Doing some spiel. Assisted by brother matt public
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The Watt From Pedro Show

Mike Watt (solo artist, Minutemen, fIREHOSE, Iggy Pop and The Stooges) playing some tunes and doing some spiel. Assisted by brother matt and coming to you from the wild kingdom at the pleasure point, in San Pedro California! TWFPS

Mike Watt (solo artist, Minutemen, fIREHOSE, Iggy Pop and The Stooges) playing some tunes and doing some spiel. Assisted by brother matt and coming to you from the wild kingdom at the pleasure point, in San Pedro California! TWFPS
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show series
hour one:"liberia" (live excerpt 1960) john coltrane"citizen junkie" neverland ranch davidians"fat back" neverland ranch davidians"I ate the light" uh (dominic & fionnuala kennedy)"think thank thunk" pierre de gaillande and mike watt"giff breed" tobacco"fran cisco" guided by voices"wrong religion" [1996] bomis prendin"pig latin" red mass"sparkle pl…
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hour one:"my favorite things" (live excerpt from the comblain-la-tour jazz festiva on august 1, 1965) john coltrane"lix" saturn's flea collar"the song that used to be about midgets" saturn's flea collar"dawn believes" guided by voices"his heart is in the right place" [1987] bomis prendin"overwhelming" position normal"nagasaki's children" they must …
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hour one:"my favorite things" (live excerpt from kulttuuritalo helsinki, finland nov. 22, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"the good stuff" jad fair & samuel locke ward"the prettiest" jad fair & samuel locke ward"the light on - sound meditation 1" (excerpt) david first"fly religion" guided by voices"wonderful" jad fair & samuel locke ward"war" ani …
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hour one:"blue train" (live excerpt from olympia theatre, paris, france, nov. 18, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"on and on" mssv"super dumb" mssv"I am waiting for a bus" thousand dollar movie"angry dozer" thomas burkhardt"waves become clouds" a bad day"cycle - plectere VIII" stefano pilia"aesop dreamed of lions" guided by voices"the real psychos…
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hour one:"blue train" (live excerpt from olympia theatre, paris, france, nov. 18, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"louie louie" eddie and the subtitles"american society" eddie and the subtitles (original version)"are you ready?" marshall allen"tastebud" black moth super rainbow"clearly aware" guided by voices"backseat driver" tar babies"maris stel…
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hour one:"my favorite things" (live at kobe kokusai hall in kobe japan july 17, 1966) john coltrane w/jimmy garrison on bass"no one" minutemen"insurance from god" 45 grave"wet spot dare" black moth super rainbow"thumb door crashed" agnes steck"driving time" guided by voices"pastoral" matt nelso"I was born on the wrong planet" [1979] bomis prendin"s…
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hour one:"my favorite things" (live excerpt from the comblain-la-tour jazz festiva on august 1, 1965) john coltrane"stabby eyes" (live at kitten robot studios on jan 29, 2025) astral jets"blood and broken glass" (live at kitten robot studios on jan 29, 2025) astral jets"overrated species anyhow / sparrow sparrow" deerhoof"everybody's a star" guided…
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hour one:"liberia" (live excerpt 1960) john coltrane"nuevo ola" matt mottel & aquiles navarro"still rock n roll to me" colin l & talibam! billy joel cover band"hate wrapped in prayer (we say…)" clang quartet"still" n8noface"angels and demons at play" marshall allen"swarm of devils" tar babies"long eddy river riddim 2020 style" matt mottelhour two:"…
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hour one:"blue train" (live excerpt from olympia theatre, paris, france, nov. 18, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"candy apple morning" nikki o'neill"a space to dream" nikki o'neill"conceive the sea" marucoporoporo"shapeshifters" the love pretender"oh no" tekamolo"aluminum stingray girl" guided by voices"lacinia off axis" stefano pilia"I like shoe…
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hour one:"impressions" (live excerpt from newport, ri on july 1 1961) john coltrane"anytime soon" peter holsapple"the face of 68" peter holsapple"slumber party theme" [1991] bomis prendin"elfin flower with knees" guided by voices"ere" stefano pilia"are glued" position normal"hymn" cluster lizard"jackals" flying vipers"mock the hours" david nance"be…
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hour one:"blue trane" (live excerpt from kulttuuritalo helsinki, finland nov. 22, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"ode to the yellow river for concert band" (live on apr 25, 2024) vanderbilt university concert band"romance (for choir)" c4 choral composer / conductor collective"free steppe" cluster lizard"intellectual property (aka- song for robert…
