Amber Albee Swenson, one of our Time of Grace writers and bloggers, will help you navigate through some of life’s challenges and struggles by using Scripture and her own experiences of being a mom, wife, speaker, teacher, and forgiven child of God ... Because in God's kingdom, the little things ARE the big things.
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In this episode we'll look at the account of the rich young man. It's so easy to think that we're pretty good and that the young man was silly to choose his stuff over Jesus. But we're pretty prosperous. What would Jesus ask us to give up in order to do more in his kingdom? Amber wants to hear from you! If you have feedback or ideas, drop her a lin…
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In this episode we'll take a look at Jesus' answer to the question, "Which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" What does it mean to love God with your heart, soul, mind, and strength? And how does doing so produce the greatest kingdom impact? Register today for the Time of Grace women's event, Unbreakable! A…
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Today we'll look at Jesus' advice to be shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves. Jesus gave his disciples practical advice for doing ministry in a world that opposes God's message. We too can glean important biblical truths from Jesus' words. Register today for the Time of Grace women's event, Unbreakable! Amber w…
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Today we will explore the well-known passage found in Matthew 11:28-30 where Jesus invites us to come and walk with him and take up his yoke. We'll explore what that means and see why it is such a profound invitation. Register today for the Time of Grace women's event, Unbreakable! Amber wants to hear from you! I…
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Nehemiah was an interesting man whose account is chronicled in the Old Testament book that bears his name. He went from cupbearer to the king to governor of the exiles. He literally got in the trenches to help God's people rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. Then, together with the prophet Ezra and the Levites, Nehemiah reeducated the people, teaching t…
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You can find the phrase, "The Lord is my portion" in several places in the Bible. Amber explores what that means and why it is still relevant for you today. Get Amber's book at Register today for the Time of Grace women's event, Unbreakable! Amber want…
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Seeking a Gentle and Quiet Spirit, Part 2
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29:58In this second episode on Amber's new book, she talks about complaining and submitting, two things that can sabotage us from living the gentle and quiet life God would have us live. Look for "Seeking a Gentle and Quiet Spirit in a Harsh and Noisy World" at Northwestern Publishing House. Get Amber's book at…
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Seeking a Gentle and Quiet Spirit, Part 1
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24:51Today is part one of a two-part series to introduce Amber's new book, "Seeking a Gentle and Quiet Spirit in a Harsh and Noisy World." The apostle Peter tells women that a gentle and quiet spirit is of great worth in God's sight. That may sound disturbing for those of us who have not always identified as quiet and gentle. Good news! There's more to …
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Today we will finish the book of Malachi with some last words of comfort for believers. God sees! He hears us! In the end, he will make sure we are rewarded for being on Team Jesus. Register today for the Time of Grace women's event, Unbreakable! Amber wants to hear from you! If you have feedback or ideas, drop h…
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In the twelfth episode of the Last Call series, we'll look at God's rebuke of the people who complained there was no point to following him. Evil people seem to prosper, and godly people suffer. So why do we bother? We'll search the Bible for the answer! Register today for the Time of Grace women's event, Unbreakable!…
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Last Call: Take the Challenge to Out-Give God
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32:00In the eleventh episode of the Last Call series we'll take a look at God's challenge to the people: Give to me and see if I won't bless you. Why is it hard to trust God? And how can we loosen our grip on money and worldly goods? Register today for the Time of Grace women's event, Unbreakable! Amber wants to hear …
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In the tenth episode of the Last Call series, we'll examine God's warning for people dabbling in sin as well as his open invitation to return to him no matter where we've been or what we've done. Register today for the Time of Grace women's event, Unbreakable! Amber wants to hear from you! If you have feedback or…
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In the ninth episode of the Last Call series, we'll consider the role of suffering. Why does a good God allow his people to suffer? Malachi introduces us to the concept of purification, the process that metal goes through to get rid of contamination. Could it be that God uses suffering and affliction to purify us and help us to be more like him? Re…
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Last Call: What Kind of Fruit Are You Producing
