This is my take on a variety of issues whether they're important or not. Who knows where this is going to go? I am a comedian on the spectrum in Las Vegas, NV, and you'll just have to roll with me to see if you enjoy this scatterbrained podcast or not.
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A random and even more unfocused rant on topical themes as well as me in the Vegas comedy scene.
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This is the first episode of my newly rebranded podcast.
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I ramble about the missing chick, Candyman and my mental health.
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I'm changing the name and direction of this podcast for my listeners. I feel like I've changed direction as a person and now I want my work to reflect that change.
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Review: A- I review the new film from Ari Aster called Midsommar. This film is an incredible sophomore debut from a horror director and shows a true master of this genre with a vision and the talent to make a great film. It's more commercial than Hereditary but still just as engrossing and bloody. This is a breakup story stretched to be as extreme …
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Review: B I review the remake of Child's Play. This film is well done with great work from all involved to take it in a different direction.
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Suspiria, Halloween and other movies with Paul Ferrell
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1:09:40Paul Ferrell and I discuss Halloween movies as well as other related movie news.
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Rating: B+A very unique critique of capitalism and numerous other social constructs with a great lead performance that only falters when it gets a bit too much style over substance.
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Rating: BIf you let your mind go and just enjoy this rush of cheesy Jon Turteltaub and Jason Statham humor and the intensity of the shark attack scenes then you will enjoy this film. I know I sure did even though it did feel a bit constrained from going fully into it's unique premise.
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Rating: C-Despite a few decent scares and a chilling atmosphere, this film is as cookie cutter and predictable as horror movies come with bland characters and no development. You'll leave this film wishing that Slenderman had a better movie.
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Rating: CA missed opportunity that is undone by a formulaic Purge story that we have seen before but with a charismatic performance from its lead to hold it together just enough.
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Review: BThis film has some great chills and as usual used it's concept to keep an intense pace to a more realistic story despite lacking the strong relationship building and character development that the first one had.
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I analyze box office predictions for July 20-22, 2018 including new releases such as Equalizer 2, Unfriended: Dark Web, and Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again.
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Rating: BDespite a by the numbers story and moments of pure cheese that take you out of the movie, it coasts on Dwayne Johnson's charisma and humanizing performance and some tremendous action set pieces.
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Review: BA fun throwaway film with great performances and it's own sense of style despite a lack of a compelling story and a questionable direction for its titular hero.
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The box office recap for the 4th of July weekend and it includes a look at the performances of Ant Man and the Wasp, The First Purge and more.
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Rating: FA completely unnecessary B-movie with a clearly disinterested Nicholas Cage in the lead role. This film tries to mix legal drama with B-movie violence and it fails miserably at both. It's on Netflix now and it's still not worth it.
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Box office recap with an analysis of the performances of Uncle Drew and Sicario 2.
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Rating: B-Uncle Drew overcomes a formulaic plot and script thanks to great chemistry from it's cast and some truly hysterical moments that allow the film to overcome its familiar territory.
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Rating:BAn incredibly hallow story that merely serves to get from point A to point B is elevated by excellent performances from Brolin and Del Toro and a grim and gritty atmosphere that never lets up.
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I review the box office debut of Jurassic World and analyze how other movies fared this week.
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Rating: B+American Animals is a great story that benefits from a great lead performance from Evan Peters and solid direction even when the film gets bogged down by some needless scenes.
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Rating: CA massive disappoint. Good direction and set pieces can't save a film with a plodding script that goes nowhere. This film lacked the punch it needed to make an impact.
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Rating: FGotti is a disaster. John Travolta tries his best but he can't save this disaster of a movie where he and most of the other wooden performances appear to forget what movie they are in. Sloppy direction and an incomprehensible plot make this one of the worst films of the year.
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Incredibles 2 Box Office Accomplishments after 4 days
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3:27I analyze the records that have been broken by the Incredibles 2.
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A weekend recap of the performance at the box office.
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Rating: BAn engaging if predictable comedy horror film boosted by two charismatic performances from leads Briana Hildebrand and Alexandra Shipp.
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I look at the box office estimates for the weekend and at The Incredibles 2 setting a record at over 180 million opening weekend and updates on future episodes and reviews.
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Rating: C+Great chemistry from the cast and some brilliant scenes of action comedy can't save the film from it's shallow and underdeveloped character and a plot that takes a heartwarming story of friendship into an unnecessarily cynical and a times sleazy direction.
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Rating: A- This film is an absolute blast. It has action scenes that give Marvel a run for its money and has the chemistry and direction from the cast and Brad Bird that gives this film a rush of energy despite it lacking the depth of the original.
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Rating: CFar better than the trailer but overall just a serviceable gender swap remake buoyed by solid performances by Eugenio Derbez and Anna Faris
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Rating: C+This film is shallow and definitely clumsily plotted but it has some great action scenes and some moments of great exploitation humor that make this film entertaining and stylish.
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Rating: B+Terrific performances, solid direction and a well written script help engage the audience with a difficult subject and story that digs deep at the issues of homosexuality and religion.
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Defending Hereditary despite its D+ Cinemascore
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5:41I discuss Hereditary getting a D+ on Cinemascore and why you should still see it despite its low score. I also discuss why audiences might not be drawn to this type of horror movie.
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Rating: A-This is a great character study and a psychological thriller that manages to subvert expectations and every turn that makes the story more thrilling as it unfolds than the reveal itself. This is thanks to a wonderful performance from Jessie Buckley .
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Rating: DA completely generic thriller that should've been straight to DVD, only positive takeaway is that it shows Gabrielle Union deserves better roles because she is a very compelling in this movie.
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Rating: B- This movie is campy fun with a great cast that elevates it with their performances even if it is a bit too familiar to the Soderbergh series.
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Rating: CA half baked film with great ideas but a lack of execution to really deliver a film worthy of them despite its stellar cast with one of Jodie Foster's best performances.
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Rating: A Give Toni Collette an Oscar nomination right now. She gives a career best performance in a film that truly gets under your skin. This is one of the best arthouse and mainstream horror films I have ever seen.
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Rating: F. Decent actors trying their best in a film with a timely theme but completely let down by horrible dialogue and some scenes that so poorly thought out that it almost does a disservice to victims of sex trafficking.
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Rating: C A survival thriller with a great performance from Shailene Woodley and beautiful cinematography but let down by a lack of chemistry between the two leads and a bad narrative structure that takes you out of the moment.
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Rating : F This film is terrible. It's easily the worst film that I have seen so far. It's boring, has no laughs and is terribly paced and tame compared to a normal jackass movie. Wooden performances and a lack of a cohesive plot further diminish the potential of this film.
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Rating: B This film is a balls to the wall B movie with some great action scenes, incredible production and visuals and a charismatic lead performance from Logan Marshall-Green that allows this film to overcome an underdeveloped plot and weak ending.
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A review of Book Club. With an incredible cast of veteran actresses and actors, you have a fun movie that rises above the material even if the fun in the first half is drowned out by a depressing and cliche second half. Review: C+
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Review: BDefinitely not as good as the first one and I don't expect it to make nearly as much money as the first one but it's good comic book fun even though it drags a bunch in the beginning before becoming it's own movie. Plenty of blood, humor and the violence that we expect.
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I discuss Solo and what I liked and didnt like about it. Not a perfect film but it is breezy fun and it's a solid B-.
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Introduction to the show and what the scheduling of episodes will be like. A very brief introduction and some comments about the Summer Movie Season ahead.
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