show episodes
The Christian Bible: the book of stories and guidelines that shaped the western and, in a lot of ways, the whole world. And it's completely nuts. I go through the "holy" texts and retell the stories in all their crazy nonsense for the world to see just how nuts they all actually are.
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Sole of the Game

Cameron Winston

Sole of the Game is a show that discusses a variety of topics from sports, music, entertainment, pop culture, social issues, and things happening in today's society. Hosted and produced by Cameron Winston. Twitter @CMW_15 & @Soleofthe_Game. IG: @Soleofthe_Game
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Blerds N The Hood


The Resident Super Villain, Jay Washington and The Swaggy Blerd, Winston A. Marshall are bringing you a new perspective of pop culture, sports and more from a black nerd or Blerd point of view. Support this podcast:
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The Rundown with Desmond Johnson is a 2 hour long live sports radio show airing 10am-12noon on The Sports Hub Triad cluster of stations in the Greensboro/Winston Salem/High Point Market of North Carolina. The Show looks at NBA, NFL, MLB, NASCAR, College Football and Basketball and discusses current topics each week. Hosted by Desmond Johnson, along with co hosts Rod Funderburk and Brandon Blakney. Tune in live at or download the weekly podcast from multiple outlets. Su ...
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1. C3 NYC Worship - Starting to See 2. The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir - More Than Anything 3. Red Hands - With all my heart 4. Vive Worship - Bless Hoped 5. Nicole Lashawn - Another Day 6. Saraphina - You Do Not Lie 7. Cece Winans by Ntokozo Mbamba Mbatha - Believe for it 8. Kierra Sheard - Miracles 9. Jekalyn Carr - I believe God 10. The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir feat. TaRanda Greene - He’s Been Faithful 11. Tiffany Daniels Hudson - Enough 12. Planetshakers - Never Thirst Again 13. C3 NYC Wo ...
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show series
King Ahab's wife Jezebel starts killing all the prophets of God in favor of her pagan religions, so Elijah decides to have a contest between himself and all of the pagan prophets for whose god can set a bull on fire. Elijah wins, kills all the pagan prophets, and then runs faster than a horse. When Jezebel finds out about this, she decides to kill …
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A bunch of kings came and went and Judah and Israel remained at war. Every king decided to try other gods out for size except Asa, who God rewarded with a lethal foot disease. Eventually a new guy named Elijah came around doing all kinds of weird shit like being fed by ravens, giving ladies endless flour, and doing... questionable things to raise c…
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Solomon's (exactly) 1,000 wives and concubines get him to cheat on God with other gods, even that one horrible god named Molek. This pissed God off and he decided to punish by making his empire fall apart after he died. When Rehoboam, Solomon's son, takes the reigns, he promises everyone that he's going to make their lives more miserable and their …
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Solomon finished his temple and then decided to outdo the house he made for God by building himself an even crazier, fancier building. Taking 13 years to build and almost doubling the size of the crazy gold temple, Solomon's palace was just ridiculous. Once his palace was finished, he let God move into his temple and then they came to an agreement:…
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David's oldest son, Adonijah, tries to take the throne upon his near death, but Nathan makes sure Solomon ends up king. The transfer of power was going smoothly until Adonijah asked Solomon if he could marry a little girl that David was sleeping alongside in his old age... yeah... weird. Solomon had his brother killed and then took to the job of be…
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David returns to Jerusalem after Absalom's death only to have another civil war break out immediately under a guy named Sheba. Joab took quick care of this. He met peacefully with Sheba, kissed him on the lips, grabbed his beard, and then sliced his belly open, spilling his intestines everywhere. When Joab approached Sheba's city of Abel Beth Maaca…
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David (having been overthrown by his very hairy and sexy son) was staying out in the wilderness a few miles from Jerusalem. He started making friends with the locals and he, alongside his loyalists, started building an army up, just in case Absalom decided to attack. Absalom was too busy fucking all of his dad's sex slaves to notice at first, but e…
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After Absalom's brother rapes their sister, he has him killed. David is upset about this for some reason and Absalom is banished out... like 10 miles away. David's General, Joab, convinces David to allow Absalom to return after a few years and that turns out to be a bit of mistake. Absalom, who had 5 pounds of hair and was therefore very sexy, star…
