Moments of Grace is a daily devotioncast, featuring Evangelist and Pastor, Rev. Al Dagel.
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Hebrews 10 is a favorite passage for Pastor Al Dagel, and today's episode of "Moments of Grace" may be your favorite episode of the week.
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Everyone needs to be made aware of what God can do. This message is Pastor Al Dagel's look at the "impossible".
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Today, Pastor AlDagel shares the teachings of Jesus to help us understand the source and power of sin.
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More than once, men plotted to kill Jesus. Pastor Al Dagel looks at two plans that involved Jesus' death for us.
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Today, Pastor Al Dagel shares the truth of the Gospel and offers help for personal growth to those who need more of Jesus's love and clear thinking.
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Today's account of a promise kept comes both from Pastor Al Dagel's childhood and the Word of God.
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Pastor Al Dagel invites us to join the people groups who will sing a new song to the Lord!
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Today's episode of Moments of Grace touches us personally, as Pastor Al Dagel speaks about obedience.
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The time for looking to God is always here, but Pastor Al Dagel brings some timely words to get us thinking more about God's timing.
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Today, Pastor Al Dagel helps us see that "Kingdom rules" guide us in living for our glorious King, Jesus Christ.
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Here is a brief look at the gist of the Book of Philippians from the perspective of Pastor Al Dagel, who loves this Book!
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Today, Pastor Al Dagel explains how important the Lord's anointing is.
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Pastor Al Dagel wants us to know that he posts this devotioncast for us every day for a reason.
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Episode 1945: The Psalmist wrote my testimony
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7:39In Psalm 116, Pastor Al Dagel found his personal testimony, or at least an application that resonated with his spirit.
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Today, Pastor Al Dagel reminds us that our faith has its beginnings in the Word of God, "In the beginning."
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Today, Pastor Al Dagel reflects on two fathers who saw their sons' future as being in God's hands.
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In today's devotioncast, Pastor Al Dagel reveals what Paul revealed to the Church in his letter to the Ephesian believers, unveiling a great mystery.
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Today, Pastor Al Dagel serves up a portion of wisdom from the Book of Proverbs.
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Pastor Al Dagel shares some potent thoughts regarding our example and responsibilities to children, especially our own.,
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Pastor Al Dagel might say, "My righteousness won't be much of a lesson, but what my unrighteousness says about me speaks volumes." Listen now!
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Listen as Pastor Al Dagel shares his thoughts on a Psalm of Grace.
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Pastor Al Dagel believes that if you need to recharge your batteries before you run out of power, take the time to take care of yourself!
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Today, Pastor Al Dagel continues looking at the similitudes. What are you like as you shine for the Kingdom of God?
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Pastor Al Dagel tells us why we, as believers, are here to be spiritual seasoning.
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Today, Pastor Al Dagel begins a short series, looking at the Kingdom of God!
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Today, Pastor Al Dagel explains Isaiah's teachings in light of the New Testament teachings about Jesus, the Messiah.
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Today, Pastor Al Dagel's comparison to propagating a tree and growing our faith brings clarity to us all.
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Today, Pastor Al Dagel brings us back to a praise-filled Psalm. You will want to join him in saying, "I must praise the Lord!"
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Pastor Al Dagel explains that we can keep looking to Jesus, even in hard times. Be watching for blessings!
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Today, Pastor Al Dagel wants us to know that if you can hear this episode, there is still time to talk to God about eternity, but tomorrow may never be yours. Think about that and listen.
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Today's snake story has the snake both as the problem and as the solution. Pastor Al Dagel loves coming to this topic. Listen now.
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In Galatians's fifth chapter, Pastor Al Dagel discovered and shared two classifications of fruit from our life's tree.
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Pastor Al Dagel believes that there is something very special about the word, "grace" that can touch your heart today!
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Today, Pastor Al Dagel shares the difference between the wicked and the wise. You will be asked which you are, so listen carefully!
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"My trust is in God" is more than a slogan! Pastor Al Dagel urges us to take King David's example as a challenge to personally put our trust in the only source of security that will never fail.
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Pastor Al Dagel helps us to see that eternity is settled for the believer, and we can relax and let God use us.
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Today, Pastor Al Dagel states that he is something like one of the Scriptures' most famous tax collectors. Maybe you are, too.
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When someone getting it right says, "Imitate me", Pastor Al lDagel says "We should do it"!
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Today, Pastor Al Dagel shares how his heart is happy despite some hard and harsh things that are part of this life!
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Today, Pastor Al Dagel informs us of the importance of laying aside whatever might hinder our walk with the Lord.
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Pastor Al Dagel urges us both to be encouragers and to be encouraged. Listen now and be blessed!
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Like King David, Pastor Al Dagel knows that we all have our ups and downs, but we, too, can fully trust in the Lord in all things!
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Today, Pastor Al Dagel shares how wrong some teachers of the Law were in Jesus's day. (So it is today for some.)
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If you are anything like Pastor Al Dagel, this message on humility will do you some good.
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Here is a prophetic song that Pastor Al Dagel believes will touch your heart. Listen now!
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Whatever it takes to help us understand God's offer of salvation is good for the world to hear. That is why Pastor Al Dagel keeps sharing the same message in various ways, always staying true to God's Word.
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Today, Pastor Al Dagel reminds us that "Moments of Grace" offers "Daily Grace". Enjoy!
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Today's Psalm is one of "ascents", and Pastor Al dagel invites us to join him in the worship theme of Psal 121.
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Today, Pastor Al Dagel reminds us that God has chosen to use His own dear children, believers in Christ, to light up the whole world. Let's be that light!
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Amazing Gospel power is still something to behold. In today's episode of Moments of Garce, Pastor Al Dagel helps us see that power and its source.
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