show episodes
Who's Your God? is the podcast for whatever the hell you believe in. Comedian and host Amy Miller is joined every week by her co-host John Michael Bond and producer Steve Hernandez to chat with a guest about religion, beliefs, god, and whatever gets them through the day. Who's Your God? is the podcast for anyone who might feel alienated by specifically Christian OR Atheist podcasts. We are three comedians who grew up in the church and we're open to whatever you believe. We are also funny and ...
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show series
Text: Genesis 3:1-7 Satan’s Deceitful Devices (Genesis 3:1-5) Satan is the crafty serpent in the Garden of Eden (Revelation 12:9). Satan strategy involves attacking and distorting God’s Word. Satan’s goal is for us to doubt and disobey God’s Word Man’s Defiant Disobedience (Genesis 3:6-7) Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s Word in unbelief, seeking their…
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When was the last time you had a fresh encounter with the gospel? Fasting isn’t just about giving something up but drawing closer to Jesus. In God’s Kingdom, the dependent version of you is the best version of you. Jesus fasted and expects His followers to do the same, not for show but to expose our weaknesses, reveal our idols, and stir compassion…
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Text: Genesis 2:18-25 God’s Providential Design in Creating Us for Relationships God did not create us to be isolated, but for community and relationship. God provided man with a helper that perfectly complemented him. God ordained marriage to be a covenant relationship that is freely enjoyed with one man and one woman for a lifetime of love withou…
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Text: Genesis 2:4-17 God’s Providential Design in Creating All Things (Genesis 2:4-7) The generations of the heaven and the earth refer to the God’s creation of man and woman. God’s name (Yahweh-Elohim) declares Him as both Creator and Covenant-Redeemer. God created a perfect setting for man to live and breathes His life into him. God’s Providentia…
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Jesus calls us to a life of service. Transformation happens when we set aside our ego, empty words, and displays of power, and instead embrace humility, living faith, and small acts of love. When we are empowered by His Spirit and step into the greater works He has prepared, transformation spreads everywhere, through our willingness to kneel down a…
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Text: Genesis 2:1-3 Divine Rest Inaugurated in God’s Finished Work of Creation God finished His work of creation. God rested from His work of creation. God blessed and sanctified the seventh day. Our Eternal Rest Fulfilled in Christ’s Finished Work of Redemption The theme of God’s rest is seen in the future rest that awaits those who belong to God …
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Are you truly a disciple of Jesus, or just identifying as a Christian? In this message, we explore what it really means to follow Him by denying ourselves, taking up our cross, and surrendering fully to His way. Discipleship is a lifelong journey of abiding in Jesus, being shaped by His practices, and walking in His truth. Who are you following?…
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Text: Genesis 1:26-31 As God’s Image-Bearers, We Represent Him on the Earth (1:26-27) God made us after His image and likeness, distinct from the rest of creation. God made us male and female for His glory. Implication: Our value and identity are tied to bearing the image of God. Therefore, we should seek after Him and bear His image in a way that …
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Text: Genesis 1:1-25 The Creator of All Things (Genesis 1:1) The eternal triune God (“Elohim”) created everything. God’s glorious attributes are seen in everything He has made (Psalm 19:1-4a; Romans 1:18-20). We are made for His glory and are accountable and dependent upon Him (Romans 11:36; Acts 17:24-28). The Creation of All Things (Genesis 1:2-2…
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We all love the advantages life offers, but when it comes to the ultimate advantage, the Holy Spirit, we may feel fearful or confused. The Holy Spirit offers us guidance, peace, and comfort, working in both ordinary and extraordinary ways. Though often misunderstood or feared, the Holy Spirit is a helper from God that points us to Jesus, helping us…
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The power of knowing, experiencing, and following Jesus transforms our lives when all three are present. Though most Americans acknowledge the Bible’s value, few engage with it daily, a choice between wisdom and folly. Reading God’s Word daily brings peace, trust, clarity, and empowerment, equipping us to proclaim the gospel and fulfill our mission…
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Text: Genesis 1:1 Introduction: Why Study Genesis? It sets the foundation for the rest of the Bible. It gives us the purpose of God for mankind. It describes the origin and effects of sin. It anticipates God’s answer to our problem of sin, a seed coming through the line of Abraham. It describes the origin of the nation of Israel and the Promised La…
