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Les Yeux Orange

Les Yeux Orange

Dj Booking & Inquiries : [email protected] Next ==> 06/12@ La Graviere,Geneve 🇨🇭 12/12@ Atelier, Cluj 🇷🇴 13/12@ La Rotonde Stalingrad 17/01@ La Rotonde Stalingrad 24/01@ Jolene, Copenhagen 🇩🇰 21/02@ La Rotonde Stalingrad 05/03@ Rex Club 07/03@ Sacre 21/03@ La Rotonde Stalingrad 26/04@ La Rotonde Stalingrad 16/05@ La Paloma, Barcelona 🇪🇦 23/05@ La Rotonde Stalingrad 24/05@ Eden Open Air 07/06@ Flyin' Club Festival, Saint Palais sur Mer 21/06@ La Rotonde Stalingrad 22/06@ London, tbc 🇬🇧 ...
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show series
Yes Stanley - Professional Amateur ClubBUY LINK: https://peacetomorrow.bandcamp.com/album/professional-amateur-clubLabel: Peace Tomorrow (https://soundcloud.com/peacetomorrow)https://www.instagram.com/peace.tomorrow/> Yes Stanley (@stanley-yes)www.instagram.com/yesstanley/ https://yesstanleyog.bandcamp.com "Professional Amateur Club" is a place whe…
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Ancient Japanese spirits meet contemporary electronic music in *Yokai Parade EP*, a mystical collaboration between Italian producer Volantis and Japanese artist Hiroko. Inspired by a psychedelic experience in Kobe where train sounds summoned supernatural visitors, this four-track journey merges folklore with modern dance music through a unique blen…
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ANiML - Star Walk LPBUY LINK: https://www.beatport.com/release/star-walk/4921661Label : Stratasonic (https://soundcloud.com/animl-music)https://www.instagram.com/stratasonic_records/> ANiML (https://soundcloud.com/animl-music)https://www.instagram.com/con_nectchThe anonymous German/Canadian ANiML collective has deep roots in electronic music and th…
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Elsa - On DND [LS002]BUY LINK: https://lightspeedsounds.bandcamp.com/album/on-dndLabel: LIGHTSPEED (https://soundcloud.com/lightspeed-sounds)https://www.instagram.com/lightspeedsounds> Elsa (https://soundcloud.com/elsa-9-9)https://www.instagram.com/elsa9__9/LS002 drifting in from orbit with 5 fully immersive tracks from the very talented Basel-base…
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Pouvoir Magique - Cycles LPBUY LINK: https://pouvoirmagique.bandcamp.com/album/cyclesLabel: Jarring Effects (https://soundcloud.com/jarring-effects)https://www.instagram.com/jarringeffects> Pouvoir Magique (https://soundcloud.com/pouvoirmagique)https://www.instagram.com/pouvoir_magique> Ismaël Murat El Hakim (https://soundcloud.com/antar-antar-ant…
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Jonas Landwehr - Ur Luv / Next2UBUY LINK: https://fauxpoly.bandcamp.com/album/ur-luv-next2uLabel: Faux Poly (https://soundcloud.com/fauxpoly)https://www.instagram.com/fauxpoly> Jonas Landwehr (https://soundcloud.com/jonaslandwehr)https://www.instagram.com/jonaslandwehrCologne-based producer Jonas Landwehr joins the Faux Poly family with double sing…
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Charles Petersohn - Children Of Zu ZuBUY LINK : https://compostrecords.lnk.to/CharlesPetersohn-ChildrenOfZuZu-SingleLabel: Compost Records (https://soundcloud.com/compost)https://www.instagram.com/compostrecords> Charles Petersohn (https://soundcloud.com/charles-petersohn)https://www.instagram.com/petersohn_panhttps://open.spotify.com/intl-fr/artis…
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Some thoughts don’t leave you. Some questions linger long after they’ve been asked. Dom Apes’ Wasted Energy EP exists in that space between contemplation and release, between old cycles and new perspectives. Written during a period of upheaval, the record reflects on loss, rejection, and uncertainty, but also on clarity, reinvention, and quiet hope…
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Esgeem - Liquid Transfers BUY LINK: https://00effort.bandcamp.com/album/liquid-transfersLabel: 00effort (https://soundcloud.com/00effort)https://www.instagram.com/00efforthttps://linktr.ee/00effort> Esgeem (https://soundcloud.com/esgeem)https://www.instagram.com/_esgeem_🌀💦🔄💦 With "Liquid Transfers", Esgeem pulls you into an enchanted, misty univers…
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Germain CLS - ZeitBUY LINK: https://dlzrecords.bandcamp.com/album/zeitLabel: Dans La Zone (https://soundcloud.com/danslazone)https://www.instagram.com/dlzcollectif/> Germain CLS (https://soundcloud.com/germain-cls)https://www.instagram.com/germain.cls/> Gneiss (https://soundcloud.com/gneiss-music)https://www.instagram.com/gneiss.music/After The Too…