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32:54In the eighth episode of the Last Call series, we'll start Malachi 3. We'll talk about what the messenger Malachi talked about and what John the Baptist can teach us today, especially as we consider Jesus' second coming. Amber wants to hear from you! If you have feedback or ideas, drop her a line at [email protected] If you have questions and w…
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In the seventh episode of the Last Call series, we'll look at Malachi 2:17. God tells his people they have made him weary with their complaints. Complaining causes serious health issues. It also is offensive to God. We'll see why and look at alternatives. Amber wants to hear from you! If you have feedback or ideas, drop her a line at amber@timeofgr…
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Last Call: Empty Prayers and Broken Promises
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35:16Have you ever wondered why God doesn't answer some prayers? In the sixth episode of the Last Call series, we'll examine God's words to the people who weep and wail at his altar but don't take their marriages seriously. We'll look at the connection and see what God might be revealing to us about broken promises and empty prayers. If you have questio…
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In the fifth episode of the Last Call series, we'll examine why God was so upset with the Israelites for marrying unbelievers. What lessons can we take from God's admonishment? And what can we do to make sure our hearts stay in the right place? If you have questions and want to know more about God, like what does he think of you, what exactly was J…
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In the fourth episode of the Last Call series, we'll look at just one verse from Malachi and discuss what God told his people about following his commands. But don't worry! This isn't an episode about doing your best or getting it right. It's about what Jesus did for us and getting the blessings we could never earn! If you have questions and want t…
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In the third episode of the Last Call series, God has some harsh words for his priests. Should we care? Yes! All believers are priests for God. We'll talk about what that means and how to live in such a way that we glorify God in this role. If you have questions and want to know more about God, like what does he think of you, what exactly was Jesus…
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In the second episode of the Last Call series, we'll look at God's complaint to the people. They were giving lame and sick lambs to be sacrificed. God pointed out that their governor would not accept such gifts, and he was far more important. What would it look like for us to give our time, talents, and treasures to God? Amber talked about the book…
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Last Call: Remember How Much God Loves You
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33:47In the first episode of the Last Call series, we begin looking at the book of Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament. This is an argumentative book in which God offers several complaints. The people have become complacent in their relationship with God. This is God's call to repentance, not just for the people of Malachi's day but for us too. …
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The fourth and final episode in the Abundantly More series reminds us that forgiveness is foundational in our faith walk. We'll examine what forgiveness is and isn't and walk through the reasons why not forgiving is not an option if we claim to be followers of Christ. Amber wants to hear from you! If you have feedback or ideas, drop her a line at a…
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In the third episode of the Abundantly More series, we talk about who God is and why it is important for us to remember that he is not a small God. He is the Creator-God, who made the universe and knows the stars by name. He knows us intimately too, more than we know ourselves. Knowing who God is can change our Christian walk. Amber wants to hear f…
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Episode two in the Abundantly More series reminds us that words matter. The apostle Paul tells us to build each other up, not to complain, to be grateful, and especially to bring the Word of God to the world. The blessing of doing so is not just for the other person! We reap important rewards as well! Amber mentions the book, "A Guide to Mental and…
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This is the first episode in the Abundantly More series that examines the characteristics of a life that brings glory to God. Most of us know there is something in our lives we really should address. Perhaps it's a tendency to eat or drink too much. Maybe we spend far too much time on our phones or in front of the TV. Change is hard, but staying in…
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Stacy Jensen: Purposeful Living and Grieving
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56:55Stacy Jensen is no stranger to grief. In this episode, we talk about her book, "Purposeful Grieving," and learn some things we can do to get the most mileage out of our pain. We also talk about the upcoming Time of Grace women's event in March 2025. Learn more at Stacy's book, "Purposeful Grieving," can be purchased fro…
