Elava Vee Kogudus, EVK, Living Waters Church - is an International Christian Church in Tallinn, Estonia. Pastor Barry teaches the Bible in a practical and exciting way, helping Christians understand what belongs to them through a relationship with Jesus. This podcast is taken from Pastor Barry's teaching in our church services. Every podcast will be done in English, with Estonian translation. Check out our webpage for more video and audio options that are available. www.EVK.ee -------------- ...
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In our relationship with God, there are so many blessings. But He will also give us victory and favor to keep us on course and help us through life. The Lord will protect you and hold you through the difficulties of life. God turns the difficult and bad things - into good things and blessing.By Barry Mitchell
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In your relationship with the Lord, as a believer you are joined to Him by His Spirit in you. And in our daily prayers and talking to God, it is important that we pray with faith - believing that God will do what He promised! Just be yourself when you talk to God, lift your hands and connect to His power!…
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In your relationship with the Lord, our Almighty God, is something we need in our life. And it was actually good that Jesus went away, because He sent the Holy Spirit to us, to be our help in life and prayer. And the gift of the Holy Spirit in you, will even give you a heavenly language, where you can speak directly to God and pray His perfect will…
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A vital part to keep any relationship strong and growing, is communication. And when you talk to the Lord daily in prayer, it strengthen your relationship with Him. And a powerful way to experience Him is in times of prayer. You can pray His will for your life, by praying the promises in His Word.By Barry Mitchell
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Growing in faith is an important part in your Christian life, but what you believe can also strengthens your relationship with Jesus. Believing God's promises in the Bible, and understanding you have a connection with Jesus, will change you. Like a branch connected to the vine, life flows to us when we are connected to Jesus.…
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One of the most important things to understand in your Christian walk, is that God wants relationship with YOU! The love of God is more than you could ever understand, but something that we can receive daily. And spending time with the Lord, will cause our relationship with Him to become more-and-more real and intimate.…
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God is with you and will love you in and through the difficulties in life, and you will be able to shine in life. Even when others turn on you, if you will trust the Lord, He will bring you out to a better place. His love is supernatural, and all we need to have success in life. Manuel and Evelin share their stories on how God's love brought them t…
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Jesus is our Chief Shepherd. But His plan was to have under-shepherds to care for us, these are the pastors of His church. We all belong to Jesus, but the Lord has given us pastors with loving hearts, like God's heart. They represent God to us, by showing us His love, teaching us, and help to guide our lives. A pastor's main responsibility is to le…
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Jõulusõnum - Minu Karjane / Christmas Message - My Shepherd 2024
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1:04:22Jesus came as our Lamb, so that He could become our Shepherd. The angels appeared first to the Bethlehem shepherds, the ones who watched over the sacrificial lambs for the temple in Jerusalem, to tell them about the birth of our Savior. And we celebrate Jesus, because He is our hope for today - and for our future.…
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The Lord is your shepherd who will reward you, so you can feast even when the enemy is near. And your shepherd will anoint you with the Holy Spirit oil, and He will give you the ability to do what you are called to do for Jesus. When you seek His presence, you will have His anointing each day.By Barry Mitchell
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Even though you will walk into some dark times in your life, if you are following Jesus, you will get through to something good. But you need to know the the Lord is with you, and He will protect you and guide you in your life. Jesus is the good shepherd who will speak to you, and you can know HIs voice so that you can follow Him.…
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Most of the time, there are things you need to DO, to get God's blessings in your life. But for todays teaching, this is something you just need to KNOW. You need to know the it is the Lord who restores your soul. And when you have fallen, Jesus will be there to pick you up, and put you on your feet again. He refreshes, revives, energizes, and rest…
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It is important that you know, "The Lord is MY shepherd!" We need to have that personal connection, knowing that He is with us in our lives, and that he loves us, and watches over us, and provides for us. When you are confident that Jesus is your shepherd, you will find rest for your soul.By Barry Mitchell
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If the Lord is my shepherd, I have all that I need! This needs to be our focus when thinking about our finances. Just as Jesus provided for the multitudes with a miracle from a boy's lunch - Jesus will miraculously provide for you. If you get involved in God's distribution to others in your finances, He will abundantly provide for you.…
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The Lord is our shepherd, and He is all that we need! We are like sheep, and we need a Shepherd in this life. He is our guide, provider, protector, rewarder. Look to Him as your Shepherd, and He will be all you need. Turn to Him daily and say - Lord, you are my Shepherd!By Barry Mitchell
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Reisijuht paremasse ellu / Guide to Better Life 6
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1:20:22To get to a better place in life, we need to think right. It is our choice what we think on, and the attitude we have going into each day with. And if your thought-life is not stable, then your faith can never be stable. Here are some biblical steps to apply in our life, to keep our thinking right.By Barry Mitchell
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Reisijuht paremasse ellu / Guide to Better Life 5
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1:22:10Prayer is vital for us to live a better life. And prayer should be fun and easy for us to do. Pastor Barry teaches us some mindsets, and promises from the Bible, to stand upon. When we pray out God's plan for our lives, in a Biblical way, we will see God move in our lives.By Barry Mitchell
