Welcome to Cosmic Soul's podcast! We are Cosmic Souls tapping into our galactic crystalline fields. Remembering our sovereignty and co-creations with the divine. Anchoring this golden Light into our collective consciousness to assist us in our ascension process. In total surrender to serve and help raise our vibrational frequencies of love and Light. xoxo Teza
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I was woken up to channel the messages of the elders! Be free from any type of illusions. Face what is in front of you. Namaste 🙏
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369 Tesla’s frequencies What a wonderful world we LIVE in! Be blessed and know that all is well in the midst of chaos. We needed this wake up call in order to be free from that BULLY TRICKSTER NARCISSIST VAMPIRE sexual predators manipulator 🙏🕊️🌟
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I spent a day at my portal in Crescent beach. I was in paradise! Heaven on earth is here! Wake up and smell the roses 🌹
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Wake up 144, 000 Ascended Masters! Activations 👽🐉🔥
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I am recording this on 2 22 2025 activating our Galactic Human Hybrid to receive from the Galactic Masters of Light! Namaste 🙏
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This activation will help us in our challenging journeys! Meditate and ask the Masters of Light to help you clear the blockages that are in your blueprints. Namaste 🙏
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We are living in accelerated timelines, we have to raise our frequencies to help anchor the Golden Era! Meditate, be at ease with flow of divine grace! We are the ones we are waiting for! Blessings 💚🌹🌟
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Prayers for peace Congratulations 9 Weeks Karma Clearing course students!!You have now completed your journeys with these Masters of Light! I pray that you will continue to be an eternal student! Bless your heart, body, mind and soul. Love and Light, Mama T 🦉 We offered these prayers for those wha had lost their homes, who are suffering from griefs…
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Activation for 144 Ascended Master Helping #lafires to have peace and rain!! 🌧️ DANCE in the rain my love and be free of sorrows. You are born to be alive! Restarting fr the bottom of hell now you are here! Rise up Phoenix 🐦🔥
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Sharing the lighted path with my peeps! Is anybody truly listening? I guess they are now going to plug into the Oracle because the signs are all around us. Sending healing to our collective! Let us be vigilant, you are chosen to do the work! #144ascendedmasters #369
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In our session as I start the meditation I was channeling the elders and the Dragon tribe! We are in a precipice of huge spiritual warfare. Be still in the eye 👁️ of the storm 🙏
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Sharing my experience in the Key Hole Boracay where I spent my 61st birthday in Philippines. I received these messages from the ancestors that guard the sacred portal. Happy New Year 2025! Happy New Year 2025! It is the vibration of 9! This will be epic, completion of what we came here for!! Infinite potentialities, reclaiming our sovereignty, rece…
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Sharing our session in 9 Weeks Karma Clearing! Sending blessings of love and light with the Lords of Karma activations! Blessing 🙏
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Lord Jesus, Mother Mary and Magdalene messages
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22:29Sharing our session in 9 Weeks Karma Clearing! Blessings of love and light 🙏 #jesus #mothermary #magdalene
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Sharing our 9 Weeks Karma Clearing session with Saint Germain and the Violet Flame. To help us transmute lower energies and toxins that are not serving our highest good. Blessings 🙏
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Sharing our session from 9 weeks karma clearing with Archangel Michael powerful activations! Blessings! ✨💎✨ #archangelmichael
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Sharing our Sevenfold Flames of the Mighty Seven Elohim Activations for guidance, clarity and protection! Namaste 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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New moon energies in Scorpio is intense. We need a lot of time to spend reflecting and understanding what is meaningful to our lives! Take the time to be in silence. Namaste 🙏
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Sharing Archangel Metatron’s message and activations to our collective! Namaste 🙏
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I was uploading this yesterday but it won’t go through! This am the floodgates are open! Happy shifts my loves! Xoxo
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For some reason this wants to share my book! lol 😆 You can receive this download at Audible! I will get the new recording for the 10 10 10 activations! Namaste 🙏
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Sharing this sacred activations from the Benevolent Masters of Light! Namaste 👽🛸🌌 #philippines #galacticactivations
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Multi-dimensionality and how it affects our mental health
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13:51Sharing this message to anchor our mental health challenges and understand how we can embody our multi-dimensional aspects of Being! Namaste 🙏
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Happy 99 portal to our collective! May the divine grace be upon you always! Namaste 🙏
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Sharing the transmutation and powerful activations of Saint Germain , Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst! Divine transmutations be upon you in your ascension process. Forgive and let go! You called to enter the Temple of Purification and so it is 💜 #saintgermain #violetflame #melchizedek #atlantis #templeofpurification…
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I am the Beloved Mighty I AM Presence. Namaste 🙏 ⚡️🌌
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Sharing what’s up with my upcoming book Angels Activations! Happy Full Moon in ♒️ Aquarius ! #nurses #energyhealing #akashicrecords #multidimensional #angels
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My life review written in my website http://tezazialcita.com/my-life-review/ Thank you Dynasty Electrik in You Tube for creating this powerful sound healing! May you receive the highest frequencies of light and love in your ascension process! Be light and love 💫 #888lionsgateportal #angelsactivations…
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Sharing my vacation in LA and how you can transmute and send compassion, kindness and love to those fam members who need them. Have a great summer time! Blessings ✨
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Sharing our meditation with Archangel Jophiel! Angel blessings✨👼🏻
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Wow! Sharing this amazing beautiful healer from Yoga at the Quay! Thank you so much for sharing your medicine 💊 Love you 😘
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I am humbled to deliver these messages about our Blueprints! Thank you thank you thank you Divine Masters 🌈🔥📜
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Sharing our messages from Archangel Hanael! Blessing! Teza
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I am so happy to be back yay!! Thank you so much Masters of Light for co-creating this portal of sacred knowledge and wisdom! Namaste 🙏
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Revealing my secret love Lord Jesus and my bleeding 💔 Blessings 🙏😭
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Reflections on Beloved Mighty I Am Presence
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10:03Examine your conscience and see where are you in the mastery of your soul! Angel blessings, Teza 👼🏻
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Sharing the group’s Archangel Gabriel Attunements to our collective! Angels blessings 🤍🙏🤍
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How to organize your life and live in higher frequencies of light! Blessings
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Illuminating your mind. Blessings
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Sharing the powerful message of Archangel Raziel! Angel blessings 🪽🪽
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Sharing our activations with Archangel Michael🌟🌟🌟
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Sending ripples of love and light to all of you beautiful souls ☀️🌲☀️
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Sharing the activations of Archangel Uriel to our collective. Blessings 🪽👼🏻🪽
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Sharing our meditation with Archangel Zadkiel. Blessings🙏💫
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Happy Full Moon energies in Scorpio! ♏️ calling us to purify our mind, heart, body and soul! Angels blessings 💫
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Sharing my convoluted universes 🦅🌹🙈🙊🙉
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Sharing the most recent codes and keys to help Galactic Human Hybrid upgrade and synthesize the electromagnetic fields, bio-etherial, astral and soul’s hologram. Blessings, Teza⚡️⚡️⚡️
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Sharing the love and light of these Atlantis Archangels to our collective! Namaste 🙏
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Take the higher path like the Eagles perspective! Fly high 🦅🦅
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Sharing this sound healing to our collective in celebration of the Divine Feminine Energies! Love and healing light to all ✨✨✨
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