Bringás Hangadó a Tiloson
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tompaeszű, ostoba, botor műsor
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A Tilos Rádió komplex, brutális, ezoterikus wellness-fitness magazinja minden kedden délelőtt kb. 10 órától kb. 12 óráig. Keress bennünket a Facebookon is:
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Két simlis és egy szende kora reggeli, beszélgetős műsora változó tematikával, izgalmas vendégekkel.
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MSÚSZ Nívódíjjal elismert podcast a magyar férfi kosárlabdáról. Támogasd a munkámat:
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A tech világa, belülről. Ez a LifeInTech, az EPAM podcast csatornája, ahol valós történeteken keresztül, első kézből ismerheted meg az IT világát. Beszélgetünk technológiákról, egyenes és kacskaringós karrierutakról, a hétköznapokról, sikerekről (néha kudarcokról) és a jövőről.
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szétszedjük a zenét, megnézzük milyen belülről
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Modern jazz műsor klasszikus és kortárs zenékkel, amik zöme soha nem hangzott el a magyar médiában. És nem is nagyon fog.
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A mesekönyvben új fejezet nyílik. Amíg Erizo egy távoli országban gyűjt történeteket az új mesékhez, addig idehaza Turiszt és Indy regél a Tilosos gyerekeknek, néha pedig Erizo is ideröptet egy műsornyi fabulát a távolból.
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2012-ben indult beszélgetős műsor, minden adásban a magyar filmszakma egy-egy (vagy néha egyszerre több) jeles képviselőjét faggatjuk másfél órán keresztül. Volt már vendégünk Tarr Béla, Antal Nimród, Havas Ági, Hajdu Szabolcs, Dobó Kata, Pálfi György, Pataki Ági, Rév Marcell, Gryllus Dorka, Deák Kristóf, Goda Krisztina, Tóth Barnabás, Jakab Juli, Reisz Gábor, Döbrösi Laura, Szász Attila, Divinyi Réka, Mundruczó Kornél, Gera Marina, Nemes Jeles László négy alkalommal, Zomborácz Virág pedig h ...
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(Kb.) minden második héten a Szex-Akció Hírcsoport műsorvezetői kérdezőkből véleményvezérré válnak, és megfejtik az élet nagy kérdéseit a hallgatók/csetelők segítségével. Bő egy óra lazulás 'round the world! (A műsorban időnként csapongunk a témák között, így leírás nem vagy ritkán tartozik az adásokhoz, de a pontos kezdést és véget így is igyekszünk mindig beállítani.)
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Welcome to the radio from Hungary run by ESC volunteers! We talk about culture, politics, society, travelling and many other interesting topics!
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Experience the Cold War like never before through award-winning, real-life stories told by those who lived it. Each week, we bring you firsthand accounts from soldiers, spies, civilians, and more, capturing the full spectrum of Cold War experiences. Host Ian Sanders takes you beyond the history books, delivering raw, personal stories where every breath, pause, and emotion adds depth to understanding this pivotal era. This is Cold War history, told from the inside. We cover subjects such as s ...
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Minden páratlan hét csütörtökön (16:30-18:00) az undergound zene mellett, olyan dolgokról beszélgetünk, ami érinti a szinteret, illetve, amit mi fontosnak, vagy érdekesnek találunk. 2016. 02. 02-án elment Mező (Waldorf) barátom. 2017. 02. 23-án 16:30-tól az adás most Róla fog szólni, elmesélem a közös történetünket. Semmi Kolmoly - Fiksz rádió - Free Fest - Tilos Rádió - utánpótlás foci (BVSC/KISE)
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4Kids Network - Hungary
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DJ / Radio Host - Radio MORA 98.8MHz (Austria) & Rabakoz 94.5MHz (Hungary) SOCIAL: Instagram - arminsipocz BOOKING: INFO:
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Learn One Mishnah Every Day – Mishnayot in Hungarian, from Berlin, by Binyomin Szanto-Varnagy
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This is the Hungarian Heritage Podcast. Here, we are dedicated to leaning in and listening to Hungarians and non-Hungarians who have a deep understanding of Hungarian history, culture, traditions, food, travel, and everyday life experiences in Hungary or from just being Hungarian. Our approach will broaden and expand your connection to your Hungarian Heritage in a fun, modern, inclusive, and welcoming format. So if you were ever curious to know more about your Hungarian Heritage, or you're n ...
