmål rundt lommeboken din, aksjer, investeringer og sparepengene dine. Har du interesse for markedssvingninger, investeringer, sparing, fond og pensjon bør du høre på #pengepodden! Det slippes en ny episode hver torsdag. Podcasten ledes av investeringsøkonom Mads Johannesen sammen med spareøkonom Else Sundfør og aksjeanalytiker Roger Berntsen. Som lytter setter du agendaen for de kommende episodene ved å sende inn spørsmål på, Facebook, Sha ...
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Mission Statement: Our mission is to explore the hidden stories, innovations, and ideas that shape the landscapes around us. Through in-depth conversations with designers, planners, and visionaries, we delve into the art, science, and impact of landscape architecture. Each episode seeks to uncover how the spaces we design reflect our values, influence our lives, and transform our world. With curiosity and nuance, we aim to make the invisible elements of landscape architecture visible—connect ...
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I denne episoden er Mads tilbake sammen med vinnerne av "Årets spare- og investeringsprofil 2024" og "Årets finfluencer 2024", begge stemt fram og kåret av Nordnet under AksjeNorge sitt arrangement i høst. De to er Thomas Nielsen og Pål Ringholm henholdvis, veteraner i #pengepodden. Sammen diskuterer de investeringsstrategi, samt den økende interes…
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Show Description Jason joins us to talk about his rebranding to, how Chris Coyier helped him become a star, the power of free, how he makes money with CodeTV, sponsorship and tech shows, crappy web cams, and the gear he uses to look and sound amazing. Listen on Website → Guests Jason Lengstorf Guest's Main URL • Guest's Twitter Jason Len…
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I ukas #pengepodden diskuterer Eirik Høiby Ausland (Euronext), Stefan Slemdal (Carnegie) og Mads Johannesen (Nordnet) emisjoner, kapitalinnhenting og den nye løsningen PrimaryBid. Episoden gir viktig innsikt om hvordan prosessen for emisjoner fungerer, samt anbefalinger for investorer om deltakelse i emisjoner gjennom denne nye løsningen. Agenda: (…
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Sign Up for the Boston Listener Meet Up For Ross Douthat, phenomena like UFO sightings and the simulation hypothesis don't challenge religious belief—they demonstrate how difficult it is to escape religious questions entirely. His new book, Believe: Why Everyone Should Be Religious makes the case for religious faith in an age of apparent disenchant…
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Show Description Does layout make CSS difficult to learn from scratch, Chris quizzes Dave about Balatro, getting back into Pokemon, why should Google have to sell Chrome, adding fun features to apps you already have to keep you using them like Raycast, and thoughts on the VS Code forks + AI. Listen on Website → Links Web Awesome Layout Anatomy Bala…
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I denne episoden av #pengepodden ser vi nærmere på Bitcoin og dens rolle i fremtidens finansmarked. Torbjørn Bull Jenssen fra K33 gir spennende innsikt i hvordan Bitcoin har utviklet seg fra en volatil kryptovaluta til det mange omtaler som "digitalt gull." Denne podcasten skal anses som markedsføringsmateriell, og innholdet må ikke oppfattes som e…
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Show Description Dealing with AI creating fake work by famous artists, HTML is actually a programming language, Chrome 133 updates, attr updates, making "this" less annoying, and Scott Jehl's trying to standardize Async CSS. Listen on Website → Links This Aged Great! Faking William Morris, Generative Forgery, and the Erosion of Art History HTML Pro…
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I denne episoden av #pengepodden møter vi Nordnets nye spareøkonom, Else Sundfør. Roger og Mads er sammen med Else og de dykker inn i Elses bakgrunn, hennes syn på sparing og investering, samt hennes mål som spareøkonom. Agenda: (01:38) - Elses bakgrunn (08:12) - Rolle i Nordnet (30:18) - Elses portefølje (40:41) - Investeringer for framtiden Denne…
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Sign Up for the Boston Listener Meet Up Joe Boyd was there when Dylan went electric, when Pink Floyd was born, and when Paul Simon brought Graceland to the world. But far from being just another music industry insider, Boyd has spent decades exploring how the world's musical traditions connect and transform each other. His new book And the Roots of…
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Show Description Hard hitting investigative journalism episode warning: Chris and Dave speculate on the ways a project like void(0) could make money. Listen on Website → Links Biome, toolchain of the web Vite | Next Generation Frontend Tooling Rollup Rolldown Jest Vitest | Next Generation testing framework Playwright Cypress VoidZero | Next Generat…
