Welcome to the weekly podcast of LifeSpring Church. Listen to relevant, biblical teachings that inspire and change lives! To learn more visit our website at https://lifesc.org
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Welcome to the weekly podcast of LifeSpring Church. Listen to relevant, biblical teachings that inspire and change lives! To learn more visit our website at https://lifesc.org
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| Rev. Ron Engquist | How did the early church baptize? What is the Biblical way to be baptized? The scriptures are clear...it's in the name of Jesus!By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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| Rev. Ron Engquist | How did the early church baptize? What is the Biblical way to be baptized? The scriptures are clear...it's in the name of Jesus!By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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We are not made up of just the biggest victories of our lives, but it's the small wins and faithful walking with God that make the difference. We should celebrate what God does through every small win to make us victorious.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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We are not made up of just the biggest victories of our lives, but it's the small wins and faithful walking with God that make the difference. We should celebrate what God does through every small win to make us victorious.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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God has invited us into His holy presence, not just to encounter Him, but to surrender to His ability to make a difference in every part of our lives.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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God has invited us into His holy presence, not just to encounter Him, but to surrender to His ability to make a difference in every part of our lives.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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When everything seems to be turned against us, we need to turn to the One who is the greatest joy, and gives us eternal life! He is Love like no other.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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When everything seems to be turned against us, we need to turn to the One who is the greatest joy, and gives us eternal life! He is Love like no other.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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If you follow your heart, where does it lead you? It is unwise to follow our heart, but when we follow God's heart, we can trust Him on the journey and for a worthy destination.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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If you follow your heart, where does it lead you? It is unwise to follow our heart, but when we follow God's heart, we can trust Him on the journey and for a worthy destination.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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LIfe is full of ups and downs. The Bible encourages is to dig into our faith, especially when trials come so we can endure with Jesus being the source of our strength.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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LIfe is full of ups and downs. The Bible encourages is to dig into our faith, especially when trials come so we can endure with Jesus being the source of our strength.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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| Rev. Ron Engquist | We must always long for a place with God that we have never been before. Our desire for God should be insatiable; there is no end to who He is.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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| Rev. Ron Engquist | We must always long for a place with God that we have never been before. Our desire for God should be insatiable; there is no end to who He is.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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If we build a fire of consecration in our lives and in the church, it will drive out impure things. Consecration unto God draws His Spirit and will change everything. He makes us holy.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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If we build a fire of consecration in our lives and in the church, it will drive out impure things. Consecration unto God draws His Spirit and will change everything. He makes us holy.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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When we take God's Word out of our lives, we become misshaped and fit the model of the world. God designed us to be shaped by Him. When He shapes us, we become like Him.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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When we take God's Word out of our lives, we become misshaped and fit the model of the world. God designed us to be shaped by Him. When He shapes us, we become like Him.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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Eternal peace is the spiritual and emotional peace that we yearn for. The only way to have this type of peace is through relationship with the Peacemaker, the Peacespeaker.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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Eternal peace is the spiritual and emotional peace that we yearn for. The only way to have this type of peace is through relationship with the Peacemaker, the Peacespeaker.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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Jesus brought peace to earth in the form of Himself. He views His creation as good and brings His goodwill to those He loves. We can live in peace and goodwill when He is the ruler of our hearts.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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Jesus brought peace to earth in the form of Himself. He views His creation as good and brings His goodwill to those He loves. We can live in peace and goodwill when He is the ruler of our hearts.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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When we suffer, our first response should be to look to Jesus. If we will surrender to Him, He will govern our lives with His peace.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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When we suffer, our first response should be to look to Jesus. If we will surrender to Him, He will govern our lives with His peace.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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Thankfulness is a gateway, a door, an entry. When one displays thankfulness, it unlocks good things in your life through the change in your mindset.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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Thankfulness is a gateway, a door, an entry. When one displays thankfulness, it unlocks good things in your life through the change in your mindset.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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Jesus suffered the worst kind of death, but faced it with joy because He knew He would conquer death, hell, and the grave. If we abide in Him, we have His victory in our lives.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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Jesus suffered the worst kind of death, but faced it with joy because He knew He would conquer death, hell, and the grave. If we abide in Him, we have His victory in our lives.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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| Rev. Rick Kielley | Legacies are important to every person. This is the legacy of our Lord: He came to give His life and He come to leave us His Spirit.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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| Rev. Rick Kielley | Legacies are important to every person. This is the legacy of our Lord: He came to give His life and He come to leave us His Spirit.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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We can be clouded by circumstances and trials, but if we will remember Jesus, He has already overcome. We must choose to turn our eyes back to Jesus in remembrance every situation. He is more than enough!By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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We can be clouded by circumstances and trials, but if we will remember Jesus, He has already overcome. We must choose to turn our eyes back to Jesus in remembrance every situation. He is more than enough!By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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On this journey of walking with God, we encounter times of feeling surrounded by our enemies. But God is greater and surrounds us with peace, strength, and His perspective.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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On this journey of walking with God, we encounter times of feeling surrounded by our enemies. But God is greater and surrounds us with peace, strength, and His perspective.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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There are many paths, but only one that leads to eternal life in Jesus. Although difficult at times, God reveals and guides us in His perfect will.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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There are many paths, but only one that leads to eternal life in Jesus. Although difficult at times, God reveals and guides us in His perfect will.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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Our reward is great in Heaven and Jesus made a way for us to join Him for eternity. As we get closer to the Second Coming of Jesus, we should encourage each other with the hope of His return!By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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Our reward is great in Heaven and Jesus made a way for us to join Him for eternity. As we get closer to the Second Coming of Jesus, we should encourage each other with the hope of His return!By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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How to Find Jesus..... When You Can't See
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1:01:04| Rev. Joseph Hanthorn | Even when we can't see our way to Jesus, He is near to hear our cry. Those who call out to Him in desperation will have His attention drawn to them. He will hear us and meet our needs.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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| Rev. Joseph Hanthorn |The battle is won by the Lord and He shared His victory with us, our connection to Him is through prayer.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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| Rev. Joseph Hanthorn |The battle is won by the Lord and He shared His victory with us, our connection to Him is through prayer.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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How to Find Jesus..... When You Can't See
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1:01:04| Rev. Joseph Hanthorn | Even when we can't see our way to Jesus, He is near to hear our cry. Those who call out to Him in desperation will have His attention drawn to them. He will hear us and meet our needs.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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When the struggle seems to last too long, it can be hard to remember that Jesus is greater than it all. We have to determine to get to Jesus; no matter what. He will respond with power!By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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When the struggle seems to last too long, it can be hard to remember that Jesus is greater than it all. We have to determine to get to Jesus; no matter what. He will respond with power!By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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God is love, because of His attribute of love, He does every action propelled by and through the greatness of His love.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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God is love, because of His attribute of love, He does every action propelled by and through the greatness of His love.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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We only have so much to give...we have limited resources. But God's resources are unlimited and He freely gives to us as we need.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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We only have so much to give...we have limited resources. But God's resources are unlimited and He freely gives to us as we need.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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We have the condition of a rebellious heart. The heart must be transformed to be what God intended for us. We give what we've got and He performs the miracle of transformation.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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We have the condition of a rebellious heart. The heart must be transformed to be what God intended for us. We give what we've got and He performs the miracle of transformation.By Pastor JoeDon Calhoun
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