show episodes
The Everyday Judaism Podcast (formerly Living Jewishly Podcast) is dedicated to learning and understanding the laws and basic how-to of daily Jewish living. Presented by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe in a simple and concise manner, easy for anyone to understand and connect. This Podcast Series is Generously Underwritten by Marshall & Doreen Lerner.
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This Jewish Inspiration Podcast is dedicated to learning, understanding and enhancing our relationship with Hashem by working on improving our G-d given soul traits and aspiring to reflect His holy name each and every day. The goal is for each listener to hear something inspirational with each episode that will enhance their life.
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The Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe Podcast Collection is the one-stop shop for the Torah inspiration shared by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe in one simple feed. The Jewish Inspiration Podcast, Parsha Review Podcast, Thinking Talmudist Podcast, Living Jewishly Podcast and Unboxing Judaism Podcast all in one convenient place. Enjoy!
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Mrs. Rooksie David of the Seattle Kollel delivers a compelling weekly Torah class that delves into the profound insights and timeless wisdom of Jewish tradition. Her sessions, known for their engaging and accessible style, attract a diverse group of participants eager to deepen their understanding of the Torah. Mrs. David skillfully blends classical interpretations with contemporary applications, fostering a lively and interactive learning environment. Each class not only enhances knowledge ...
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This Likutei Moharan Podcast is dedicated to the discourses and lessons of Rebbe Nachman taught by the legendary Chassidic Master, Rabbi Lazer Brody. Likutei’s perceptions of the essence of reality, garbed in lower levels of wisdom and packaged in a way that will enable the worthy student to gain access to these perceptions in a manner appropriate to the student’s capacity and spiritual level.
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The Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe Podcasts Collection gives you the opportunity to listen and enjoy to all the Torah & Insights from Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe in one feed. The The Parsha Podcast, Jewish History Podcast, The Mitzvah Podcast, This Jewish Life, TORAH 101 and The Ethics Podcast in one convenient place. Enjoy!
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The Thinking Talmudist Podcast shares select teachings of Talmud in a fresh, insightful and meaningful way. Many claim that they cannot learn Talmud because it is in ancient Aramaic or the concepts are too difficult. Well, no more excuses. In this podcast you will experience the refreshing and eye-opening teachings while gaining an amazing appreciation for the divine wisdom of the Torah and the depths of the Talmud. Every week a new, deep, and inspiring piece of brilliance will be selected f ...
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Mishetishka Hachama 5738

Rabbi Yaakov Wagner

The Rebbe said this mamar (the 2nd Chanukah mamar of that year) on Zos Chanukah 5738. It describes how the Chanukah menorah is lit in a way that represents its unique objective- illuminating the darkness and transforming it. It highlights how the halachos of the time of its lighting specify 3 negatives that have a source in holiness (as does everything) and that through its lighting it is elevated even higher than its source.
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Explore the Jewish Multiverse through interviews with residents of parallel worlds in which one Halachic debate swung the other way. What if Turkey wasn't kosher? Or if we started with 8 candles on Chanukah. What kind of butterfly effect would that have?
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Congregation of the Living Word (Kehilat Devar HaChaim) is a Messianic Jewish fellowship dedicated to honoring God and His Messiah Yeshua by studying the Word, living His Torah, and following His Spirit. We are disciples of Yeshua of Nazareth, the promised Messiah, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. We look forward to the return of the Messiah and the resurrection of the dead. We honor all of God’s holy written word…the Torah, the Prophets, and the writings, as well as the ...
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Raising Holy Sparks

Rabbi Misha Clebaner

Get that Judaism out of your head and into your hands! This year on the 'Raising Holy Sparks' podcast we will focus on Jewish ideas and we will be asking how we can live them out in a personal and meaningful way. We will strive to take the abstract and theoretical concepts of Judaism and turn them into the practical. Rabbi Misha Clebaner is a passionate educator of Judaism and Spirituality.
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Unique perspectives from the dissident right. --- Donate: Also visit: --- DISCLAIMER: Enjoying this podcast channel requires one to have a basic understanding of politics and history as well as a sense of humor.
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Cooking with Ruth

Big Blend Radio Network

Ruth Milstein, author of the Gourmand award-winning cookbook ”Cooking with Love: Ventures into the New Israeli Cuisine,” dishes out fun, easy, healthy, and budget-friendly family cooking and recipes.
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The fully comprehensive series on all the elements of Judaism: the religion. The Average Rabbi teaches the complete framework to Joe, a real, new student of Judaism. Join Joe on his journey as he explores the ancient path for the first time. Whether you are a fresh beginner like Joe, or raised in the orthodox faith, this series will provide you with the knowledge to answer the questions, "What's the Jewish take on...?", "Do Jews believe in...?" and ultimately, "What is Judaism?" This series ...
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Jewish Living with Burnham