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Text: James 1:19-25 Listen to the Word Openly (vs. 19-20) Be quick to hear – “I am eager to listen.” Be slow to speak – “I will not make excuses.” Be slow to anger: “I will not justify my disobedience.” Receive the Word Humbly (vs. 21) Receiving the Word requires putting our sin away. Receiving the Word involves accepting it as salvation for our so…
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Our mission as a church is to lead people to know God through His Word, experience Him through the Holy Spirit, and follow Him in our hearts through obedience. At the center of knowing, experiencing, and following Him, we encounter God. To truly live out this mission, we must balance the Word, Spirit, and obedience, sacrificing personal preferences…
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Christmas Eve Service Text: Titus 3:3-7 Who We Were as Sinners (3:3) Because of our sin, we were entrenched in our rebellion against God and enslaved to our desires. Result: We had no hope to save ourselves from eternal death (Ephesians 2:12; Romans 6:20-23). Who We Are in Christ (3:4-7) Because of Christ, we can be saved out of our sin by His merc…
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Texts: Exodus 34:5-8; John 3:16-17; 1 John 4:7-12 The Steadfast Love of God Declared in His Name (Exodus 34:5-8) This is the first passage where God declares His character to us. He is full of mercy, grace, faithfulness, and love with forgiveness for sinners. The Stunning Love of God Demonstrated in His Son (John 3:16-17) God’s love came down to us…
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The magi’s gift of myrrh foreshadowed Jesus’ suffering and death for our salvation. Jesus came to reach us from our sin, wrap us in His love, and release us from death. Just as Jesus chose to endure pain wrapped in the Father’s love on the cross, we are called to trust in God’s love in our darkest moments, resisting the urge to escape and instead r…
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Texts: Isaiah 55; Luke 2:8-12; 1 John 1:1-4 The Invitation of Satisfying Joy in Christ (Isaiah 55) God calls us to be satisfied in Him and seek Him alone. God reveals Himself to His people through His Word. God promises to lead His people into His joy and peace. The Gospel of Great Joy in Christ (Luke 2:8-12) The Gospel is the good news of great jo…
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What is the best gift you ever received? The best gifts go beyond the object itself, they make us feel seen and valued. In Jesus, God gives us the ultimate gift, declaring we are known, significant, and loved. The wise men’s gift of frankincense reminds us that Jesus is the perfect fulfillment of God’s promises, fully God and fully man, and our Gre…
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Texts: Micah 5:1-5; Ephesians 2:11-22; Philippians 4:6-7 Christ Came to Be Our Peace (Micah 5:1-5) Peace is defined in Scripture as “shalom,” which means wholeness or completeness. Christ’s coming inaugurated a “shalom” that would bring strength to His people and culminate in His eternal reign. Christ Came to Make Peace With God and Man (Ephesians …
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The story of the Magi reveals truths about our response to Jesus. They pursued Him, recognized His royalty, and honored Him with generous, sacrificial gifts. The gift of gold signified Jesus' kingship, confirming He is not just any king, but THE King. How we perceive Jesus shapes how we respond to Him. Recognizing His authority calls for worshipful…
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Join Allison and Pastor John as they reflect on the transformative teachings of the Sermon on the Mount in this season's final episode. They explore the power of building your foundation on Christ, embracing a renewed mind, and living out Jesus' teachings. To watch this past week's sermon: Built to Last | John Reilly For more info:…
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Texts: Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:21-23; Romans 15:8-13 Christ, the Promised Savior (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:21-23) Christ came as the prophesied Messiah who would bring salvation to sinners walking in despair and darkness. Christ came to be our Emmanuel, “God With Us.” Christ, the Hope of the World (Romans 15:8-13) Christ became a servant for the sake …
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What is the foundation of your life? Jesus redefines what it means to live in God's Kingdom, not tied to a place, but built on the good news of the gospel. In this message, we explore how loving God with all our heart, soul, and mind creates a foundation that stands firm through life’s storms. When emotions, identity, and intellect are submitted to…
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In this episode, Allison sits down with Pastor Dave to discuss his recent sermon, focusing on discerning good versus bad leadership and understanding the fruit in people's lives. As they reflect on lessons from the Sermon on the Mount, Pastor Dave shares practical insights on studying scripture and cultivating an eternal perspective in daily life. …
