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Happy 2025! Let's talk about Hope! Pope Francis has declared 2025 a jubilee year - a year of reconciliation, healing, and mercy. The theme for this jubilee year is "Pilgrims of Hope." So what does it mean to have Hope? How can we grow in Hope, even when bad things are happening? How can we be signs of Hope to others? We'll also wrap up this episode…
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What does the "Immaculate Conception" mean? Where do we see evidence of Mary's sinlessness in the Bible? What did the early church fathers have to say about Mary? Why is Mary so important? In this episode, we look at the Catholic church's dogma of the Immaculate Conception. Donate via PayPal Support us on Patreon! Contact the podcast: crashcourseca…
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What is a declaration of nullity, and how is it different from divorce? Can the Catholic church ever dissolve a marriage? What factors would render a marriage null? What does the process of annulment involve? In this episode, we look at the often-misunderstood process of annulment. Donate via PayPal Support us on Patreon! Contact the podcast: crash…
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What's the difference between doctrine and dogma? What's an ecumenical council and how is it different from a synod? What's an encyclical, or an apostolic exhortation, or a papal bull? In this episode, we cover terminology that often comes up in Catholic teaching: Doctrine Dogma Ecumenical council Synod Apostolic Constitution Encyclical Apostolic E…
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What does the Catholic church teach about angels? How many angels are there? Can they read our minds or see the future? Can I give my guardian angel a name? In this episode we cover the church's teaching on the angels, and tell some stories of the relationship of the saints to their guardian angels. Donate via PayPal Support us on Patreon! Contact …
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Paul and Mary Magdalene were not part of the twelve apostles, but they WERE two incredibly important figures in the early Christian church. They were also both just completely awesome. In this episode, we wrap up our discussion of the apostles with the stories of Saints Paul and Mary Magdalene. Donate via PayPal Support us on Patreon! Contact the p…
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Who were the apostles? What were their lives like? What do we know about them? In these episodes, we unpack the lives of the apostles (plus a couple of bonus extras). Today, we continue with Matthew and John. Donate via PayPal Support us on Patreon! Contact the podcast: [email protected]. Instagram:…
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Who were the apostles? What were their lives like? What do we know about them? In these episodes, we unpack the lives of the apostles (plus a couple of bonus extras). Today, we continue with Matthew and John. Donate via PayPal Support us on Patreon! Contact the podcast: [email protected]. Instagram:…
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Who were the apostles? What were their lives like? What do we know about them? In these episodes, we unpack the lives of the apostles (plus a couple of bonus extras). Today, we continue with four apostles: Andrew, Philip, and the two Jameses. Donate via PayPal Support us on Patreon! Contact the podcast: [email protected]. Instagram: …
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Who were the apostles? What were their lives like? What do we know about them? In the next few episodes, we're going to unpack the lives of the apostles (plus a couple of bonus extras), beginning with this episode on Simon Peter. Donate via PayPal: Support us on Patreon! Contact the podc…
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In this life, are we supposed to suffer or to be happy? Why does God allow us to suffer? Is suffering compatible with joy? In this episode, we explore the mystery of suffering. Donate via PayPal: Support us on Patreon! Contact the podcast: [email protected]. Instagram: htt…
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Did Jesus always know that he was God, or did he acquire that knowledge at some point during his childhood or adolescence? Were there things that Jesus didn't know when he was on earth? Did he know what was going to happen in the future? Was Jesus ever tempted to sin, or to despair? In this episode, we discuss the incredible mystery of the hypostat…
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Every. Single. Mass. Is a miracle. Eucharistic miracles remind us of that fact. In this episode, we discuss four amazing incidents, three of which occurred in the last thirty years. In each of these miracles, a communion host transformed into human tissue: specifically, into tissue taken from a living human heart that was in agony. Each of these mi…
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Pope Francis has just announced that Blessed Carlo Acutis is going to be the first millenial saint. Carlo Acutis was an ordinary teenager who died suddenly at the age of 15. He was known for his love of God, and in particular for his love for Jesus Christ, truly present in the Eucharist. Carlo loved soccer, animals, nutella, gaming, and coding. His…
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If the point of my faith is to set me free, why are there so many things I *have* to do as a Catholic? What should I do when I feel like I'm doing things because I have to and not because I want to? What's the difference between being free and doing whatever I want? In this episode, we discuss interior freedom. Donate via PayPal: https://www.paypal…
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Does everyone have a vocation? How do I know what my vocation is? Can I say no to God's call? What if I make the wrong choice? In this episode, we discuss what it means to live out our call to holiness and apostolate in a unique, personal way. Donate via PayPal: Support us on Patreon! Co…
