The original European current affairs podcast from Germany’s international broadcaster. Bringing you expert analysis and on-the ground reporting from the European capitals and beyond. Join host Kate Laycock and DW’s network of seasoned correspondents for your weekly dose of euro-politics and culture. Published every Thursday.
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ት እንቅስቃሴ የሚታይበት ዝግጅት ነው።
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DW AfricaLink is packed with news, politics, culture and more — every weekday. From combating health issues and freedom of expression to finances, tolerance and environmental protection, we have it covered.
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Looking to reconnect with nature? Want to make better decisions for the health of the planet? Every Friday, Living Planet brings you the stories, facts and debates on the key environmental issues of our time.
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We trace the unexpected backstories of everyday things – things that have traveled the world, by force, by chance, or by choice. How did this item or idea change as it moved through different cultures and eras on its way to you? And what surprising truths does its story reveal about our world today?
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ሳይንሳዊ እና ስነ ቴክኒካዊ ጉዳዮችን እና ለህብረተሰቡ ያላቸቸውን ጠቀሜታ ይመለከታል።
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The science stories that will actually change your day — and maybe make you laugh. Science unscripted is a podcast, radio show & YouTube channel driven by listeners. Hello from Germany :)
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Conflict Zone is DW’s top political interview program. Join us each week as our hosts put tough questions to top guests from around the world. Get beyond the soundbite – enter the Conflict Zone.
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ዶይቼ ቬለ የዕለቱን ዋና ዋና ዜናዎች ከኢትዮጵያ እና ከመላው ዓለም በየቀኑ ያቀርባል። የኢትዮጵያ እና የአፍሪካ ፖለቲካዊ እና ኤኮኖሚያዊ ጉዳዮችን ጨምሮ የመላው ዓለምን ውሎ የተመለከቱ ጠቃሚ መረጃዎች በሰባቱም የሣምንቱ ቀናት ከምሽቱ አንድ ሰዓት ከዶይቼ ቬለ ያድምጡ። የዶይቼ ቬለን ዜናዎች በአፕል ፖድካስት እና በስፖቲፋይ ማድመጥ ትችላላችሁ። የዶይቼ ቬለ ዜና በራዲዮ፣ በሳተላይት እና በፌስቡክ በየዕለቱ በቀጥታ ይደመጣል።
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Shirin al´adu, addinai da kuma zamantakewa tsakanin al´ummomi dabam-dabam a duniya. Taba Ka Lashe shiri ne da ke duba batutuwan da suka shafi al'adu da zamantakewa tsakanin al'ummomi da mabiya addinai dabam-dabam a duniya da zummar kyautata zamantakewarsu, zaman lafiya da kuma fahimtar juna tsakani. Muna gabatar muku da shirin ta rediyo a kowane mako, kuna kuma iya sauraronsa a shafinmu na Internet da kuma ta kafar Podcast.
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Learn everyday vocabulary and expressions and also improve your pronunciation.
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Business German for advanced learners: The "Marktplatz" language course provides an introduction to topics related to work, career and economics. [English Version]
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German for advanced learners: Join Andreas and his mysterious ex on their exciting adventures. Grammar: Passive, subordinate clauses, reflexive verbs, subjunctive. [English Version]
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አዝናኚ ዝግጅት ነው።
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Profis gesucht – Deutsch im Job | Videos mit Untertiteln | DW Deutsch lernen
DW.COM | Deutsche Welle
B1 | Deutsch für Fortgeschrittene: Profis gesucht stellt dir verschiedene Berufe und die dafür notwendigen Wörter und Redemittel vor. Zusätzlich erhältst du Informationen zum deutschen Arbeitsmarkt sowie zu beruflichen Schlüsselkompetenzen und Einstellungsvoraussetzungen.
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Learn everyday vocabulary and expressions and also improve your pronunciation.
