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Redeemer West Side

Redeemer Presbyterian Church West Side

Welcome to the podcast of Redeemer West Side. Our church is located on Manhattan's Upper West Side where we are living out the sacred call by Jesus to love our neighbors and heal our city.
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The story of a global movement told by the pastors, founders, and innovators who lived it. "A Fire Is Lit" is a limited series podcast that traces the story of City to City from the founding of Redeemer Presbyterian Church to the present. Join our Substack to receive alerts about new episodes and access to exclusive bonus content.
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Valley Springs Presbyterian Church

Valley Springs Presbyterian Church

Valley Springs exists to build a community of individuals and families sincerely devoted to loving God and neighbor, thereby renewing people and the cities of California’s Capital Region and beyond, through the gospel of Jesus Christ to the glory of God.
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First Church West

Norman Wise

This is the First Church West Podcast Blog. we will try to put a new sermon up every Monday. You can listen to the sermons off the blog or you can subscribe on Itunes. First Church West is a community of Christian Faith. Our purpose is to seek the transformation of hearts and homes through the experience of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We aim at giving honest answers to honest questions, teaching sound biblical doctrine, encouraging the experience of true spirituality, and striving for health ...
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Center for Faith and Work

Center for Faith and Work

Integrate the Inseparable. The Center for Faith & Work (CFW) exists to explore and investigate the gospel’s unique power to renew hearts, communities, and the world, in and through our day-to-day work. As the cultural renewal arm of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, we foster, shepherd, and empower the church as it is scattered, living and working out in the world, beyond the walls of any one gathered place of worship. CFW's programming, classes, and events can be characterized by three differen ...
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show series
The essence of Christianity is arguing with yourself. What makes you an effective Christian is that you’re continually arguing with yourself, and you’re winning the argument. Because of what Christ did, God can restore the world and restore everything if we come to him through Christ. And in Ephesians 5, Paul uses the imagery of darkness and light …
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The years 2020-2023 tested City to City like never before. The pandemic upended church planting efforts, forcing churches to close and limiting in-person training. At the same time, the murder of George Floyd sparked nationwide protests, exposing deep divides within society and the church. Adding to the turmoil, Tim Keller was diagnosed with pancre…
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Christianity is never a mechanical thing. And the church is not a morality agency—it’s a regenerating agency. The real goal of the do’s and the don’ts in the Christian life is always character—growing into God’s holy people. The church does bring about moral behavior but, in a sense, as a byproduct. Because what the church is after is to turn peopl…
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Genuine Concern Philippians 2:19-24 March 9, 2025 Pastor Nathan Currey ----more----Philippians 2:19 I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, so that I too may be cheered by news of you. 20 For I have no one like him, who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare. 21 For they all seek their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. 2…
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Given by Rev. Bijan Mirtolooi. TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | Mark 1:14-20 In his famous 95 Theses, Martin Luther remarked that the entirety of the Christian life is one of repentance. This is fitting, for when Jesus’ begins his public ministry and announces his kingdom, the invitation Jesus gives is one of repentance. In this sermon we’ll be exploring what r…
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Jesus says "I Am The Bread Of Life". People translate this in many ways to shut their particular purpose, but what is the scripture really saying? What is Jesus trying to tell us? To support the work and worship of Redeemer, subscribe to our channel and consider supporting us by giving a tax deductible gift at the link below.…
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Whenever God turns to you, if you believe in him, all he sees when he looks at you is complete beauty and sweetness. Jesus Christ offered himself up and fulfilled all of the obligations we owe God, so he has completely satisfied God. God sees nothing and senses nothing but sweetness when he regards you. But you still live in a world twisted and bro…
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If you look at the particulars Christian teachings, the particulars don’t look that different from many other ethical systems. The difference is that Christianity is never interested in moral behavior simply as moral behavior. In every instance, putting on the new self means to remember your identity. Being a Christian is ultimately about being mel…
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Through training programs like the International Intensive, the influence of Tim Keller’s books, and the creation of networks like City to City Asia Pacific, the movement spread around the world as leaders adapted its model to their own contexts. By 2018, this decentralized, global network empowered regional affiliates on six continents to lead, en…
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Christianity has an amazing approach to lying and to anger that almost nobody else has. For truth-telling, it says truth must always be told with love. And for anger, it says, “Be ye angry, and sin not.” Paul doesn’t say, “Well if you get angry, it might be okay.” He says, “Be angry. Do it.” Very often it is wrong not to be angry. But then he turns…
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Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." I. Why does he say this? II. What does it teach us about ourselves? III. What does it show us about why Jesus came?…
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