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During what time frame can a wayward rebellious son become liable? • Precocious maturity of earlier generations • Can a wayward rebellious daughter become liable? • What context of juvenile sinful gluttony will inexorably lead to a murderous menace?
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Various categories of idolatrous worship • Serving idols out of love or fear
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What forms of bestiality are subject to capital punishment? • When is the animal that was involved killed? • At what ages for boys and for girls are intimate acts legally classified as relations? • How is testimony for blasphemy validated to finalize a conviction?
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What is necessary to render something designated for the dead prohibited from alternate use? • What happens to the assets of a person executed for a capital crime or for rebellion against his monarch? • The dangers of issuing curses
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How was King Solomon exceptional, and how was he not exceptional? • How do we cultivate within ourselve awe of God? • The means and primacy of honoring God
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Cross examination of witnesses • The wantonness needed for a court conviction
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Structural biases towards acquittal are incorporated into the judgement of capital cases
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What is King Solomon's bottom line assessment of Man?
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What framework can we employ to help us make better choices? • A critical perspective on reincarnation
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How many judges preside over an arbitration? • When is a judicial ruling binding, yet due to error, the judge is held liable to compensate the wronged party? • When is compromise permitted or encouraged? • How are justice and charitable peace both manifest in judgement? • In judgement, when is one prohibited from being afraid of man?…
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What does King Solomon convey when addressing me as his son? • How to avoid being overwhelmed • Beyond seeking what is written in the Torah and following the words of our Sages, for the myriad nuances of a life well lived, it is also imperative to engage in thoughtful reasoning.
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Different levels of guarantorship • When is it not wicked to encourage a kenunya conspiracy? • Why is a last resort guarantor for a Kesuba not typically liable? • When are oral deathbed dispositions not considered as documented and delivered?
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Precautionary measures to prevent the fabrication and use of fraudulent documents • Detecting attempted fraud
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Two types of transactional documents • When is the more complex document promoted and why? • Fraud prevention
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Ambiguous deathbed gifts • A disgruntled litigant might not float your boat
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Wedding gift refunds • When are a bride's blemishes grounds for divorce without requiring the husband to pay Kesuba? • When does a husband lose the right to inherit his wife? • When is a will honored and when is it voided?
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Estate distributions • May the oldest brother pay for fine clothing from the estate? • Are wedding expenditures during the father's lifetime indicative of future wedding expenses to be paid from the estate? • A husband's rights to his wife's properties are great, but his father-in-law's widow's rights are greater • Estate size can impact equitabe d…
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When does a husband writing all his assets over to his wife result in a full gift and when does it result in her appointment as steward over all his assets? • When a woman is gifted all of her husband's assets, when and why is she at risk of losing the entire estate? • When a husband creates a partnership, endowing his wife with a share among his c…
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From which assets does the firstborn receive a double portion? • From which assets does a widower inherit from his wife?
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How was the land of Israel inherited? • Grace, an antidote to resentment
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How do we know that a man inherits his mother? • Dayo, limiting the extension of a Kal Vachomer (a fortiori) • A messy controversy: Does a mother bequeath to her children equally, or to her sons before daughters? • Does a mother ever bequeath a double portion? How do we know that a man inherits his wife? • Is the husband's inheritance Biblical or R…
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If you were an ox, how could you develop an appreciation for the glamourless cattle prod? • Discerning decisive truth among conflicting theoretical truths
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When selling an unmeasured field, when is the estimated yet imprecise parcel size binding on both parties, and when are adjustments needed? • Do the same parameters apply to larger transactions? • Price gouging on real property • When adjustments are warranted, when is the purchase price increased and when is part of the property returned to the se…
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When should the blessing borei peri hagafen be recited over wine dreg extract? • What types of wine should not be used for libations but may be used for kiddush, consecration of the hallowed day?
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Bava Kama 50
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When is it permissible to repurpose and maintain a faulty measure? • Limits on altering measures and currency values • Limits on profit margins • No intervention can be more effective than a calculated intervention towards maintaining lower prices in the longer term • Restrictions on exports of basic necessities when supply is tight help maintain l…
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The Talmudic debate about what King Solomon sought, yet was denied • Man's potential and the Messianic era
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When selling a group of trees, when is the land between them included? • Four types of transactions: When can the Seller, Buyer, neither or both back out?
