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Tantra, Tantric Sex, Kama Sutra... Many people believe you can get closer to God through a practice of sacred sensuality by raising your erotic energy. Learn lovemaking positions so you and your lover can connect with higher powers and create deeper intimacy through spiritual teachings, breathing and meditative exercises that expand both mind and body. It's not sex therapy yet sacred sexuality and lovemaking techniques can be used for erotic issues such as anorgasmia, premature ejaculation, ...
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Astro All-Starz Podcast

Vanessa Montgomery

Hi, I'm Vanessa Montgomery, consulting astrologer, author of astro books for modern mystics; ASTRO POWER: a Simple Guide to Destiny and Prediction, STAR POWER: a Simple Guide to Astrology, COSMIC POWER: Ignite Your Light, a Simple Guide to Sun Signs + resident astrologer @ Glamour Mag U.S.A This podcast features all things astrology + modern mysticism to inspire and expand your perspective to free your mind, own your power, and co-create your world. Schedule your astrology reading at astroal ...
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show series
This is a Cosmic Confidence Hypnotic Guided Meditation. You will be guided into visualising then merging with your perception of someone who represents the confidence you want to embody. It could be general confidence or confidence and ability in a specific area like self expression, business acumen, public speaking, or just putting yourself out th…
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In this episode I share the article ‘It’s all about you, I mean me, I mean WE!’ Originally published in the FAA Magazine, March 2023. Commissioned and edited by Brian Clarke. Hoorah!—We’re finally talking about the Libra in Pluto generation. Let’s take a look at the transiting Pluto in Aquarius as it trines the Pluto in Libras natal placements over…
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IGNITING THE FEMININE THROUGH MASCULINE ENERGY MASTERY with John Maxwell Taylor,author of "Eros Ascending; The Life-Transforming Power of SacredSexuality,"& "The Power of Am: Creating a New World ofEnlightened Personal Instruction." Playwright, composer, actor,lecturer & musician. Inthisepisode, John explores thepath that unifies the Romance of the…
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DANCING WITH DESIRE: RECOVERING BODY WISDOM with Kimerer LaMothe. Anaward-winning author, philosopher, and dancer, Kimerer is co-founder of Vital Arts,a center for arts and ideas, located on a farm in upstate New Yorkwhere she now lives with her partner and their five children. Her latest book is, "What a Body Knows: Finding Wisdom in Desire."Inthi…
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ANCIENT ROOTS OF FEMININE EROS with Max Dashu, who founded the Suppressed Histories Archives in1970 to research women'shistory internationally and understand howsystems of domination established and perpetuate themselves. She hasbuilt a collection of some 15,000 slides and 100 shows. Inthisepisode, Max depthfully shares the lost vital principal of …
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EXPAND HER ORGASM TONITE with Dr. Patti Taylor,Dr. Patti Taylor, Queen of Expanded Orgasm,best selling author andCertified Sexological Bodyworker. 21 years of Tantric explorationcreator of "Expand Her OrgasmTonite," "The Enchantment of Opposites," and "Expanded Orgasm Soar toEcstacy at Your Lover's Every Touch."Inthisepisode, Patti artfully shares …
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PASSION, COURAGE & INTEGRITY with Satyr PhilBrucato, working fantasy &metaphysical author. Writer for "Witches & Pagans" magazine. Sacreddancer. Practitioner of Tantra. Inthisepisode, Satyr exposes the access to Eros in all of life. Discover howthe Golden Rule & courage support life-long love & passion.Release the shame & blame that create Covert A…
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SUCCULENT SELF RELATING with Dr. KorennaReynard, therapist, somatic sexologist, & erotic educator.Happily married for 5 years. Assisting people with issues regardingrelationships and Intimacy for the past 15 years.Inthisepisode, Korenna courageously debunks the myth of"my partner can't handle the truth." Base your foundation on the 3Legged Stool of…
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KALI MA: INTIMATE CONNECTION & SPIRITUAL INITIATION with Chandra: Rashani Chandranath Alexandre,Ph.D., D.Min.Founder & Executive Director SHARANYA / The Maa Batakali CulturalMission, Inc. Chandrais adjunct research faculty at theInstitute of TranspersonalPsychology and is VP of Development at a regional nonprofit where shefocuses on fund developmen…
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INTUITION IN THE QUEST FOR LOVE with MasterRose Love. Inventor of the Human Pod. Extensiveexpertise in theareas of Reiki, Crystal healing, Tibetian & Crystal Singing bowlhealing, Tai Chi/Chi Gung, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbology,Quantum Physics, Cellular Biology and Vibrational Medicine. Directorof Beyond Medicine Wellness Center in Charlot…