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hour one:"impressions" (live excerpt from olympia theatre, paris, france, nov. 18, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"hell called earth" jesse daniel edwards"the fox" jesse daniel edwards"swanfanpadayo" eliot eidelman"a feast of fire ants" bomis prendin"drudge" snore"play shadows" guided by voices"ghost of haxby" the illness"chancellor" the island"p…
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hour one:"impressions" (live excerpt from olympia theatre, paris, france, nov. 18, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"freak" captain's audio project"be careful who you kiss" trashcan joe"my imitation skin" thresher"next stop, rocket science" bomis prendin"with their shields" cluster lizard"berlin" fluxion"burn rate" (rhys fulber remix) apaull"speed …
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hour one:"naima" (live from the kobe kokusai kaikan, kobe, japan on july 17, 1966) john coltrane"st jock" gareth sager"the johnny bristol flu" gareth sager"prologue" marshall allen"larfin trees" position normal"I will be a monk" guided by voices"the owl that calls upon the night" reptile reptiles"pantilde" the worm"disco sofa" gareth sager"god is d…
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hour one:"blue trane" (live excerpt from kulttuuritalo helsinki, finland nov. 22, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"love is a wish away" faith nyc"I stood up" faith nyc"ripped headline" midwestern medicine"independent animal" guided by voices"before I cry" matt nelson"sustain and ring 2" roscoe mitchell quartet"flight" aerocobra"red-handed" bomis p…
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hour one:"I want to talk about you" (live excerpt from olympia theatre, paris, france, nov. 18, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"candy coloured catastrophe" redd kross"stunt queen" redd kross"and I muddled all the ins" position normal"the main attraction" redd kross"19th man to fly an airplane" guided by voices"cancion enojada" redd kross"what`s y…
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hour one:"impressions" (live excerpt from olympia theatre, paris, france, nov. 18, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"ascension" adam h & the silent treatment"transit" adam h & the silent treatment"summer cannibals" (live 1973) sonic smith's ascension"aniara" (act I canto II) relay station + david dellacroce + hatsune miku & friends + oona pearsons …
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hour one:"I want to talk about you" (live excerpt from olympia theatre, paris, france, nov. 18, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"after midnight, my mind is different" cirm"aniara act I canto VI" relay station + david dellacroce + oona pearsons symfauxnic partchchestra"veris - plectere V" stefano pilia"down close" nels cline"ashtray" seb radix w/mi…
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hour one:"liberia" (live excerpt 1960) john coltrane"friendly fucker" ned collette"blue rooms" ned collette"bluebirds in a fight" ryan davis & the roadhouse band"caroline" dean roberts"lacinia in axis" stefano pilia"go" mow"my war" the skints"salad days" immr"lost finding gone (volcanic tongue)" hollywood autopsy"little hans" ned collettehour two:"…
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hour one:"I want to talk about you" (live excerpt from olympia theatre, paris, france, nov. 18, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"greensboro supply" mold omen"plain snakes" mold omen"police milice" seb radix"the well known soldier" guided by voices"second anual retort" mow"aniara" (act I canto Ic) relay station + david dellacroce + hatsune miku & f…
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hour one:"I want to talk about you" (live excerpt from kulttuuritalo helsinki, finland nov. 22, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"earmarked" thresher"porno detectives" thresher"hers purple" guided by voices"sms" seb radix"from apartment r" bomis prendin"gems" the giant worm"luxury's brutality" godammit tommy!"philodendrons" the island"yea, with for…
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]hour one:"impressions" (live excerpt from sudwestfunk tv studio baden-baden, west germany nov. 24, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"credits from winner winner soundtrack" max mabry"gumiho" max mabry"I couldn't see the light" guided by voices"wwdbd" will hamilton"the things I used to be" empty eyes"aniara" (act I canto Ia) relay station + david de…
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hour one:"impressions" (live excerpt from olympia theatre, paris, france, nov. 18, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"mountains" bleeding oath"in feyre foreste" royal academy of music recorder consort"cadux/plectere I" stefano pilia"el movimiento del tiempo" barbarelle"drone bomb the yachts" noisukka"creamed confections" lum and the insterstellar fo…
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hour one:"I want to talk about you" (live excerpt from olympia theatre, paris, france, nov. 18, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"sunlit maonia" david dellacroce"solo guitar for unheated leftovers" david dellacroce"kitchen work" matt nelson"leonard" (live) stick against stone"know you don't" noisukka"cookie data" minibeast"do the kali yuga" bomis p…