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German for advanced intermediate learners: Join Andreas and his mysterious ex on their exciting adventures. Grammar: Past tense, subordinate clauses, declination of adjectives. [English Version]
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Aachen, Hotel Evropa. Tu radi Andreas i na taj način zarađuje novac za svoj studij žurnalistike. Uzbudljivo postaje onda kada iz sobe broj deset iznenada nestane poznati muzičar. Važnije lekcije iz gramatike: promjena glagola, zamjenice, jednostavna pitanja, akuzativ.
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Njemački u privredi namijenjen je naprednijim učenicima. Kurs „Marktplatz“ Vas uvodi u svakodnevicu privrednika, te u niz privrednih tema.
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Ahen, Hotel Evropa. Këtu punon Andrea, për të financuar studimin e gazetarisë. Puna e tij bëhet vërtet interesante, kur zhduket papritur nga dhoma 10 muzikanti i famshëm. Elemente të rëndësishëm gramatikore: zgjedhimi i foljeve, përemrat, pyetje të thjeshta, rasa kallëzore.
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Mission Europe ist ein Sprachkurs für Anfänger und besteht aus den Krimis Mission Berlin, Misja Kraków und Mission Paris. Taucht jetzt ein in die Welt der Sprachen und lernt Deutsch, Polnisch oder Französisch!
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Join our host and Project Fußball's diverse panel of experts as they go deeper into the topics around German football.
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Andreas ana shughuli nyingi za kufanya. Inambidi kushughulikia wageni hotelini, kuwatafutia wazazi wake chumba na pia kumhoji Charlemagne. Ziada ya hayo, wazazi wake wanamchunguza ex ni nani na wapi alikutana na binti yao. Mambo muhimu ya sarufi: Vitenzi vya utaratibu, wakati timilifu, uhusika usioungwa moja kwa moja.
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Andrea vazhdon të punojë në Ahen, por dr. Tyrmani ka një punë për gazetarin e ardhshëm. Një qytet më i madh dhe më ngacmues e pret Andrean: Berlini. Elemente të rëndësishme gramatikore: imperfekti (e pakryera), pjesët e varura të fjalive, lakimi i mbiemrave.
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For a fresh look at development issues around the globe, tune into World in Progress
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Andreas amekamilisha masomo yake na yuko tayari kufanya utafiti wa makala yake ya kwanza. Kazi yake inamwelekeza na inampeleka (bila shaka pamoja na rafiki yake wa ajabu ex) katika iliyokuwa Ujerumani ya Mashariki. Mambo muhimu ya sarufi: Kauli-tendwa, vishazi tegemezi, vitenzi vya kujirejea, dhamira tegemezi.
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Paula und Philipp recherchieren mysteriöse Fälle. Folgen Sie den Redakteuren von Radio D quer durch Deutschland und lernen Sie dabei die deutsche Sprache! Dieser Kurs trainiert in besonderer Weise das Hörverstehen.
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Das "Interview" ist ein Video Podcasting Angebot der Deutschen Welle. Hier finden Sie jede Woche Interviews zu aktuellen Themen. Die Gästeliste liest sich wie ein "Wer ist Wer?" Deutschlands und Europas.
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New cases for the reporters: episodes 27 to 52 take Paula and Philipp all around Germany. Their investigations include laser attacks in Jena and changes on the trail of the Berlin Wall [English version]
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Andrea i ka përfunduar studimet dhe tani është i gatshëm që të nisë mbledhjen e materialeve për artikullin e tij të parë. Puna e çon atë (dhe natyrisht edhe Eksën misterioze) në Gjermaninë Lindore. Elemente të rëndësishme gramatikore: Forma pësore e foljeve (Passiv), pjesët e varura të fjalive, foljet vetvetore, mënyra lidhore (Konjunktiv).
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পাউলা ও ফিলিপ জার্মানির রহস্যজনক ঘটনা অনুসন্ধান করছে। তাদের সঙ্গে জার্মানির এক প্রান্ত থেকে আরেক প্রান্ত পর্যন্ত সফর করুন এবং সেই সাথে জার্মান শিখুন! এই কোর্স বিশেষভাবে আপনার জার্মান ভাষা শুনে বোঝার ক্ষমতা বৃদ্ধি করবে।
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Paula na Philip ni wahariri wa Radio D wanaochunguza visa vya ajabu. Andamana na wachunguzi hawa shupavu kote Ujerumani na uimarishe Kijerumani chako na uwezo wa kusikiza na kuelewa pia.