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Germain CLS - ZeitBUY LINK: https://dlzrecords.bandcamp.com/album/zeitLabel: Dans La Zone (https://soundcloud.com/danslazone)https://www.instagram.com/dlzcollectif/> Germain CLS (https://soundcloud.com/germain-cls)https://www.instagram.com/germain.cls/After The Tools, Parisian producer Germain CLS unveils ZEIT, an EP that condenses a year of creati…
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VIS2030-EP1 2020 Vision - Full Circle Vol. OneBUY LINK: https://www.juno.co.uk/products/christian-loffler-tuccillo-20-20-vision-full-circle-vinyl/1058052-01/STREAM: https://lnk.to/FullCircleVolOneLabel: 20/20 Vision (https://soundcloud.com/2020visionrecordings)https://www.instagram.com/2020vision_recordings/> Tuccillo (https://soundcloud.com/tuccil…
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XHOSA, Abelson Live - 2 Know UBUY LINK: https://www.beatport.com/label/toucan-sounds/75131Label: toucan sounds (https://soundcloud.com/toucansounds)https://www.instagram.com/toucansounds> Abelson Live (https://soundcloud.com/abelsonlivehttps://www.instagram.com/abelsonlive)> XHOSA (https://soundcloud.com/xhosa-music)https://soundcloud.com/xhosa-mus…
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Jim Brown feat. George NB - The Watchman EPBUY LINK: https://ascensionmusicuk.bandcamp.com/album/the-watchman-epLabel: ASCENSION (https://soundcloud.com/ascensionmusicuk)https://www.instagram.com/ascensionmusicuk> Jim Brown (https://soundcloud.com/jimbrowndj)‘The Watchman EP’ is the debut project from Jim Brown, a future star in the deep electronic…
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Takuya Matsumoto - Taking Back EPBUY LINK : https://inhaleexhalerecords.bandcamp.com/album/inhale-exhale-018-takuya-matsumoto-taking-back-epLabel: Inhale Exhale (https://soundcloud.com/inhaleexhalerec)https://www.instagram.com/inhale.ex/Takuya Matsumoto > (https://soundcloud.com/takuyamatsumotoiero)We are thrilled to announce that Takuya Matsumoto …
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Takuya Matsumoto - Taking Back EPBUY LINK : https://inhaleexhalerecords.bandcamp.com/album/inhale-exhale-018-takuya-matsumoto-taking-back-epLabel: Inhale Exhale (https://soundcloud.com/inhaleexhalerec)https://www.instagram.com/inhale.ex/Takuya Matsumoto > (https://soundcloud.com/takuyamatsumotoiero)We are thrilled to announce that Takuya Matsumoto …
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Ekzander - Cold Negroni BUY LINK: https://sufrimientorecords.bandcamp.com/album/cold-negroni-tbp009Label: Sufrimiento Records (https://soundcloud.com/sufrimientorecords)https://www.instagram.com/sufrimientorecords/> Ekzander (https://soundcloud.com/ekzander)https://www.instagram.com/ekzanderrEkzander is set to release a beautiful EP on Argentina’s …
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Torn Hawk is no newcomer…he’s been lurking in the corners, creeping in and between various arts worlds for well over a decade: spoken word slice of life narrations as heard on NTS Radio and Trilogy Tapes; more guitar-oriented song structural work on Mexican Summer; extensive videography (PPU Party Volumes One and Two along with music videos for Tor…
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Sanpe - PalladiumBUY LINK: https://39rec.bandcamp.com/album/palladiumLabel: 39 Records (https://soundcloud.com/39-records)https://www.instagram.com/39rec/> Sanpe (https://soundcloud.com/sanpe-music)https://www.instagram.com/sanpe.sanza/> Pire Meilleur (https://soundcloud.com/pire-meilleur)https://www.instagram.com/pire.meilleur/As solid as the tran…
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Peter Matson - Hotel PM LPPRE-ORDER LINK: https://ffm.to/white_noise_ft_kendra_morrisLabel: Bastard Jazz (https://soundcloud.com/bastardjazz)https://www.instagram.com/bastardjazzhttps://bastardjazz.bandcamp.com/> Peter Mason : https://www.instagram.com/petermatsonmusic/> Kendra Morris (https://soundcloud.com/kendra-morris)https://www.instagram.com/…
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SONSON | My Blues EP (CPT 649-3)BUY LINK : https://compostrecords.lnk.to/SonsonMyBluesEPLabel: Compost Records (https://soundcloud.com/compost)https://www.instagram.com/compostrecords> Sonson (https://soundcloud.com/sonsonmusic)https://www.instagram.com/sonsonmusichttps://open.spotify.com/intl-fr/artist/1n2ta8SLGSSls4P4SAEMij> Franck Roger (https:/…
