Torah classes covering the weekly Torah Portion in depth as well as classes on various topics in Judaism such as Davening, The Book of Psalms, and the laws concerning blessings on food and drink.
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Chp. 27 verses 20 & 21: Introduction, oil for the lamp. What the western lamp represented. Who it was for. Why the purest oil was used for burning and not eating. That it should be placed in front of the curtain of the Holy of Holies. An everlasting statute on behalf of the children of Israel forever.…
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Chp. 28 verses 1 - 5: The vestments, Hashem commanded Moshe to induct Aaron and his sons into the priesthood with the same feelings of joy that he felt when Moshe had been chosen to be the leader of the nation. He was to instruct the wise-hearted artisans to make clothing that would be for both splendor and beauty. Aaron would wear them when he wou…
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Chp. 28 verses 6 - 21: The Ephod, (the apron) it's material and how it was constructed. The two onyx stones that were worn on the shoulder of the high priest and the names that were embossed on them. The Chosen Mishpat (the breastplate of judgment) was made up of the same material as the Ephod. It was square and folded over. On it were the four row…
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Chp. 28 verses 22 - 35: Description of the "Chosen Mishpat" the breastplate and how it was connected to the "Ephod," the apron. All the names of the tribes of Israel were engraved into the stones of the breastplate. It was folded in half and on the inside was placed the ineffable name of G-d, which was called the "Urim V'Tummim." This name was the …
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Chp. 28 verses 36 - 43 & Chp. 29 verses 1 - 2: Continues with clothes worn by the High Priest. The "Tzitz" head band made out of pure gold with the words, "Holy to the L-rd" engraved on it. It was connected by blue threads connected to the cap that the High Priest wore. Moshe was commanded to dress Aaron and his sons in their priestly garments. Aft…
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Chp. 29 verses 3 - 30: Continues with the consecration of Aaron and his sons into the priesthood. They went to the Mikvah. Then Moshe dressed Aaron and anointed him with oil. He then dressed his sons. They all placed their hands on the ox and they confessed their sins and then they sacrificed the ox. He placed its blood on the corners of the alter …
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Chp. 29 verses 30 - 37: Continues with the sixth lecture. It continues with the instruction for future high priests that would succeed Aaron. Their son would minister in their stead on the Day of Atonement only if they could fill his place. The fact that the priests would eat from the sacrifice would act as an atonement for the person bringing the …
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Chp. 29 verses 39 - 46 & Chp. 30 verses 1 - 10: The consecration of the Alter. The continual burnt offering; two sheep, one sheep the first sacrifice brought in the morning and the second one the last sacrifice brought in the afternoon. They were accompanied with a meal offering and a wine libation. With this sacrifice Hashem promised that His pres…
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