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Paula dhe Filipi mbledhin materiale për raste misterioze. Ndiqi redaktorët e Radio D në gjithë Gjermaninë dhe mësoni në këtë mënyrë gjermanishten! Ky kurs stërvit në mënyrë të veçantë të kuptuarit në dëgjim.
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Andrea ka shumë punë. Ai duhet të kujdeset për klientët në hotel, të gjejë një dhomë për prindërit e tij dhe të bëjë një intervistë me Karlin e Madh. Veç kësaj, prindërit do të mësojnë se kush është Eksa dhe si e ka njohur Andrea atë. Elemente të rëndësishme gramatikore: foljet gjysmëndihmëse (modale), koha e kryer, rasa dhanore.
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German for beginners: Paula and Philipp are Radio D reporters who have several mysterious cases to investigate. Join them as their research takes them across Germany -- and learn German along the way! [English Version]
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Mission Europe ist ein Sprachkurs für Anfänger und besteht aus den Krimis Mission Berlin, Misja Kraków und Mission Paris. Taucht jetzt ein in die Welt der Sprachen und lernt Deutsch, Polnisch oder Französisch!
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Mission Europe is a language course for beginners that consists of three mystery adventures: Mission Berlin, Misja Kraków and Mission Paris. Challenge yourself and learn Polish with Misja Kraków! [English Version]
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Mission Europe ለጀማሪዎች የተዘጋጀ የቋንቋ ትምህርት ሲሆን ፦ Mission Berlin ፦ Misja Kraków እና Mission Paris የሚሰኙትን ልብ ሰቃይ ወንጀል ነክ ታሪኮችን አካቶዋል። ወደ ቋንቋው ዓለም በመዝለቀ የፖላንድኛ፣የ ጀርመንኛ ወይም የፈረንሳይኛ ቋንቋ ይማሩ።
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Mission Europe është një kurs gjuhe për fillestarët dhe përbëhet nga tregimet fantastike policore Mission Berlin, Misja Kraków dhe Mission Paris. Hyni në botën e gjuhëve dhe mësoni gjermanisht!
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An investigative true crime podcast about cannabis. The Berlin-based company JuicyFields promised huge profits through investments in medicinal cannabis. Thousands of people worldwide trusted the company with their savings – and lost everything. It could be a scam the size of Wirecard or OneCoin. Some say the Russian mafia or South American drug cartels were involved. Others point to German aristocrats. Since JuicyFields went dead in July 2022, criminal investigations have been launched all ...
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Mission Europe je kurs za početnike i sastoji se od tri serije: Mission Berlin, Misja Kraków i Mission Paris. Uronite u svijet krimića i učite njemački, poljski, ili francuski.