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Learn Hungarian with Free Podcasts Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible. For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever!
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Formula Indie Europe is a 2 hours music showcase focused on independent music made in Europe produced by European Indie Music Network info on Discover more on Country List Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, , Germany, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia ,Malta, Monaco, Norway, Nether ...
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Philosophy for All is a leading podcast for everything related to philosophy and theology. We often host leading scholars and thinkers to bring you the best content in philosophy and theology! Stay tuned for enlightening discussions which would not only enrich your knowledge of philosophy, but also provide you with life lessons from great thinkers!This podcast has ranked globally, past ranks include top 200 in UK, top 40 in Hungary, top 50 in Slovenia & top 20 in Denmark for Arts & Books.
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Matt P Music Podcast is a non-periodical electronic music podcast created by Peter Matkovsky. Every single episode is made with care, and features the hottest trance and progressive tunes of its time.
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News / Video / Analysis
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In addition to short interviews in English at the beginning of the show, we continue with a mix of dark techno, rhythmic noise, EBM and industrial music and occasional guest DJs. Interviews so far and planned Lederman / De Meyer: Blac Kolor: Patrick Codenys - UnderViewer: Jürgen Engler - Die Krupps (old int ...
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A Class FM reggeli műsora, amelyet Sebestyén Balázs, Rákóczi Ferenc és Vadon János vezet.
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Podcast by What's up with Hungary
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Az élet értelmét az ember a földi élet megszünéséig keresi. Mi mozgatja? : -szexualitás -hatalomvágy -kitejesülés Fajtái : -Hedonista -"Az élet szolgálat" -Az élet értelme saját maga -Cél nélküli ---->Célok mindig akadnak--->ha van konkrét teendőd nem gondolkozol rajta
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Hungarian DJ and producer. Born 1982, Hungary. Started his love for music at age 12.
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Keyser és Shuriken heti eklektikus zenei műsora. A két órás zenei kalandozás a spirituális jazztől az elektronikus cumbiáig, vinilektől wavokig, a ritkaságok, régiségek és soha nem hallott hangok teljes spektrumát lefedi. A weekly eclectic radio show by DJ Keyser and DJ Shuriken from Budapest. From spiritual jazz to electronic cumbia, from vinyl to wav, we cover the full spectrum in our hectic sessions. Hallgass / Listen: Crate Soul I DJ Keyser I DJShuriken I Blog / Playlists: http://www.cra ...
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Your hosts, Kara and Toni, combine cult films and cocktails for a lively discussion.
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the podcast about all things intercultural
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Welcome to EU News Daily, brought to you by Brief! Our AI selects the latest stories and top headlines and then delivers them to you each day in less than ten minutes (for more details, visit Stay informed on the latest EU news, including politics, economy, regulations, and more. Whether you're an EU citizen, an international observer, or simply interested in European affairs, EU News Daily is your trusted source for staying up-to-date. Tune in daily to be well- ...
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A modern magyar rádiózás legrégebbi népzenei műsora gyakori stúdiókoncertekkel, vendégekkel. A Tilos Rádió hetente egyszer összefüggő 2 óra időtartamú népzenei adása (a hazai rádiók közül talán ez a leghosszabb). Ezt a műsort Éri Péter (Kossuth-díjas Muzsikás együttes tagjaként) alapította Palotai Zsolttal együtt, és szerkesztéséért több mint húsz évig Ziku Evantia és máig tartóan Keszthelyi Imre DJ Qtewly felel. Evantia ma is háttérmunkával segíti a műsort. Később csatlakozott, és most már ...
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A podcast on everything that is East of something. Produced and hosted by Aleksandar Brezar.
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Jöjj, kövess engem! – Tanulási forrásanyagok fiataloknak | SD | HUNGARIAN
az utolsó napok szentjeinek jézus krisztus egyháza
This podcast is a simple and convenient way to share the videos from Come, Follow Me on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. It features the videos for the monthly gospel topic youth are studying in Aaronic Priesthood, Young Women, and Sunday School.
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🇨🇴 Colombian DJ 🇨🇴 since 2012 Mexico - Colombia - Hungary Progressive House - Techno - Deep House - House and more. Enjoy & Fun.
