The creators of Tangible Talks have in-depth discussions about God's living word and reflect on tangible lessons that can be applied in daily life. Exploring and studying scripture, Jana and her aunt Reata unpack stories from the Bible to seek a greater understanding about God and how his teachings relate to their day-to-day lives .
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On today's episode of the Tangible Talks podcast, we continue our conversation on complaining in our "Attitudes" series. During the discourse we explore three sources or root causes that can frequently lead to complaining, such as lack of rest, hunger, and grief. During the episode, Reata leads us in a study of two biblical examples that illuminate…
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On today's episode, we're delving into the power of fasting—an often misunderstood yet vital spiritual discipline. As we approach the season of Lent, we explore how fasting connects to prayer, helps us grow spiritually, and ultimately brings us closer to Christ. Whether you're new to fasting or looking to deepen your practice, we’ll break down diff…
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On today's episode, we continue our "Attitude Series" by addressing the topic of complaining. Ever heard the phrase, "complain and remain"? Well, it's true! Complaining can trap us in the very situation we're grumbling about and stop us from moving forward and thus reaching our full potential. In this episode, we take a look at the Israelites in th…
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In today’s episode, we kick off a brand new series on “Attitudes” with a deep dive into negative mindsets and the impact of contentment vs. discontentment. We all have moments where our attitudes slip, but it’s often easier to spot in others than in ourselves. Reflecting on personal experiences and biblical wisdom, we discuss how discontentment yie…
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On today’s episode, we wrap up our Rest series with a deep dive into "Rest in Hebrews"! In this episode, we explore the powerful concept of rest as presented in the book of Hebrews, and how it connects to our faith journey today. We unpack the story of the Israelites and why they failed to enter God's promised rest in the wilderness, and how their …
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In today's episode, we explore "The Rest of the Story" as we dive into Jesus’ teachings on the Sabbath by reading four examples found in the Gospels. We examine the clash between Jesus and the religious leaders over Sabbath observance, highlighting how Jesus viewed rest not as a burden, but as a gift from God. Through His actions, like healing on t…
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Welcome to the Tangible Talks Podcast! In today’s episode, we continue our series on "Rest" with a deep dive into the New Testament. Our title for this episode is "The Rest of the Story", and we're exploring how Jesus viewed the Sabbath and the concept of rest. Throughout the Old Testament, we see the Israelites trying (but often failing) to "honor…
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On today's episode, Jana and Reata recount different occurrences of rest throughout the old testament to better understand God's desire/idea of rest in our daily lives. They begin by looking at the first mentions of rest in Genesis, noting that God blesses the sabbath and declares it Holy. Additionally, they explore the idea that God rested on the …
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On today's episode, Jana and Reata embark on their new series, "Rest". Before the holidays, Jana felt led to end 2024 with a season of rest; in order to spend time with family, shift focus onto other projects, and to have independent time to study scripture. During the episode, she discloses how she felt guilty at first, but later felt affirmed in …
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Welcome back listeners! On this week's episode, Jana and Reata kick off the new year reflecting over 2024 and discussing their intentions for 2025. Reata shares her list of intentions she compiled over their seven week break, as well as her desire to better understand scripture and grow closer to God. Additionally, Jana compares and contrasts her 2…
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**Re-release** On today's episode Jana and Reata discuss their favorite verses and tangible takeaways from the Book of John. Reata shares a story about experiencing John chapter 3 in her life when God used her passion for researching the Bible to help bring a seeking student to Jesus. They also discuss Jesus' first miracle and how the Bible implies…
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**Re-release: The Gospels - Matthew (Part 1)
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42:22**Re-release** On today's episode, Jana and Reata discuss their favorite verses and tangible takeaways from the Book of Matthew. Reata shares how Matthew Chapter 15 makes her use scripture as a mirror to see what is in her heart, as well as how our speech is a reflection of what is in our heart. Jana shares how Matthew Chapter 6 helps her overcome …
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**Re-release: The Heart - Fruits versus Works**
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56:11**Re-release** On today's episode, Jana and Reata contrast the works of the flesh with the fruits of the spirit. Opening with scripture from Galatians, they discuss the importance of knowing God's word in order to utilize these fruits to overcome the desiress of the flesh in your daily life. Reata recaps Psalm 51 (the ending verse Jana referenced i…