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TANTRA & ADDICTION RECOVERY with, Akasha Prem Ganga. A playful metaphysician. She hasstudied with Sages and Guru’s from around the world, including MargotAnand,Dr. John LaTourette, Werner Earhardt and others. Native American, Hindu,Taoist, Tibetan and South African technique. Shepracticesvarious healing arts including meditation,self-hypnosis,reiki…
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NAVIGATING THE FOURFOLD PATHWAY OF INTIMACY ALCHEMY,with Michael GelbartLCSWInthisepisode, Michael intelligently shares the 4 foldpathway of the alchemy of intimate relationships. Explore the endings,beginnings, ins & outs of ongoing relationship. Differentiatebetween being taken away into inspiration & taken down into a trap.Learn what to do if yo…
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Tune in for a very Taurus episode with Taurus rising represented by Micheal J. Morris and myself. We explore eco-sexuality, eco-sensuality, the erotica in natures forms and how we respond if we allow ourselves to—a topic close to Micheals heart, on which they have lectured extensively and focused their academic dissertation on. Micheal talks about …
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Rise and Shine, Starlings!!! We’re talking with Pro Astrologer & Author Christopher Renstrom about how to decode your rising sign with his new book, Rise & Shine, an Astrological Guide to How You Show Up in the World. I also wanted to hear about Renstrom's process as a 3x published author, so you have some insight into how he decided on this topic,…
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This episode is about Aqueerius, arguably the queerest, ok, let's say, embodying queerness in the true and new sense of the word. If anyone is out to queer the world, it‘s those bold, fixed air, transpersonal/super social Aqua placements we love so much. Consider where Aquarius is in YOUR natal chart, and come at me! Please join my card-carrying so…
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“As midwinter (midsummer in the southern) arrives, so does the 6th Queer Astrology Conference (QAC23)! This one day conference sports a completely QTBIPOC roster ~ via multiple dialogues wrapping up the groundbreaking 5th conference back in 2020. QAC23 registration includes the live event where you can visit with the speakers and other attendees, s…
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Principle of the Mayo School of Astrology, based in London, originally from New Zealand, WENDY STACEY brings her Sagittarius Moon/Neptune conjunction for a very Sagittarian conversation. Three decades of Astrology through modern, mundane, financial and more, teaching quite early on, a social sciences degree under her belt, financial and property ba…
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Pro-Astrologer and teacher Stella Starwoman aka Woods is a multi planet in Sagittarius, Sag rising and Venus in Scorpio so here we are publishing on Scorp/Sag cusp. I studied transits, timing techniques and prediction in Stellas 2nd year class and since my book Astro Power (about transits), just debuted, here she is! I enjoyed every class so much, …
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The original space race….“They say the scientific revolution was driven by astronomy, but you could just as easily say it was driven by astrology”. Let’s find out! Our special guest is Alexander Boxer ‘a data scientist with a PhD in Physics and degrees in the history of science and classics + a healthy grasp of Latin. In a perfect storm, or in this…
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Fresh from her astro dating show (and social experiment) on Amazon, AstroTwin Ophi Edut ( chats about the astrology of relationships and her newest book SUPERCOUPLE: Astrology Secrets For A Sexy, Soulful And Satisfying Relationship With Any Zodiac Sign. Co-written with identical twin sister Tali, SUPERCOUPLE breaks down the composite…
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And that’s a wrap on the LGBTQ+scrabble board Pride month for another year. What’s a pride party without an after-party?! Please join my esteemed special guests, seasoned pro astrologers, and gals about the astro-verse Jessica Lanydoo and Christopher Renstrom, with me your marvelous host Vanessa Montgomery to continue the astro and celebrate gay ev…
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Today we chat with classic Gemini and Berlin-based artist, Lyndal Walker, as she discusses two of her previous works and her current zodiac collection, COSMIC CHILDREN. Cosmic Children is super modern, with diverse representation, and ignores the gender binary in favor of the underlying archetype expressed by each sign. The two previous works featu…
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My special guest ultra Libran BRIAN CLARK spills the cosmic tea on all things LIBRA with pro-tips and lived insights. With natal placements of the Sun, Neptune, Mercury, and the Moon blessed by this Venusian sign, and almost fifty years of astrology behind him, who better to chat Libra with. One of the leading lights of the astrology community here…
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The astrology of Britney Spears, it’s all about those transiting planets to personal planets, #metoo, finally waking up to a gynocentric world view, the changing face of paps/tabloid culture and the mass projections celebrities capture. Well, It is Leo season after all. And Britney is a Sagittarius, the sign of freedom!! #freebritney seemed like on…