Rabbi Leiby Burnham

Written 3,300 years ago yet surprisingly fresh and innovative, the Torah is a divine guide to living your best life. Join Rabbi Burnham, a rabbi and a therapist, as he extracts meaningful life approaches from the weekly Torah portion.
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Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews

Barak Malkin, Ethan Lane-Miller, Rabbi David Young

Where our lives of Jewish learning collide with our love of Nerd Culture. Join us as we explore Jewish texts, history, and values and the apparent and invisible connections to your favorite movies, characters, and hobbies.
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These are audio recordings of part of our live interactive virtual classes each week with Noahides and Jews from around the world studying Torah with Orthodox Rabbis and Noahide teachers To join the classes, email us at [email protected], or visit Help us keep the content flowing, donate today: Youtube video lessons:
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Inspiration, meaning, and holiness can be found everywhere. It's up to us to find these sparks of spiritual light and bring more of a G-dly awareness to ourselves, our families, our communities, and the world at large. In The Torah Sparks Podcast, you will hear insightful, meaningful, humorous, deep and relatable ideas gleaned from lessons within the holy Torah.
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We are pleased to announce a new podcast called Hilchisa L’mishicha by HaRav Yehuda Shurpin, senior editor at and HaRav Avraham Schneerson members of Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad. B’ezras Hashem, the podcast will explore a unique halachic analysis of topics relating to Moshiach and Geulah. It will draw from a wide range of sources in halacha, aggadah, and various seforim. The podcast will be a weekly 20-30-minute shiurim with source sheets This is a project of Kollel L'Rabbonei Chabad ...
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Navi Shiur

