Ten years after their paranormal investigator parents were lost in the fabric of time and space, siblings Adam and Sarah Peculiar decided to start a podcast. The goal? To peer into the supernatural, expose government secrets and gain any information possible about the whereabouts of their mom and dad. OPEN YOUR EYES!
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The Siblings welcome Pete Yannik to the bunker to discuss Nicholas Cage’s best Roles, David Copperfield's magic secret, diabetes and the truth about Elvis’ death.By Adal Rifai
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Adam and Sarah return with “Ohio” native Rusty Stickdorn to dig deep into some hairy media secrets, food blogs, football, film, and the genius of David Lynch.By Adal Rifai
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Released as a Patreon episode, the Siblings weigh in on LOTR and GOT. Enjoy listening as Sarah attempts to make heads and tails of severed heads and dragon tails. We'll have a new regular episode from the bunker soon!By Adal Rifai
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Sleepaway camp owner Bertie Bertram joins the Siblings to discuss edibles, camp counselor antics, movie casting fantasies, 90’s Fashion, and murder...By Adal Rifai
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Self taught pediatrician Dr. Cynthia Bichon Frise-Kisse shares what she knows about terrible children, Picasso’s blue period, ways to spot a changeling, and the perils of coming up with a tight five.By Adal Rifai
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Déjà vu aficionado Mick Kelleher joins the Siblings to explain the intricacies of memories and multiple dimensions, and to chat about the 1992 Dream Team, Tony Robbins, and JFK-jà vu.By Adal Rifai
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High Schooler Ruby Krueger joins the siblings to talk about the hottest high school catch phrases, complications of dating apps, handbell choir and the meaning of sludge.By Adal Rifai
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38 Off-World Acclimatizer - Tyler Ravelson
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40:35Off-World Acclimatizer Saul Rosen visits Adam and Sarah in the bunker to discuss Alf, 70’s streetwear, All in the Family, and the intricacies of Jdate.
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37 Apocalypse Real Estate Agent (Live from Chicago)
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36:49This Episode, Adam gets some hosting assistance from former neighbor Julie Dench. They are joined by apocalypse real estate agent Karen Jonathan and talk deep well living, Australian accents, zombie musicals, and just Denchin’ it.By Adal Rifai
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36 The Origin of Language - Tom Simmermaker
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32:42Etymologyst Greg Alphabet, schools Adam and Sarah on the origin of language, speaking in tongues, the magic of anagrams and BBQ.
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35 Russian Moon Base - Shane Wilson and Clair Michelle Clairmont
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34:59The Siblings are joined this week by former Cosmonaut Vladimir Yelenov and his auntie for a revealing briefing on the space race, Epilady, and Mikael Gorbachev’s love of Pizza.
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34 The Pagan Roots of Christmas - Jorin Garguilo
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37:18Long awaited guest August Fog joins Adam and Sarah for a lively conversation about flying reindeer, Yggdrasil, Krampus and Father Christmas himself
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Joey X is back to discuss Ben Hur, martial arts in the desert, the death of Woof When, and (if you listen closely) the Russian connection to the JFK assassination.
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Former public radio host Barbara Bird joins the siblings to discuss the disappearance of David Squires, Boston accents, and her take on the worst community theater of all time.
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31 Haunted Item Appraisal - Michelle Laubenthal
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33:07This week Adam and Sarah are joined by haunted item appraiser Terri Phipps for a chat about, haunted flutes, blood diamonds, marionettes and being trapped in relationships.
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Kluth Kluvery joins the Adam and Sarah for an enlightening discussion about Sister Act, Meyer Lemon yoga pants, Slovenian sit-coms and a rousing game of Kluth or Dare.
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This week, the Siblings learn about The Law of Attraction from Gwen Lorraine and “The Secret” behind vision boards, hemp, Pascal’s wager, and Haagen-Dazs delivery.
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28 Subliminal Movie Messages - Daniel Karambelas
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28:36The Peculiars welcome subliminal message master Bill henderson and connect the dots while discussing dinosaurs, Shawshank, shrimp and home cooking.
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27 Psychic and Animal Medium - Emily Anderson
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33:47Psychic and Animal Medium Caroline Neilsen and the Siblings discuss Hermit Crab Euthanasia, attractiveness of Septegenarians, the danger of cigarettes and anthropomorphic hot dogs.
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Lucy Melbourne of Kindness for Animals, stops in to teach Adam and Sarah about the evils of factory farming, pot belly pigs, The Crucible and the dangers of the BLT.