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When King David learned that their rival neighbors, who the Israelites had allegedly already wiped off the face of the Earth twice, the Ammonites, had lost their king, he decided to send a couple diplomats over to pay his respects. When the diplomats showed up, the Ammonite elders advised the new king that these men were most likely spies checking …
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As soon as General Abner died, two raider gang leaders decided to regicide Ish-Bosheth, making Israel temporarily king-less. Soon after, however, they all swore allediance to King David and poured oil all over his head. David thanked the raiders by cutting off their heads and feet and hanging their bodies up by his swimming pool. David wasted no ti…
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News comes to David that Saul and Jonathan are dead. David tears his clothes off, mourns, has the messenger killed, sings a song for them, and then returns to Hebron in Judah. Upon arrival in Judah, oil is dumped all over his head and word spreads around that Oily Dave, as they called him, was now the king. Unfortunately, Saul's old General, Abner,…
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David flees Saul once again, going to live near Gath with all his loyal soldiers. They raid villages and kill everyone inside from time to time, because they're the good guys in this story. Meanwhile, The Philistine armies all join forces to invade Israel. Saul finds the one medium he didn't have killed and asks her to bring Samuel's spirit up so h…
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Saul chased David all over creation (or the land they thought was all of creation, but in reality it was like the size of Rhode Island.) When Saul finally caught up to him, the Philistines invaded. After Saul sent them packing he went and tracked David down to the Crags of the Wild Goats where he decided to go shit in a cave. David snuck up to him …
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David continues to hide from Saul as Saul continues to hunt for him. Jonathan, not convinced his dad would be such an asshole as to kill his most loyal soldier for no reason whatsoever, agreed to go and run an experiment to see if that was actually the case. Next time he spoke to his father, he almost murdered him while flying into a blind rage ove…
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After David killed Goliath, Saul's son, Jonathan, fell in love with him and they may or may not have totally banged. It's not written. What is written is that for no reason whatsoever, God decided to send an evil spirit to possess Saul and make him obsessed with killing David? Why did God do this? No fucking idea. After collecting 200 dick carvings…
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Samuel went and found a guy named Jesse and poured olive oil all over his youngest son's head. At the same time, there was a scary Philistine who stood almost ten feet tall (if the story is to be believed, which it isn't.) David, with his new confidence and skills he'd learned fighting bears and lions, decided to go and slay this giant Philistine (…
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Saul finds himself being inept at leading, mostly because he keeps pissing God off by not being super meticulous with how he kills animals and sets them on fire. This causes Israel to be conquered by the Philistines once again until Saul's son Jonathan stirs up enough trouble to liberate them again. Saul then is tasked with murdering an entire grou…
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Samuel and God bitch about how much the Israelites don't appreciate them or their broken system and finally decide to appoint a king. Samuel finds a sexy Benjamite named Saul, who's handsome and tall. Yes this Saul has it all. As long as all you are looking for is sexiness. Saul begins his reign as king and so far he does a pretty good job. He save…
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A young woman named Hannah is so desperate to have a baby that she swears that if she could just give birth, she'll give the baby right over to the priest and he can raise him. Once this baby has grown into a man (or at least boy) the corruption and incompetence of the current priest's family starts to show. Also they lost the Ark of the Covenant! …
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After the unpleasantness of the end of Judges, a famine struck Judah and a bunch of people were forced to flee. One of these ladies, Naomi, left with her husband and two sons. Her sons married women named Orpah and Ruth and... every male character died. Orpah, not wanting to wait for Naomi to pump out another boy and wait for him to grow up to be o…
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After Samson died, the whole region of Israel fell into complete chaos. The descendants of Dan started raiding villages and eventually took over a part of Ephraim, the Benjamites were fighting and killing for their right to rape women to death, women were being kidnapped all over the place, and everything was just awful. That's it. That's the whole…
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Samson is arrested by 1,000 soldiers for his crime of murdering several dozen people. He agrees to go peacefully at first, but then God decides to fill him with a blood rage that makes him beat all 1,000 soldiers to death with a donkey's jawbone. He wanders around, fucking sex workers and killing Philistine soldier who try and arrest him, until he'…
