Starting a new 5e campaign, my first foray into running a game since 2011
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We add 2 players and begin anew
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We played baldurs gate 3, missing a player so we fell back into our video gaming habit
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Abom vaults pf2e fun times, down to level 2
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Returning from the keep, our party goes about healing up and selling loot only to find a menace in the graveyard!
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Resuming our abom vaults pf2e game!
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July looks to be a short unplanned hiatus
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Continues Abomination vault
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The pcs trek off to Gauntlight keep and finally enter the Abomination Vaults
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Clearing the fishing camp, back to town and making new friends in Otari
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Downtime, exploration and encounter modes. Off to explore a fishing camp outside Otari.
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Beginner box session 4 we finish the box, and now there are three new characters. Thanks dragon.
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Back to the beginner box level 2
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Finishing up the upper level of the beginner box dungeon
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Our foray into Pathfinder 2e begins with character generation and ground rules for our game along with an intro to Otari, the little town we're going to start in.
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Not running any games right now only playing in two weekly games but having a grand old time of it
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Dnd 5e published adventure second session, we're escaped prisoners on the run in a foreign environment
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Pivoting away from our AI game for a while to try another 5e campaign book adventure
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The A.I. game takes a turn as the PCs find a portal that seems to be working and linked to a recently uncovered shrine involving Lolth
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The AI franchise is now staffed and off to investigate the sudden mine closures and learn the outcomes from their downtime activities
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The franchise is set up and downtime activities explained and planned. A lot of time spent rp around town and teasing what lies ahead.
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PF2e discussion happened along with some video game and online play cjit chat. Bad week for schedules.
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Tuesday Night Titans finished cleaning out the manor and made some friends
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Second session for the Acq. Inc campaign, in Phandalin checking out the town and a foray into the cellar under the razed manor
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TNT started our foray into the Acquisitions Incorporated game, a Waterdeep recap and travel to Phandalin and some old players' stomping grounds
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Beginning a new season with a session 0 report for our new 5e game starting up
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We played a one shot of castles and crusades with the home group, ran the one shot from Acadecon with similar results- we had fun!
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A long! After-action report from Acadecon this weekend in Dayton Ohio.
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Running one of my upcoming Con games for my home group. Barbarians of the Ruined Earth by Mike Evans. Next will be a Castles and Crusades adventure by Stephen Chenault.
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Playing games, getting things ready to run at acadecon in November
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Spelljammer game is going well, acadecon coming up in november
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We started the spelljammer campaign last night and I plug some discord servers that I'm enjoying.
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Between campaigns so I'm playing in a couple games and keeping eyes on crowdfunding projects
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After CoS before storwreck isle, what's gaming and podcasting this week
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Campaign finale, we do end on a bit of a low note but onward to the next adventure!
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The party assembles their allies and resources for an assault on Castle Ravenloft
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The party begins actively drawing out strahds lieutenants on hopes of evening the playing grounds for their upcoming confrontation
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Curse of Strahd dnd 5e game report, the party gets a level, we approve of AboveVTT and another Thursday this time with an earlier start time
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The party talks with a lich, explores the Amber Temple and I get some player feedback
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Session notes and some after session discussion about character changes. Addendum for a one shot.
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The party begins in the werewolf den, finds a body for Rictavio, and heads off in search of the Amber Temple
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The party accepts Strahds dinner invitation and also investigate a nearby den of werewolves
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The party have a nice trip back from Argynvostholt and check out rictavios tower. Meet up with Esmeralda and a young couple from vallaki.
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The party leaves Vallaki with fresh blood on their hands and heads off to explore Argynvostholt and look into the mysterious silver dragon
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The party heist episode, wachterhaus gives up it's treasures and lady Fiona Watcher is no longer a thorn in the Burgomasters side
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The party returns to the wizard of wines and makes plans to head to Krezk and then Vallaki
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The party heads off from the winery to retrieve the gem stolen by Baba Lasagna and her scarecrows
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The party concludes the recapture of Wizard of Wines and sets out to Yester Hill to recover a gem
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The party still in Vallaki decides to head off to investigate the goings on at the Wizard of wines...
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More time in Vallaki, a festival, the toy store, and Izek
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More time spent in Vallaki, Rictavio met and allied with, and the Wereravens show themselves
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