Under the leadership and dynamic preaching of Dr. James Merritt, Touching Lives exists to touch the lives of the lost and enrich the faith of the found. Our goal is to present the eternal, never-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ to all who would hear and pray for the Holy Spirit to move mightily among His people. Touching Lives is currently broadcast in all 50 states and in over 140 countries around the world. All sermons, articles, and other content is made available through various digital m ...
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Join us as we learn from pastors and church leaders from growing churches across America. The Pastor Lab Podcast is hosted by Dr. Ronnie Parrott.
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Over the course of human history, countless sermons have been preached, but the greatest sermon of all was delivered by the greatest preacher—Jesus Christ. His Sermon on the Mount was revolutionary, challenging the cultural and religious expectations of His listeners. As Jesus nears the conclusion of His sermon, He issues a stark warning about a da…
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Dr. Billy Graham once told a story about asking a young boy for directions to the post office. After the boy explained the way, Dr. Graham invited him to his crusade, saying, “If you come tonight, I’ll tell you how to get to heaven.” The boy replied, “No, I don’t think I want to do that.” When Dr. Graham asked why, the boy said, “How are you going …
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There was a five-year-old girl watching her mother apply cold cream to her face. Curious, she asked, “Mother, why do you do that?” The mother replied, “To make myself beautiful.” Moments later, when the mother wiped the cream off, the girl exclaimed, “What’s the matter? Giving up already?” Just like that little girl’s humorous observation, we often…
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If we are truly going to follow Jesus, we must accept that we will be different from the world. Nowhere is that more evident than in Matthew 7, where we encounter one of the most misunderstood, misused, and misapplied verses in the Bible: “Judge not, that you be not judged” (Matthew 7:1). This verse has become a cultural slogan, often quoted by peo…
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There is a principle that applies to business, physics, and life—it’s called “The Domino Effect.” This principle describes how one event can set off a chain reaction of related events. A great example of this is the atomic bomb, where one atom splitting causes an unstoppable chain reaction. The same concept applies spiritually. In The Sermon on the…
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As we’ve seen in the last two messages in this series on prayer, the first part of prayer focuses on God and His glory. Today, we’re going to see how the second part of prayer focuses on us and our good. We're told specifically that we ought to ask God for three things when we pray, and those three things deal with the three biggest needs in our li…
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As we continue our three-week series on prayer, we’re going to find that the key to effective prayer is found in four words: focus on the Father. In today’s message, we’ll discuss the two steps we need to take to pray this kind of Father-focused prayer.By Dr. James Merritt
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In this message, we’re going to take a class called Prayer 101 where we are going to learn the basics of prayer from Jesus Himself. We’ll see that prayer is not something we do to get what we want from God but to get what God wants for us. To put it simply - wrong prayer is a waste of time, but right prayer is worth the time. With this in mind, let…
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In today’s message, we are going to learn that perfect love loves everyone perfectly, even the most unlovable. If you are to love others the way God loves others (and the way God loves you), you are going to have to take some very radical steps.By Dr. James Merritt
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If you're going to follow Jesus, you're going to have to live a second-mile life. I will tell you right now it's not a popular mile. If you walk this mile, you'll be in the minority. If you walk this mile, it will tax you and test you and try you like no other mile you'll ever walk. But if you do walk this mile, which is over and above what everybo…
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We’ve all had to put on a brave face at some point in our lives when we received a Christmas gift that wasn’t exactly what we wanted. But then, we’ve all received those perfect gifts too: the ones that show someone really saw us, really knew what we needed. In a way, these gifts remind us of the perfect gift that all of humanity received in Jesus—a…
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As Christmas approaches, it’s easy to feel surrounded by cheer— festive songs, colorful lights, and gatherings with loved ones. But for many, this season is far from “the most wonderful time of the year.” Studies show a majority of Americans feel loneliness and sadness during the holidays, and the post-Thanksgiving Monday is a peak day for appointm…
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John’s letter in 1 John opens by diving straight into the significance of Jesus. John’s focus is on the true comfort and joy that Christ’s coming brings. With this in mind, we’ll explore three ways to take joy in Christmas: the historical reality of Jesus, the heavenly identity of Jesus, and the holy community Jesus invites us into. These truths ar…
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Being thankful is so important to God that He actually commands us to be thankful. A man in the New Testament by the name of Paul went through a tremendous amount of suffering and heartache that would cause anybody to be bitter and ungrateful and maybe even mad at God. He wrote these words, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will …
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When it comes to the gospel, silence is sinful. When we've experienced the love of God, surrendered our lives to Jesus Christ, been fed the bread of life, and tasted the living water, we can’t keep what we’ve experienced to ourselves. It's time for us to say something for the sake of growing God’s Kingdom. In today’s message, we're going to learn t…
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012 | Clay Smith, Josh Powell, & Michael Wood
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49:59Clay Smith, Josh Powell, and Michael Wood explore the joys and challenges of preaching during Christmas and emphasize the importance of outreach and community engagement. The conversation also touches on balancing family and ministry during the busy holiday season and how to start the New Year off right for their congregations. Connect With Us: Cla…