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Mission Europe is a language course for beginners that consists of three mystery adventures: Mission Berlin, Misja Kraków and Mission Paris. Challenge yourself and learn German with Mission Berlin! [English Version]
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የኅዳር 11 ቀን 2017 ዓ.ም. አርዕስተ ዜና ብሔራዊ ተሃድሶ ኮሚሽን ትጥቅ የፈቱ፣ የሰላም ስምምነት የፈረሙ ድርጅቶች ውስጥ አባል የነበሩ እና በ6 ክልሎች የሚገኙ 371,971 የቀድሞ ተዋጊዎችን ትጥቅ በማስፈታት ወደ ተሃድሶ ማዕከላት እንደሚገቡ ተናግሯል።ማዕከላዊ ሱዳን ውስጥ ፈጥኖ ደራሹ ኃይል ከትናንት አንስቶ ባደረሰው ጥቃት 40 ሰዎች መገደላቸው ተሰማሩ። በአዘርባጃኑ ኮፕ 29 ላይ የተሳተፉ 25 ሀገራት አዳዲስ የድንጋይ ከሰል የኃይል ማመንጫ ላለመገንባት ቃል ገቡ።ቃል ከገቡት ባለጸጋ ሀገራት መክከል ብሪታንያ ፣ ካናዳ ፣ፈረንሳይ፣ ጀርመን እና…
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Can viable SMEs propel Africa’s economies? - MP3-Stereo
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Africa’s Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are essential for creating jobs, broadening the tax base and growing national revenue. But there are nowhere near enough of them on the continent. Eddy Micah Jr talks to Gideon Brefo, CEO of hapaSpace Innovation Hub in Ghana, and business owner George Antwi-Boasiako of Agrico hub.…
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Women around the world and across generations are connected by this familiar thing that you can't actually see: invisible labor. The mountain of tasks that go unseen and undervalued, and which fall mainly on the shoulders of women. From Icelandic grandmothers to Escape the Corset and 4B activists in South Korea, here's what happens when women push …
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አርዕስተ ዜና*የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ አስተዳደር ምክር ቤት ዛሬ ባካሄደው መደበኛ ጉባኤው የአንድ የምክር ቤቱን አባል የአለመከሰስ መብት አነሳ ። *የሶማሊላንድ ፕሬዚደንት ሙሴ ቢሂ አብዲ በፕሬዚደንታዊ ምርጫው ተሸነፉ ። ራስዋን የሶማሊላንድ ሪፐብሊክ ብላ የምትጠራዉ ግዛት የምርጫ ኮሚሽን ተቃዋሚው አብዲራህማን ሞሐመድ አብዱላሂ በቅጽል ስማቸው «ኢሮ» የፕሬዚደንታዊ ምርጫውን ማሸነፋቸውን ዛሬ ይፋ አድርጓል ።*ሩስያ ዩክሬንን በጦር ኃይል ከወረረች ከ1000 ቀን በኋላ ዛሬ ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ የዩክሬን ጦር በዩናይትድ ስቴትስ የረዥም ርቀት ሚሳይል ሩስያን መም…
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COP29: Is patience running out in Africa?
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As the world gathers for another UN Climate Change Conference (COP29), a pressing question lingers: Have global climate summits lost their meaning for Africans? Eddy Micah Jr. talks to Togolese negotiator Sena Alouko and sustainability and climate journalist Zeynab Wandati.By DW
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DW Amharic አርስተ ዜና፤ --የቡድን 20 አገሮች የሁለት ቀናት የመሪዎች ጉባኤ ዛሬ ብራዚል ሬዮዴጄኔሮ ላይ ጀመረ። 19 በእንዱስትሪ የበለጽጉ እና ያደጉ የዓለም አገሮች እንዲሁም የአውሮጳ ህብረትን ያካተተዉ የቡድን 20 ጉባዔን ለመሳተፍ ሀገራት መሪዎች ከፍተኛ ልዑካኖቻቸዉን አስከትለዉ በጉባኤዉ ለመሳተፍ ሬዮዴጄኔሮ ገብተዋል።--የቀድሞ የሰላም ሚኒስቴር ሚኒስትር ዴኤታ አቶ ታዬ ደንደዓ ዛሬ በቀጠሮያቸው መሰረት በፌዴራል ከፍተኛ ፍርድ ቤት ልደታ ምድብ ችሎት ቀረቡ። --የሱዳን የፈጥኖ ደራሽ ኃይላት በጦርነቱ ለተፈፀመዉ ሰብዓዊ ጥሰት ኃላፊነት እ…
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Solving the Bawku tribal conflict in northern Ghana
