show episodes
Gamma Electronics presents DAS Talk, hosted by Peter Weyherter and Philip Nicholas aims to increase competency and awareness among integrators, AHJs, builders, and stakeholders involved in ERCES. We strive to inspire more organizations in this field through a blend of technical depth and accessible conversation, positioning our podcast as a go-to resource for professionals and individuals at the intersection of technology, safety, and communication
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The Krishna Das Pilgrim Heart Hour features Krishna Das’ no-nonsense take on everyday struggles for finding balance on the spiritual path. Through the honesty, humility and humor of his own personal experiences, he points to the possibility of navigating life’s trials with a true inner yearning for truth. His own practice of kirtan or chant is the well stone of his ability to share from his spiritual heart. As KD says, “Love is a disease - we catch it from those who have it.”
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Polyjuice Colada

Marie Fürst, Marie Sophie Krainz

Ein Harry Potter Podcast für den Fandom, der niemals genug bekommt von der magischen Welt. Wir zerlegen die Bücher in ihre Einzelteile und machen uns Gedanken über das noch so kleinste Detail. Das alles passiert in unserem geliebtem Stammlokal, dem tropfenden Kessel. Was wir über Butterbier gebeugt so zu Plaudern haben hört ihr hier. Viel Spaß dabei. Eure Marys
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In meinem Podcast „Hörensagen“ lade ich spannende Comedians in eine gemütliche Wohnzimmeratmosphäre ein, um gemeinsam über das Leben, die Bühne und alles dazwischen zu plaudern. Es ist nicht das klassische Interview – hier sprechen Freunde, und es geht um persönliche Geschichten, echte Einblicke und jede Menge Humor. Ob auf Spotify oder YouTube, hör rein und erlebe einen Talk, der mal zum Lachen bringt, mal nachdenklich macht und immer etwas Besonderes bereit hält.
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MeidasTouch Network

Step into the courtroom with MissTrial, a gripping new legal podcast where justice meets real-life drama, co-hosted by two accomplished attorneys: Karen Friedman Agnifilo, the former Chief Assistant District Attorney at the Manhattan DA's office currently prosecuting Donald Trump; and Dina Doll, a corporate lawyer who represented clients in the areas of securities, mergers and acquisitions and private equity. She is also a former journalist, experienced mediator and Democratic activist. Toge ...
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Daniel Seijas Palco de Estrelas

Dani Seijas Palco de Estrelas

Palco de Estrelas é o programa decano das orquestras de Galicia,que emite tódolos xoves (dende 2005) a partir das 20h ata as 4 ou 6 da mañá en Radio Valga 107.9 FM. Ademais de orquestras, hai chamadas en directo,concursos,entrevistas e espacios adicados a historia cas chamadas "Superproduccións Palco de Estrelas"
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The Crypto Explorer - by Sygnum Bank AG

Aliya Das Gupta / Deborah Tan-Pink

The world of crypto can sometimes seem really complex - and it can feel intimidating to dive into! Join us on The Crypto Explorer, a podcast by Sygnum, the World's first Digital Asset Bank. In short, snappy episodes with industry leaders and sector specialists, we take a dive into the different aspects of an exciting, emerging asset-class. This is Future Finance – and if you want to understand why it matters and where to begin, this podcast is for you.
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Hey Leute, Electromantic soll euch genau das bieten, was es im Namen beinhalten: Eine Mischung aus romantisch zart und elektronisch hart. Die erste Stunde gestaltet sich in der Regel etwas entspannter und kommerzieller aus verschiedenen House-Richtungen. Die zweite Stunde ist meine persönliche elektronisch-musikalische Eskalationsstunde. Da gibt es dann auch gerne mal Dubstep, Drum & Bass, Hardstyle, Goa, Hard Techno und was sonst so Spaß macht ;) Getragen wird das Ganze aber auch immer gern ...
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"Digital Strategy Unlocked" is a show that helps CIOs and other business leaders take a step back, take a breath, and consider the broader perspective, to rethink how digital can transform businesses. In every episode, we provide cutting-edge insights from global Digital leaders to help increase IT product adoption and accelerate business outcomes.
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Mint Techcetra