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In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus takes on the matter of honesty, and we desperately need it. As we look at this passage in Matthew 5, here is the key thought that Jesus is giving us. Let the words “you” and “true” always go together. To help us make sure that happens, Jesus tells us three things to remember not just on telling the truth, but how t…
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In Jesus’ day, divorce was more commonplace than you would have imagined and there was a great debate about when divorce was even allowed. It wasn’t incidental that Jesus had just finished talking about lust when He started to talk about divorce. Lust causes adultery and now shockingly, He is going to say that divorce and remarriage can do the exac…
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In this episode of the Pastors Lab podcast, Ronnie Parrott and Dean Inserra chat with Dr. James Merritt, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention. They discuss mentorship, integrity in ministry, evangelism, and the challenges modern pastors face, emphasizing the hope found in a strong relationship with God. Connect With Us: James Merritt…
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From today’s key passage of Scripture, we’re going to see how adultery is not only a sin in the bed, but it is a sin in the head. Adultery can be both physical and mental. It can be both on the inside and the outside. In a day and age where sexual immorality is running rampant, not only are marriages being ruined, but even the very concept of a bib…
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In today’s key passage, Paul reminds Christians then and now of an important truth to remember. The God that gives us grace also gives us government. So with that in mind, how are we to relate to the government? That’s exactly what we’re going to discuss in this message. Let’s dive in.By Dr. James Merritt
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Ronnie Parrott, Dr. Juan Sanchez, and Dr. Jed Coppinger discuss the importance of prayer, unity, and courageous leadership in pastoral ministry, with a focus on the role of expository preaching and navigating challenges in diverse congregations. Connect With Us: Juan Sanchez https://x.com/manorjuan Jed Coppenger https://x.com/jedcoppenger Ronnie Pa…
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We find in 1 Timothy chapter 2 what every Christian should do politically for every political leader. Simply put, every day we should always pray for the political leaders who lead the way. So what is the politically correct thing to do when it comes to any political leader? That’s what we’re going to discuss in this message.…
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Approximately 70 murders happen in the United States every single day. We are the murder capital of the Western world. Yet, if I were to ask you, “Have you ever murdered anyone?” you would probably and emphatically say, “No!” But listen to what Jesus said about murder. He is going to show us in today’s key verses that murder is not an act; it is an…
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In this episode of the Pastors Lab podcast, Ronnie Parrott, along with co-host Michael Criner, interviews Nathan Lino, the senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Forney, Texas. They discuss Nathan's journey from planting a church in Houston to leading an established church in Forney, the importance of prayer and fasting in ministry, and effective…
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If you are going to be rightly related to God both in this life and the life to come, you had better be rightly related to the truth of God’s Word. We are going to learn in today’s message that when you honor the Lord, you honor the law that the Lord honors. Now, what does that mean exactly? Let’s dive in together and find out.…
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Jesus makes two important statements to His followers in today’s key passage. He says, “You are the salt of the earth, and you are the light of the world.” As we study this text together, we are going to see that Jesus used these metaphors because we live in a world that is decaying and dark. The culture before our eyes is disintegrating. The darkn…
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In this episode, Dr. Ronnie Parrott and John Mark Harrison interview Dr. Bruce Frank, pastor of Biltmore Church, discussing the dynamics of transitioning from associate to senior pastor, strategic leadership, and the importance of communication and trust. They emphasize leading change with wisdom, building trust with the congregation, and focusing …
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If you get through this life, particularly in the culture of this world, and you are never in any way, shape, form, or fashion persecuted, maybe it's because you're not standing for Jesus. Hopefully, today you will decide in light of this message that you are going to stand up when you need to and you are going to speak up when you need to. If you …
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Maybe the reason why we don’t really face much of any persecution is not because we are living in a different age than the early Christians. It may be because we are living a different kind of Christianity than the early Christians. The reality is that you are going to be persecuted if you truly live up to the standard that Jesus expects. With this…
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In this episode, Bryant Wright and Clay Smith discuss the challenges and opportunities of leading a church through generational transitions. They explore the importance of honoring predecessors, building strong teams, and engaging the next generation with an authentic and challenging faith. Connect With Us: Bryant Wright @bryantwright Clay Smith @c…
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Isn’t it interesting that our heroes are not peace-makers, but they are the fighters, the soldiers, and the warriors? The people who make the history books and the news are the people who fight the battles, win the wars, and conquer the enemy. Then, Jesus comes along and said, “Blessed are the peace makers. For they shall be called the children of …
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The word “pure” from today’s key verse is translated from the Greek word “katharos.” It means “to purify by cleansing from dirt, filth and contamination.” The reality is that we were all born with dirty hearts. That is why a king named David who was a man after God’s own heart asked God to create in him a pure heart. But what does that mean? Well, …