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**Re-release Spiritual Warfare - Forces of Darkness**
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57:09**Re-release** On today's episode, Jana and Reata introduce the topic of spiritual warfare and delve into the origination of the forces of darkness. At the top of the episode, Reata asks Jana to share her current understanding of the enemy and dark forces. Afterwards, Reata delves deep into some of her findings/research on the origin of dark forces…
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**Re-release Wisdom - Get Understanding**
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41:53**Re-release** On today's podcast, Jana and Reata converse about gaining understanding and its significance in scripture by referencing Proverbs 4:7 "The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding." Reata elaborates on how the Bible often uses hyperboles to stress the significance and grasp the reader's …
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**Re-release: Be Ready - The Importance of Being Ready (Part 1)**
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44:57**Re-release** On today's episode, Reata and Jana discuss the importance of being ready or being prepared. Additionally, they expand their reach and explore the significant role that being ready has in the lives of others. During this episode, Reata and Jana converse about biblical examples where God prepares others through someone else. For exampl…
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**Re-release: Change E2 - What's in Your Hand? **
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46:57** Re-release** On this episode, we dive into conversation centered around Exodus Chapters 1-5, and discuss main themes found within the scripture, as well as tangible lessons that can be derived from the living word today. Questions proposed include: "Have you ever felt that there was a moment or time in your life when God wasn't listening?" "Have…
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On today's episode, Jana and Reata share their favorite tangible takeaways from the episodes they've recorded in 2024. Revisiting topics from the heart series, Reata shares her personal revelations uncovered from the Jealousy and Envy episode. She divulges her deeper understanding of knowing "truth in the innermost being". Furthermore, she explains…
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Spiritual Warfare E7 - Weapons of Our Warfare (Part 4)
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38:23On today's episode, Jana and Reata wrap their series on Spiritual Warfare and the topic, Weapons of our Warfare. Reata kicks off the conversation by listing peace as the next weapon at our disposal to fight against the dark forces. She speaks to how the peace of God can guard our hearts and minds, and exclaims that peace is not the absence of our p…
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Spiritual Warfare E6 - Weapons of Our Warfare (Part 3)
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40:27On today's episode, Jana and Reata continue their discussion on the weapons of our warfare. This is the third episode diving into the weapons we have at our disposal to fight against the enemy and dark forces. The four weapons of warfare they focus on in today's conversation include: communion, contentment, obedience and rest. Reata starts off elab…
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Spiritual Warfare E5 - Weapons of Our Warfare (part 2)
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42:03On today's episode, Jana and Reata continue their discussion on weapons of our warfare. They kick off the conversation with prayer as a spiritual weapon to fight against the forces of darkness. Reata shares how she was put in situations to pray aloud and how she still struggles with this today. She a likens prayer to starting a conversation with a …
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Spiritual Warfare E4 - Weapons of Warfare (Part 1)
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43:23On today's episode, Jana and Reata continue their discussion on spiritual warfare by delving into weapons of warfare. Reata shares the first four weapons in our arsenal to combat forces of darkness in our daily lives. She begins her list with faith, which she coins as the starting block weapon of warfare, for without faith you do not have any belie…
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On today's episode, Jana and Reata continue their discussion on temptation. They explore the idea that every temptation is an opportunity to do good and that God uses the enemy's temptations as a way to develop us. Therefore, what the enemy intended for harm, God can use for our development and growth. Jana and Reata both share past temptations the…
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Spiritual Warfare E2 - Temptation (Part 1)
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46:05On today's episode, Jana and Reata continue their Spiritual Warfare series by diving into temptation. Throughout the discussion, they examine the temptation of Christ in the book of Luke; exploring questions such as, why does Satan use these three temptations in this order, and why does he quote Psalm 91 to tempt Jesus? They also contemplate how do…
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Spiritual Warfare E1 - Forces of Darkness
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56:27On today's episode, Jana and Reata introduce the topic of spiritual warfare and delve into the origination of the forces of darkness. At the top of the episode, Reata asks Jana to share her current understanding of the enemy and dark forces. Afterwards, Reata delves deep into some of her findings/research on the origin of dark forces and the fall o…