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Anatole Serret - Fata Morgana EPBUY LINK: https://hydrangearecords.bandcamp.com/album/fata-morgana-epLabel: Hydrangea Records (https://soundcloud.com/hydrangearecords)https://www.instagram.com/hydrangearecords> Anatole Serret (https://soundcloud.com/anatoleserret)https://www.instagram.com/anatoleserretA thick fata morganaThat flickers from afarA da…
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Better later than never, there are still a few tracks from our EDF compilation that weren't on the cloud yet including this trancey-prog bombaza from https://soundcloud.com/spunoff !LYO is happy to introduce "Electronique De France". Non-exhaustive panorama of the local scene, it aims to bring together some of its most interesting talents. Carefull…
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AZ–Rotator | AE–12BUY LINK: https://adepta.bandcamp.com/album/az-rotator-ae-12Label: Adepta Editions (https://soundcloud.com/adepta/)www.instagram.com/adepta_editions> AZ-Rotator (@solomute-labs)www.instagram.com/az_rotatorwww.az-rotator.comAdepta Editions presents AE–12, the latest in its limited 8-inch vinyl series, continuing a unique artistic c…
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Orior’s first release introduces Marlon Lopez with a record that boldly explores the boundaries of time and genre. Limited to 300 copies, this debut EP is as uncompromising as it is unique. Crafted in near isolation amidst the forest, Marlon’s work is untouched by the usual club influences, offering a refreshing, introspective take on new wave and …
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French producer Colline debuts his first EP on Dionysian Mysteries titled “Algarade”, filled with passion, depth, and hopefulness. Colline’s sound is personal and deeply emotive. His cinematic soundscape blurs the lines between club and listening music. The EP consists of two original tracks and one remix by Nouveau Monica. The original works Algar…
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Navechno - Lost In ParadiseBUY LINK: https://taktrec.bandcamp.com/album/lost-in-paradiseLabel: TAKT Recordings (https://soundcloud.com/taktrec)https://www.instagram.com/takt.rec/linktr.ee/takt.rec> Navechno (https://soundcloud.com/navechno)https://www.instagram.com/navechno.acid/Navechno is a producer whose sound is rooted in the iconic acid bass. …
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DJ Firetower - FIRE02 EPBUY LINK : https://djfiretower.bandcamp.com/album/fire02Label : n.a. / self-release> DJ Firetower : https://soundcloud.com/djfiretowerhttps://www.instagram.com/firetower.dj/FIRE02 signals a new year and with it the start of a busy release schedule. For the 2nd edition in the series, DJ Firetower brings a spacey tech sound wi…
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Orior’s first release introduces Marlon Lopez with a record that boldly explores the boundaries of time and genre. Limited to 300 copies, this debut EP is as uncompromising as it is unique. Crafted in near isolation amidst the forest, Marlon’s work is untouched by the usual club influences, offering a refreshing, introspective take on new wave and …
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Shugi is releasing her single, "Taxi Love," marking a new chapter in her musical journey. The song blends '80s influences with a modern, house-infused beat, showcasing Shugi's evolution as a DJ, producer, and singer, while drawing from her romantic and playful experiences.It reflects her personal and artistic growth, serving as a link between her p…
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youANDme & Black Soda “Believe”Incl. remixes by Jackson Brainwave, MoodoramaBUY LINK : https://compostrecords.lnk.to/youANDme-blacksoda-believeLabel: Compost Records (https://soundcloud.com/compost)https://www.instagram.com/compostrecords> youANDme (https://soundcloud.com/youandme-martin)https://www.instagram.com/youandme_dj_producer> Black Soda (h…
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BUY LINK: https://linktr.ee/tomlownakaluckysunLabel: Lucky Sun Recordings (https://soundcloud.com/lucky-sun)https://www.instagram.com/tomlown_luckysun/A chance introduction between vocalist Anna Ling and producer Lucky Sun (Tom Lown), resulted in 2 luscious remixes of her song Butterfly. Anna Ling, a singer-songwriter, choir leader and teacher base…
