This Sunday morning program provides a meaningful worship service for those far from God or unable to attend a local church. With insightful teaching from Pastor Philip Miller and joyous congregational worship, you’re invited to join Jesus on the journey of a lifetime.
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Some view the Sermon on the Mount as random bits of wisdom. But Jesus’ "Golden Rule" is unlike any other code of ethics. In this message from Matthew 7, Pastor Philip Miller guides us through this complex passage, where Jesus reveals three types of hearts: the unhelpful, the helpful, and the helpless. What kind of heart treats others rightly? This …
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There’s so much to worry about in life: Politics, economy, our health, safety, our families. But worry is not our friend. In this message from Matthew 6, Pastor Philip Miller walks us through six antidotes Jesus offers us to free us from worry. We exist in a God-filled and God-kept universe—so why worry? This month’s special offer is available for …
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In our broken world, the kingdom of heaven is establishing a beachhead of the new creation. And Jesus is inviting us to follow Him into this cosmic disruption. In this message from Matthew 6, Pastor Philip Miller shows us three insights into what it means to invest in the kingdom of heaven. Because, only what’s done for Christ will last. This month…
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Fasting isn't just about skipping meals. It's a pattern of life that focuses less on the physical and attends to the spiritual. In this message, Pastor Philip Miller explains how fasting is often overlooked, yet it's a biblical practice worth adopting. What if fasting is less about appetite suppression and more about growing our hunger for God? Thi…
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For millennia, the church has recited the Lord’s Prayer with this final benediction, “For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.” This is a blessing to God, giving Him the honor due His name. In this message, Pastor Philip Miller explains the frame, the scope, and the goal of this benediction. There is light and high beauty…
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We all prefer to avoid life's tests and trials. But Jesus taught us to pray “Lead us not into temptation,” preparing us for those challenges. In this message, Pastor Philip Miller explains four ways this prayer guides us through temptation. How do we find our footing when we feel frail and faltering? This month’s special offer is available for a do…
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t’s not hard to see that our world needs to be a more forgiving place. What if forgiveness can turn our world upside-down? In this message, Pastor Philip Miller looks at the gravity, symmetry, and trajectory of forgiveness. When we owed a debt we could never pay, Jesus paid a debt He never owed. This month’s special offer is available for a donatio…
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The story of Jesus’ coming is filled with surprises. When Mary and Joseph arrived at the temple for a routine visit, they encountered two unexpected figures. In this message, Pastor Philip Miller explores the portrayal, the prospect, and the prophecy of God’s redemption. Who could fathom that God, to whom we owe everything, would give up everything…
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The first-century world was a highly stratified and class conscious one. That’s why the Gospel of Luke makes sure we don’t miss the lowly origins of Jesus. In this message, Pastor Philip Miller uncovers Jesus’ sovereignty, His extravagancy, and His modesty. Anyone, anywhere, at anytime can come to Jesus and find life. This month’s special offer is …
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An encounter in person, rather than on a screen, is personal and tangible. When Mary witnessed God's salvation firsthand, her heart burst into the "Magnificat," a song of praise. In this message from Luke 1, Pastor Philip Miller highlights three traits of the heart God desires to awaken in us this Christmas. When things become personal, everything …
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Advent, meaning “coming,” is a time to slow down and reflect on our deepest expectations. Long ago, Mary learned from an angel that the greatest child ever known would come through her. In this message, Pastor Philip Miller gives three clues from Gabriel's announcement about who this child would be. What must God be like for Him to come so quietly?…
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Most people try not to bother God with the little things. We mistake self-reliance as freedom, but that doesn’t sound much like Jesus. In this message, Pastor Philip Miller explores five prayer characteristics to realign our souls in utter dependence on God. Jesus opens our eyes to real freedom because there’s no living without Him. This month’s sp…
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Our world is full of tragedy and trauma, pain and sorrow. We need to align with what God wants most: the redemption, renewal, and righting of all things in the universe. In this message from Matthew 6, Pastor Philip Miller asks four key questions about God’s kingdom. May we all pray, “Come quickly, Lord Jesus!” This month’s special offer is availab…
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For many of us, prayer raises more questions than answers. Am I doing it right? How can I know God is even listening? In this message, Pastor Philip Miller focuses on the first sentence that guides us in prayer and shows us the One to whom we pray. This prayer for Jesus’ disciples turns the world upside down, and it can change our lives too. This m…
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It’s common to feel frustrated about prayer. When we feel like God isn’t answering or we don’t feel heard, many of us just give up. In this message from Matthew 6, Pastor Philip Miller explains three modes of praying: two that never work, and the only way that will. Let’s orient our hearts towards God as He intends for us to pray. This month’s spec…
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The original word for hypocrite means actor or stage player. Jesus uses this word, hypocrite, to call out religious fakery. In this message from Matthew 5–6, Pastor Philip Miller shows us three dynamics of religious hypocrisy: its profile, the tyranny of applause, and the freedom of secrecy. What if we allowed the quiet smile of heaven to eclipse t…