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2011 május 26-án KÖD néven indult élő beszélgetős/odafigyelős filmes műsor. Állandó - Győri Csilla, Czabán György - és időszakos műsorvezető társakkal - Kronauer Ádám, Kozi, Dudás Miki és Ozi - meghívott független és nem független filmes és nem filmes vendégek közreműködésével, zenével, betelefonálókkal, programajánlókkal. 2018. októbertől djGonnok keveri a műsort. Szabad szellemű beszélgetések készülő alkotásokról, hazai és nemzetközi szereplésekről, sikerekről és bukásokról, bemutatókról é ...
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Im a girl from Hungary who dreams in big. I hope you will love myself podcasts. Im a small youtuber i made videos in english and hungarian. You can find me on Youtube and Instagram as Blondieglass
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A writer curated discussion podcast and audio literary magazine
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Viktor Orbán has become an icon to far-right Christian nationalists around the world. How did this onetime radical firebrand become one of Vladimir Putin's staunchest allies -- referred to by some as a "Trojan horse for Russia?" Do Orbán and his majority Fidesz party serve the best interests and desires of the people? Or is he the godfather of a criminal organization built on conspiracy theories about the European Union, immigrants, the LGBTQ+ community, George Soros and others? Is Viktor Or ...
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I will describe to some extent how each battle was won or lost by particular decisions, tactics, technology or fortune. But the aim of each main narrative will be to place each battle in the context of the overall history of Europe. This overarching view provides a framework, which will help fit specific places and events into the big picture.
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Whether it's the debauchery of ancient Roman emperors, the Tudor crime family, the shenanigans behind the Chair of St. Peter, or the Austrian elites’ attempts to save themselves by trading their daughters to other royal houses, it turns out that our betters have always been among our worst. Join Alicia and Stacie from Trashy Divorces as we turn our jaded eyes to a different kind of moral garbage fire: Trashy Royals! Thursdays. Brought to you by Hemlock Creatives.
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Hugh Kruzel's program Quality of Life (QOL) was originally launched as "Eat This! Drink That!" some 8 years ago. Hugh visits anywhere - and explores - any topic that improves your quality of life.
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I’m a high school teacher who loves to travel. I’ll be sharing hacks, itineraries, and crazy stories from all of my past trips. Let’s go on an adventure!
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This podcast is made by middle school and high school students who are in the Ottoman History Classes on and Matthew Grace's private classes.Students study a part of Ottoman History for 8-weeks and choose something that interests them to make a podcast with. This is the fruit of their labor.
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Interviews with scholars of modern European politics about their new books
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MEGAPHONE is a community of activists working on issues such as the environment, women's rights, LGBTQ rights, transparency and accountability and civic engagement. Together we try to understand the consequences of the shrinking civic space - a process that's been spreading around Central Eastern Europe as of late. During our meet-up in Romania in 2018 and Hungary in 2019 we were trying to understand how to successfuly counter disinformation but also how to better tell our stories, engage mo ...
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Hungary's Role in Great Power Politics - Zoltán Koskovics, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen
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Hungary's Role in Great Power Politics - Zoltán Koskovics, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen
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Reconnect Hungary: Rediscovering Your Roots, A Kicsi Pod Episode With The Director of The Program, Gabi Vajtay
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Sziastok! Welcome to this episode of the Hungarian Heritage Podcast. This shorter episode, or Kicsi Pod, kicsi meaning small, is a series within our season where we discuss smaller topics in between some of our longer interview episodes! So let’s get started with our Episode 6 kicsi pod with my guest Gabi Vajtay, the director of the Reconnect Hunga…
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Christmas time in Central Europe! Yes, an oddity for me to take a trip during Christmas, but I was super excited to see the Parliament Building, visit some great art museums, and feel the holiday cheer in the city’s Christmas Markets! Listen in to learn some helpful tips and itinerary ideas for this beautiful city on the Danube.…
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Victoria Harms, "The Making of Dissidents: Hungary’s Democratic Opposition and its Western Friends, 1973-1998" (U Pittsburgh Press, 2024)
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Before Hungary’s transition from communism to democracy, local dissidents and like-minded intellectuals, activists, and academics from the West influenced each other and inspired the fight for human rights and civil liberties in Eastern Europe. Hungarian dissidents provided Westerners with a new purpose and legitimized their public interventions in…
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Enrico Ciappi, "Building Europe in New York: From the Munich Conference to the European Coal and Steel Community (1938-1952)" (Routledge, 2025)
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Today’s European Union grew out of functional communities set up in the wake of world war in the 1950s. It would shock the new White House intake to learn that the wartime American political class lobbied hard for a postwar United States of Europe. The role of US officials in building Europe’s first community – one for the coal and steel industries…
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Tracklista: 01. John Carroll Kirby - Dawn Of New Day feat. Laraaji (kezdődött: 00:06:54) 02. The Pro-Teens - The Time We Faced DOOM (kezdődött: 00:10:55) 03. Şatellites - Yok Yok (kezdődött: 00:16:35) 04. The Cromagnon Band - Fate/No Fate (kezdődött: 00:20:55) 05. Lawne - Ame Tova (kezdődött: 00:25:35) 06. The Pro-Teens - Supervillain Theme (kezdőd…
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adás archívumBy Tilos Rádió
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Fanny, Gabriele and Alex discuss what satire is, everything form dystopia to parody to Shrek
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adás archívumBy Tilos Rádió
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Trump tariff weapon. Russia economic growth
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Trump tariff weapon. Russia economic growth
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adás archívumBy Tilos Rádió
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US puts the squeeze on Zelensky
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Czech National Bank Considers Bitcoin Investment, French PM Bayrou Faces Outrage, Scholz Critiques Musk's AfD Support, Germany Faces Economic Alarm, and more...