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Conflict over land has gone on for decades in the border town of Bawku in northern Ghana. Experts warn that Islamist extremists fighting in neighboring Burkina Faso and Togo could take advantage of this volatile situation in Ghana. Josey Mahachi talks to Dr. Naazia Ibrahim, a conflict resolution researcher at the University of Development Studies a…
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በጋምቤላ ክልል ከ4 ዞኖች ለ138 የህግ ታራሚዎች ይቅርታ ተደረገ። ሳዑዲ አረቢያ በጎርጎሮሳውያኑ 2024 ሰባት ኢትዮጵያውያን ጨምሮ ከ100 በላይ የውጪ ሀገራት ዜጎች በሞት መቅጣቷን AFP ዘገበ። ሒዝቦላሕ ቃል አቀባዩ ሞሐመድ አፊፍ በእስራኤል የአየር ጥቃት መገደላቸውን አስታወቀ። ሩሲያ በ120 ሚሳይሎች እና 90 ሰው አልባ አውሮፕላኖች በዩክሬን የኃይል መሠረተ-ልማቶች ላይ ከባድ የአየር ድብደባ ፈጸመች። የጀርመን መራኄ መንግሥት ኦላፍ ሾልስ ከሩሲያ ፕሬዝደንት ቭላድሚር ፑቲን ጋር ያደረጉትን የስልክ ንግግር ተከላከሉ። የቻይናው ፕሬዝደንት ሺ ዢንፒ…
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ማሊ ውስጥ የቆየው የተመድ ተልዕኮ በዛሬው ዕለት ለሀገሪቱ ወታደራዊ ኹንታ ባለሥልጣናት ወታደራዊ ሰፈሩን አስረከበ። በያዝነው ዓመት ታኅሣስ ማለቂያ አካባቢ ተልዕኮው አጠቃሎ ከማሊ ይወጣል። ዓመታዊው የተመድ የአየር ንብረት ለውጥ ተከታታይ ጉባኤ የተነሳለትን አላማ ማሳካት ተስኖታል የሚሉ ወገኖች የማሳሰቢያ ደብዳቤ ለጉባኤው አቀረቡ። ተመራጩ የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ፕሬዝደንት ዶናልድ ትራምፕ የመካከለኛው ምሥራቅ እና የሩሲያ እና የዩክሬን ጦርነት መቆም አለበት አሉ። የጀርመን መራኄ መንግሥት ኦላፍ ሾልስ ከሁለት ዓመታት በኋላ ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ዛሬ ከሩሲያው ፕ…
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Combating disinformation and misinformation in Africa
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Disinformation campaigns in Africa have surged fourfold since 2022, threatening democracy and stability. These attacks now target 39 nations, distorting information systems for political agendas. In Ghana, a coalition of fact-checkers mobilizes to counter this threat. Josey Mahachi talks to Rabiu Alhassan of FactSpace West Africa and Roselena Ahiab…
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Deep Dive: The toxic legacy of WWII shipwrecks
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Thousands of ships loaded with oil were sunk during the fierce sea battles of the Second World War. That means they’ve been sitting underwater for eight decades, with no maintenance or protection. Scientists fear many of these wrecks are now close to collapse — and that a spike in catastrophic oil spills may be on the horizon.…
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የኅዳር 5 ቀን 2017 ዓ.ም. አርዕስተ ዜና ባለፈው ማክሰኞ የክስ ጭብጣቸው በዐቃቤ ሕግ ተሻሽሎ ከቀረበው በሽብር ወንጀል ከተከሰሱ 51 ሰዎች መካከል በፖሊስ ቁጥጥር ሥር የዋሉት ዛሬ ሐሙስ የእምነት ክህደት ቃላቸውን ሰጡ። በእነ ዶ/ር ወንድወሰን አሰፋ መዝገብ በሽብር ወንጀል ክስ ከቀረበባቸው 51 ተከሳሾች መካከል አራት የመገናኛ ብዙኃን ባለሙያዎች ይገኙበታል።የኢትዮጵያ ፌደራል መንግስት፣ የኤርትራ ጦር ከኢትዮጵያ ሉዓላዊ ግዛት እንዲወጣ በይፋ አለመጠየቁ አሳሳቢ ነው የዓሲምባ ዴሞክራሲያዊ ፓርቲ አስታወቀ። ቱርክ ብሪክስ በተባለው ቡድን የአጋርነት …
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Taking a break from the news, we're sharing uplifting stories from our 'Other Europes' series this week: an Italian city granting every newborn citizenship, a British nursery bridging generations, and a young Irish filmmaker shining a light on marginalized voices. Plus, a sneak peek of New York’s “Kafka: Making of an Icon” exhibit. Join us for thes…
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Nigeria's crackdown on protests: A threat to freedom?