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Jesus’ message is radical: to love our enemies instead of seeking retaliation or revenge. When we take our eyes off of ourselves and our rights, it reveals a heart that is at home in the kingdom of heaven. In this message, Pastor Philip Miller shares three perspectives from Jesus on enemy-love. Jesus is still turning our world, and our thought proc…
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Where trust is lacking, we often manipulate others to swear they’ll keep their promise. But swearing oaths is symptomatic of a deeper problem in our hearts. In this message, Pastor Philip Miller looks at the symptoms, the diagnosis, and the prescription of Doctor Jesus. What did Jesus mean when He said: “Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’”? T…
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In a world full of miserable marriages and devastating divorces, there’s a better way. It all starts with a new heart that only Jesus can give us. In this message from Matthew 5, Pastor Philip Miller makes three key observations about the grounds for divorce, the hardness of the human heart, and the holiness of marriage. Jesus offers a new way of l…
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In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus addresses the topic of lust, and it’s not what we think it is. We’ll see the severity needed to overcome a “lustful look.” In this message from Matthew 5, Pastor Philip Miller explains three factors in developing new affections. We can’t look to human beings to meet the deep soul needs that only God can satisfy. Th…
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Sometimes our anger is big and explosive, while other times it’s simmering and smoldering. Anger carried around in our bodies spills out like acid on those around us. In this message, Pastor Philip Miller invites us to follow Jesus’ radical way of an inner heart righteousness. What if the anger within our hearts could be diffused before it ever gat…
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In Jesus’ day, a Pharisee would have been the poster child for righteousness. We might try to clean up our act outwardly, but our hearts are a sinful mess. In this message from Matthew 5, Pastor Philip Miller contrasts the Pharisees’ righteousness with God’s by asking three provoking questions. How do we become truly righteous? This month’s special…
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Every one of us is entrusted with a sphere of influence. Our actions, words, and deeds leave a mark on the world. In this message from Matthew 5, Pastor Philip Miller explains what it means to be salt and light and asks: Where is God calling us to radical holiness and presence? It’s the little things that end up changing our world. This month’s spe…
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A young Jewish carpenter-turned-Rabbi turned the world upside down with His Sermon on the Mount. He announced blessing for the least, the last, and the left behind. In this message from Matthew 5, Pastor Philip Miller explores three unexpected themes from Jesus’ beatitudes. Many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first. This …
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Our modern world is dominated by divisive and corrupt political kingdoms. Whose kingdom will we live for? In this message introducing Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 4, Pastor Philip Miller shares three ironic realities about the kingdom of God. What if the upside-down way of Jesus is, in fact, the right-side up way of life? This month’s sp…
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In many ways, the Book of Philippians is a kind of “thank you” note from the apostle Paul. Despite their own hardships, the Philippian believers had pooled their resources and sent a gift to sustain him. In this message from Philippians 4, Pastor Philip Miller notes three values of those who are truly rich. What do we value most in life? This month…
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Satan loves to sow discord and disunity into the church. He’s not creative, but he is effective. In this message from Philippians 4, Pastor Philip Miller uncovers three keys to peace-filled relationships within the church. Let’s overcome disunity by getting past the misapplication of some of the most well-known verses in the Bible. This month’s spe…
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Every moment of every day is an opportunity to be with Jesus and learn from Him. We’re all still growing up—with a lot of maturing ahead of us. In this message from Philippians 2, Pastor Philip Miller walks us through three insights on spiritual maturity while living here but belonging in heaven. Who do you want to be when you “grow up?” This month…
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We all long to be affirmed and approved. Our sense of self and identity determine how we behave and who we become. In this message from Philippians 3, Pastor Philip Miller shows us three basic strategies we can employ to gain a sense of self. What if we found approval from the one Person in all the universe whose opinion matters most? This month’s …
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We, whether knowingly or not, imitate those we are around. So, are we imitating someone who is imitating Christ? In this message, Pastor Philip Miller shows why Paul says Timothy and Epaphroditus are models of Christ-likeness. They embodied three levels of service, as emissaries, as encouragers, and as exemplaries. This month’s special offer is ava…
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What makes someone great? While society’s definition of greatness focuses on the external, God’s idea of greatness centers on the internal. In this message from Philippians 2, Pastor Philip Miller provides four insights about true greatness: its priority, model, secret, and beauty. Let’s get back to the basics of being humble, servant-hearted Chris…
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We all have a core reason to go on living. Imagine what the apostle Paul must have felt under house arrest: anxiety, self-pity, helplessness, or even bitterness. In this message from Philippians 1, Pastor Philip Miller shows Paul’s model of a life worthy of the Gospel. What if Christ were our reason for rejoicing, our purpose in living, and our mea…
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Life is complex. But the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ changes everything. In this message from Philippians 1, Pastor Philip Miller shares four fruits of the Gospel which change our family, our priorities, and our destiny. Let’s get back to the basics of a joyful life in God, bearing abundant fruit. This month’s special offer is available for…