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Tommaso Conforti - Sulla Pista EPBUY LINK : https://boyanzarecords.bandcamp.comLabel: Boyanza Records (https://soundcloud.com/boyanza_records)https://www.instagram.com/boyanza_rec/> Tommaso Conforti (https://soundcloud.com/tommaso-conforti-1)https://www.instagram.com/tomtomconfortiBoyanza is thrilled to present the latest musical offering from Tomm…
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V/A - PERCSPRE-ORDER LINK: https://ureguay.bandcamp.com/album/percsLabel: U're Guay Records (https://soundcloud.com/Ureguay)https://www.instagram.com/ureguayrecords/> DJ Karen (https://soundcloud.com/meetdjkaren)https://www.instagram.com/meetdjkaren/U’re Guay Records is delighted to announce the 2025 VA release, "PERCS." This compilation welcomes a…
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V/A - PERCSPRE-ORDER LINK: https://ureguay.bandcamp.com/Label: U're Guay Records (https://soundcloud.com/Ureguay)https://www.instagram.com/ureguayrecords/> Alírio (https://soundcloud.com/a_lirio)https://www.instagram.com/alirio_____/> Tuxe (https://soundcloud.com/iagotuxe)https://www.instagram.com/iagotuxeU’re Guay Records is delighted to announce…
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Terawax - Full Moon LPBUY LINK: https://polygon.bandcamp.com/album/full-moonLabel: Polygon Records (https://soundcloud.com/polygon-ua)https://www.instagram.com/polygon_ua/Full Moon LP is a culmination of a year-long creative process by Ukrainian producer, audio engineer, and DJ Hlib, also known as Terawax. Scheduled for release on January 29, 2025,…
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Mar De Novo delivers another compelling record with their Daje EP; a six-track EP that effortlessly taps into the nostalgic pulse of Italo Disco while imbuing the label with what it is known for. As one of Vinyl Only's stable producers, Mar De Novo continue to carve a distinct niche with this release, combining warmth with a nuanced modernity. Span…
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V/A - PERCSBUY LINK: https://ureguay.bandcamp.com/album/percsLabel: U're Guay Records (https://soundcloud.com/Ureguay)https://www.instagram.com/ureguayrecords/> Praqqa (https://soundcloud.com/praqqamx)https://www.instagram.com/praqqa/U’re Guay Records is delighted to announce the 2025 VA release, "PERCS." This compilation welcomes artists from Lati…
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zj☻ - Play, Though? EPBUY LINK: https://zjsmiles.bandcamp.com/album/play-thoughFollow Gross Margins (https://soundcloud.com/zjsmiles)https://www.instagram.com/zj_smiles/I foraged in the forest of Gott, but In excess, the Leftover Salad lay. Rushed to leave, elbow grazed, the bowl Tilt-ed, slowly falling onto the ground, I Gasp.…
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V/A - DROP Dance Society Records – Vol 1 – 2024BUY LINKS: https://www.dancingvinyl.com/vinyl/various-artists-drop-dance-society-vol-1/https://deejay.de/Various_DROP_Dance_Society_Records_-_Various_Artists_-_Vol_1_-_2024_DDS009_Vinyl__1121268https://www.juno.co.uk/products/drop-dance-society-records-vol-1-vinyl/1063884-01/Label: DROP Dance Society (…
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KŌMA - Satyr Supervisor EpBUY LINK: https://komamusic.bandcamp.com/KŌMA (https://soundcloud.com/user-130031806)https://www.instagram.com/koma_music_/The idea behind "Satyr Supervisor" project is balance. Balance in time first.I mixed oldschool breaks and synths with new texture designs and modern bass shapes for a present sound that can remind you …
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We’re very happy to welcome Promising/Youngster to our catalogue with the vibrant “Flux” EP.Promising/Youngster is one the monikers for Diego Cadierno with previous releases on Analogical Force, Sin Hilo or Nebulae. He made his debut on Factor City with his other alias Cadee with the excellent “Happiness” Ep back in 2021.“Flux” is a deliberate step…
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Following Anna Kohlin & Basement Space’s bold split EP on her recently formed Inside Out imprint, the Stockholm natives bring a smörgåsbord of delectable treats from fellow Swedes - Basement Space & Måns Glaeser, Eric OS, Baby Rollén and Anna Kohlin herself. 002 is packed with quirky dancefloor tones that span from Anna’s own inimitable techy-house…
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