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hour one:"I want to talk about you" (live excerpt from kulttuuritalo helsinki, finland nov. 22, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"wadi qadisha" sami seif"syriac fugato" (live) sami seif"rhetoric" (live) stick against stone"believers & deceivers" flying vipers"courted reverb" wolf eyes + u eye trio"stooge" 10 minute warning"negate" rllbll"shubho lha…
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hour one:"every time we say goodbye" (live excerpt from sudwestfunk tv studio baden-baden, west germany nov. 24, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"stop the wind of my voice before it breaks me" edme performs marc perez"celestial bodies" edme performs cooper wood"le cri du vent" frise lumiere"dwyer" zpextre"1970" alan licht"the day" (live) stick aga…
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hour one:"blue train" (live excerpt from olympia theatre, paris, france, nov. 18, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"go to sleep" skin yard"ritual room" skin yard"timbuktu" afterlife"the man who invented the end of the world" bomis prendin"the hopping frog" (live) stick against stone"bad medicine" empty eyes"doctor too-much" eugene chadbourne"in thi…
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hour one:"I want to talk about you" (live excerpt from kulttuuritalo helsinki, finland nov. 22, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"tell my ma" skinner"when you live in a shoe" skinner"when I was a tugboat" bomis prendin"across the deep blue sea" afterlife"carpenter" sulla lingua"campfires and swamps" human dinosaur"god bless the godless" empty eyes"…
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hour one:"impressions" (live excerpt from sudwestfunk tv studio baden-baden, west germany nov. 24, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"burn the candle" (unreleased demo) carolyn marosy"old fears" (unreleased demo) carolyn marosy"as stars die, they create clouds (for ariel)" devra hoff"10 minutes 'til two" johnny stingray"song from the sea" afterlife"…
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hour one:"mr. p.c." (live excerpt from hamburg, west germany in 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"how many lies?" diamond street players"terry funk" wednesday night titans"choose the light" mi-gu"caundo las montanas eran templos" umma"gravy fingers" bomis prendin"eat the middle out of it" (excerpt) thresher"ric flair that's why we're here" wednesda…
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hour one:"every time we say goodbye" (live excerpt from sudwestfunk tv studio baden-baden, west germany nov. 24, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"membrane" subvert savant"trees" subvert savant"dori says hey" rllbll"doowutchawanadoo" red mass w/watt on bass"an unruly companion" bomis prendin"chimes" the moles"castle bandstand (clitheroe)" bhajan bh…
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hour one:"untitled blues" (live excerpt from sudwestfunk tv studio baden-baden, west germany nov. 24, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy"holiday camp holiday inn" ultimate thunder"monsters" ultimate thunder"bad decisions" vorp"ultra mega" pornohelmut"people" seb radix"bimini twist" sulla lingua"since I don't know when" the moles"live at edme new mus…
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hour one:"impressions" (live excerpt from the liederhalle, stuttgart, west germany on nov 4, 1963) john coltrane"lykos" kouns & weaver"epiktetos" kouns & weaver"song for o" matt nelson"had to be you" the moles"pelagia" kouns & weaver"pi" four dimensional nightmare"flashback" zpextre"elpis" kouns & weaver"slop jar boogie oogie oogie blues" burnt sug…
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hour one:"mr. p.c." (live excerpt from the liederhalle, stuttgart, west germany on nov 4, 1963) john coltrane"a rose by any other name" eliot eidelman"not for myself" eliot eidelman"fields of everything" (live at '2220 arts & archives' in l.a. on nov 17, 2023) kenneth james gibson"quest (part 1)" barre phillips"the black album" tobacco"robot 23" ad…
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hour one:"like sonny" (live excerpt from the comblain-la-tour jazz festiva on august 1, 1965) john coltrane"block out the sun" thousand dollar movie"stop wanting" (live at sioux sioux studio) moon bride"even so" mssv"you belong to me" flat duo jets"my full rich life" david greenberger & tyson rogers"a caustic notion" bomis prendin"from black to blu…
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hour one:"my favorite things" (live excerpt from the comblain-la-tour jazz festiva on august 1, 1965) john coltrane"the big r" primitive art group"artic waltz" (live) primitive art group"from black to blue and black again" (part 4 of 5) noisukka"unit structures" (live) primitive art grouphour two:"swinging" primitive art group"the shadow song" ava …
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hour one:"mr. p.c." (live excerpt from the liederhalle, stuttgart, west germany on nov 4, 1963) john coltrane"talking in my sleep" rain parade"this can't be today" rain parade"the wasail song" mike watt + the bobblymen"christmas song" tim holehouse"from black to blue and black again" (part 3 of 5) noisukka"calendar pilgrims" day for nights"shattere…