Mint - HT Smartcast

The Mint Techcetra podcast is your navigator into the mesmerizing maze that is technology today. From decoding technologies, policies, enterprises, and legal decisions to sci-fi and pop culture, this podcast will cover it all. Every week hosts - Leslie D'Monte, Shouvik Das and Deepti Ahuja - will talk about important developments in tech and how they transform our lives, work and play as we know it. If you have any questions or suggestions you can reach out to the hosts on LinkedIn via their ...
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“Tabla Beyond Borders: Life, Spirit, and Rhythm with Ritesh Das” is a journey into the transformative world of tabla, led by acclaimed musician and cultural innovator, Ritesh Das. Through captivating stories, deep reflections, and engaging conversations, this podcast explores the art of tabla as a bridge that transcends borders, uniting cultures, fostering community, and connecting with life’s profound spiritual rhythms. Join Ritesh Das and his guests—musicians, students, cultural leaders, a ...
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Podcasts vom Forschungsinstitut für Nachhaltigkeit Am Forschungsinstitut für Nachhaltigkeit (RIFS) werden Entwicklungspfade für die globale Transformation zu einer nachhaltigen Gesellschaft erforscht, aufgezeigt und unterstützt. Das Institut ist an das GFZ Helmholtz-Zentrum für Geoforschung angebunden und damit Teil der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft. Der Forschungsansatz ist transdisziplinär, transformativ und ko-kreativ: Das RIFS kooperiert mit Partnern aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Verwaltung, Wi ...
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Talking Progress

Das Progressive Zentrum

Tune into Talking Progress, the podcast about ideas that matter. The Berlin-based think tank "Das Progressive Zentrum" (The Progressive Centre) is gathering the most pressing political debates and perspectives from Berlin to San Francisco, all in one place. Whether you're a seasoned activist, a curious observer, or someone looking to deepen your understanding of progressive values and policies, Talking Progress is your guide to staying informed, inspired, and empowered. So subscribe now and ...
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Welcome to The PRO Podcast, where Gary Das and a diverse range of experts share the blueprint for excellence in life and business. We're more than a podcast; we're a community dedicated to mastery in personal and professional growth, aiming for success in all areas of life. You’ll find real stories, actionable advice, and a wealth of insights inspiring you to achieve peak performance - mentally, physically, and financially. The PRO Podcast is your ultimate guide to building a business, incom ...
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Dipayan Das

