show episodes

Uncommon Knowledge

Hoover Institution

For more than two decades the Hoover Institution has been producing Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson, a series hosted by Hoover fellow Peter Robinson as an outlet for political leaders, scholars, journalists, and today’s big thinkers to share their views with the world.
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In uncertain times what’s needed is not just clarity about today’s pandemic, but insight into the challenges that lie ahead as America recovers and returns to normal. GoodFellows, a weekly Hoover Institution broadcast, features senior fellows John Cochrane, Niall Ferguson, and H.R. McMaster discussing the social, economic, and geostrategic ramifications of this changed world.
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Secrets of Statecraft is a bi-monthly podcast hosted by Andrew Roberts which explores the effect that the study of History has had on the careers and decision-making of public figures, and which will also ask leading historians about the influence that the study of History had on their biographical subjects. The title is taken from Winston Churchill’s reply on Coronation Day 1953 to a young American who had asked him for life-advice, to whom he said ‘Study History, study History, for therein ...
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The Pacific Century

Hoover Institution

The 21st century may be the Pacific Century, and China appears poised to become America’s greatest rival for global power and influence. Host Michael Auslin and guests discuss the latest politics, economics, security, and cultural news in China, Asia, and America.
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The Caravan

Hoover Institution

The Caravan Podcast provides discussions of politics and culture in the Middle East and the Islamic World with regard to the challenges for American foreign policy.
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China’s rapid accumulation and projection of power on the world stage confronts the world’s democracies and open societies with serious challenges. Beyond the breathtaking modernization and enlargement of the People’s Liberation Army, and its increasingly aggressive and expansionist deployment in the Indo-Pacific region, there is the more subtle—but by no means benign— expansion of China’s “sharp power.”
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Prospect Research #Chatbytes

Prospect Research Institute

Prospect research professionals share their stories, tips, and commentary on topics that affect our fundraising work and our lives. We also sneak in guests from outside our field to shake up our perspective on fundraising and prospect research.
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The Hidden Curriculum

Hidden Curriculum

The Hidden Curriculum is a podcast on all the topics you wanted to learn in (econ) graduate school. There are lots of things about the profession that you only hear if you have a great mentor or during networking opportunities. This podcast aims to help decrease that knowledge gap by bringing that information into your headphones! Artwork by @factorintrinseco. Music by Funk O'Clock by Delicate Beats. Licensed by Premium Beat Email: [email protected]
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Hear experienced aviation and aerospace professionals share their perspective, pathways, and expertise on how to productively navigate your aviation and aerospace aspirations. Enjoy an eye-opening, engaging discussions in a casual-conversation type of environment covering a plethora of options, opportunities, and possibilities in the aviation and aerospace industries. All Things Aviation & Aerospace is hosted and moderated by Vince Mickens, the Founder & CEO of Private Air Media. His extensi ...
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The John Batchelor Show is a hard news-analysis radio program on current events, world history, global politics and natural sciences. Based in New York City for two decades, the show has travelled widely to report, from the Middle East to the South Caucasus to the Arabian Peninsula and East Asia.
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Visionary Leadership Institute Podcast

Lorain County Community College

In honor of Dr. Roy Church’s 30 years of service as President of Lorain County Community College, the Lorain County Community College Foundation created The Roy and Bobbi Church Visionary Leadership Institute in 2016 to bring the nation’s top thought leaders to our community. This podcast is a continuation of this mission.
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The American Monetary Association is a non-profit venture funded by The Jason Hartman Foundation that is dedicated to educating people about the practical effects of monetary policy and government actions on inflation, deflation and freedom. Our goal is to help people prosper in the midst of uncertain economic times. The American Monetary Association believes that a new and innovative understanding of wealth, value, business and investment is necessary to thrive in the new reality of big gov ...
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show series
US and Ukrainian officials will meet on March 12 to talk peace in Eastern Europe; a new US approach to China may or may not be in the works; and the Trump administration’s gas-brake approach to imposing tariffs on trade partners has a Hoover economist baffled. Arkansas senator Tom Cotton, chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee and author of Sev…
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PREVIEW: Colleague Judy Dempsey of Carnegie in Berlin observes that the Trump administration's assumed intention to pass the baton of European defense may have "galvanized" the EU states to take responsibility. More later. 1350 MEDIEVAL CAVALRYBy John Batchelor
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In an Information Age during which decentralized news and information have contributed to a greater lack of trust in government and traditional media outlets, is it possible to restore confidence in both institutions? Nick Mastronardi, a Hoover Institution veteran fellow and software innovator in the field of public-sector communications, discusses…
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Good evening: The show begins in Syria where the civil war now places the Assad veterans of Latakia province vs the cutthroat jihadists of Damascus. 1781 NORTH SEA CBS EYE ON THE WORLD WITH JOHN BATCHELOR FIRST HOUR 9:00-9:15: SYRIA MASSACRES (Part 1/2) Guests: Bill Roggio (FDD), Husain Haqqani (Hudson) 9:15-9:30: SYRIA MASSACRES (Part 2/2) Guests:…
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PREVIEW: Colleague Katrina vanden Heuvel, who is in regular correspondence with Russian media circles, reminds us that there are hawks in the Kremlin and the Moscow intelligentsia who weigh on decision making, especially Putin's choices. More later. 1931 STALIN AND MAXIM GORKYBy John Batchelor
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PREVIEW: Colleague Bill Whalen of Hoover, former speech writer, recommends POTUS Trump use a series of big speeches to establish policy, including a speech to Parliament as did Ronald Reagan when announcing opposition to the Soviet bosses. More later. 1880 PARLIAMENTBy John Batchelor
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PREVIEW: Ambassador Husain Haqqani of the Hudson Institute offers that, as in the 19th century, no outside power is coming to the rescue of the Syrian people on humanitarian concerns. More later. 1925 SYRIABy John Batchelor
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PREVIEW: Colleague John Hardie of FDD reports that North Korean combat troops are in action again in the Kursk salient against the beleaguered Ukrainian deployment that may be risking encirclement. More later. 1925 KURSKBy John Batchelor
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