The Intuitive Frequency Podcast is a show made for spiritual seeking women who want to stand in their personal power and unleash their intuition. This show isn't about living your best life some day one day, it's about activating it now. Hosted by intuition and manifestation expert Jill Foubister. You will gain tools and tricks for deepening your spirituality and activating your highest timeline. If you are ready to start leading with your higher-self and kick fear to the back seat, then buc ...
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37: A Powerful RYV Transformation: How an RYV member Strengthened Her Intuition and It Changed Everything—From Business to Motherhood with Lauren Monique
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20:41Ever wonder if you're truly listening to your inner voice? What if tapping into your intuition could completely transform your business and personal life? Today, I am so excited to introduce you to a member of my signature program, Raise Your Vibration, who is experiencing this exact thing in real time and is here to share all about it. I wanted to…
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36: How I Discovered My Spiritual Gifts And The One Thing That Made Them Stronger
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26:34Recently, I was asked how I discovered my intuitive gifts, so I really wanted to dive into this question on the podcast in order to help you discover yours! Today, I tell you a bit about my backstory growing up and how I became aware of and developed my own spiritual gifts, the one thing that made them stronger, and the way it has led me to manifes…
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35: What I Wish Someone Told Me Before Walking Into a New Age Shop
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30:56Have you ever walked into a new age shop and felt instantly overwhelmed? Like you’re a kid in a candy store, but with crystals, tarot cards, and a whole lot of stuff? Where do you even begin? Today I share my personal journey navigating the world of spiritual shops, and I reveal what I wish someone had told her sooner about all of this! In this epi…
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34: The Missing Link to Manifesting: What Your Higher Self Wants You to Know
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30:26If you follow me on Instagram Stories, then you know that I’ve recently been on a journey to create sourdough bread. This is something I’ve put off for so long by overthinking and worrying about the steps needed and how it would all come together, and although it’s taken some time, trial and error to get it right, it’s finally coming together for m…
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Have you ever felt overwhelmed and scattered? Of course, who hasn’t! I often talk about slowing down on the podcast, but I know that it's so easy to get pulled in a million directions, especially around the holidays. In this episode, I share practical strategies to manage your energy and maintain balance, and I share personal tips that I've found e…
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To live into our dreams, it doesn’t take a huge leap, but rather, it’s about creating that small window of opportunity that you can start looking through. In this episode, I reveal how you can create that window of opportunity that will take you outside of the 3D and into the 5D, and the magic that happens once you do so. So, I invite you to begin …
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31: Why Your Frequency Matters And What To Do About It
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26:07I talk a lot about frequency on the podcast, and today I want to go deeper into why your frequency matters and what you can do to create and elevate your frequency, so that you achieve your highest potential. In this episode, I reveal the power of starting fresh each day, along with strategies to tune into your highest frequency, what it feels like…
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30: Unlock Your Manifestations & Intuition
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20:02Does what you want feel heavy, or like it’s distant and so far outside yourself? I love setting fun manifestations, both big and small, and I want you to start playing around with what it is you desire, so that you can unlock your manifestations and intuition too! I love setting manifestations, both big and small, and in this episode, I reveal the …
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I recently was asked on Instagram what “magic is my new normal” means. You’ve probably heard me say this at the end of my podcast episodes, and it’s also written on the Raise Your Vibration mugs that I give out to my students at my intuition retreats. In this episode, I not only break down what it means, but I also share the turning point of when I…
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28: How To Awaken Your Spiritual Gifts With James Wedmore, Jen Finley & Kathrin Zenkina
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1:05:15I just got back from doing a spiritual retreat in Sedona with my favorite people, and while we were hanging out together, we had an idea to record a roundtable discussion to help show people how to start awakening their spiritual gifts, and the inner power that is in each one of us! For a long time on my own path I felt very lonely and disconnected…
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27: Unlocking Your Manifestations: Tools To Attract Your Desires
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16:30It’s my birthday week and to celebrate, I wanted to bring you this short but sweet episode! Today, I give you a tool that will help you in creating and manifesting whatever it is that you want in your life, and as a teaser, it involves slowing down. Although this tool I give you is simple, it does take discipline of the mind to materialize what it …
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26: My Biggest Lesson In Business This Far