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Show Description In this episode, we kick off the New Year with chats about battling illness over the holidays, the challenges of maintaining productivity, the differences between slash pages, wikis, and blog posts, how we use RSS, the importance of containers and context, Dave talks about living with ADHD, developing a system approach to CSS, Chri…
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I denne episoden av #pengepodden har vi med oss Philippe Sissener fra Sisseners kapitalforvaltning. Som en anerkjent aktør i finansbransjen gir Sissener verdifull innsikt i markedstrender, potensielle investeringer og hva vi kan forvente i året som kommer. Denne podcasten skal anses som markedsføringsmateriell, og innholdet må ikke oppfattes som en…
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Scott Sumner didn't follow the typical path to economic influence. He nearly lost his teaching job before tenure, did his best research after most academics slow down, and found his largest audience through blogging in his 50s and 60s, in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. Yet this unconventional journey led him to become one of the most influe…
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I denne episoden av #pengepodden snakker Mads med Paul Harper, sjefstrateg i DNB, om aksjemarkedets utvikling i 2024 og hva vi kan forvente av 2025. Med innsikt fra Paul får vi et spennende innblikk i trender og endringer som kan påvirke aksjemarkedet fremover. Agenda: (17:17) - Valget i USA (35:30) - Kinas utvikling (49:28) - Året 2025 Denne podca…
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I denne episoden av #pengepodden diskuterer Mads med Tiril Støle, forvalter av fondet Storebrand Vekst, om vekstmuligheter i norske aksjer. Tiril deler innsikt i fondets strategi, hvordan identifisere lovende vekstselskaper på Oslo Børs, og hvilke trender som former investeringslandskapet. Agenda: (18:19) - Vekst vs. verdi (28:57) - Er finanssektor…
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Donate to Conversations with Tyler Give Crypto Other Ways to Give On this special year-in-review episode, Tyler and producer Jeff Holmes look back on the past year in the show and more, including covering the most popular and underrated episodes, fielding listener questions, reviewing Tyler’s pop culture picks from 2014, mulling over ideas for what…
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I ukas #pengepodden har Mads gleden av å intervjue Kristin Skaug, daglig leder i AksjeNorge. Med mer enn 30 års erfaring i finansbransjen deler hun sine verdifulle innsikter om aksjer, investeringer og hvordan man navigerer i dagens investeringslandskap. Agenda: (01:16) - Kristins bakgrunn som aksjemegler (15:53) - Hva er AksjeNorge? (41:02) - Kong…
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Show Description The employees of the startup RAPPTR (Quinn Pine, Blaze Lightyear, Astra Q, and Eddit Kit) find themselves in quite a pickle as a rogue investor tries to take over the company while CEO Chad is recovering in his napping pod. Join us on a workplace-themed role playing adventure created by Dave Rupert. Listen on Website → Guests Alex …
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I denne ukens episode av #pengepodden har Roger og Mads en årskavalkade. Gjennom året har det skjedd veldig mye og gjennom en hel rekke med ulike grafer, tabeller og bilder tar Roger og Mads opp viktige hendelser gjennom året. En av de viktigste hendelsene er utviklingen i AI og råvarer. Her diskuterer de hett fra ulike vinkler og sine sider av sak…
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Donate to Conversations with Tyler Give Crypto Other Ways to Give What can Thomas Hardy’s tortured marriages teach us about love, obsession, and second chances? In this episode, biographer, novelist, and therapist Paula Byrne examines the intimate connections between life and literature, revealing how Hardy’s relationships with women shaped his por…
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Show Description Riffing off the CSS Wrapped 2024 list from the Chrome team, we're talking field-sizing, animate to height, anchor positioning, custom scrollbars, cross-document view transitions, scroll-driven animations, and more! Listen on Website → Links CSS Wrapped 2024 Introducing TODS – a typographic and OpenType default stylesheet | Clagnut …
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I denne episoden snakker Mads med Thuc Hoang, grunnlegger og CEO i Firi, som deler sin reise fra programmerer til kryptobørsgründer. Fra de tidlige dagene med Bitcoin til å etablere den største aktøren i det norske kryptomarkedet, gir han innsikt i utfordringer og suksesser underveis. De snakker også om hvordan Firi har samarbeidet med bankene, ang…
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Donate to Conversations with Tyler Give Crypto Other Ways to Give In his landmark multi-volume biography of Stalin, Stephen Kotkin shows how totalitarian power worked not just through terror from above, but through millions of everyday decisions from below. Currently a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution after 33 years at Princeton, Kotkin brin…