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St. Gianna Beretta Molla was born in 1922. As a young woman, she wanted to be a missionary but eventually saw that God was calling her to marriage and family life. She became a pediatrician, and she and her husband Pietro had three children. They lived a full and joyful life. When she was pregnant with her fourth child, she was diagnosed with a ben…
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What's an indulgence? How do I obtain one? Is it true that the Catholic church sold indulgences in the past? In this episode, we wrap up our discussion on penance and contrition in the lead-up to Holy Week. Donate via PayPal: Support us on Patreon! Contact the podcast: crashcoursecatholi…
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What should I say in the confessional? What happens if I forget one of my sins, or forget to say my penance? Can non-Catholics go to confession? This episode is a practical guide for going to confession. Donate via PayPal: Support us on Patreon! Contact the podcast: crashcoursecatholicis…
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What are the origins of Lent? Do I have to give something up? Why is there no mass on Good Friday? How long does the Easter season last? (Hint: ages) In this episode, we discuss the Lenten and Easter Seasons. Donate via PayPal: Support us on Patreon! Contact the podcast: crashcoursecatho…
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“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19) How does the Catholic church dialogue with other faiths and denominations without compromising on the truth? Why is it important to have friends who don't share my beliefs? How can I be genuinely open to others' opinions without becoming relativistic? In this episode, we wrap up our d…
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How do we balance unity and diversity within the Catholic church? Do Catholics have to accept every single one of the official teachings of the church? Does union with the pope mean accepting and believing every single thing he says? In this episode, we discuss unity and diversity within the Catholic church. Donate via PayPal:…
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What are charisms? Do Catholics believe that people can speak in tongues? How do I know what my unique gifts are? Happy New Year! Welcome to our first episode of 2024! Donate via PayPal: Support us on Patreon! Contact the podcast: [email protected]. Instagram: https://www.…
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What should we do during Advent? Have we always celebrated Christmas on the 25th December? What are the origins of the Christmas tree and the nativity scene? In this episode, we discuss one of the most beautiful and important times in the Catholic calendar. Donate via PayPal: Support us …
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The appearance of Our Lady at Fátima in 1917 was one of the most incredible and significant events of the twentieth century. In these apparitions, Mary encouraged the world to pray the rosary, and to pray for peace, poor sinners, and the pope. She also performed one of the most mind-blowing miracles you'll ever hear about. In this episode, we finis…
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The appearance of Our Lady at Fátima in 1917 was one of the most incredible and significant events of the twentieth century. In these apparitions, Mary encouraged the world to pray the rosary, and to pray for peace, poor sinners, and the pope. She also performed one of the most mind-blowing miracles you'll ever hear about. In this episode, we begin…
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Where did the rosary come from? How do you pray it? Is praying to Mary a form of idolatry? In this episode, we discuss one of the most beautiful and powerful prayers of the Catholic church. Donate via PayPal: Support us on Patreon! Contact the podcast: [email protected]. I…
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What are the roots of Halloween? Can Catholics celebrate it? Do Catholics believe in GHOSTS?! (Spooooky) In this episode, we discuss Halloween, and how we might celebrate it as Catholics. Donate via PayPal: Support us on Patreon! Contact the podcast: [email protected]. Ins…
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St. Mark Ji Tianxiang was a doctor who lived in the late 1800s, who was martyred for his faith during the Boxer Rebellion. He was also an opium addict who struggled with his addiction for 30 years, and was a drug addict at the time of his death. St. Mark Ji is an example to anyone struggling with addiction, disorders, or mental illness. Donate via …
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How do the devil's tactics change as we progress in the spiritual life? How do we fight against temptation? What are the signs that I am progressing in the spiritual life? In this episode, we wrap up our discussion of spiritual warfare, and the ways that we can fight it. Donate via PayPal:…
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The term 'spiritual warfare' can sound a bit dramatic, but it's actually something pretty normal that we all face. The devil is real, and he does NAHT want us to get to heaven. In this episode, we begin our discussion of spiritual warfare, and the ways that we can fight it. Donate via PayPal:…
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What is a saint? How does the Catholic church decide if someone is a saint? In this episode we discuss the formal process of canonisation in the Catholic church. Donate via PayPal: Support us on Patreon! Contact the podcast: [email protected]. Instagram: https://www.instag…
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What is Feminism? What does the Catholic Church teach about women, and their role in society? Are Catholicism and Feminism compatible? In this "Catholicism and..." series, we look at contemporary cultural, social, and political topics alongside Catholicism and consider how we might engage with them through the lens of Catholic teaching. Donate via …