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(0:10): Czech National Bank Weighs $7.3 Billion Bitcoin Investment Amid Global Shift to Digital Assets (2:32): French PM Bayrou Sparks Outrage with 'Submersion' Immigration Remarks, Threatening Government Stability (4:35): Scholz Criticizes Elon Musk's Support for Far-Right AfD Amid Holocaust Remembrance (6:52): Germany's 'Economic Alert Day': Busi…
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98. Bring Out Your Dead: Royal Fascinations with Dead Bodies
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We regret to inform you that today's legal regime of protecting corpses from desecration is a modern development, and even worse, royals have a rich history of relying on them for all sorts of things. Today we get into the alleged curative powers of corpses, especially among Spain's Hapsburg leaders a few centuries back. Don Carlos himself, whom we…
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Oxford Students Discuss the Dynamics of Student Protest
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Send us a text Join us in this insightful discussion with fellow Oxford student Archibald as we delve into the proper methodologies of student protest. In this video, we explore effective strategies for organizing and conducting student activism, focusing on how to ensure that protests are peaceful yet impactful. Building upon the current situation…
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Bayrou Ignites Political Storm, Scholz Criticizes Musk's Support, German Police Raid Smuggling Ring, France Passes Breast Cancer Law, and more...
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(0:10): French PM Bayrou Sparks Political Storm with Controversial Immigration Remarks (2:24): Scholz Slams Musk's Far-Right Support, Calling It 'Disgusting' Amid Tense German Political Climate (4:27): Massive German Police Raid Targets Smuggling Ring; Two Lawyers Alleged Masterminds (6:33): French Lawmakers Unanimously Pass Landmark Breast Cancer …
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POV: 1984 - George Orwell [2025.01.30]
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Szilvia and Mariam are talking about 1984, dystopian novel and cautionary tale by English writer George Orwell
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Teil 2 von Thema Falco, über die weniger bekannte Lieder.
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Angularosként az EPAM-nál - Petró Tamás Lead Software Engineer-el beszélgettünk
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Petró Tamás Angularosként erősíti a szegedi EPAM csapatát. A senior szakember a kezdetektől ismeri és használja az Angular keretrendszert, ebben a beszélgetésben sokrétű tapasztalatairól, fejlődésének útjáról, az Angular sajátosságairól és az emblematikus pedagógusok szerepéről is mesélt. 00:00 Petró Tamás karrierútja, bemutatása 01:43 Mi az Angula…
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Eugene Finkel, "Intent to Destroy: Russia's Two-Hundred-Year Quest to Dominate Ukraine" (Basic Books, 2024)
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Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 shocked the world. And yet, to Ukrainians, this attack was painfully familiar, the latest episode in a centuries-long Russian campaign to divide and oppress Ukraine. In Intent to Destroy: Russia's Two-Hundred-Year Quest to Dominate Ukraine (Basic Books, 2024), political scientist Eugene Finkel un…
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ADAM WEDD – SLAY ALEXANDROS MIARIS – Anemoia ANDREAS MOE – Wild Enough BECKER & MUKAI – Meditative Blip BITINJUICE – Faith control BRIARS – Qualms BROKEN CASTLES – It’s a Beautiful Life CALLUM SPENCER – Casanova CAPTAIN CRASH & THE MAGIC HATS – Anywhere CELESTI – santa barbara's pier CONTEMPORARY CLUB – Plastic Dream COSMIC COUSIN – Look Beyond CRI…
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Italy Albanian Migrant Deal Controversy, Coca-Cola Issues Beverage Recall, Study Warns of Heat Deaths, German Postal Workers Strike for Pay, and more...
