A retro analytical love roast of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and its spin off Angel.
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BwB 612 - CHEESE! The Musical (Not really a musical)
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1:56:07Josh and Rex review Season 6 Episode 12 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer "Doublemeat Palace"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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BwB 611 - Invisible Plot Hole Emporium
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1:58:54Josh and Rex review Season 6 Episode 11 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer "Gone."By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Josh and Rex review S06E10 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Wrecked"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Josh and Rex review S06E09 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Smashed"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Josh and Rex review S06E08 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Tabula Rasa"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Josh and Rex do a musical review of a musical episode, S06E07 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Once More With Feeling."By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S03E17 of Angel: "Forgiving"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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AwA 316 - Out of the Frying Pan Into the Volcano
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1:19:04Rex and Josh review S03E16 of Angel: "Sleep Tight"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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AwA 315 - Breakfast at Fred and Gunnany's
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1:15:29Rex and Josh review S03E15 of Angel: "Loyalty." It's the one thing they got!By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S03E14 of Angel: "Couplet"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S03E13 of Angel: "Waiting in the Wings"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S03E12 of Angel: "Provider"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S03E11 of Angel: "Birthday"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S03E10 of Angel: "Dad"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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AwA 309 - Baby's First Death in an Alley
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1:41:33Rex and Josh review S03E09 of Angel: "Lullaby"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S03E08 of Angel: "Quickening"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S03E07 of Angel: "Offspring"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S03E06 of Angel: "Billy"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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BwB 606 - The Highly Inappropriate Age Gap Episode
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1:47:00Josh and Rex review Season 6 Episode 6 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "All The Way."By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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The Master - An Interview with Mark Metcalf
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1:14:32Today on Beer with Buffy: Get ready for the next installment in Josh and Rex's Big Bad Interview series, ladies and gentlemen today we have Mark Metcalf for your listening pleasure! He's played so many roles, most recognizably he was Neidermeyer in Animal House, The Maestro in Seinfeld, and The Master on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This episode is al…
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Rex and Josh review S03E05 of Angel: "Fredless"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Buffy Comic Special - A Comic of Errors
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1:18:37Josh and Rex review one of the special Buffyverse Comics: "Reunion." Reunion takes place after "Flooded" (S06E04 of Buffy) and "Carpe Noctem" (S03E04 of Angel ), and before "Life Serial" (S06E05 of Buffy) and "Fredless" (S03E05 of Angel).By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Josh and Rex review S06E05 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Life Serial"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S03E04 of Angel: "Carpe Noctem"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Josh and Rex review S06E04 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Flooded"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S03E03 of Angel: "That Old Gang of Mine"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Josh and Rex review S06E03 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "After Life."By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S03E02 of Angel: "That Vision Thing"By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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BwB 602 - Welcome to the Nouny Noun
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1:09:43Josh and Rex review S06E02 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Bargaining - Part 2." Listen to some heavy breathing while enjoying a nice mayham sandwich.By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S03E01 of Angel: "Heartthrob."By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Josh and Rex review S06E01 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Bargaining - Part 1." Warm up your tepid canned pasta dinner (or don't), gather your snakes, get on your loud bicycles, and congregate with us in a dark alley for a HECK of a good time! Who's bringing the Vino de Madre? We brought it last time... FINE! We'll provide it again for a nominal fee…
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Rex and Josh review S02E22 of Angel: "There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb."By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Josh and Rex review S05E22 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "The Gift." Ripping up some ménage à trois brain stew and snuffing up a gus of a has-Ben.By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S02E21 of Angel: "Through the Looking Glass."By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Josh and Rex review S05E21 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "The Weight of the World."By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S02E20 of Angel: "Over the Rainbow."By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Josh and Rex review S05E20 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Spiral." Get ready for your sponge bath, lay out your carpenter spamders and start figuring out how tf you're going to elaborately escape from North Korea because this one's an adventure! You gotta seize them diems for carp day!By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S02E19 of Angel: "Belonging."By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Josh and Rex review S05E19 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Tough Love." Buffy's got some slayersplaining to do. Spikes got some vampsplaining to do. Willow has some witchsplaining to do, Dawn has some keysplaining to do... ok I think you get the idea. Did I just podsplain? Hey at least it was on theme.…
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AwA 218 - A Nice Little Garden Path
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1:47:37Rex and Josh review S02E18 of Angel: "Dead End." Hope you brought syrup, hiking boots, and a grocery cart cuz it's time for EVIL! We trust you'll be in proper boy scout uniform?By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Josh and Rex review S05E18 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Intervention."By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S02E17 of Angel: "Disharmony."By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Josh and Rex review S05E17 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Forever."By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S02E16 of Angel: "Epiphany."By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Josh and Rex review S05E16 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "The Body."By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S02E15 of Angel: "Reprise." It's got goats, it's got chickens, it's got cartoon roosters! What more do you need! Don't you DARE have any hiiiiighly inappropriate thoughts about them! That's Josh's job.By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Josh and Rex review S05E15 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "I Was Made To Love You."By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S02E14 of Angel: "The Thin Dead Line." I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and FEED THEM TO THE ZOMBIE COPS!By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Josh and Rex review S05E14 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: "Crush." Rex is insanely uncomfortable and Josh fully encourages this discomfort purely for the schadenfreude because Rex deserves it!By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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Rex and Josh review S02E13 of Angel: "Happy Anniversary."By Rex Hansen and Josh King
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