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Show Description We're talking HTML this episode, detail summary, HTML datalist element, styling selects, anchored pop ups, popovers, invokers, HR in select, target=blank, HTML for People, and what we still need. Listen on Website → Links The and elements are getting an upgrade - Stephanie Stimac's Blog Request for developer fee…
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I ukas episode har Mads en samtale med Pernille Moen Masdal, forvalter i Folketrygdfondet. De dykker ned i hvordan Folketrygdfondet velger aksjer, håndterer risiko og hvordan de har klart å slå referanseindeksen nesten hvert eneste år. Agenda: (14:12) - Hverdagen i Folketrygdfondet (25:20) - Forholdet til risiko (31:38) - Tips til investorer (36:15…
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In this crossover episode with EconTalk, Tyler joins Russ Roberts for an in-depth exploration of Vasily Grossman’s Life and Fate, a monumental novel often described as the 20th-century answer to Tolstoy’s War and Peace. Russ and Tyler cover Grossman’s life and the historical context of Life and Fate, its themes of war, totalitarianism, freedom, and…
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Show Description How do you like your turkey at Thanksgiving, building social capital with the neighbors, a brief SportsTalk Show segment, noticing easter eggs in apps and the web, what is a component anyway, CSS parts follow up, and questions about Alpine.JS and ESLint. Listen on Website → Links How to Spatchcock Chicken, a Step-by-Step Guide Half…
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I denne episoden av #pengepodden har Mads med seg Kjell Morten Hjørnevik og Knut Bakkemyr fra DNB Finans, som deler sine tanker om den nåværende tilstanden i finansaksjene. Med et positivt perspektiv på fremtiden diskuterer de hvordan markedene har utviklet seg og hva som venter oss i årene som kommer. Agenda: (11:27) - Hvorfor gjør finanssektoren …
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Show Description Chris Person from Aftermath joins us to chat about the state of forums in 2024, being downwind of knowledge, forum drama, Reddit and StackOverflow's impact on forums, the importance of the individuals caring for knowledge and information, and the benefits and struggles of cooperatives in reporting. Listen on Website → Guests Chris …
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I ukens episode får vi høre fra Magnus Midtbø, en kjent klatrer, YouTuber og investor. Han og Mads dykker ned i Magnus sin imponerende reise fra klatringens verden til suksess på YouTube og som investor. Agenda: (07:33) - Klatring som "vekstcase" (15:13) - Magnus sine karrieretips (28:49) - Magnus som investor Denne podcasten skal anses som markeds…
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Neal Stephenson’s ability to illuminate complex, future-focused ideas in ways that both provoke thought and spark wonder has established him as one of the most innovative thinkers in literature today. Yet his new novel, Polostan, revisits the Soviet era with a twist, shifting his focus from the speculative technologies of tomorrow to the historical…
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Show Description We've got a few leftovers from Halloween to process, what's been happening with Passkeys in late 2024, have you tried to write HTML faster than a bot can suggest it to you, CSS anchor positioning and popover polyfills, scroll driven animation thoughts, CSS nesting, and what's the reason for Java? Listen on Website → Links Auth0: Se…
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I denne episoden av #pengepodden, som er spilt inn 6 november 2024, har Mads med seg Stein Bruun, sjeføkonom i Arctic Securities, og Sindre Sørbye, forvalter i Arctic Asset Management for Norwegian Value Creation. Her blir presidentvalget i USA diskutert. Med Donald Trump som vinner, belyser de hvordan hans seiersstrategi vil påvirke makroøkonomien…
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Show Description Riffing off a Dave Rupert blog post, Chris and Dave talk through the pros and cons of web components, when to use them, when it's a bad idea to use them, what would it take to make the Next.js of web components, and how long until we don't need anymore frameworks? Listen on Website → Links Where web components shine -…
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I ukas #pengepodden får vi et eksklusivt innblikk i tankene til Morten Astrup, en anerkjent investor med en lang karriere bak seg. Morten, som har vært involvert i aksjemarkedet siden han var 13 år, deler sine erfaringer om markedets svingninger og hvordan han har navigert gjennom dem. Agenda: (01:17) - Mortens reise som investor (19:55) - Utsikter…
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Christopher Kirchhoff is an expert in emerging technology who founded the Pentagon’s Silicon Valley office. He’s led teams for President Obama, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and CEO of Google. He’s worked in worlds as far apart as weapons development and philanthropy. His pioneering efforts to link Silicon Valley technology and startup…