Dipayan Das

I hope you will like these tracks that i played in my guitar. Your valuable comments and likes will definitely motivate me. Support me if you find my creativity worth.
  continue reading - Live Your Love, Heal, Learn, Transform with Alisha Das Show and Influencer Guests. Awaken more to your divine nature so you live a happier, richer, more love-filled life as Alisha connects you to transformational leaders, artists and best-selling authors such as Marianne Williamson (A Return to Love), Dr John Gray (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus), Marci Shimoff (6 Chicken Soup for the Women’s Soul books and Happy for No Reason), Alison Armstrong (The Queen’s Code), K ...
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Hey Freunde was geht, und damit ein herzliches Willkommen auf meinem Podcast🎙. Bei mir findet man hauptsächlich Fortnite Videos, aber je nach Lust und Laune auch mal Reallive Vlogs🎬. Und wenn euch das nicht genug ist, scrollt einfach mal durch meine Videos durch, denn vielleicht habe ich ja mal ein Spiel aufgenommen was euch besonders gefällt🙃. Danke für Support aller Art😁! Twitch: YouTube: Whatsapp Kanal: ...
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Analysen, Hintergründe und Einblicke in Spieler, Trainer, Taktik und Verein. Der Podcast des deutschsprachigen FC Bayern Blogs Miasanrot, dessen Team seit 2012 das Geschehen des Rekordmeisters begleitet, analysiert und kritisch betrachtet. Warum Miasanrot? Der Tag der frühsten Meisterschaft des FC Bayern aller Zeiten am 25. März 2014 in Berlin war für uns zu später Stunde bei Bier und Fanta die Geburtsstunde einer Idee, die in den kommenden Wochen immer stärker mit Leben gefüllt werden sollt ...
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show series
Revealing the true Buddha nature, which rests beyond ego, Krishna Das shows how regular practice can unveil the inherent purity within us all. Today’s podcast is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at and get on your way to being your best self. This time on Pilgrim Heart, Krishna Das gets into Desireles…
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In this special episode of DAS Talk, we bring you Peter Wehretter’s powerful IWCE Conference presentation—where he spoke to a packed house about the critical need for enforcing in-building emergency radio coverage to save lives. As Vice President & Co-founder of GAMMA Electronics and host of DASTALK.COM, Peter shares his 20+ years of RF component m…
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This podcast was recorded in October 2024 in New Jersey, USA. Gaura Das is a disciple of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He first heard about Krishna through the music of George Harrison. Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, he met devotees at the age of 21 and was invited to meet Srila Prabhupada in Chicago during the July 4th weekend of…
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Sebastian Straub, Principal Solutions Architect at N2WS, explores DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act), emphasizing its stringent impact on financial institutions' cybersecurity. He highlights cloud-native backup strategies, cross-region and cross-account backups for disaster recovery, and the critical role of immutable backups against ransomw…
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Programa decano das orquestras galegas que se emite os venres dende setembro a xuño, e no verán os xoves á noite (sobre as 12 e pico da noite en Radio Valga,Radio Neria de Corcubión,Radio Roncudo de Corme,Radio Narcea de Cangas del Narcea,Nova Hit de Carballo...e tamén pola cadea de emisoras de Si Radio de Galicia. Conexión coa musica en directo,de…
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A major new ruling from a Federal Judge bars DOGE from accessing sensitive information in the Social Security Administration and orders they destroy any such information its their possession. Dina Doll reports on this latest court decision protecting the rights of the American people. Get 25% Off @goPure with code MISSTRIAL at https://www.gopurebea…
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Trump is outmatched over his outdated obsession with tariffs and the Panama Canal. Dina Doll reports on how countries are purposely imposing retaliatory tariffs on Trump’s own voters and how Mexico is almost finished building a faster, cheaper alternative to the Panama Canal. Try VIIA Hemp! Head to and use code: MISST…
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Hallo und herzlich Willkommen zu eurem Greys Anatomy + Astrophysik Podcast= Harry Potter Podcast. Achtung! Gefährliches Halbwissen. Im letzten Kapitel des Feuerkelchs erfahren wir noch einiges. Dumbledore dropped die Voldy-Bomb, Cedric ist NICHT bei einem Autounfall gestorben und Harry ist noch immer traumatisiert. Wir eröffnen ein neues Themensegm…
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KRISHNA loves to choose the underdog, the least likely, the ones others write off. It’s so important that you don’t let how other people treat you determine your value. Don’t let what THEY SAY determine your self-worth. THEY may not believe in you. THEY may see you as LESS THAN. THEY may say things that […] The post Krishna’s Underdog appeared firs…
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Es wird wild! Organhandel, letzte Diebstähle, gefahren im Straßenverkehr. Und jede Menge Spaß: Darüber und über noch viel mehr habe ich mit Emil Kissel gesprochen! Mein geschätzter Comedy-Kollege hat es aus dem sehr fernen Münster in mein schnuckeliges Studio nach Köln-Rodenkirchen geschafft und neben allerlei lustigen Beobachtungen, die euer Comed…
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In this episode, I reveal the 5 essential steps to generate more leads, book more appointments, and close more deals – without constantly chasing clients. Whether you're in financial services, mortgages, or running a coaching business, these strategies will help you scale faster and create consistent revenue. If you're tired of feast and famine cyc…
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Die Frauen des FC Bayern München haben einen großen Schritt in Richtung Meisterschaft gemacht. In der Champions League stehen sie indes vor dem Aus. Wie lässt sich das einordnen? Wir analysieren die Partie gegen den VfL Wolfsburg in der Bundesliga am vergangenen Freitag. Mit 3:1 konnten die Bayern Frauen gewinnen und so den Druck auf Eintracht Fran…