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Have you noticed how easy it is to complain about the things that you were praying for not long ago? How do you remedy that? We will turn to Scripture for guidance and help! Amber wants to hear from you! If you have feedback or ideas, drop her a line at [email protected] If you have questions and want to know more about God, like what does he t…
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We're taking a short break in August. We'll see you in September! In the meantime, peruse our Little Things collection for some of your favorite episodes! Amber wants to hear from you! If you have feedback or ideas, drop her a line at [email protected] Check out our other podcasts! Search for these on your favorite podcast app. – The Nonmicrowa…
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Have you ever felt you've fallen too far to love? Do you buy into the unbecoming labels the world puts on you? Today's the day to put that to rest. Scripture assures us that God loves us and that no one and nothing can change that. Amber wants to hear from you! If you have feedback or ideas, drop her a line at [email protected] If you have ques…
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Joy in Hardship: A Conversation With Sharon Buck
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39:24Sharon Buck was looking to stay at home with her children. So with her mom's encouragement, she started selling makeup even though she didn't wear it! God opened some big doors for her. But her life was not without hardship. Her son, Russ, went to be with Jesus while he was serving in the Coast Guard. We talk about the ministry she does in his memo…
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When things don't work out, it's easy to fall into despair or wonder if God hears your prayers. We'll look at three accounts in the Bible to see what may be happening when doors are closed. Amber wants to hear from you! If you have feedback or ideas, drop her a line at [email protected] If you have questions and want to know more about God, lik…
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In the eighth and final episode of this series on Hannah and Eli, we'll see how God brought about what he said would happen. Amber wants to hear from you! If you have feedback or ideas, drop her a line at [email protected] Check out our other podcasts! Search for these on your favorite podcast app. – The Nonmicrowaved Truth with C.L. Whiteside …
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Hannah: Eli's Sons and the Cost of Disobedience
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26:13In the seventh episode of this eight-part series, we'll look at the consequences to Eli and his family because of his sons' sins. What does disobedience cost us? Amber wants to hear from you! If you have feedback or ideas, drop her a line at [email protected] Check out our other podcasts! Search for these on your favorite podcast app. – The Non…
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In the sixth episode of this eight-part series, we'll look at Hannah's life after she gave Samuel to the Lord. What can we learn about a mom's sacrifice and the blessings that await? Amber wants to hear from you! If you have feedback or ideas, drop her a line at [email protected] Check out our other podcasts! Search for these on your favorite p…
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Special Episode: Lessons From a Friend Who Is With Jesus
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21:09In the week following a close friend's death, I reflected on the lessons she taught me over the course of our friendship. Those lessons were good reminders for me. Perhaps they will be good reminders, or new lessons, for you too. Amber wants to hear from you! If you have feedback or ideas, drop her a line at [email protected] Check out our othe…
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In the fifth episode of this eight-part series, we look at what God tells us about Eli's sons. Spoiler alert: it's not good. God wants us to know him and to follow him. We'll explore what that means. Amber wants to hear from you! If you have feedback or ideas, drop her a line at [email protected] Check out our other podcasts! Search for these o…
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In the fourth episode of this eight-part series we'll examine the song Hannah's sang after giving her child to the Lord. This amazing woman of faith has a lot to teach us about who God is and how we look at the world. Amber wants to hear from you! If you have feedback or ideas, drop her a line at [email protected] Check out our other podcasts! …
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In the third episode of this eight-part series, we learn that the desire of Hannah's heart was to have a son. But when she had a son, she gave him to God. What are the desires of your heart? How do they glorify God? Amber wants to hear from you! If you have feedback or ideas, drop her a line at [email protected] Check out our other podcasts! Se…
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In the second episode of this eight-part series on Hannah, Amber looks at an impossible situation and a capable God. We'll see a marked difference in Hannah prior to prayer and after. Because prayer not only changes the situation; it changes us. Amber wants to hear from you! If you have feedback or ideas, drop her a line at [email protected] Ch…