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26:11Recently, I put up a Q&A box on Instagram to ask if anyone had any questions for me to answer on the podcast, and I received a question that was so perfect that I knew I had to answer it here this week. In this episode, I reveal the biggest lesson in business I’ve learned (so far), and you’ll hear my story of how I faced my fears to enroll in my br…
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25: The Spirit Of Business: Manifesting Success In The Digital World With James Wedmore Part 3
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1:04:29Today I’m bringing you Part 3 of 3 in my conversation with my brother James Wedmore, and in this episode, we dive deep into his journey of living in Sedona, Arizona, and the unique energetics of this area. As you know, I host my retreats in Sedona and it holds a very special place in my heart as so much transformation happens there, so I can’t wait…
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24: The Spirit Of Business: Manifesting Success In The Digital World With James Wedmore Part 2
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42:57I left you on a bit of a cliffhanger last week, so for today’s episode, I pick back up with Part 2 of my conversation about spirituality and business with brother, James Wedmore! James is the owner and creator of Business By Design and the host of The Mind Your Business Podcast, and we had so much fun recording these two episodes that I’ll be bring…
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23: The Spirit Of Business: Manifesting Success In The Digital World With James Wedmore Part 1
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40:57Today I have a very special guest for you, and in fact, I’ve known him for my entire life. He’s not just my business mentor and the mentor to thousands of other online entrepreneurs, but he is also my big brother, James Wedmore! James is the owner and creator of Business By Design, and the host of The Mind Your Business Podcast, and in this episode…
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I just returned from my brother’s Business By Design Next Level in-person event, which was such an incredible experience for me as I look to scale my business and have more of an impact with you, my signature program and this podcast! In this episode, I share something very special that happened on my way to my first Next Level event, as it literal…
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21: Unleash The Frequency of Your Authentic Voice with Tracy Goodwin
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39:50Today’s very special guest is Tracy Goodwin, a powerful authentic voice coach who will help you unlock your next level of authority, impact, and your authenticity with the greatest asset you have…your voice! Tracy is an internationally known voice expert, speaker, author, host of the Captivate the Room podcast and creator of Psychology of the Voice…
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Last year on the podcast I spoke about how each of us is born intuitive, and as parents, we want to help keep that intuitive door open for our children. Today I’m back with Part 2 of this conversation, where I go even deeper on this topic. In this episode, I share what happens when your children pull themselves inwards and check-in with themselves,…
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19: How to know when you are in alignment with yourself or being tricked by fear
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19:46What’s guiding you, your head, or your heart? There is a fine line between alignment and fear, but how do you know which is guiding you at any given moment? Are you stepping outside your comfort zone into a space of true alignment, or is fear masquerading as caution, holding you back from your fullest potential? Today I want to give the tools that …
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18: How Increasing Your Frequency Speeds Up Your Manifestations
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22:28Today I want to share a story about how living 'from the inside out' recently manifested something wonderful in my life, and one that I think shows how our emotions act as a magnetic force that is always shaping our reality. In this episode, I reveal the crucial first steps to aligning your inner world with external success and the way that increas…
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17: Crystals Are So Much More Than Just Rocks. Your Guide to Get You Started with Working with Crystals
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23:51Are you wondering where to begin when working with crystals, or are you someone like me who’s been working with them for over 14 years? Maybe you’re somewhere in between? There is an entire world of crystals, which is why in my Raise Your Vibration signature program I have a whole section focusing on them. For this episode, I just want to get you s…
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16: How I was rushed to the ER and almost pulled the plug to my last episode
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29:58This episode is all about lessons, and how I learned the hard way that if you don’t get the lesson, it’s only going to get even harder! Today, I share about a traumatic experience that resulted in me being rushed to the ER recently, and the perspectives I have gained around this event since it happened. Today’s conversation is really all about the …
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15: Harness the Power of Dreams for Your Intuitive Self-Growth
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30:26Today’s episode is all about my absolute #1 most favorite tool for amplifying my intuition and deepening my spirituality, and that is dream time! In this episode, you’ll hear about the dreams I had a year ago that led to us getting the newest addition to our family, our golden retriever puppy, Rosie. I also reveal why it’s so important to be aware …
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14: How To Show Up Through Self-Doubt So You Can Help Someone
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28:27Recently I did a Q&A “Ask Me Anything” on Instagram, and a question came though that was so powerful I just knew I had to share it with you on the podcast. The question was about how to show up through self-doubt so that you can actually help people, and as you’ll hear, this is something that I most definitely have experienced in! In this episode, …