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Nigerian authorities have released minors facing trial for cost-of-living protests. Among the 76 arrested in August for treason, destruction of property and mutiny, at least 30 were children. The crisis has sparked mass protests, with several reported killed and hundreds arrested. Rights groups are alarmed by the crackdown. Is Nigeria suppressing d…
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የኢትዮጵያ የኢኖቬሽን እና ቴክኖሎጂ ሚኒስቴር ሰሞኑን እንዳስታወቀው ጎግል ፕሌይ ኢትዮጵያውያን የቴክኖሎጅ አበልፃጊዎችን በቀጥታ መቀበል ጀምሯል። ይህም ኢትዮጵያውያን የሰሯቸውን መተግበሪያዎች ዓለም አቀፍ ገበያ ውስጥ እንዲገቡ ያደርጋል ተብሏል። የውጭ ምንዛሬን ለመጠቀም የሚያስችል የክፍያ አማራጭ በሀገሪቱ አለመኖሩ ግን በችግርነት ይነሳል።By DW
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-የሶማሊላንድ ሕዝብ የወደፊት ፕሬዝደንቱን ለምረጥ ዛሬ ድምፅ ሲሰጥ ዉሏል።በምርጫዉ ራስዋን የሶማሊላንድ ሪፐብሊክ ብላ የምትጠራዉን ግዛት ላለፉት ሰባት ዓመታት የመሩት ፕሬዝደንት ሙሴ ቢሒ አብዲ ከዋነኛዉ ተቃዋሚ ፓርቲ ዕጩ ከአብዲረሕማን መሐመድ አብዱላሒ ጋር በቅርብ ርቀት ይፎካከራሉ።----የእስራኤል ጦር ዛሬም እንደመሰንበቻዉ የጋዛ ሠርጥንና የሊባኖስ ርዕሰ ከተማ ቤይሩትን ሲደበድብ ዋለ።--ባኩ-አዘር በጃን በተያዘዉ የዓየር ንብረት ጉባኤ ላይ የአየር ንብረትን በመበከል ቀዳሚዉን ሥፍራ የሚይዙ ሐገራት መሪዎች ባለመገኘታቸዉ ጉባኤዉ ለአግባቢ ዉጤት መ…
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Why Rwanda is proposing a tax on churches and mosques
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The Rwanda Governance Board is drafting a bill to tax churches and mosques, following President Paul Kagame's call to regulate "nonsense" in religious organizations. After closing over 9,000 prayer sites for failing to meet standards, the government aims to restore order with a strict new model. But how effective will it be?…
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*አራት የመገናኛ ብዙኃን ባለሞያዎችን ጨምሮ በእነ ዶ/ር ወንድወሰን አሰፋ መዝገብ በሽብር ወንጀል ክስ የቀረበባቸው 51 ተከሳሾች የእምነት ክህደት ቃላቸውን ለመስጠት ለሕዳር 5 እንዲቀርቡ ቀጠሮ መስጠቱ ተገለጠ ። *የጋዜጠኛ ዜናነህ መኮንን ሥርዓተ-ቀብር ማክሰኞ ኅዳር 03 ቀን፣ 2017 ዓ.ም በእስራኤል ቴል አቪቭ ከተማ ያልሚና ያል ኮን በተባለ ሥፍራ ተፈጸመ ። *በቅርቡ ጥምረቱ የፈረሰበት የጀርመን መንግሥትን ለመተካት ዋነኞቹ የፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎች በሦስት ወራት ጊዜ ውስጥ ሀገር አቀፍ ምርጫ ለማካሄድ ስምምነት ላይ ደረሱ ።…
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Uganda's rising cases of infant heart defects
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Medical experts in Uganda are alarmed by the rise in babies born with heart defects. Out of 1.4 million newborns annually, around 16,000 have heart issues. The Uganda Heart Institute can only treat 50%, forcing many to seek help abroad. How can Uganda address this crisis? DW’s Josey Mahachi discusses this with Dr. Twalib Olega and DW correspondent …