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We’re called to reach a culture that has rejected God and run in the other direction. Could God be inviting us to embody the scandal of His grace towards our enemies? In this message from Jonah 4, Pastor Philip Miller shares the shocking ending of Jonah’s call to Ninevah. Let’s discover the do’s and don’ts of sharing God’s heart for our enemies. Th…
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We might think the Old Testament only portrays the wrath and judgment of God. But God’s enduring character is displayed throughout the entire Bible, including His unrelenting grace. In this message from Jonah 3, Pastor Philip Miller helps us see afresh three aspects of God’s posture towards undeserving people. God is so quickly moved toward compass…
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Just as coal must be crushed to become a diamond, there’s a brokenness we must learn to be useful to God. When Jonah came to the end of himself in the belly of the great fish, he prays a beautiful poem. In this message, Pastor Philip Miller points out four pivotal moments of Jonah’s prayer. God-ordained trials might just be our redemption. This mon…
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When we run and hide from God, God comes looking for us. Jonah tried to run, but God sent a ferocious storm and a giant fish to bring him back—because God loved Jonah. In this message, Pastor Philip Miller notes three movements in God’s relentless pursuit of Jonah. God never gives up on those He loves. This month’s special offer is available for a …
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When God speaks, everyone is supposed to listen. But the story of Jonah is for people like us who run from God and need second chances. In this message, Pastor Philip Miller explores three themes from Jonah’s story: an uncomfortable call, an unexpected flight, and an unrelenting grace. God will never stop pursuing us. This month’s special offer is …
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Supernatural evil does exist. Paul uses the analogy of a Roman soldier armed for battle to describe the spiritual protection that is ours in Jesus Christ. In this message from Ephesians 6, Pastor Philip Miller zeroes in on the reason, function, and source of the armor of God. We have all we need to fight off Satan’s attacks. This month’s special of…
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The Gospel matters all day, every day. It has implications for all of life, especially in family and work relationships. In this message from Ephesians 6, Pastor Philip Miller explores eight principles for our relationships, from supervisors and employees to parents and children. Our relationship with God changes all our other relationships. This m…
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The world views marriage as a path to societal stability or to personal fulfillment. What is the Christian understanding of marriage? In this message from Ephesians 5, Pastor Philip Miller lays out the shape, call, and purpose of Christian marriage. Both marriage and singleness are meant to display the nature of God’s love. This month’s special off…
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The change that God intends to bring into our lives isn’t superficial. The power of the triune God is forming us into the image of Christ. In this message from Ephesians 5, Pastor Philip Miller walks us through God’s three-dimensional transformation: upward, outward, and inward. The deep, comprehensive change we need is beyond our doing. This month…
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Our new family in Christ doesn’t live like other families do. Living in God’s house, as part of His family, means the house rules have changed. In this message, Pastor Philip Miller contrasts our “old self” with how we are called to walk in our new life in Christ. Let’s consider five examples of what a Spirit-led life in God’s family looks like. Th…
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If we’re God’s children, how does God want us to live? Paul’s letter to the Ephesians addresses the whole church to answer this question. In this message from Ephesians 4, Pastor Philip Miller focuses on three indications of interdependency within the church: unity, diversity, and maturity. We all have different gifts, but we belong to one body. Th…
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God hears and listens to children He loves. Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3 is one of the most powerful and glorious prayers recorded in the Bible. In this message, Pastor Philip Miller shows us how prayer is our lifeline to God. By walking us through Paul’s prayer, we’re encouraged to pray in full confidence. This month’s special offer is available f…
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What makes suffering for Christ worthwhile? In the Gospel, all our hardship, pain, and loss have a purpose. In this message, Pastor Philip Miller unpacks God’s surprising plot twist that makes our sacrifices worth it. God uses ordinary sinners, like Paul suffering for the Gospel in prison, to enact God’s wondrous Gospel story. This month’s special …
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Easter Sunday marks the turning of the tide. The power of sin is shattered, the chains of Satan are broken, and the dominion of death is conquered. In this message, Pastor Philip Miller identifies three seismic shifts in our world because of the empty tomb: historically, philosophically, and spiritually. Jesus’ resurrection changes everything. This…
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Like a cross, salvation works on both a vertical and a horizontal axis. Salvation reconciles us with God, and it reconciles us with one another. In this message, Pastor Philip Miller shows us three stages in the story of our adoption into God’s family. Is it possible to break down the walls that divide us? This month’s special offer is available fo…
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All of humanity is born spiritually dead. But by God’s grace, through our faith in Christ alone, we can be made spiritually alive. In this message from Ephesians 2, Pastor Philip Miller relates how our new life in Christ gives us a new purpose in life. Even now, God has prepared good works that we might walk in them. This month’s special offer is a…
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Christians have a secret identity. Even though we may not feel it at times, through faith in Jesus we are sons and daughters of God. In this message from Ephesians 1, Pastor Philip Miller shares three ways we can be confident of this truth: a bold prayer, a glorious perspective, and immeasurable power. Our secret identity will soon be revealed in g…
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