Rabbi Michoel Sorotzkin

Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlit"a is a world renown lecturer and author. His Navi shiurimim, which until now was exclusively in Hebrew, will for the first time be available for an English-speaking audience. The shuir will begin from Sefer Yehosha and will cover both Halacha and Agada, with an emphasis on the historical context of Navi as well as a special focus on Mishnas HaGr'a. Subscribe here to get the latest shiurim. This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts. Start your own forever fr ...
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Rabbi Elyahu Silberberg serves as Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Ohr Eliyahu, Lubavitch Mesivta of Chicago, and during the summer months, as Scholar in residence at Machon Alte women's seminary in Tsfat, Israel. He is a beloved Rabbi, teacher and father, and lives in Lincolnwood, Illinois, with his wife and children, where he dedicates his life to mentoring, teaching, and inspiring others.
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Portraits of the Spiritual Essence of our Beloved Heavenly Father and Mothers healing power of love within all people. “When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
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This Jewish Life is Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe’s flagship podcast. Since its founding in January of 2013, This Jewish Life has featured a delightful potpourri of podcast episodes on a myriad of Jewish subjects. In its current incarnation, the podcast focuses on exploring the deeper elements of Jewish life and philosophy. In each episode our objective is to go a bit deeper into subjects that we may be familiar with, to plumb the depths and uncover the essence of the beauty and sublimity of Jewish lif ...
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Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe started The Jewish History Podcast in 2016 with the goal of making Jewish History interesting and accessible. Over the course of the years, episodes have covered the vast expanse of Jewish history, from Abraham to Moses and Joshua, to great Sages in modern times, to Israeli wars. Each episode is dedicated to either a theme of Jewish history, a great personality of Jewish history, an era of Jewish history, or a transcendent event of our people’s history. We learn about our ...
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Join Rabbi Shlomo Kohn for The Pirkei Avos Podcast. Once a week, he brings out practical lessons that we learn from the classic work of Pirkei Avos (Ethics of the Fathers). His style is clear and applicable. Each episode leaves a listener with insights into how to live your life to the fullest. Subscribe to The Pirkei Avos Podcast. Living with Torah Ethics.
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show series
The Motherhood Character of Our Beloved Heavenly Father. “When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.” ― Mahatma Gandhi St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Why c…
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In our concluding lesson of Torah 55, we learn a beautiful upward spiral. The more we enhance emuna, the better we pray. The better we pray, the closer we get to Hashem. The closer we get to Hashem, the more we become purified. That way, even a person outside the Land of Israel can attain the aspect of the Land of Israel, which is a special holines…
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What happens when rabbis sit together and talk about Israel & Palestine without the burden of feeling they are having to be a voice that’s representing an institution? Here's how to have that conversation, so join in as they really listen to each other through their authentic struggles and legitimate disagreements. Join us again in the next ep to h…
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The Riches Of Passover Part 3: Hezekiah's Passover Challenge - English and Spanish. There are always obstacles to face when we decide to celebrate Passover. Sometimes we feel that our circumstances make Passover observance almost impossible. King Hezekiah showed us how even huge obstacles can be overcome. This is a rebroadcast of a sermon from our …
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What happens when Moses, the great prophet, asks to see the face of God and is denied? Join us as we unravel the intriguing narratives from the Talmud where contrasting interpretations by Rabbi Yeshua ben Korchah and Rabbi Shmuel Bar Nachmani shed light on a pivotal moment in Moses' journey. Discover how a single choice at the burning bush led to M…
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In this episode, Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe shares a short & sweet idea of inspiration on the special Shabbos of Hachodesh, the Shabbos prior to Rosh Chodesh Nissan that served as a reminder for the Jewish people to prepare and get ready for the upcoming festival of Pesach/Passover. This Jewish Inspiration Podcast by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe of TORCH (Ep. #169) is…
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In this episode, Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe shares a short & sweet idea of inspiration on the special Shabbos of Hachodesh, the Shabbos prior to Rosh Chodesh Nissan that served as a reminder for the Jewish people to prepare and get ready for the upcoming festival of Pesach/Passover. This Jewish Inspiration Podcast by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe of TORCH (Ep. #169) is…
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What happens when Moses, the great prophet, asks to see the face of God and is denied? Join us as we unravel the intriguing narratives from the Talmud where contrasting interpretations by Rabbi Yeshua ben Korchah and Rabbi Shmuel Bar Nachmani shed light on a pivotal moment in Moses' journey. Discover how a single choice at the burning bush led to M…
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Unlock the secrets of personal growth and spiritual fulfillment as we journey through the teachings of Reb Nachman of Breslov. Discover how the inherent light within each of us can serve as a beacon of hope and strength during challenging times. Engage with the profound significance of the four special Torah portions read in the month of Adar—Sheka…
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Unlock the secrets of personal growth and spiritual fulfillment as we journey through the teachings of Reb Nachman of Breslov. Discover how the inherent light within each of us can serve as a beacon of hope and strength during challenging times. Engage with the profound significance of the four special Torah portions read in the month of Adar—Sheka…
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After four Parshas, the Tabernacle is finally finished this week. Before the Tabernacle is erected though, Moshe provides an audit for all the gold, silver, and copper that was raised for the Tabernacle and identifies where they were used in the temple, its vessels, and it's vestements. In this final year 9 Parsha podcast on the book of Exodus, we …
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In this episode, we sit down with Rabbi Tovia Singer to explore a surprising question: What can the Jewish world learn from evangelical missionaries? While their goals are starkly opposed to Torah, their outreach strategies are often highly refined, data-driven, and emotionally compelling. Rabbi Singer breaks down the history, tactics, and psycholo…
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Unlock the profound insights of Torah as we explore the richness and purpose behind Parsha Pekudei, focusing on the meticulous construction of the high priest's garments. This episode promises to elevate your understanding of Kavanah, or intention, in daily life, guiding you to realign with your true purpose amidst the chaos of modern distractions.…
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Unlock the profound insights of Torah as we explore the richness and purpose behind Parsha Pekudei, focusing on the meticulous construction of the high priest's garments. This episode promises to elevate your understanding of Kavanah, or intention, in daily life, guiding you to realign with your true purpose amidst the chaos of modern distractions.…