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In this episode of the Pastors Lab podcast, Ronnie Parrott and Dr. Josh Powell chat with Dean Inserra about the crucial role of being deeply rooted in your local community and the significance of church planting. Dean also discusses his books, including The Unsaved Christian and Getting Over Yourself, which tackle cultural Christianity and personal…
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Both character and conduct are important when it comes to following Jesus. Conduct without character is meaningless. And character without conduct is useless. You have to have both. As you study the Sermon on the Mount, you realize that what Jesus is saying is, “You are not a Christian because you act like one; you act like a Christian because you …
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In today’s key verse, Jesus says if you have a holy appetite, an appetite for righteousness, you will be filled. That is, you will be satisfied – satisfied in a way that nothing in this world, of this world, or from this world could ever do. We are going to learn today that the healthiest appetite is the holiest appetite. In other words, a healthy …
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In this podcast episode, Clint Presley, senior pastor of Hickory Grove Baptist Church and newly elected president of the Southern Baptist Convention, discusses his journey in church leadership, the importance of expository preaching, church revitalization, and his plans for the 2025 Southern Baptist Convention. Connect With Us: Clint Pressley @past…
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We live in such a competitive culture that we are taught never to give up, never to give out, and never to give in. There are certainly times when that is great advice, but there is virtue in a totally different way and for a totally different reason to sometimes giving up and giving in. What we are going to learn today is simply put: the way to be…
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In the second beatitude, Matthew 5:4, we see one of the absolute strangest things that Jesus ever said. It is something you would never hear the world say, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). This statement does not align with our natural leaning. We all want to be happy all the time. But Jesus says, in effect, …
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In this episode of the Pastors Lab podcast, Ronnie Parrott and Dr. Stephen Wade interview Dr. DJ Horton, senior pastor of Church of the Mill, discussing his 20-year tenure, the value of hunting as a hobby for pastors, the impact of mentorship, the phases of his church's growth, his preaching routine, and the significance of sabbaticals for pastoral…
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Over the next several weeks, we are going to be camping out in a section of the Gospel of Matthew, specifically chapters 5-7. These chapters make up the Sermon on the Mount, the most famous sermon Jesus preached during His earthly ministry. And as we kick off our study of this section of Scripture, we will begin with the Beatitudes, listed in chapt…
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The God we have been talking about throughout this entire series knows you better than anyone or anything. Just like He knew Moses, and He knew the Israelites, He knows you too. But the question of the day is this, “Do you know God?” Now the question is not, “Do you know about God?” The question is not even, “Do you believe in God?” The question I …
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In this episode of the Pastor's Lab podcast, Ronnie Parrott, Dr. Michael Criner, and guest Josh Powell discuss the challenges and strategies for revitalizing legacy churches by balancing tradition with innovation, building relationships within the congregation, and making strategic changes to create a welcoming environment. Connect With Us: Josh Po…
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The people of Israel had been treating God like a heavenly bellhop expecting Him to be at their every beck and call and give them everything they wanted when they wanted it. When Moses had lingered on that mountaintop meeting with God, they decide they would just take matters into their own hands. They would make a god more to their liking. The tru…
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In this message, we are going to study the story of when God had a word for His people and wanted to meet with them. But before the people met with God, God wanted to meet with Moses. Every meeting was a mountaintop meeting and though you might get the idea from the movies that Moses only went up the mountain one time, he actually went up seven tim…
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Ronnie Parrott and Clay Smith are joined by Steve Wade to discuss how theological education belongs to the church, the importance of multiplication, and leadership lessons he's learned as a hobby farmer. Connect With Us: Steven Wade X: @pastorswade Clay Smith @claysmith79 Ronnie Parrott @ronniep The Pastor's Lab @thepastorslab The Pastor's Lab is a…
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Ronnie Parrott and Matt Capps are joined by Jared Wilson to discuss gospel-centrality for pastors, caring for your family in the busyness of ministry, and the value of staying long in ministry. Connect With Us: Jared Wilson Web: www.jaredcwilson.com X: @jaredcwilson Matt Capps @mattcapps Ronnie Parrott @ronniep The Pastor's Lab @thepastorslab The P…
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We have been studying a man by the name of Moses in a series we are calling, “Red Sea Moments.” This great man of God was facing a Red Sea moment when he came to his own level of stress. He is leading two million of his people through wilderness and desert and they are burning up at times at the way he is doing it, and he is burning out trying. In …
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One of the things that you will see throughout the books of Exodus and Numbers is how much complaining and griping the Israelites did. At different times in Exodus and Numbers, Moses and the Lord had to listen to their complaints. Every one of them had to do with food, drink, and living conditions. You have to wonder why God let his people get thir…
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As we look today in the book of Exodus in chapter 14, we are going to read about the most celebrated event in Jewish history. Two movies have been made concerning this event and two words are all you need to know – The Exodus. If you had been standing where Moses was standing, you would have said, “This is the end of the line. We need to get our af…
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