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The Heart E8 Difficult Relationships Part 2
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42:53On today's episode, Jana and Reata wrap up their discussion on difficult relationships and conclude the Heart series; emphasizing that when dealing with difficult relationships we must remember to use wisdom, seek truth, be loving, and show grace. They recap their thoughts on the book of Jonah and Jana touches on how different books touch individua…
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The Heart E7 - Difficult Relationships (Part 1)
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45:35On today's episode, Jana and Reata discuss the topic of difficult relationships and identifying what's in the heart of others. Based on examples in scripture, there isn't a one size fits all solution for dealing with difficult relationships. We see that portrayed in the Gospel, in how Jesus interacts differently with others depending on the scenari…
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The Heart E6 - A Hard and Unbelieving Heart
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42:35On today's episode, Jana and Reata explore a hard and unbelieving heart. Reata recaps the meaning in scripture behind God "hardening" Pharaoh's heart and the difference between divine intervention, a predetermined life, and free-will. Additionally, Reata explains the meaning and characteristics of someone with a "hard" heart. They discuss another e…
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The Heart E5 - A Prideful and Judging Heart
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36:55On today's episode, Jana and Reata delve into a discussion about a prideful and judging heart. In the opening they mention verses that reveal God's truth about pride and having a prideful heart. Jana shares her current issues with judging strangers by their behavior, which leads into a conversation about the importance of recognizing moments of sel…
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The Heart E4 - The Fruits of the Spirit (Works vs. Fruits)
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55:29On today's episode, Jana and Reata contrast the works of the flesh with the fruits of the spirit. Opening with scripture from Galatians, they discuss the importance of knowing God's word in order to utilize these fruits to overcome the desiress of the flesh in your daily life. Reata recaps Psalm 51 (the ending verse Jana referenced in the previous …
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On today's episode, Jana and Reata dive deep into a discussion about a pure heart. They open with examining the definition of "pure" and contemplate seeing God in everyday life. Reata shares a story illustrating how good attracts good and how evil finds evil. Further demonstrating how what is in your heart will ultimately impact how you see and int…
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The Heart E2 - A Jealous and Envious Heart
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51:37On today's episode, Jana and Reata discuss the repercussions and antidote for a jealous and envious heart. They begin their conversation reflecting on the first tangible illustration in scripture of jealousy in the story of Cain and Abel. Cain let the jealousy in his heart consume and dominate his actions. This leads into discourse on how a jealous…
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On today's episode, Jana and Reata open their new series discussing matters of the heart. The word heart appears almost 1000 times and scripture and is used more than any other word to describe the inner self. Reata shares some of the adjectives used to describe the state of the heart in scripture, including: Pure of heart Evil heart Deceptive Hear…
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On today's episode, Jana and Reata reflect over their quarter 2 podcast series, "Wisdom" and "The Gospels" mentioning their favorite tangible takeaways that they are applying in their daily lives. They both highlight how these two studies unintentionally flowed by learning about principles/practices throughout wisdom literature and then seeing thes…
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The Gospels E8 - The Book of Luke (Part 2)
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47:39On today's episode, Jana and Reata conclude the Gospels series with their favorite tangible takeaways from the book of Luke. They start off by revisiting the warning Jesus gives his disciples about the yeast of the Pharisees with Luke 12:1 explaining how the "leaven of the Pharisees" is hypocrisy, illustrating how scripture often answers itself in …
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On today's episode, Jana and Reata share a little bit about their individual backgrounds and their niece/aunt relationship. Jana touches on how her cross country moves and early marriage helped to shape her outlook, and Reata elaborates on how her childhood and estranged relationship with her parents impacted her personally. They also recall some o…
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The Gospels E7 - The Book of Luke (Part 1)
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45:09On today's episode, Jana and Reata discuss some of their favorite tangible takeaways from the book of Luke. They open with a brief introduction about Luke, including some background information about the author, such as his Gentile heritage and his physician occupation. Reata shares the parable of the prodigal son and highlights the symbolism of th…
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The Gospels E6 - The Book of Mark (Part 2)