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Shirin ya mayar da hankali ne kan masarautar Wurkun da ke karamar hukumar Karim Lamido a Jihar Taraba da ke tarayyar Najeriya,By DW
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የማንቸስተር ሲቲ እና አርሰናል ነጥብ መጣል በእንግሊዝ ፕሬሚየር ሊግ የዋንጫ ግስጋሴ ለሊቨርፑል መልካም እድል ፈጥሯል ። ዳግም ድል የቀናው ሊቨርፑል የደረጃ ሰንጠረዡ በ5 ነጥብ ልዩነት እየመራ ነው፥ በሻምፒዮንስ ሊጉም የምድቡ መሪ ነው ።By DW
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DW Amharic የሳዑዲ አረቢያዉ ልዑል ማሐመድ ቢን ሰልማን በጋዛ እና በሊባኖስ አፋጣኝ የተኩስ አቁም እንዲደረግ ጠየቁ። ቢን ሳልማን ጥሪዉን ያቀረቡት በሳውዲ አረቢያ ሪያድ በአረብ ሊግና በእስልምና ትብብር ድርጅት የጋራ ጉባዔ ላይ ነው።//በኤርትራ ፍርድ ከ 23 ዓመታት በላይ የታሰረዉ ትዉልደ ኤርትራዊዉ ዳዊት ይህሳቅ፤ ለሃሳብ ነጻነት ላደረገዉ ትግል የስዊድንን የመብት ከፍተኛ ሽልማት አገኘ።// ራስ ገዝዋ ሶማሌላንድ የፊታችን ረቡዕ ፕሬዝዳንታዊ ምርጫ እንደምታካሂድ ተነገረ።// ተመራጩ የአሜሪካ ፕሬዝዳንት ዶናልድ ትራምፕ ከጀርመን ቻንስለር ኦላፍ…
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What Trump's reelection means for Africa's future
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Donald Trump's policies, often transactional and rooted in "America First," could trigger ripple effects across Africa, influencing everything from trade and aid to foreign policy and security. What will another four years of Trump mean for Africa’s economies, leaders and people? Will it bring more investment, or could his critical stance on China …
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ኢትዮጵያ ከአፍሪካ ኅብረት የድጋፍ እና ማረጋጋት የሶማሊያ ተልዕኮ (AUSSOM) መታገዷን የሶማሊያ መከላከያ ሚኒስትር ተናገሩ። በደቡብ ሱዳን ጎርፍ 379,000 ሰዎች አፈናቀለ። በናይጄሪያ ላኩራዋስ የተባለ አዲስ የሽምቅ ተዋጊ በፈጸመው ጥቃት 15 ሰዎች ተገደሉ። በፓኪስታን የባቡር ጣቢያ በደረሰ ፍንዳታ ቢያንስ 24 ሰዎች ተገደሉ። እስራኤል እና ሐማስ ወደ ድርድር ለመመለስ ከልብ ፈቃደኝነታቸውን እስኪያሳዩ ድረስ ቃጣር በጋዛ ተኩስ እንዲቆም የምታደርገውን ጥረት ልታቆም ነው። ኢራን ፕሬዝደንት ዶናልድ ትራምፕ ለአራት ዓመታት ሥልጣን ላይ ሣሉ ያሳደሩባ…
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አርስተ ዜና፤ --በአማራ ክልል ሰሜን ጎጃም ዞን አቸፈር ወረዳ ባለፈው ማክሰኞ ጥቅምት 26/2017 በድሮን በተፈፀመ ጥቃት ከ40 በላይ ሰዎች መገደላቸውንና 9 መቁሰላቸውን ነዋሪዎች ተናገሩ። --የኢትዮጵያ የገንዘብ ሚኒስቴር በፍራንኮ ቫሉታ ሸቀጦችን ወደ ሃገር ውስጥ ማስገባት ከዛሬ ጀምሮ አገደ። --አቶ ዮሃንስ ቧያሌው 1ኛ ተከሳሽ በሆኑበት መዝገብ የተከሰሱና ጉዳያቸው በፌደራል ከፍተኛ ፍ/ቤት እየታየ ያለው ግለሰቦች ለሕዳር 20 ቀን 2017 ዓ.ም ተቀጠሩ።--በጋዛ ጦርነት ከተገደሉት ውስጥ 70 በመቶ ያህሉ ሴቶች እና ህጻናት መሆናቸው መለየቱን የተ…
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A controversial new tax on M-Pesa mobile money transfers is set to come into force in Kenya by December. The plan has many in the country where M-Pesa is woven into daily life wondering: Will it drive costs up? Who benefits? How fair is it? Josey Mahachi talks to Samora Kariuki, a Nairobi-based FinTech analyst, and DW correspondent Andrew Wasike in…
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Germany’s coalition government collapses, Europe reacts to Trump’s re-election, and in Serbia, a fatal accident feeds unrest over corruption allegations. Also: Spanish floods fallout, Battle of the Scheldt and farewell, Helen Seeney!By DW