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A woman has a son after years of trying and due to the advice of an angel, can never cut his hair. This young man grows up to be freakishly strong and even more emotionally unstable. After somehow getting his parent's blessing to marry a Philistine woman, Samson makes a bizarre bet based off a poem he wrote in his head after tearing a lion in half …
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After the death of Gideon we see his 70 (yes, fucking SEVENTY) sons fight for power leading to the rise of Abimelek... and then the fall of Abimelek shortly afterwards. Following him are a few other leaders who didn't do much and then Jephthah who set his own daughter on fire to make God happy. Jephthah also heroically murdered tens of thousands of…
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This episode starts with Deborah's song, which is all about what we just went over last episode as well as saying that the victory in the last battle gave every Israelite man two sex slaves and every Israelite woman some colorful garments. 40 uneventful years pass and Israel gets conquered again; this time by the Midianites, who they supposedly had…
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After Joshua died, there wasn't a clear ruler of the nation of Israel. God appointed, or more likely, they themselves appointed, the Tribe of Judah to lead charges into battle, but the need for war was slowing down. After cutting Adoni Bezek's thumbs and big toes off, the Israelites started to settle into their new home. Then they continuously got …
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Joshua heroically sweeps through several more cities, killing every single person inside (including the children) before he has a new idea; he decides to be even more cruel and starts slashing the hamstrings of the horses of the people he killed. Why did he do this? What possible reason could there be to fuck up a horse AFTER you've already killed …
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After Jericho, Joshua set his sights on the nearby city of Ai. But since one of his soldiers at Jericho kept a few things for himself, God decided to punish the OTHER soldiers who were invading Ai, resulting in all 3,000 of them dying. After this man was exposed, stoned to death, and set on fire, Joshua re-did the invasion of Ai, with over 10 times…
  continue reading 1. C3 NYC Worship - Starting to See 2. The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir - More Than Anything 3. Red Hands - With all my heart 4. Vive Worship - Bless Hoped 5. Nicole Lashawn - Another Day 6. Saraphina - You Do Not Lie 7. Cece Winans by Ntokozo Mbamba Mbatha - Believe for it 8. Kierra Sheard - Miracles 9. Jekalyn Carr …
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Joshua sends a couple of spies across the Jordan to investigate the city of Jericho. The city that had the tallest skyscraper of its time at a whopping 28 feet tall. They spent all their time with a cool sex worker named Rahab and she kept them safe from the city guards in exchange for them sparing her and her whole family as they slaughter the res…
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Moses was racing against time here to get all of his rules written down before he dies so there really isn't a lot of logic here in how they come out. But they do clarify on a few things, like what to do if your wife grabs the dick of another man to protect you while you're in a fight (you cut her hand off.) They also tell you what to do if you rap…
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Moses is on his way out, after 40 years of wandering around the desert. So he starts making sure people remember the stuff he's been saying over the last 40 years (the stuff that's already written in other books and we've already gone over.) He also reminds us that, "If anyone decides they want to worship another god, or even something tangible, li…
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Deuteronomy picks up in year 40 of wandering around in the desert. Last episode we left them around year two or three... so there's a bit of a gap there. Moses tries to fill it in, but it's mostly just a lot of wandering, killing, enslaving, and not much else. In this episode we're right on the shores of the Jordan River and everyone here is just w…
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This episode starts off with Balaam refusing to curse the soon to be invading Israelite army because he just happens to have the same god as them ... somehow. It doesn't end well for him in that he's actually murdered by said invading Israelite army. Why did the Israelite army attack in the first place, other than that just being their MO back then…
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As they approach the promised land, Moses fucks up by doing something slightly differently than God told him to, then God sends snakes to poison people for complaining before giving Moses a weird fucking solution for the problem. The the Israelites wipe out a few cities and slaughter every man, woman, and child within. And finally, we have a talkin…
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Under the advice of either Jethro or God, Moses decided to count all the Israelites... well not the women... or the Levites... so SOME of the Israelites. After counting them, Moses comes up with a fool proof way to cause adulterous women to miscarry and then sends spies to the Promised Land in hopes of invading. The spies say the invasion isn't a g…