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Blessed Franz Jägerstätter was an Austrian conscientious objector during WWII. He was imprisoned and eventually executed for refusing to fight for the Nazis or swear an oath of allegiance to Hitler. In 2007 he was officially declared a martyr by Pope Benedict XVI and was later beatified. His story has inspired many who have been pressured to behave…
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The Mass is incredible. Mindblowing. Beautiful. In this episode we step through the mass from beginning to end, and explain what happens and why. Donate via PayPal: Support us on Patreon! Contact the podcast: [email protected]. Instagram:…
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What is Mass? Who can go to Mass? Why all the sitting and standing and kneeling? What's the difference between the Latin Mass and the novus ordo mass? In this episode, we cover some common questions about the Mass. Donate via PayPal: Support us on Patreon! Contact the podcast: crashcours…
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WE DID IT WE FINISHED THE WHOLE CATECHISM!!! In this episode, we wrap up THE CATECHISM with a discussion of the Our Father. This episode covers Part Four, Section Two of the Catechism (pts. 2759-2865) Donate via PayPal: Support us on Patreon! Contact the podcast: crashcoursecatholicism@g…
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What's the difference between meditation and contemplation? What should I include in a Plan of Life? What are some common obstacles to prayer, and how can I overcome them? In this episode, we wrap up our introduction to prayer. This episode covers Part Four, Section One, Chapter Two, Article Three, and Chapter Three, Articles One and Two of the Cat…
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What's the difference between adoration and thanksgiving? Why does it matter? Should I pray at specific times or should prayer be spontaneous? In this episode, we continue our discussion of prayer by discussing the forms of prayer. This episode covers Part Four, Section One, Chapter One, Article Three, and Chapter Two, Articles One and Two of the C…
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What does it mean to pray? Is it just words and gestures, or is it something more? When we pray, does God always give us what we want? In this episode, we begin our discussion of Part Four of the Catechism This episode covers Part Four, Section One, Chapter One, Articles One and Two of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (pts 2556-2622). Donate vi…
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"You shall not covet your neighbour's goods" Is it bad to desire material things? Is envy always a sin? How can I avoid being jealous? In this episode, we wrap up our discussion of Part Three of the Catechism (!) This episode covers Part Three, Section Two, Chapter Two, Article Ten of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (pts 2534-2557). Donate via…
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"You shall not covet your neighbour's wife" What does it mean to be 'pure of heart'? Is modesty outdated? Is it all about shame? Is it just for girls? (Nope, nope, and NOPE!) In this episode, we discuss the Ninth Commandment. This episode covers Part Three, Section Two, Chapter Two, Article Eight of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (pts 2514-25…
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"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." What are the obligations of the news media to the truth? What's the relationship between truth and beauty? Is all art beautiful? In this episode we wrap up our discussion of the eighth commandment. This episode covers Part Three, Section Two, Chapter Two, Article Eight of the Catechism of th…
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"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." Is it ever okay to lie? Can gossip be a mortal sin? Is it okay to publicly call someone out for doing the wrong thing? In this episode we continue our discussion of the eighth commandment. This episode covers Part Three, Section Two, Chapter Two, Article Eight of the Catechism of the Catholi…
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"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." Is there such thing as objective truth? Is it ALWAYS better to tell the truth? Are there situations where it's better to lie? (Pls excuse the the background cicadas #straya) This episode covers Part Three, Section Two, Chapter Two, Article Eight of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (pts 2…
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"You shall not steal." What does a just economic system look like? Is work necessary? Do wealthy nations have an obligation to help poorer ones? This episode covers Part Three, Section Two, Chapter Two, Article Seven of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (pts 2419-2463). Donate via PayPal:…
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"You shall not steal." What actually constitutes stealing? Is anything absolutely my own? How much should I give to others? In this episode, we begin our discussion of the seventh Commandment. This episode covers Part Three, Section Two, Chapter Two, Article Seven of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (pts 2401-2418). Donate via PayPal: https://w…
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"Thou shalt not commit adultery." What is the point of marriage? Is divorce a sin? What about contraception, or IVF? In this episode, we wrap up our discussion of the sixth Commandment. This episode covers Part Three, Section Two, Chapter Two, Article Six of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (pts 2337-2359). Donate via PayPal: https://www.paypal…
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