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In this first episode on Hannah, Amber looks at the sad particulars of Hannah's life at the beginning of 1 Samuel. If you've struggled with an issue for years and even have to deal with people who taunt you or make it worse, you will relate to Hannah. Amber discusses the best course of action if you find yourself in this predicament. Amber wants to…
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Happy Mother's Day! Today we'll look at the last few verses of Proverbs 31 to guide us in our motherhood journeys. Amber wants to hear from you! If you have feedback or ideas, drop her a line at [email protected] Check out our other podcasts! Search for these on your favorite podcast app. – The Nonmicrowaved Truth with C.L. Whiteside – Time of …
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Audiobook: You Can Trust God When Life Hurts — Conclusion
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5:12What do you do when life hurts? Everyone needs to know how to answer that question because everyone, at some point, gets hurt. You need more than bubbly inspiration to see you through life’s storms. You need a God who meets you in the blurry confusion of heartache and carries you through to the other side. That’s the loving Father you’ll meet in Am…
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Audiobook: You Can Trust God When Life Hurts — Chapter 10: Trusting God to the End
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19:17What do you do when life hurts? Everyone needs to know how to answer that question because everyone, at some point, gets hurt. You need more than bubbly inspiration to see you through life’s storms. You need a God who meets you in the blurry confusion of heartache and carries you through to the other side. That’s the loving Father you’ll meet in Am…
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Audiobook: You Can Trust God When Life Hurts — Chapter 9: Picking up the Pieces
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11:33What do you do when life hurts? Everyone needs to know how to answer that question because everyone, at some point, gets hurt. You need more than bubbly inspiration to see you through life’s storms. You need a God who meets you in the blurry confusion of heartache and carries you through to the other side. That’s the loving Father you’ll meet in Am…
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Audiobook: You Can Trust God When Life Hurts — Chapter 8: Learning to Switch the Perspective
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9:41What do you do when life hurts? Everyone needs to know how to answer that question because everyone, at some point, gets hurt. You need more than bubbly inspiration to see you through life’s storms. You need a God who meets you in the blurry confusion of heartache and carries you through to the other side. That’s the loving Father you’ll meet in Am…
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Audiobook: You Can Trust God When Life Hurts — Chapter 7: Misfortune Happens
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11:41What do you do when life hurts? Everyone needs to know how to answer that question because everyone, at some point, gets hurt. You need more than bubbly inspiration to see you through life’s storms. You need a God who meets you in the blurry confusion of heartache and carries you through to the other side. That’s the loving Father you’ll meet in Am…
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Audiobook: You Can Trust God When Life Hurts — Chapter 6: This Is an Opportunity to Trust God
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12:11What do you do when life hurts? Everyone needs to know how to answer that question because everyone, at some point, gets hurt. You need more than bubbly inspiration to see you through life’s storms. You need a God who meets you in the blurry confusion of heartache and carries you through to the other side. That’s the loving Father you’ll meet in Am…
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Audiobook: You Can Trust God When Life Hurts — Chapter 5: God Hears the Cry of Your Prodigal
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12:57What do you do when life hurts? Everyone needs to know how to answer that question because everyone, at some point, gets hurt. You need more than bubbly inspiration to see you through life’s storms. You need a God who meets you in the blurry confusion of heartache and carries you through to the other side. That’s the loving Father you’ll meet in Am…
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Audiobook: You Can Trust God When Life Hurts — Chapter 4: God Sees You in the Storm
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16:51What do you do when life hurts? Everyone needs to know how to answer that question because everyone, at some point, gets hurt. You need more than bubbly inspiration to see you through life’s storms. You need a God who meets you in the blurry confusion of heartache and carries you through to the other side. That’s the loving Father you’ll meet in Am…
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Audiobook: You Can Trust God When Life Hurts — Chapter 3: God Is Still Faithful
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15:19What do you do when life hurts? Everyone needs to know how to answer that question because everyone, at some point, gets hurt. You need more than bubbly inspiration to see you through life’s storms. You need a God who meets you in the blurry confusion of heartache and carries you through to the other side. That’s the loving Father you’ll meet in Am…
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