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Reisijuht paremasse ellu / Guide to Better Life 4
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1:15:13It is important that we have margin in every area of out lives - time, emotions, health, finances. More margin, less pressure - less margin, more pressure. Having margin in finances will take away the pressures of life that are pushed on us. Do not let the power of money rule you, you can chose to put God first, and you will go to better.…
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Reisijuht paremasse ellu / Guide to Better Life 3
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1:21:48The anointing of God is supernatural help that comes on you to do what you are called to do. From our every day duties, to serving Jesus - the anointing is the ability to do it better. And Jesus said the anointing we have is the same anointing He had, so the church can do what He did when He was here. Draw on the anointing, expect it, and you will …
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Reisijuht paremasse ellu / Guide to Better Life 2
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1:16:27Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to us as the greatest gift to help us through life, He called Him our Comforter. We should not be unconfortable with the Comforter, He is our helper. Believers have the Holy Spirit in them, and He is the power of God to help us go to a better life. Being full is better, so be filled!…
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Reisijuht paremasse ellu / Guide to Better Life 1
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1:13:14There are 2 guarantees in life - 1. Tough times will come. 2. God is with you. You need to know that when difficulties come, it is part of life. But God is with you to get you through to a place of blessing where things are better. We have guidance from God's Word to be a success in all that we do.By Barry Mitchell
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God will break the rules for you to prosper in your life. As Jesus told Peter to go fish to get the coin to pay his taxes, you just go do what you know to do. God promises to bless the work of your hand, and He will take care of you.By Barry Mitchell
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Jesus has already broken the rules for us to receive health and healing. Just as Jesus showed healing and forgiveness were available in His ministry - salvation and health have been given to you today. Jesus purchased both of them, at the same time, on the cross. We can receive with bold confident faith.…
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Your faith will put you in position for God to be able to show up for you, break the rules for you, and use you. David was a young man who had bold courageous faith. The kind of faith that caused others around him to eventually believe for the impossible. Whatever giants you face in your life today, speak to them in faith, and go do what the Lord l…
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Never let go of the dreams God gives to you, no matter how bad things might seem to you in the moment. We see Joseph kept his relationship strong with the Lord, no matter how bad things git in the natural. And the Lord continued to make him a success. But sometimes can't fulfill God's plan for you, the way things are in your life now. We might need…
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Even when things do not seem possible, God can do what is impossible for us. Abraham and Sarah had a baby together, way past age to have children. Our faith activates the power of God in a way that will make exceptions for us. God will break the rules for you - if you believe.By Barry Mitchell
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When you stand for your God, even when tested and tempted, God will stand up for you. Sometimes the Lord will keep you from the fire, but other times the Lord will go with you into the fire and protect you. You will make it where others couldn't, and you will not even smell like smoke. When God makes exceptions for you, He will use you to share the…
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When you become a person who makes prayer, your relationship with God, a priority, God will break the rules for you. And when you daily put the Lord first, you will never have to fear when things come against you. Like Daniel, even though others wanted to kill him, the Lord stood with Daniel, and the lions never touched him. Your God can break the …
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God is a rule breaker, and loves to break the rules in your life. He will do this to show you how much He loves you. God's unexplainable peace, the undeserved favor of the Lord, and His amazing grace - are rule breakers in our lives. Expect God to make exceptions for you and when He does let God use you!…
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We have a responsibility to go out and make a difference in our lives, to the people around us. Jesus encouraged us to go compel and urge people to "come", so that His house is filled. You represent Jesus, tell them your story, and invite them to church. This is to be done with love, as we show love to others and tell them about Jesus.…
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Salvation is the our ultimate goal in life. We want to be sure we ourselves are saves, (born again and believe in Jesus). And we want to help others find the truth and receive their salvation that Jesus has already provided to anyone who believe. You have a story to share about what the Lord has done for you -- tell them!…
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The "Go" the Lord call us to, is mostly followed by the word "Home". Yes, we are to go into all the world and tell them about Jesus -- but we start at home, the people in our influence, and then go out to the world. As Jesus said before he went back to heaven, "Go tell everyone in Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, and the world." You have a story of what…
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An important thing to tell people, is about the fact that Jesus is coming back again. The Old Testament spoke about Jesus coming a second time, Jesus told us He will come again, the angels told people Jesus will come again, and we need to tell people Jesus will come again. Let's live in a way that we are ready to go be with Him.…
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God loves the world and is sending you out into the world. God wants every person to be saved, but you need to tell them. Show God's love to others - you can make a difference in your life. God has been so good to you, you can go be good to others. Just tell them your story, about all God has done for you!…
