Pagan music and pagan talk, covering American Pagan communities. Dreams, Hopes and Fears of the modern pagan from 'meso-traditionalists' to neo-pagan fellowships in the USA. If you want to contribute to our show by doing an interview, listing a commercial, or sening us your pagan music to share and promote, you can! Send it to: [email protected] or [email protected] Leave us your comments, questions, or complaints! We care about our audince! Add Us! Subscribe Rmail
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Welcome back!!! Finally we are back, and this time we have a layout that will let us continue to grow on air, on line and in life!
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This is our years end show, but never fear, we will continue bringing our podcast to you!
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After a long time away, we are returning to our web presence and renewing our podcast format somewhat. Still providing the music you have come to expect, and a few things that will be new. Hello to all our new friends in and around Idaho Falls, Idaho.
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Oh what a wonderful month last month was, and a great Lammas season as well. A shout out to many good people, and some more information regarding our plans for the Witches Ball for Idaho Falls. Keep sending in your info, comments and music... Well met, and Blessed Be!
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Yes! It has been some time, but here we are again folks, with music to sooth and a few announcements. Lammas in Pocatello, ID on August 1 at 7pm ( Details can be attained by contacting us at [email protected] )and we are planning our Witches Ball to be held either in Idaho Falls or in Pokie! Details on that and inquiries welcome will be coming…
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And a great new year to you all! Been a buisy month for us so far, and we have many new things comeing. Stay tuned, and thanks for all the support last year! keep the coments comeing and help us share with others. Been really active here and the bandwidth is just barely keeping up! We love it, and you for tuneing in!…
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Hey Foks, and welome back! We'v been buisy these last few weeks dealing with the mundane and growing within our home community, but we haven't forgotten you! Join us with this short casting and enjoy life! As always, give us your comments and feeback, join in on our podcast and share yursefl with the world: contact us at, [email protected], or …
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On this show we present more music from our buddy Sede and add to our show Shadar's Muses on Pagan Clergy. We are looking into the needs of further education of pagan clergy, the examples that we as clergy and elders give to our community, and the things we need to develope and continue to learn as community leaders. More information can be found a…
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