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Pesach is here!! We begin our journey to unravel the mystery of what we are meant to give over to our children and ourselves over the course of Pesach. Even if you are heard my other Pesach Shiurim I cover new ground in this shiur so give it a listen!! Big NEWS!! Chazak LA has teamed up with Artscroll! When you order from Artscroll and use the foll…
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What happens when envy and jealousy take control of our lives? Join us for a thought-provoking conversation as we unravel the complex emotions that can rob us of joy and spiritual well-being. Through insightful dialogue, we explore how envy not only taints our happiness but also disrupts our ability to engage in meaningful prayer and study. We shar…
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What happens when envy and jealousy take control of our lives? Join us for a thought-provoking conversation as we unravel the complex emotions that can rob us of joy and spiritual well-being. Through insightful dialogue, we explore how envy not only taints our happiness but also disrupts our ability to engage in meaningful prayer and study. We shar…
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March 26, 2025 Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews Episode 77 - God Plans, Man Laughs There’s a new episode of Torah Smash! Yes, and… the Jewish tie in is a story from Genesis! Yes, and… the hosts find more ways to comment about muppets. With a topic like improv, anything can happen! Let’s talk about laughter and where it can be found in the wo…
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How do we move beyond just yearning for the ultimate Geulah (redemption) and start living with its presence every single day? In this video, we explore the importance of integrating Geulah consciousness into our daily lives through the three pillars mentioned in Pirkei Avos: Torah, Avodah (service), and Gemilus Chassadim (acts of kindness). By stre…
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Our Nefesh or "Animal Soul" wants comfort and pleasure. Our next level of soul, the Ruach or Spirit induces our Nefesh to make better choices by engaging in right actions. How do we engage in the world? Do we use resources well or do we abuse and waste them? In this episode, we explore how everything in the world can be used for self-interest or a …
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The Riches Of Passover Part 2: The History of Passover Observance - English and Spanish. Messiah commanded his disciples to observe Passover in memory of Him. Today, most of Yeshua's followers only commemorate Passover with a short communion service and they do not observe a Passover seder. But was this always the case? In the first few centuries a…
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The narrative of the Tabernacle spans many chapters at the end of the book of Exodus. The nation is told to build a sanctuary for God in which He will dwell. The Torah uncharacteristically repeats many aspects of this narrative. In this very special Parsha podcast, we go deep and deeper to understand the general theory of the Tabernacle, how all th…
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The Riches Of Passover Part 2: The History of Passover Observance - English only. Messiah commanded his disciples to observe Passover in memory of Him. Today, most of Yeshua's followers only commemorate Passover in a communion service and do not observe a Passover seder. But was this always the case? In the first few centuries after the Messiah's d…
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Listen in as we explore the profound lessons from this week's Parsha on the assembly of the Tabernacle. We go through a journey of understanding, highlighting the moment when all the carefully crafted components of the Tabernacle are presented to Moses. The inability of the people to assemble it underscores a powerful teaching about the value of hu…
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Listen in as we explore the profound lessons from this week's Parsha on the assembly of the Tabernacle. We go through a journey of understanding, highlighting the moment when all the carefully crafted components of the Tabernacle are presented to Moses. The inability of the people to assemble it underscores a powerful teaching about the value of hu…
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Discover how to break free from the chains of envy and materialism with ancient wisdom from King Solomon and the Orchos Tzadikkim. We promise you'll gain insights into the deceptive allure of coveting the wealth and success of those who stray from righteousness, while often overlooking the quiet, enduring triumphs of the truly virtuous. Through ric…
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Discover how to break free from the chains of envy and materialism with ancient wisdom from King Solomon and the Orchos Tzadikkim. We promise you'll gain insights into the deceptive allure of coveting the wealth and success of those who stray from righteousness, while often overlooking the quiet, enduring triumphs of the truly virtuous. Through ric…
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In this episode I open up about something that’s been weighing heavily on me, the messages Hashem sends us through world events and how we choose to respond. Before introducing my guest, my brother-in-law Alan Putter, I reflect on patterns throughout Jewish history, rooted in Torah, that show us what happens when we either forget to stay holy and d…
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The Riches Of Passover Part 1: Proclaiming Passover - English and Spanish. The Torah commands us to remember Passover and to observe Passover. But it also repeatedly commands us to proclaim Passover. Join us as we explore this command! Recorded March 22, 2025. Las Riquezas De La Pascua Parte 1: Proclamando la Pascua - Inglés y Español. La Torá nos …
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Have you ever wondered about the unique intricacies of Jewish prayer and calendrical traditions? Discover the profound significance behind the reading of Haftorahs during special parashas such as Shkolim, Zochor, Parah, and HaChodesh, and how we choose which Haftorah to read. Join us as we unpack the principle of "Tadir v'she'eno tadir tadir kodem"…
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Have you ever wondered about the unique intricacies of Jewish prayer and calendrical traditions? Discover the profound significance behind the reading of Haftorahs during special parashas such as Shkolim, Zochor, Parah, and HaChodesh, and how we choose which Haftorah to read. Join us as we unpack the principle of "Tadir v'she'eno tadir tadir kodem"…
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This Parsha Review Podcast (Ep 2.11) by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe on Parshas Pekudei offers a refreshing, clear and concise review as he does for each Parsha in the Torah. 00:10 - Parsha Summary 04:08 - Important Lessons Segment Download & Print the Parsha Review Notes: Th…
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The final parsha in the Book of Exodus wraps up the account of the construction of the Tabernacle, and its vessels and vestments. Again and again we read the refrain that everything was done precisely how God commanded Moses. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – This Parsha Podcast is dedicated by Yoli Bachar in honor of her husband Guy Bach…
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This Parsha Review Podcast (Ep 2.11) by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe on Parshas Pekudei offers a refreshing, clear and concise review as he does for each Parsha in the Torah. 00:10 - Parsha Summary 04:08 - Important Lessons Segment Download & Print the Parsha Review Notes: Th…
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Unlock the mysteries of ancient faith and discover profound lessons that resonate in today's world. This episode delves into the powerful narrative of the Akedah, the binding of Isaac, exploring its timeless significance for spiritual growth and resilience. Through Abraham's extraordinary test of faith, we examine important parallels to modern-day …
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Unlock the mysteries of ancient faith and discover profound lessons that resonate in today's world. This episode delves into the powerful narrative of the Akedah, the binding of Isaac, exploring its timeless significance for spiritual growth and resilience. Through Abraham's extraordinary test of faith, we examine important parallels to modern-day …
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