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(0:10): Controversial Italy-Albania Migrant Processing Deal Sparks Human Rights Debate Amid Rising Arrivals (2:24): Coca-Cola Recalls Beverages in Europe Over Chlorate Concerns; Consumers Advised to Check Codes (4:25): Urgent Climate Action Needed: Study Warns of 2.3 Million Heat-Related Deaths in Europe by 2099 (6:50): German Postal Workers Strike…
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Gossip: Debì tirar Màs fotos [2025.01.28]
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Szilvia talks about the latest album of Bad Bunny and analyze some of her favourite tracks of the full lenght album. Why is it so significative for Puerto Rico?
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Habitat for Humanity's ReStore now open in Sudbury's South End
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Let's talk with Richard Barlow about the Habitat for Humanity's ReStore. Richard is the manager and definitely passionate about what this resale venue offers all kinds of people. As we talk and walk about the store it is apparent this is not someone's junk. There are treasures to be found, and as everything that comes in is a donation, prices are s…
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Come along to Budapest and talk wine with Kristian Kielmayer
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Okay, you don't have to go halfway 'round the world to talk about wine... you can just cue up this episode. Kritian Kielmayer knows about wine! Not just Hungarian vineyards and bottles, but the broad european landscape. I had the good fortune to sit and listen to his words on wine at the Kimpton BEM in the fall of 2024. He has buckets of passion fo…
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With a broad repertoire - at his fingertips - Nicolas Kilhoffer is one with the keyboards. I had the good fortune of hearing (and watching) him play at St. Peter and St. Paul's Anglican Church in Esquimalt. Studying piano at 7 he taught himself the organ at 10 and by 2017 was enrolled the Conservatoire in Strasbourg. This 22 year old can make the p…
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End of globalism w/ Neil McCoy-Ward (Live)
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End of globalism w/ Neil McCoy-Ward (Live)
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Culture: "Party in the Lentate" [2025.01.31]
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First time in Italy. obviously for Mariam and not for Gaia. How does it feel to stay with locals during holidays in Italy and live with them
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Kis zenés felvezetés (Mayberian Sanscülotts remix) után erős gasztrocentrikus műsor Lőrinc és Minek főszereplésével. Benne, többek között: Miért főznek mindent túl a háziasszonyok és háziemberek? Miért rontják el folyton a májat? Mindent ki kell rántani? Mitlyen aromákat zár magába a rántott pontyszelet? Katona- és kollégistaételek. A fűszerezés mú…
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Roland Erne et al., "Politicising Commodification: European Governance and Labour Politics from the Financial Crisis to the Covid Emergency" (Cambridge UP, 2024)
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Year 2008 marked the introduction of a new economic governance regime in the European Union (EU) in response to the global financial crisis. Politicising Commodification: European Governance and Labour Politics from the Financial Crisis to the Covid Emergency (Cambridge UP, 2024), authored by leading scholars in the field and also available open ac…
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Viktoriya Fedorchak, "The Russia-Ukraine War: Towards Resilient Fighting Power" (Routledge, 2024)
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Viktoriya Fedorchak's The Russia-Ukraine War: Towards Resilient Fighting Power (Routledge, 2024) provides a systematic analysis of the Russian-Ukraine war, using the concept of resilient fighting power to assess the operational performance of both sides during the first year of the full-scale invasion. The Russian war in Ukraine began in 2014 and c…
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Philip Rathgeb, "How the Radical Right Has Changed Capitalism and Welfare in Europe and the USA" (Oxford UP, 2024)
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Radical right parties are no longer political challengers on the fringes of party systems; they have become part of the political mainstream across the Western world. How the Radical Right Has Changed Capitalism and Welfare in Europe and the USA (Oxford UP, 2024) shows how they have used their political power to reform economic and social policies …
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Velyka Novosilka falls. Reality smashes into 'Ukraine victory' spin
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Velyka Novosilka falls. Reality smashes into 'Ukraine victory' spin
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Tracklista: 01. Nagy Grófo - Szabolcsi Peregtő (kezdődött: 01:31:21) 02. SNOW RAVEN - Terra Clamor (kezdődött: 01:55:02) 03. Stefnoid - Infinite Forest (kezdődött: 02:00:42) 04. Thomas Darker - Jaguara (kezdődött: 02:01:22) 05. Tabura - Nano Algorithms (kezdődött: 02:01:42) 06. Biophotons - Hakking Photons (Original Mix) (kezdődött: 02:02:02) 07. V…
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Tracklista: 01. David Lynch - So Glad (kezdődött: 00:01:36) 02. David Lynch - Noah's Ark (kezdődött: 00:04:56) 03. David Lynch - I Know (kezdődött: 00:09:36) 04. David Lynch - Crazy Clown Time (kezdődött: 00:13:16) 05. David Lynch - The Night Bell With Lightning (kezdődött: 00:20:16) 06. David Lynch - Imaginary Girl (kezdődött: 00:25:16) 07. David …
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Sweden Detains Bulgarian Ship, Tesla Sues EU Over Tariffs, Lukashenko Claims Election Victory, OKX and Bitpanda Get MiCA Licenses, and more...