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Show Description How important is the DX of software vs how important is the person showing off the software, Douglas Crockford and JSON, remembering XML, trying to write better HTML for email, new TC39 proposal, workshopping t-shirts, and what do you do if you want a little bit of database on your website? Listen on Website → Links Web Unleashed 2…
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I denne bonusepisoden hentet fra Nordnet Norge sin podcast får du høre Roger sin samtale med CEO i Frontline, Lars H. Barstad. Denne podcasten skal anses som markedsføringsmateriell, og innholdet må ikke oppfattes som en investeringsanbefaling. Podcasten er kun ment til informasjonsformål og generell spareveiledning. Nordnet tar ikke ansvar for eve…
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I denne episoden har Mads med seg Øivind Thorstensen, en erfaren forvalter innen høyrente og obligasjonsmarkedet. Han forvalter fondene Kraft Høyrente og Kraft Nordic Bonds. Øyvind deler sin imponerende karriere innen finans, med erfaring fra å prise credit default swaps til å jobbe for russiske family offices. I løpet av samtalen samtalen dykker h…
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Show Description Dave's designing a new tshirt, questions for lawyers about copyrights for code projects, what does the copyright in the footer actually do, what do Dave and Chris require for personal web projects, does Jekyll get updated anymore, the Bob from Hell UX pattern, viewing ads on CNN, what about Joomla or Statamic, and how do paid fonts…
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I denne episoden av #pengepodden er gjest i studio Nicolai Heidenreich, Managing Partner i NRP Maritime Asset Management. Han og investeringsøkonom Mads Johannesen dykker inn i alternative investeringer spesielt rettet mot shipping, et område som mange av #pengepodden sine lyttere har interesse for. Denne podcasten skal anses som markedsføringsmate…
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Subscribe to Pluralist Points on YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Podcasts Musa al-Gharbi is a sociologist and assistant professor at Stony Brook University whose research explores how people think about, talk about, and produce shared knowledge about race, inequality, social movements, extremism, policing, and other social phenomena. His new book, We Ha…
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Show Description Brian Muenzenmeyer joins the show to talk about his book, Approachable Open Source, ways we can make open source easier to get in, important conversations around funding and supporting open source, and whether money helps maintainers deal with burnout or not? Listen on Website → Guests Brian Muenzenmeyer Guest's Main URL • Guest's …
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Mads tar over roret for #pengepodden, og denne uka har han med seg Pål Ringholm, investeringsdirektør i PKH (Pensjonskassen for helseforetakene i hovedstadsområdet). I samtalen utforskes aksjemarkedet, kinesiske aksjer, rente- og kredittmarkedet samt Påls nyeste bok "Rik". Agenda: (02:36) - Kina-aksjer og markedets utvikling (20:34) - Boka "Rik" av…
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Tom Tugendhat has served as a Member of Parliament since 2015, holding roles such as Security Minister and chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee. Before entering Parliament, Tom served in in Iraq and Afghanistan. He also worked for the Foreign Office, helped establish the National Security Council of Afghanistan, and served as military assi…
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Show Description We're getting some feelings out about WordPress and Matt Mullenweg vs WP Engine drama, as well as the Web Components conversation that happened this past week. Listen on Website → Links WP Engine sues WordPress co-creator Mullenweg and Automattic, alleging abuse of power | TechCrunch Automattic demanded a cut of WP Engine’s revenue…
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Vil vi om noen år betale med digitale sentralbankpenger (DSP) med mulighet for utløpsdato, rabattkoder og ESG-begrensninger? Vil dette da kunne føre til et overvåkningssamfunn der staten ser alt du bruker penger på? Bitcoin-entusiast Torkel Rogstad debatterer disse spørsmålene med Lasse Meholm, som bl.a. har vært konsulent for Norges Bank i deres t…
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Kyla Scanlon has made it her personal mission to bring economics education to a larger audience through social media. She publishes daily content across TikTok, YouTube, Substack, LinkedIn and more, explaining what is happening in the economy and why it is happening. Tyler calls her first book In This Economy? How Money & Markets Really Work a “goo…
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