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hour one:"impressions" (live excerpt from the liederhalle, stuttgart, west germany on nov 4, 1963) john coltrane"christopher columbus transcontinental highway." rosie flores & the talismen"don't do what I did" (live) equation"magic christmas in lights" roman gabriel todd"silencing father ed" (excerpt) eugene chadbourne"mezzanine" danny mcgough, ale…
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hour one:"my favorite things" (live excerpt from the liederhalle, stuttgart, west germany on nov 4, 1963) john coltrane"meow" saupg"close your eyes" saupg"micronautz " junizawa"door layers (mirror ointments)" day for nights"in the bardo basement" bomis prendin"bbq mutt" admiral krank and his mo sheen"save it for the kids" zpextre"practical indiffer…
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hour one:"mr. p.c." (live excerpt from the liederhalle, stuttgart, west germany on nov 4, 1963) john coltrane"breathing zone" grady runyan"I took you to it baby" monoshock"drift" junizawa"two related" day for nights"elevator" kathryn mohr"liquid bones" noemi buechi"ruins of berlin" (live at criminal records on mar 13, 2009) dex romweber duo"dejuven…
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hour one:"untitled blues jam" (live excerpt from a private jam in detroit 1958) john coltrane"late afternoon progression" greg lisher"snowblind" greg lisher"jungle drums" (greenville sc 2009 live in-store show) dex romweber duo"any other way" (demo) ed crawford"palmveo" tobacco"signal loss" bomis prendin"deich míle paisti" muskeg mudsuck"onion" sam…
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hour one:"liberia" (live excerpt 1960) john coltrane"you" lawns"friends" lawns"my friend" (aug 2024 demo) ed crawford band"lovers gold" (greenville sc 2009 live in-store show) dex romweber duo"_o_____n" day for nights"the firmament" thresher"rollin" junizawa"happy anniversary" ridiculon"'oumuamua" bomis prendin"paper cuts (part 2)" mb jones w/jeff …
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hour one:"my favorite things" (live excerpt from the liederhalle, stuttgart, west germany on nov 4, 1963) john coltrane"myrtle parade" bodega"set the controls for the heart of the drum" bodega"the backroom" samuel locke ward"the antagonist" bomis prendin"there can be only one" ridiculon"bad indian" dead pioneers"the delaminated garden" thresher"in …
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hour one:"my favorite things" (live excerpt from the comblain-la-tour jazz festiva on august 1, 1965) john coltrane"the hope" orso"protest song" orso"wheels w/in wheels" thresher"locust" ridiculon"what do you mean fenix is closed?" golia / liebig / hubbard"couple notes" todd apperson"10,000 years of the obsessive detective's web" disorganism at the…
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hour one:"like sonny" (live excerpt from the comblain-la-tour jazz festiva on august 1, 1965) john coltrane"rendezvous with rama" el hombre al agua"replicant ice fortress" el hombre al agua"agate" yu ching"dancin' like a stray" zpextre"sick ass crystal (sick ass remix)" zenitram, jr"ride to cerro rico" eva mendoza"personal apocalypse" obadiah baird…
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hour one:"mr. p.c." (live excerpt from the liederhalle, stuttgart, west germany on nov 4, 1963) john coltrane"evermore" (live in napoli) hackedepicciotto"the silver threshold" (live in napoli) hackedepicciotto"the takeaway" cornelius devallance"telep" pilz, niebergall, shmitt"erase" pypy"inside" junizawa"development of the space elevator" disorgani…
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hour one:"liberia" (live excerpt 1960) john coltrane"ballast" luna honey"safe passage" luna honey"jack sharp" seb radix"untitled3 150524" aloisius & siren"mirror mirror" zpextre"pink river dolphins" eva mendoza"jonah's whale" the giant worm"a little time" the eleven-sixtyfours"n.f.g." david greenberger & tyson rogers"kerosene" luna honeyhour two:"s…
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hour one:"like sonny" (live excerpt from the comblain-la-tour jazz festiva on august 1, 1965) john coltrane"approaching zero" (live in milano, italy) mike cooper"black flamingo" mike cooper w/geoff hawkins on tenor saxophone"mill town" mb jones"cypress crossing" eva mendoza"not lucky to dream" gravel springs"vidalita 5" dtr + mike watt"convincing p…
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hour one:"liberia" (live excerpt 1960) john coltrane"strange confession" afterimage"the long walk" afterimage"woke up wrong" samuel locke-ward"parallels II" minor conflict"foundational lung butter" steamy wolves"first act pup" floating problems"vidalita 2" dtr + mike watt"obsessed with symmetry" thresher"tip jar" (live at the 2015 olympia experimen…
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hour one:"my favorite things" (live excerpt from the liederhalle, stuttgart, west germany on nov 4, 1963) john coltrane"wake up" daniel hayes"time traveler" daniel hayes"apotrope" howie reeve and friends"4 corners in d" kenneth james gibson + paul carman"half chest" accent wall"storm" richard lloyd giddens jr"the dole of liars" dean roberts"weight …
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