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ኦሮሚያ ክልል ውስጥ የወረዳ ባለሥልጣናትን ጨምሮ 48 ሰዎች የተገደሉበትን ጥቃት እየመረመረ መሆኑን የኢትዮጵያ የሰብአዊ መብቶች ኮሚሽን (ኢሰመኮ) ዛሬ አስታወቀ። የባሕርዳር ከተማ አስተዳደር በእገታና በዘረፋ ተሰማርተው ነበር ያላቸውን ክ129 በላይ ተጠርጣሪዎች በቁጥጥር ስር ማዋሉን ገለጠ። የጀርመን የፋይናንስ ሚኒስትር ከሥልጣናቸው መነሳታቸውን ተከትሎ የሀገሪቱ ጥምር መንግሥት ቀውስ ውስጥ ገብቷል። ተቃዋሚዎች አስቸኳይ ምርጫ እንዲካሄድ ግፊት እያደረጉ ነው። ፕሬዝደንት ፍራንክ ቫልተር ሽታይን ማየር የጥምር መንግሥቱ ለገባበት ቀውስ መፍትሄ ለማምጣት…
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A gossiper's friend & how to think about drinking
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Women drink less... if you ask them to visualize alcohol? Also, the yucky trick gossipers use to make you think they're kind — and why iron in red meat may be causing cancer (in your bottom).By DW
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How can Malawi restore public faith in its judiciary?
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The Judicial Service Commission in Malawi has launched an investigation into the country’s judiciary over allegations of corruption. Judges and court officials, among others, are accused of wrongdoing. Josey Mahachi talks to Patrick Mpaka, President of the Malawi Law Society, DW correspondent Chimwemwe Padatha in Blantyre, and Wilberforce Asare, a …
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This week we are sharing an episode from Up From Dust – a podcast from the NPR stations of Kansas. "Healing the ground we broke" takes us to the majestic prairies of Kansas to the get the dirt on why soil health is so important to maintaining our food systems and protecting the land from climate disaster.…
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'Failure of elites' led to Sudan's tragedy, ex-PM tells DW
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Sudan is the scene of one of the world's worst humanitarian crises, and millions have fled the civil war. The former PM tells DW that the displacement and famine are "much, much greater than Gaza and Ukraine combined."By DW
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ትናንት በጎርጎሪያኑ ህዳር 5 ቀን 2024 ዓ/ም የተጠናቀቀው እና ዶናልድ ትራምፕ ለሁለተኛ ጊዜ ያሸነፉበትን የአሜሪካ ፕሬዚዳንታዊ ምርጫ ለመረበሽ ሩሲያ ፣ቻይና እና ኢራን የሳይበር ጥቃት መሰንዘራቸውን የአሜሪካ የመገናኛ ብዙሃን እና የመረጃ ደህንነት ተቋማት ገልፀዋል።By DW
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Shirin ya duba al'adar Masquerade, ko Basaje kamar yadda ake fassarawa, da ta kafu a yankin Kabilar Igbo a Najeriya.By DW
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