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King Solomon, master of learning and sharing wisdom, was fueled by relentless drive • When is self-promotion appropriate?
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What type of Kinyan, symbolic act, can effect the transfer of a boat, or an animal, or a prommisory note?
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When selling a field, what is included and what is excluded?
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Navigating ambiguities of real estate contracts
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The tragic dissolution of man • Look critically at the opportunity costs of following every impulse and desire
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A detailed examination of the process by which a non-Jew sells his real property to a Jew • Dina d'Malchusa Dina; when do governmental regulations override the defaults of Jewish law? • Laws pertaining to two adjacent fields owned by the same owner
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Death: the temporary divergence between body and soul • What happens to the body and soul after death? • Resurrection is by Divine invitation to ascend from the grave
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Why is a sale binding when there are elements of coersion exerted upon the seller? • Willingness comingled with coersion in bringing a sacrifice or granting a bill of divorce • What happens when the groom forces the bride to accept his proposal?
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Remember God while articulate, and of sound mind • King Solomon guides the nation in sweeping terms to serve God in a state of cohesive vigor, before malaise and societal decay set in • If we had listened to God, Nevuchadnezzar would not have been goaded to destroy the temple
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Establishment of possession requires a rightful claim • The squatter's mindset • Mistaken forgiveness • Consensus within contradictory testimony • What circumstances would invalidate the establishment of presumed possession?
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Don't delay teshuva; at advanced age, a person might block out their recollection of their misdeeds, preventing adequate remorse • How to tell if someone has a share in the world to come • Is it important to be missed? How to be a wise servantand avoid putting off doing teshuva
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From how far away does does a tree take up nutrients? • If a tree is planted near a neighbor's property is the tree owner stealing, and may first fruits be brought? • If branches from a neighboring tree overhang into your property, how much may you chop?
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How does King Solomon view retirement? • It is common to be easily stirred from sleep as the slumber of death approaches • What is the significance of decreased musical sensitivity as we age?
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What objects can constitute a barrier that prevents ritual impurity spreading from one house to another through a shared window? • Must one bury a stillborn? • Distancing a mill from a wall owned by a neighbor • When one neighbor takes steps to establish property usage that would curtail his neighbor's usage rights if firmly established by preceden…
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Equitable division of complex property • May one partner force the dissolution of a partnership, and if so, how? • When and why is a master required to free his slave? • When are mutually agreeable partners nonetheless barred from dividing their property?
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Confronting systemic decline begins with awareness • Realistic assessment of one's weaknesses should inform the challenges one engages • Appreciate and utilize fleeting gifts • Dietary recommendations shift as we age
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Is a dubious claim given credence if a more credible lie could have been crafted? • Above and beyond: when is one required to pay for a full half of a taller than necessary wall built by his neighbor? • The versatility of conveyed property easements • What facets of a property may be utilitzed by a tenant of a room in a large house? • The time to e…
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If a rented second story is damaged, when may the upstairs tenant move in downstairs with the landlord? • How do the Rambam and Rosh differ in their respective approaches to an unresolved question between Landlord and Tenant? • Who is responsible for repairing a leak that runs from the upper floor and damages the lower floor? • Does the right to bu…
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Adjudicating ambiguous lease agreements • Chazaka, established possession does not confer "squatter rights" • Do creditor rights to foreclosure include property improvements made subsequent to the lien? • The Torah obligation to pay employees in a timely manner • The rabbinic obligation to pay beyond the biblical time frame…
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Landlord rights • Borrower rights • Primacy of established custom • When is a tenant entitled to a reduction in rent?
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What liabilities apply to atypical borrowings? • What core facets of a borrowing transaction are required to generate the Torah's default liabilities upon borrowers? • Ba'alim Imo: exemptions from liabilities when the lender is employed by the borrower • Could a rabbinic court be liable for an inadvertent embezzlement of consecrated properties brou…
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