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(0:10): Sweden Detains Bulgarian Ship Vezhen Amid Baltic Sea Cable Sabotage Investigation (2:32): Tesla Sues EU Over Electric Vehicle Tariffs Amidst Auto Industry Crisis (4:43): Lukashenko Claims Landslide Victory Amid Allegations of Rigged Election and International Condemnation (7:03): OKX and Bitpanda Secure MiCA Licenses, Paving Way for Regulat…
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Italiano: Folklore e tradizioni [2025.01.27]
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Szilvia e Gabriele raccontano alcune leggende e tradizioni del Veneto e della Sicilia. Dal Carnevale di Venezia alle Teste di Mori e dalla Regata storica fino a Scilla e Caiddi.
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Fanny är tillbaka med Ingmar Bergmans verk, den här gången om filmen Persona från 1966. Fanny pratar om dess teman och mottagande mm.
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World Politics: Updates from the world [2025.01.21]
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Szilvia and Mariam discuss about the latest news from the world. What is going on in the Us? What is happening in Serbia and in Georgia? Ceasefire in Palestine? Is Trump serious about his declarations?
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Gossip: Was Squid Game 2 necessary? [2025.01.21]
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Szilvia and Gaia review the second season of the popular TV series Squid Game and analyze some of its aspects. Who was their favourite character? What was their favourite game? And on top of that was the series even good?
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adás archívumBy Tilos Rádió
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EU Ursula...NOT MY FAULT, blame Putin
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Stephen Dalina Reflects On His Reconnect Hungary Birthright Experience
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Welcome to this episode of the Hungarian Heritage Podcast. Today we are speaking with Stephen Dalina and he is here to tell us all about his amazing experience last summer on the Reconnect Hungary Birthright trip. Stephen is here to share with us about the application and interview process, as well as, all of the fantastic things that are included …
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Tracklista: 01. Get A Room! - Ecuador (kezdődött: 00:01:02) 02. Kollektiv Turmstrasse - Tristesse (kezdődött: 00:06:22) 03. Pantha du Prince - Pius in Tacet (kezdődött: 00:14:42) 04. Trap City - The Nutcracker Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (kezdődött: 00:18:43) 05. Polo & Pan - Dorothy (kezdődött: 00:28:03) 06. Polo & Pan - Canopée (kezdődött: 00:3…
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adás archívumBy Tilos Rádió
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Zelensky losing ground war, trying to spin drone war
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Zelensky losing ground war, trying to spin drone war
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_IMNOT__HERE – Awakenings 10 BILLION LOST – Gave up on Me ADJAO – Ole ALBERT STENSEN – No Belobog Here AMA DABLAM – Talk AN GOF – Nullarbor ANAYO – Duty Free ANGERLAND – Neon Dead ANN'SO M – Des mots ATMES – Lonely BAIANA – Love Will Lead The Way CAPESTHORNE – Seasons Change CASINOS – Chilli CMON CMON – New Orleans CONTEMPORARY CLUB – Belong CRIS C…
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Joe is rejoined by Sam Richard to talk about his new short story collection The Still Beating Heart of a Dead God, ordering short story collections, iterating on ideas, Dark Internet, and more. Contact for Sam Richard Twitter Bluesky Weirdpunk Books Contact for Joe bielecki Instagram, and Bluesky: @noisemakerjoe Website One time donation Patreon Ti…
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