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13: Signs From The Universe That Will Change The Way You See The World
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31:55Recently my brother asked me to speak at his mastermind about going all into the silence, as there is so much power and freedom waiting for you there, and I wanted to go further on this subject with you today on the podcast. It is in the silence where you can take the seat of the observer, turn down the monkey mind and really open yourself up to th…
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12: How Your Monkey Mind Is Preventing You From Communicating With Your Spirit Guides And What To Do About It
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26:04I often get asked how you can strengthen communication with your spirit guides, and receive spirit animals, visions, downloads and all the incredible things. How can you do this though when your “monkey mind”, or all the noise and chatter, is present? In this episode, I give you tools that will help you see the unseen and overcome the noise and tha…
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11: My Manifesting Hack That Gets You Results Within 30 Days
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40:15I’ve been getting a tug to share with you a memory that keeps coming up for me, and in this episode, you’ll hear all about something that I experienced and the profound lessons I took from it. I’ll be sharing how I got a job at Disneyland as a 17-year-old, and it’s something that I’ve never told anyone outside of my immediate family…until now. This…
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Are there things in your spiritual toolbox that you have long forgotten about? Inside of my signature coaching program, Raise Your Vibration, I take you on a journey to fill your spiritual toolbox and to increase your frequency, and in this episode, I share how to do it by opening your heart chakra! So much of what I talk about is related to energy…
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09: Here Is The Biggest Trick Your Mind Will Play On You To Keep You Stuck In The 3D
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17:21We just returned from a trip to Sedona to celebrate by brother’s birthday, and it was three days of fun that honestly just took me back to my childhood. I absolutely love my family and these special times we have together, and it got me thinking about today’s topic, gratitude. I specifically want to talk about the frequency of gratitude, because gr…
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08: Discover Which of The Five Clairs Are You?
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27:19Have you ever said to yourself, ‘I want to see auras?’ In this episode, I’m diving into the 5 clairs, and specifically the sensing of auras around you. This is something that is so important, and I’ve talked about it recently on my secret podcast and my free workshop, which are both no longer available, so I thought I would bring it to you here tod…
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07: How a Successful Business Owner Uses Intuition In Her Business
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22:01If you’re a business owner, then you’re really going to enjoy today’s episode! I’m bringing you a very special guest, Monica Little, who is a Raise Your Vibration student, and we are having a conversation on her journey through my signature coaching program. In this episode, Monica also reveals the ways she now uses her intuition in her business, f…
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For this episode I want to take a deeper dive into what intuition is, as it’s something that I’ve leaned on extensively in my past and I continue to do so today. I reveal how intuition is a foundation for making decisions, but it requires the feminine energy and the structure that comes with the masculine energy to make it all work. To help provide…
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05: How an RYV student Connected with Her Intuition Consistently
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29:56Today I have a fun case study episode for you, where Diana Sofia is here to share about her journey of joining Raise Your Vibration to feel more connected to Source! Diana is a Hypnotherapist and Subconscious Reprogramming Coach. She specializes in helping coaches, entrepreneurs and personal brands stop the cycle of imposter syndrome, limiting beli…
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As you heard in last week’s episode, creating a podcast was something that was on my heart for some time, and I shared about how I got clear and intentional about making this desire a reality. In today’s episode, I want to go further and talk about the reasons why I really created this podcast for you, and I reveal more about the spiritual journey …
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Today’s episode is a special one, and it was actually supposed to be the first episode of this new podcast that I released. This wasn’t’ an easy one to record for me though, and you’ll hear why today. I talk about being intent with whatever it is you want to create. I share how I used intent to launch this podcast to the world, and the way I got pa…
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Today I’m talking about something that is so very important, and that is raising intuitive children. Intuition is a birthright and each of us is born intuitive, and as parents, we want to help keep that intuitive door open for our children. In this episode, I share the intuitive habits that my mom instilled in us from a very young age, plus I speci…
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Have you ever been told that you’ve got to be ‘neutral’ in a certain situation? If so, maybe you’ve asked yourself what this even means. In this very first episode of The Intuitive Frequency Podcast, I share a personal story about a recent event where I needed to embody compassion and adopt a certain way of being so that I could be neutral in that …
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