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God loves you! He unconditionally loves everyone in the world. This is the Good News of the Bible, and the message that changes lives. God demonstrated His love for us in the Old Testament story of Hosea and Gomer - how He loved you and came to purchase you back to Himself, even before you loved Him. You are loved!…
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We need to be bold to share about God's love for the world, and what Jesus has done for everyone, with the people in our lives. God love everyone, even the ones who reject Him. It is by believing in Jesus that we receive access to God, and get this advantage for life.By Barry Mitchell
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Hea võitluse võitmine / Winning the Good Fight 8
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1:23:11To get to the place of victory, we need to know that God is holding us in His hands. It is more important that God is holding us, than we are holding into God. And when God is holding you, you become free, and can freely give way what you have to bless the Kingdom of God. You can be generous, because God is so generous to you. Our fight is to stay …
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Hea võitluse võitmine / Winning the Good Fight 7
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1:13:48We need to fight to keep the Word that we hear, when we go to church or hear an anointed message. Because Satan will try to come and steal it from your mind, before it can get planted in your heart - and become part of who you are. Don't assume because you hear it, that you will do it. Go back over the things you hear, and remind yourself of the Wo…
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Hea võitluse võitmine / Winning the Good Fight 6
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1:25:55Fight for spiritual growth in our lives, because the enemy of your soul doesn't want you to grow. Even in our failures, we can still learn and grow from them. Commit to be disciplined and consistent in the way you live your life. Make the effort to walk with God, and then ask God for His holy help when needed. Spiritual growth is possible for every…
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Hea võitluse võitmine / Winning the Good Fight 5
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1:18:07We need discipline to win the fight of staying on the right courser in life. God will lead you by His Spirit, and you can know on the inside which way to go. Do not let the enemy pull you off course, stay close to God's presence, God's Word, and God's people.By Barry Mitchell
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Hea võitluse võitmine / Winning the Good Fight 4
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1:20:01One of the fights we have is in the way we talk. Our words have power to go good or bad. Words of faith can accomplish anything, and win the figh. But when we speak negative words, and speak against our faith, the devil can deceive you. Guard your words and you will be victorious.By Barry Mitchell
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Hea võitluse võitmine / Winning the Good Fight 3
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1:04:19We need to be on guard, and prepare ourself, for the ways the enemy will attack us in life. He uses darkness and dryness to manipulate us. We need to have our hearts flooded with light, and have our souls quenched with living water. Our relationship with Jesus will do both of those powerful things.By Barry Mitchell
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Hea võitluse võitmine / Winning the Good Fight 2
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1:08:32What you do not know, will hurt you. The devil works in darkness, and the power of darkness is what we do not know - ignorance. We want to get into the light, so that we know the truth, and the truth will light the way for us in life. God wants you to know the truth, and He will reveal it to you if you ask Him. The light of life is found in our rel…
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Hea võitluse võitmine / Winning the Good Fight 1
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1:09:37Every day we are all in a fight, it is the battle in our minds. It is not a natural battle that we are in, but it is a spiritual battle. The enemy of your soul, the devil, wants to discourage you, deceive you, cause you to fear for your future. And the reason he does this, is to keep you away from God's will in your life. But if you will prepare yo…
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EVK uus asukoht alates 14. aprillist 2024.a / EVK's New location from April 14, 2024
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12:06Starting next Sunday, we are moving our church to Aiandi tee 21a, in Viimsi. Pastor Barry explains where the new location is, and how to get there. We will meet at this new location every Sunday now, starting 14. April 2024, at our usual time at 11:00. Please join us on Sunday to worship the Lord together, and learn Bible principles for life, and f…
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Jesus left His mark on an empty tomb - Jesus is alive! Jesus rose from the dead, on the third day, just as He said He would. And Jesus desires to leave His mark on your life, on your heart. If you will believe in Him, you will be changed, and receive eternal life. The Empty tomb says, "Jesus WAS here, but He is gone, He is alive!"…
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Jesus left His mark on the world through the cross. He became sin for the whole world, so that we might know our living God. It was through substitution, as He took our place on the cross, that we receive eternal life. That is how much GOD LOVES YOU!By Barry Mitchell
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Jesus left a mark on the world through His ministry in many ways - teaching, preaching, and healing. The world we live in today has been impacted by the teachings and life of Jesus. His love heals, restores, and sets us free, on the inside and in our bodies.By Barry Mitchell
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On your way to somewhere better in Jesus, there are things you must develop in your life. One thing that will help us stay on course is having momentum. Momentum makes the hard things easier, and helps you continue in the right direction in life. Seek God first every day, and He will give you the ability to reach your potential.…
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When you know where you are going in life, it helps to give value to everything you do. And there are things we need to reach a place that is better in our lives. We need excitement, that will give us the motivation to move forward. And we need the right direction in life. When you know the direction you need to go, it makes every decision easier. …
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