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45:11On today's episode, Jana and Reata wrap-up their favorite tangible takeaways from the book of Mark. They discuss an overarching theme of trusting in God with where you are and how often it isn't the "where" so much as the "who" that is God's purpose for your life. Additionally, they converse about using personal gifts to give back to others. Reata …
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The Gospels E5 - The Book of Mark (Part 1)
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49:25On today's episode, Jana and Reata share their favorite tangible takeaways from the book of Mark. Reata shares some of Mark's history, as well as some additional facts traditionally believed regarding his background. Jana relates the parable of the mustard seed (in Mark Chapter 4) to her life and how it inspires her to overcome feelings of being un…
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The Gospels E4 - The Book of Matthew (Part 2)
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45:57On today's episode, Jana and Reata continue their discussion on their favorite takeaways from the book of Matthew. Jana shares her second favorite takeaway, Matthew 22:36-40 (The Greatest Commandment). During their discussion on this topic, Jana shares an excerpt from her marriage devotional bible, as well as explaining how she strives to apply thi…
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The Gospels E3 - The Book of Matthew (Part 1)
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41:39On today's episode, Jana and Reata discuss their favorite verses and tangible takeaways from the Book of Matthew. Reata shares how Matthew Chapter 15 makes her use scripture as a mirror to see what is in her heart, as well as how our speech is a reflection of what is in our heart. Jana shares how Matthew Chapter 6 helps her overcome struggles with …
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On today's episode Jana and Reata discuss their favorite verses and tangible takeaways from the Book of John. Reata shares a story about experiencing John chapter 3 in her life when God used her passion for researching the Bible to help bring a seeking student to Jesus. They also discuss Jesus' first miracle and how the Bible implies that Mary alre…
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On today's episode, Jana and Reata dive into a new series titled, The Gospels. In this episode, they define the term "Gospels" and identify the four books that comprise the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Throughout the conversation Jana and Reata provide a summary of each of the books, highlight the intended audiences, as well as some of t…
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On today's podcast, Jana and Reata discuss the book of Job and elaborate on the idea of gaining wisdom through trials and tribulation. Reata summaries the book of Job, and poses that the book actually leads to more questions rather than answers. Additionally, they converse about wisdom they've gained through personal experiences of witnessing or ex…
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On today's podcast, Jana and Reata converse about gaining understanding and its significance in scripture by referencing Proverbs 4:7 "The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding." Reata elaborates on how the Bible often uses hyperboles to stress the significance and grasp the reader's attention. Addi…
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Wisdom E2 - Get Wisdom (Part 2 - Favorite Proverbs)
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39:43On today's episode, Jana and Reata discuss their favorite proverbs with one another, elaborating on the significance they have in their daily lives, as well as relating them to personal life experiences. This episode is a continuation of the prior episode, Wisdom E1 - Get Wisdom, in which Reata introduces the topic of wisdom literature in scripture…
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On today's episode, Jana and Reata begin their journey exploring wisdom literature, starting with an introduction and answering questions such as: What is wisdom literature? How is it different than other biblical genres? Which biblical books are considered wisdom literature? Reata shares a brief overview of the wisdom literature books, as well as …
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In today's episode, Jana and Reata reflect on their favorite tangible takeaways from the previous two series, "Change" and "Be Ready". During this discussion they mention verses and quotes that are meaningful in their everyday lives and help inspire spiritual growth. Reata also shares a personal experience with trusting in God and using "what was i…
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Be Ready E5 - Being Ready for Life, Love, and Death
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52:01Today's episode concludes the Be Ready series. Jana and Reata discuss the importance of being ready for love and death through examples in scripture, as well as share their personal experiences with both topics. Additionally, Jana shares some of her favorite takeaways from a recent sermon by Chris Hodges, wrapping up the importance of being ready w…
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On today's episode, Jana and Reata dive deeper into being ready for the future with an emphasis on finance. Join them as they discuss how debt and cares of this world can choke your life and prevent you from living and experiencing God's abundance. Throughout the episode they explore topics such as their own experiences with debt and methods they u…
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