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Text: Colossians 4:7-18 Gospel Gratitude for Faithful Service (4:7-11) Paul was grateful for the Gospel’s transformation in the church that prepared them for faithful service. We can be grateful for how the Gospel has transformed us and placed us in ministry together. Gospel Gain From Fruitful Service (4:12-16) Paul was encouraged to see the sacrif…
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Text: Colossians 4:5-6 Gospel Urgency with Wisdom (4:5) We are called to conduct ourselves in biblical wisdom to those around us. We are called to use our time wisely for the Gospel’s sake. Gospel Fluency with Grace (4:6) We are called to speak grace-filled words that are seasoned with the flavor of Christ. We are called to respond to others with g…
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The way of the God’s Kingdom changes the way we approach relationships. Before we guide others, we must examine our own hearts humbly, letting God’s word change us. It’s important that we don’t have condemning hearts disguised as discerning minds. When we see ourselves rightly, we see the gospel clearly.…
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In this episode, Amanda and Allison discuss Amanda’s recent sermon on costume Christianity and take a deeper look at the Lord's Prayer, line by line. They explore what it means to follow Jesus authentically, going beyond surface behaviors to embrace a true dependency on God for daily needs and forgiveness. They also highlight how the Lord’s Prayer …
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Changing how we look on the outside will never change who we are on the inside. Costume Christianity is the appearance of faith without true heart change, leading to either self-righteousness or despair. Jesus invites us to take off the costume and seek real communion with Him through prayer as He moves our hearts from a place of entitlement to a p…
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Join Pastor Dave and Allison as they discuss practical ways to deepen prayer life. Dave shares his personal journey, emphasizing daily rhythms of prayer. Also, a listener’s question sparks a conversation on maintaining hope and persistence in prayer during times of unanswered questions. To watch this past week's sermon: Ask, Seek, Knock! | Dave D'A…
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Text: Colossians 3:22-4:1 Christ-Centered Servanthood (3:22-25) We are called to obey our superiors as unto the Lord for His glory. We are called to serve wholeheartedly in all things for the Lord and His reward and reckoning. Christ-Centered Supervision (4:1) We are called to treat those we lead with respect and equality, knowing that Jesus is Lor…
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In this message, we’re reminded of the importance of listening carefully, not just with our ears but with our hearts. Jesus urges us to "ask, seek, and knock"(Matthew 7:7), showing that genuine prayer is transformative. Prayer isn’t just about saying words; it’s a form of deep communion with God that reshapes our desires, aligning them with His Kin…
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In this episode, Pastor Scott shares his passion for developing young leaders and believers in the local church, as well as fostering a culture of generosity within communities. He also gives us a behind-the-scenes look at some of the incredible acts of generosity he's witnessed through his ministry. To watch this past week's sermon: Investing in E…
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Text: Colossians 3:18-21 Christ-Centered Submission (3:18) Christ calls and empowers wives to submit to their husbands in a way that brings glory to Him. Christ-Centered Love (3:19) Christ calls and empowers husbands to love their wives in a way that treasures them with gentleness. Christ-Centered Obedience (3:20) Christ calls and empowers children…
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Earthly investments fade, but heavenly treasures are everlasting. As followers of Christ, we should evaluate whether our investments are solely in temporary things or eternal. We are generous not to earn God's love, but because we are already loved by Him. Here at North Way, we express our commitment to investing in eternal treasures through next g…
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We often try to preserve our own image by seeking to be rewarded by others. Jesus teaches that "practicing righteousness" should only be to and for God, not to and for each other. While the reward of man is fleeting and based on performance, the reward of God brings true peace, freedom, and joy. God's reward isn't something we earn but something He…
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Texts: Philippians 1:3-11, 27-30; Romans 15:1-7; Romans 12:3-8 We Serve in a Gospel-centered Partnership (Philippians 1:3-11, 27-30) We are saved into a partnership with one another through the Gospel. This partnership manifests itself in a life worthy of the Gospel that strives side by side together. We Serve in a Gospel-centered Culture (Romans 1…
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