Every Tuesday, two Davids sit down to play a game of twenty questions. This is their story.
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KWUR Theater of the Air is a weekly radio show on St. Louis' own 90.3 FM, featuring classic radio theater from the 20th century as well as new, original sketches by our talented radio theater team.
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The Internet: the most impactful invention of modern human history. It has transformed the way that we talk with each other, do business, educate and learn - even the way we think. But how did we get here? What were the choices, the experiments, and, yes, even the moments of blind luck that created the Internet we use today? And, more importantly, who are the innovators and disruptors that are building what we will use next? Hosted by podcast personality Zach Valenti with guest hosts Ryan Sh ...
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#3 Bram Cohen: building a better Bitcoin with Chia
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41:40Bram Cohen - creator of BitTorrent and co-founder of Chia - wants to build a better Bitcoin and make the crypto ecosystem a cleaner, greener place. The peer-to-peer tech pioneer has a provocative perspective on the current crypto community, blockchain generally, and what needs to change. We explore what inspires him as an inventor, an early citizen…
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#2 Brendan Eich: browsers, advertising, and innovation
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44:29After his key contributions to the development of both Netscape and Mozilla Firefox, Brendan is now focused on improving the ecosystem of the Internet with his new company and browser, Brave. We explore the somewhat Darwinian evolution of web advertising and how we might be able to set new standards that benefit users, advertisers, and publishers a…
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#1 Albert Wenger: neo-monopolies, decentralization, and freedom in The Knowledge Age
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46:08Albert Wenger - managing partner at Union Square Ventures - takes a bird’s-eye view on the Internet and how it’s changing our world. We compare and contrast the traditional Internet’s pioneer days in the early ‘90s to today’s blockchain boom, as well as exploring the ideas in his book “World After Captial.” What does the impending Knowledge Age loo…
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The Internet: the most impactful invention of modern human history. It has transformed the way that we talk with each other, do business, educate and learn - even the way we think. But how did we get here? What were the choices, the experiments, and, yes, even the moments of blind luck that created the Internet we use today? And, more importantly, …
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52 Acid Jack, the Mad Squirrel King of Leland Avenue
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45:50In this episode, David asks: How much does a polar bear weigh, is this thing real stupid, and what if God were evil?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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51 The Magical Ass of Balaam (w/ Julie Rheinstrom)
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59:11In this Guestisode, David & David ask: Is he on a bicycle-horse, what's a Constitutional originalist snack, and does he have something naughty under his robes?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it a Hive Mind, is it Dennis, the man who gives me my bagel every morning, and is it BOAPS?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it a fictional dead person, are they stalking the streets of London, and is this crime perpetrated in print?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it eagles, did somebody fill all the tubas with water, and does asking if that counted as one of my questions count as one of my questions?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it made by aliens, is it a Shakespearean tragedy, and is this all some ridiculous put-on by the Jimmy Kimmel Show to create viral content?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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46 A Fridge Full of Primates (w/ Erin Kane)
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59:08In this Guestisode, David & David ask: Are they primates, is it a mythical creature, and what kind of bear looks like John Lennon?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it an amnimnerl, is that how drugs work, and is he playing with John McCain?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is she astride a white charger, is she about to be burned at the stake, and is this from a fictional religion?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it a bag a' rocks, is it raised for fighting, and yo bro, how sick is this tat?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is she forcibly ousting noted strongman leader Robert Mugabe, is it Topsy-Turvy Land, and are they just straight-up slappin’ each other in the face?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Are they morphologically similar to hippo teeth, is it a car, and what’s a bigger rodent than a beaver?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it the Lumière Brothers, is it a cyberpunk heist film, and is it Bad Boys II by Michael Bay?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this Independisode, David asks: Do you use it to make Knowledge, does George Washington have hams for hands, and is Nicolas Cage involved?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Are they trying to affect panspermia, does it take place in the electronic aqua-warrens of Triple Mexico, and what if I don’t know enough about trees?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is this person a sailor, do you rub it on yourself, and is it pants?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it The Internet, does it have chocolate in it, and is it an apocalypse show about Y2K that takes place in American Samoa?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it Animorphs, is it a pile of rocks, and why am I blanking on this?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it bigger than a dachshund, are they in a particular part of Australia, and do they dance?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it furniture, does it turn you into a goat, and is the noise obnoxious or do you like the noise?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Do they wanna invent a thing, is it a Siamese Fighting Shrimp, and have we ever talked about the Canadian dog show "The Littlest Hobo"?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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31 The Handsomely-Embroidered Chaise Lounge
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38:52In this episode, David asks: Does it go fast, Is it able to be purchased or do you have to inherit it, and is it in Provo, Utah?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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30 Baby Containment Unit (w/ Richard Wentworth)
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30:44In this Guestisode, David & David ask: Is it a person you can put in the mail, is the apocalypse an alien invasion, and does the baby have powers?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it a male man, is this guy from television, and what if somebody snuck kryptonite into an egg?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it cuter than a warthog, is it an ungulate, and is this a grimdark future for llamas?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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27 Hypothetical East German Speakschtiff (w/ Vidya Santosh)
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44:36In this Guestisode, David & David ask: Is it mole men, would you describe it as filled with ichor, and did he try to eat something too big?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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26 The Most Handsome Serbian Man in All of Los Angeles (w/ Alexandra Jensen)
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49:39In this Guestisode, David & Alex ask: Is it Roy Orbison, have we sent robots there, and do you have to become more bear than human?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it squishy, is it doing something to a submarine, and when do you think ninja smoke clouds are going to become trendy among the youth?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Are they circus folk, is there some weird sort of beach cult happening right now, and is Jackie Chan on the beach?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is he a scrimshaw artist, does it have hooves, and is it Adnan?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Does she fight crime, is there a bicoastal rap feud between the Wicked Witch of the West and the Wicked Witch of the East, and by God, what else is there!?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Didja poop in it, is it made of rocks, and how does gravity work?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it pudding, does it concern a great pharaonic work, and is it a husband and wife architecture firm?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it Double Sherlock Holmes, is it something that you would normally do in a library, and what the hell is north of Boston?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Do we eat the flower, is the protagonist a human being, and can you win this game?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it a three-legged animal, is it an ethnic group from Belgium, and is it former Polish president Lech Wałęsa?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Are they spreading diseases, is it 1936, year of Poltergeist, and is the pie made of boots?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it currently on a conveyor belt of some kind, is something wrong with it beyond the fact of its sentience, and is it going into the air conditioning system?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this Christmasode, David asks: Does it wear a coat, is the snow unnecessarily high, and is it something that goes in a cookie?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it white because it's the depths of horrible Russian winter and we're all dying, did he steal a bunch of salmon or something, and is it a vengeful bird?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is he in Tbilisi or something, who does The Devil answer to, and goat?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this Thanksgivisode, David asks: Do they eat people for Thanksgiving, is he wearing decorative gourds and garlands of corn, and is there something terrible in the pumpkin pie?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Where is Burning Man, is murder its sole function, and is the cheese sentient?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Does it concern a mislaid scone, is it in the Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual, and is it a full-sized pig with tiny little sparrow wings?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this episode, David asks: Is it GOJIRA, do you rub it on yourself, and how close did I get the name pronunciation?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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In this Halloweenisode, David asks: Is it Lawrence Olivier, how many jello molds are there, and didn't you know my backstory where I was frozen in a mountain?By David Rheinstrom & David Brunell-Brutman
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