The Journal of Proteome Research integrates the fields of chemistry, mathematics, applied physics, biology, and medicine in order to better understand the function of proteins in biological systems.
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Listen to Senior Editor Katie Cottingham discuss research from the January 2009 issue.By [email protected] (JPR Staff)
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Audio Introduction to the Special Issue of Journal of Proteome Research podcast. you can listen to Katie Cottingham, senior associate editor of JPR, describe Special Issue of Statistical and Computational Proteomics.By [email protected] (JPR Staff)
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Audio Introduction to the Inaugural Journal of Proteome Research podcast. listen to Katie Cottingham, senior associate editor of JPR, describe a recent article about a computer simulation that helps researchers optimize proteomics experiments. The article appears in the October issue of Analytical Chemistry News and Features article (DataShop) "Hol…
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Audio Introduction to the Special Issue of Journal of Proteome Research podcast. you can listen to Katie Cottingham, senior associate editor of JPR, describe Special Issue of Statistical and Computational Proteomics.By [email protected] (JPR Staff)
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