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Living astrology legend (LAL), with FIVE planets in the sign of the twins, MELANIE REINHART represents as CLASSIC GEMINI. We go beyond the memes to talk about key factors of Gemini, ie the other twin! Reinhart literally wrote the book on Chiron (Chiron and the Healing Journey) + many more because, classic Gemini, so of course I took the opportunity…
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My Taurus rising sees Christopher Renstroms Taurus rising, Venus rulership (of asc), and queer perspectives in astrology. We talk on multiple topics, it's educational, and entertaining. I ask the question, 'Is that why we're so pretty? Of 'Does Uranus Make Me Gay' fame (check out his lecture) Pro Astrologer and author, Christopher has been practici…
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Always wanted to write a book/get published but never knew how? Catch these HOT tips on getting yourself started. This is the source for everyone that has ever slid into my DM's asking how to find a publisher and get rolling. Since the only response I have is that I made a decision and a vision board, then Zena emailed me, today I've brought in the…
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With 5 planets in Pisces (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars & Chiron) and a seasoned professional astrologer, Julija is the perfect Pisces to share insights into the magical fishes. Currently dialed into Neptune transiting across her Sun she's slowing down and reaching into the mist to discover her next move.- the way of the Pisces! Listen in to note what i…
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PART 1 is the astrology of Wonder Woman, Linda Carter, Gal Gadot, and director Patty Jenkens. There are specific astro connections, the sacred lunar number 13, women reclaiming the Aries archetype and representing that yang principle + more. WW1984 is the most streamed movie of 2020 so there's something to the movie, the archetypes, those involved,…
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The 20-year rendezvous of Jupiter and Saturn is called the great conjunction and known as the monarch maker. It's part of a 200-year cycle (the great mutation), which is part of a long 800-year cycle. Learn more about; This change of the guard, and what to expect. What happened in past cycles. Is this the dawning of the Age of Aquarius?- the defini…
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It’s Sagittarius season, the fire sign Ruled by Jupiter the planet that expands everything it contacts - so I’m bringing you more classic Sagittarius representation with modern mystic, Dr. John Demartini, a classic triple Sagittarius with Sun, Moon, and rising in the sign of the centaur. Demartini is classic as a globe-trotting, teacher of thousand…
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Xmas comes early as triple Capricorn Jessica Lanyadoo represents with all things pragmatic senex. It is my absolute pleasure to share Jessica's insights as she is another of my all-time favorite astrologers and modern mystics respected internationally as a counseling and lecturing Astrologer as well as a Psychic Medium – with an ever-growing fanbas…
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It's Sagittarius season so who better to bring the Sage-wisdom than multi-versal and versatile modern mystic-astrologer-writer-soulpreneur-feminist-dachshund loving Centaur, Ophi Edut who you may know as one of two parts AstroTwin from AstroStyle. "Loved talking to @Astro_AllStarz about the traits of a "classic Sagittarius" on her awesome podcast. …
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△ This is a healing guided experiential meditation taking you on a journey to your solar/navel and heart chakras. We get acquainted then we tune your frequency, your mindset, and resultant feel-good chemical cascade to the key of 'ME'! This is a yin approach, published on the dark moon in Scorpio; planting the seeds for self-expression, confidence,…
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Find △COSMIC POWER ignite your light, a simple guide to sun signs for the modern mystic Cody illustrated my 2nd book, due for publication Aus late Oct, 2020, Briton/Europe Nov 12, and the U.S early Feb 2021. This was such a pleasure to meet Cody and I'm so grateful for her part in bringing something I'm so passionate …
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For this inaugural episode, since we're launching in Virgo season on the full moon in mystic Pisces, I have a special treat to kick of season one. Today I have with me Astrologer and Modern Mystic, Tony Howard. As the founder of Astrology University and Fresh Voices in Astrology, and rocks 6 planets in Virgo to give us the inside lane! This episode…
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Launching on the mystic full Moon in Pisces, this is a quick intro to the Astro All-Starz Podcast, a little about me, and the wonders I'll be sharing with you in future episodes! Be sure to subscribe and share so you don't miss out. You can expect astrology, glowing your own way, helpful tips, & cosmic intel with guest interviews as we dive deep to…
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