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Disney Historian Dominic Farfaglia visits the siblings and brings a nice appetizer plate of choice meats, and a full helping of choice words.
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Yeti hunter and preservationist H.R.R. Howell teaches the siblings about Himalayan children's games, the benefits of human placenta, and what it feels like to lock eyes with a Yeti across a crowded ice sheet.
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Joey X returns for more ramblings on the JFK assassination, the state of Woof When, his new favorite app Yatter, and the sultry sounds of The Guess Who.
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M.U.S.K. International Announcement - Warsaw
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1:47M.U.S.K. International interim announcement. M.U.S.K. reaches all corners of the globe. Agent 78: Aleksandra Skolozynska
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Entrepreneur Devin Skillen tells us the the tale of Detroit’s mischief maker La Nain Rouge, Michigan’s sandwich history, LIDdieS, and the ins and outs of corporate cease and desist orders.
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Actor Usman Ally joins the siblings in the bunker for a discussion about people of color in Hollywood, unfortunate events, kidnapping, and pedestrian's rights.
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Merrick DeGladstone regails us with stories of his worldwide search for Nazi gold, lost love in the Phillipines, and the danger of the Seven Eleven Slurpee.
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Satan Celebrationist Kelly Monet teaches us the ins and outs of being the parent of a little demon, how to throw a great employee appreciation party and the perils of artificial insemination.
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M.U.S.K. International interim announcement. M.U.S.K. reaches to all corners of the globe. Agent 32: Hellena Jang
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Thank you for your interest in M.U.S.K. We just have a few questions we need you to answer before we pull the trigger on moving you to the next phase of the application process.
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This week’s guest Edgar Whaff dishes endless dirt on the Hollywood elite and enlightens us on the secrets of the movie industry, gradeschool basketball refereeing, and acorn syndrome.
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Welcome new agents of M.U.S.K. - The following rules and regulations will help you thrive in your new position, pick the right shirt for your job, and succeed in the Krav Maga tournament.
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Pokemon Go...vernment conspiracy! Adam and Sarah talk Pidgies, fetishes, Katy Perry, guilt cancer and the sweetness of Amelie with this week's guest Joanie Jett.
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This week Damien Hunter joins the Siblings Peculiar to explain the origins of earthly demons, hypertensive giants, radishes and the quickest way to deal with troublesome family members.
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This week Adam and Sarah chat with Pierce Kochendoerfer about how to identify the Lizard People that walk among us, sloths, the avengers, little donkeys, and most importantly, the comedy of Jeff Foxworthy.
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12 M.U.S.K. - Farrell Walsh & Kyle Bethea
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23:22Whether you are talking about spelling bees, night vision animal hybrids, dating or Dollywood...Someone is always listening.
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Jim Jacobs, the creator and writer of Grease joins us to tell us more about British royalty, Walt Disney’s Nazi Propaganda, and the health benefits of juicing. The real Jim Jacobs and he does have a car.
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Joey "X" sheds some light on the queen mother of all conspiracies, the JFK assassination, plus he introduces the siblings to Woof When the dog walking app, and demonstrates the perils of drinking artificially sweetened (caffeinated) soda.
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Middle school librarian Teryl Regis recounts her CTA tunnel exploration - to the kingdom of Chicago's Mole People where she became queen for a week, and learned all about their handsy rituals.
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Meet Bart Palance the man who shares his songs, and his soul with Bruce Springsteen.
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Amos Flowerleaf reveals that the J.K. Rowling fictional Harry Potter series is actually fact, and points to the magic (the Orlando Magic) all around us as proof.
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6 Dead or Alive? - Arnie Niekamp & Sarah Maher
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28:37This week's guests Bob and Barb Garber chat with the siblings about living-ghosts, Beanie Baby Inspectors, Monster Squad and the amazing power of the human mind.
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This week with the Siblings: Prepper and K.O.A. campground operator Peter Davis talks M.R.E.s , Willy Wonka, and the perfect Doomsday App.
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This week, we meet with Kimmy and Kenneth Johevens and learn thedark secret of Ouija boards plus a surefire remedyfor full body eczema.
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Jonathan Timbus joins us for a discussion on Uber, The New WorldOrder, and living with mom.
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This episode we talk with Megan Smellis, Director Pacific Paranormal Activity, about being a ghost interpreter and relieving spirits of their many earthly burdens.
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Welcome to Siblings Peculiar! This week we speak with Professor Radley, a time traveler with a visitor's degree from Yale.
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