We are hear to occupy until Jesus returns. This is the generation of saints that will show forth the power of God and bring in a mass harvest of souls as we engage the miraculous!
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What are you passionate for? It’s vital that our passion’s are rooted first with God and then everything else thrives from there.By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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4 Keys to lite the fuse of miracles.By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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We are not meant to be information holders, purely. We are meant to take the information we learn from the word of God and apply it to our lives to see victory in every area.By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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God sent us the Holy Ghost to aid us in our fulfillment and manifest Heaven on earth.By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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Have you ever experienced a sudden violent storm come out of nowhere in your life? Let’s learn from the word of God how to handle these situations properly.By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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There’s power available no matter the circumstance, it’s time to overcome!By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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Unhindered Faith by rightly dividing the Word
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23:02God doesn’t need the devils help. This generation needs a fresh hunger to know what the Bible actually says and to know what is “allowed” in the life of a believer. I’ll give you a hint; it’s victory!By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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Heavens streets are paved with gold. Today is the perfect day to be free from lack and discover that the Lord is your shepherd you shall not lack!By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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Let’s talk about what happened this Christmas season and the fulfillment of it. All that Christ died for is so that you can live!By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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This world is riddled with mental anguish. As children of light we are called to overcome. Be equipped with the keys to break the stranglehold of heaviness today!By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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Let’s talk about what happened this Christmas season and the fulfillment of it. All that Christ died for is so that you can live!By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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God didn’t send us into this world empty handed. There is a power from on High that indwells every believer, it’s time to understand the anointing.By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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Let’s use wisdom and avoid things that would trip us up as a believer. We will not be ignorant of the devil‘s devices.By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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Being a believer is not only knowing what the word of God says but also demonstrating it!By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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Being a believer is not only knowing what the word of God says but also demonstrating it!By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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Why it is important to understand the supernatural
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18:49It’s important we know the full Bible not leaving anything out. There is so much in the word about the supernatural realm, that is very real to a believer.By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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We share our stories of how God brought us to where we are.By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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There are so many running, but few that are running with a Winning mindset.By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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We will not live in low level Christianity. We will grab a hold of everything that God has available to us.By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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The Bible talks all about Angels. It is our great privilege to dive into the Word and become more knowledgeable about the help we’ve been given here on the Earth.By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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The story of how we got startedBy Chad and Lauren Seymour
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This is who we are and what we are about.By Chad and Lauren Seymour
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