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Moses lays down the rules for anyone with damaged testicles, pus leaking infected wounds, hunchbacks, deaf people, blind people, and any other people with any kind of "defect"... they're not allowed anywhere near anything being offered to God or anywhere God likes to hang out. Because they disgust God... even though he's the one who made them that …
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While wandering around aimlessly in the desert, Moses suddenly got really angry about how people were fucking and decided to put an end to it. He suddenly decided that among a lot of other things, incest was no longer allowed, nor was male-on-male fucking, nor was sacrificing your grandchildren to this other god named Malek or Moloch. He also decid…
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Moses keeps on cranking out the rules. Some are good logical rules, like, "Don't eat rotting flesh you find in the wildness." Some are super sexist, like, "If you give birth to a girl, you're unclean twice as long as if you give birth to a boy" & "After your period ends, you have to murder a pigeon to atone for the sin of having your period." Some …
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This episode is the first part of Leviticus! Unfortunately, the majority of Leviticus is jut super pedantic rules listed over and over and over, but luckily there's some thrilling stories in here! Like the time God killed Aaron's two oldest sons for no reason and Moses wouldn't allow Aaron's family to mourn them! Or the time Moses started a fire an…
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While Moses is up on the mountain talking to an increasingly insane God, the Israelites decide that they've been abandoned and decide to create a new, chiller god to worship. Aaron takes all of their golden earrings and, through the skills he apparently had as a gold smith, created a pure gold statue of a calf. The Israelites enjoyed this new God w…
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God couldn't seem to stop giving commandments and starting making all kinds of rules about when it's okay to kill someone (quite often, as it turns out), when you need to make a human sacrifice to him (yep! It's in there!), and what happens when you dig a hole and a donkey falls in that hole. Relevant stuff. He also commissions a couple fancy thing…
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After they wander in the desert for a while, they come across Mount Sinai and decide to make camp at the base of the mountain. God, being a physical being apparently, decided to camp out on the top of the mountain... but only Moses was allowed to visit him. While up here, God gave Moses ten commandments for everyone to follow... and then he gave hi…
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As all the Israelites celebrated the drowning of thousands and thousands of soldiers, whose corpses were washing up on the shores, Moses and his sister Miriam wrote a hit song. And then things took a turn for the worse. Anyone with Google, could see that the journey from the eastern shores of the Red Sea to Israel, would take maybe 200 hours at mos…
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After God murdered every first born male in Egypt, Pharaoh decided he had had enough. He summoned Moses and Aaron and told them to get the fuck out of Egypt. Moses quickly went and dug up Joseph's bones for some reason and led the 600,000 men and unspecified amount of women and children out of Egypt. On the way out, he gave them more rules to follo…
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After God continued to fuck with freewill by making Pharaoh unable to care, not only for the Hebrews who wanted to be free, but also his own people, God continued to punish him with more plagues. First came boils, then hail, then locusts, then darkness, until finally he decided to straight up murder every first born son in Egypt. The Hebrews who wa…
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While Moses is chatting with this burning plant that's apparently God in disguise, he learns a couple of neat tricks, like turning his walking stick into a snake and getting leprosy. He argues that even with these neat tricks, he still can't be the one that stands up to the Pharaoh (who was arguably the most powerful person in the world at that tim…
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A few generations after Joseph died, the Egyptians got really tired of the Hebrews being around. Instead of telling them to leave, they decided to force them into slavery... which didn't really solve the issue of them... still being there. Well Pharaoh decided the best course of action was to start tossing Hebrew babies into their only fresh water …
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Israel and his 11 non-royal sons settle into the Ramses District of Egypt, named after Ramses who lived ~500 years after this story takes place. Israel meets Pharaoh and then nothing happens for 17 years. Finally Israel dies at the ripe old age of 147, but not before he sings a long song for his sons, cursing some, blessing some, and just saying we…
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