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Is Manus the AI that will finally think like us, or just another digital dream?" The world’s first general AI agent, created by a major disruptor, is forcing us to rethink what we expect from artificial intelligence. this AI agent isn’t just another tool; it’s a leap towards truly general AI. But with this kind of power, the question remains: are w…
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Neste episódio inaugural do PodBear, os alunos Júlia e Rafael entrevistam a diretora acadêmica da Maple Bear Brasil, Antonieta Megale, em uma conversa envolvente sobre bilinguismo e suas experiências na escola. Eles discutem a importância da educação bilíngue, como isso impacta o aprendizado e as perspectivas de carreira dos estudantes. Além disso,…
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Govind Rangasamy, Head of Recovery Solutions and VP of Portfolio Marketing at Commvault (via Appranix acquisition), talks about the terrifying reality of ransomware, cyber threats, and the illusion of traditional data protection. With 38,000+ ransomware variants evolving daily, simply backing up data isn’t enough—you need to rebuild, not just recov…
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**This podcat was recorded in July 2024 in New Jersey, USA**Links: / urmiladevidasi YouTube: @urmiladevidasi108 Get the Career Dharma book here: get email announcements about Career Dharma, please sign up at this Google form: Career Dhar…
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This Podcast was recorded in October 2024 in New Jersey, USA. JivaG has been in recovery for 35 years. She grew up in NYC, left home at 14, and found the hardcore punk scene in the Lower East Side. By 19, she got addicted to heroin. What followed were years of overdoses, detoxes, homelessness, and the relentless cycle of addiction. At 21, she moved…
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A highly controversial and deeply important discussion—Was Srila Prabhupada poisoned? Join us for an exclusive podcast with Mayesvara Das (ACBSP), the author of "Deception", a 500-page book that meticulously investigates this shocking allegation.In this groundbreaking interview, Mayesvara Das presents hard facts, historical evidence, and crucial in…
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****************************************************▶ LOVE THE PODCAST? -- DONATE HERE:▶ WATCH ON FACEBOOK: / thelatemorningprogramwithnamarasa ▶ WATCH ON YOUTUBE: / @namarasapodcast ▶ LISTEN ON SOUNDCLOUD: / the-late-morning-program-with ▶ LISTEN ON ITUNES:▶ CONTACT:…
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This podcast was recorded in July 2024 in New Jersey, USA. Champakalata Sakhi Devi Dasi is a disciple of His Holiness Radhanath Swami. She has a zest for life and has wanted to know God since childhood. She grew up as a dancer and actress, studied acting at Stella Adler Acting Conservatory, and then fell in love with yoga and meditation. She comple…
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For the first time ever, the United States has been put on an international watchlist due to Trump’s threats to civic freedoms. Dina Doll reports on Trump’s many attacks on human and civil rights. Qualia: Go to for up to 50% OFF and use code: MISSTRIAL at checkout for an additional 15% OFF. Visit https://meidasplus.…
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Programa decano das orquestras galegas que se emite os venres dende setembro a xuño, e no verán os xoves á noite (sobre as 12 e pico da noite en Radio Valga,Radio Neria de Corcubión,Radio Roncudo de Corme,Radio Narcea de Cangas del Narcea,Nova Hit de Carballo...e tamén pola cadea de emisoras de Si Radio de Galicia. A música das nosas orquestras e a…
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Hallo und herzlich Willkommen zu einer weiteren Folge PJC. Wir kommen verspätet, aber dafür ist in diesem Kapitel alles gerade zur rechten Zeit. Dumbledore quetscht Harry aus, Fawkes tremoliert und Sirius gut Harrys back. Warum Priori Incatartem so funktioniert, wie er es tut, ist uns rätselhaft. Wir versuchen Lücken zu Füllen - wenn auch nur dürft…
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New reporting shows that DOGE is going to great lengths to make their public claims unverifiable while a leaked recording of the acting Social Security Administrator reveals what he really thinks about DOGE. Dina Doll reports. OneSkin: Get 15% off OneSkin with the code: MISSTRIAL at #oneskinpod Visit for mo…
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Der FC Bayern München träumt vom ganz großen Wurf in der Champions League und Joshua Kimmich verlängert. Beim FC Bayern geht das Träumen wieder los. Eine souveräne Leistung in der Champions League bringt die Münchner wieder in den engsten Favoritenkreis der Königsklasse. Wir diskutieren augenzwinkernd, ob die Bayern jetzt unschlagbar sind – und was…
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Is VC in 2025 a bull run, a reset, or something else? We sit down with Diana Biggs of 1kx to discuss what sets them apart, shifting capital trends, the IPO & M&A outlook, and the hottest sectors—from AI to Web3. Plus, how AI is changing venture, and the big question: profitability or growth? Tune in for expert insights on questions like: How would …
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Es wird wild! Hygiene im Bett, toxische Männlichkeit, Bundestagswahlen, Rassismus im Alltag. Und jede Menge Spaß: Darüber und über noch viel mehr habe ich mit Faiz und Samed gesprochen! Meine geschätzten Comedy-Kollegen haben es aus dem fernen Bochum und Düsseldorf in mein schnuckeliges Studio nach Köln-Rodenkirchen geschafft und neben allerlei lus…
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Building a successful business isn’t about hiring more people—it’s about hiring the right people. After recruiting over 65 employees since 2006, I’ve learned first-hand what works, what doesn’t, and how to create a high-performing team that drives revenue without adding stress. In this episode, I share the hard lessons, key strategies, and the mist…
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"Will AI fix everything, or just add another layer of complexity?" In todys episode takes a closer look at the Mobile World Congress event brining together innovators and tech leaders, setting the stage for new developments—like InMobi’s demo of Google's Gemini-powered generative AI. Naveen, InMobi’s CEO, showed off a lock screen feature where two …
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