This content is divided into two: BENDING REALITY- about the limitless potential of the human mind. An undiagnosed illness had Ivor crippled for 8 months in 2005. This was cured by an unexplained, super-natural power. The second time the illness returned, The Power was many hundreds of times stronger, completely healing his body in 5 hours. In 2020, thanks to a certain set of events, The Power returned, this time thousands of times stronger, able to move objects and manipulate matter. Mindbe ...
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Pastor Jason Lewis on Intention and Suffering
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6:05Pastor Jason Lewis discusses his view on how some people can be "signed up" into Christianity, but through their intention and actions, are heading further away from what he calls the "centre".By Ivor Von Senger
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A deep dive into the literature after being inboxed by men asking for more information on Testosterone Replacement Therapy. The research that alarmed me about Testosterone causing cell death (Apoptosis) in neurons was this.. Contradicted by this one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.g…
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12:12Nutritionist Ricardo Catita discusses the use of Testestosterone Replacement Therapy and Mental Health in men.By Ivor Von Senger
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Estelle Pettican is a Deep-Trance Medium. She was 22, at a house party when a woman approached her with a piece of paper with the address of the house party, the exact time and date, what she would be wearing and her full name. The woman said that she had flown from another country, with this piece of information, to find her, because Estelle's lif…
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The Power of Close-Knit Communities: for Happiness, Belonging, and Keeping Romance Fresh.
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34:51Ivor interviews Steve who talks about the ingenious techniques he has developed to keep his romantic relationship fresh. Steve then talks about how he has managed to develop a close-knit community of a few hundred people in his city. Ivor believes that us humans have bought into the "happy ever after" paradigm- through observing our own parents (or…
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So many truths began to reveal themselves to me once I started healing- that there is a SUBCONSCIOUS PUNISHMENT MECHANISM programmed into the brain, from hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. This has been discovered by researchers in the United States in 2010, and confirmed in a subsequent study in Spain in 2020. The Anterior Cingulate Cort…
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Mindbending Chapter 3: Miraculous Healing
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16:40Crippled from an undiagnosed disease, close to death with nowhere to turn, miraculous events (and healing to my body) started to happen.By Ivor Von Senger
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Mindbending Chapter 4: Breaking the Curse
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29:42The illness returned, since the real cause hadn't been identified. Then, with the brain more accustomed to bizarre healing, I witnessed more powerful healing, hundreds of times more than the first time. It was then time to get my life back, step into the fear that I might be insane, and break the seclusion.…
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After 8 or 9 days of no sleep at all, I finally knew there was NO WAY I could be crazy. The world was finally wide open for me to conquer. I wanted to catch up: success, wealth, a wife and family. Monetary success would bring me all of that. Until..By Ivor Von Senger
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The first taste of REALLY crazy, mind-bending stuff. They say that sometimes you have to go to the depths of hell to find salvation. That was where I found myself in March 2021. But the brain wasn't going down without a fight. Emboldened by 2 powerful episodes of incredible healing it had adapted to never again reach the depths it had reached befor…
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After a faulty diagnosis (of psychosis) when I was 20 years old, it took 21 years to get over the fear that I might be insane. What resulted was a number of mind-boggling, mind-bending experiences. This is the 1st in a series of 7 short chapters, that ends with how I found out how space and time can be manipulated.…
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Mindbending Ch2: Lead-Up to the Unthinkable!
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6:35I explain how I reached a point where there was pretty much no way out. Something incredible had to happen to get me out of a illness that had me crippled and hanging on to life, with no diagnosis.By Ivor Von Senger
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This is still ongoing today-- many thousands of Falon Gong practitioners are being jailed and their organs sold in hospitals in China. Follow DAFOH (Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting on Facebook)By Ivor
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With Pastor Jason Lewis. - @obserjasons We discuss his sermon where he explained that (from studying the Bible) Heaven can be achieved here on earth. This is a paradigm shift for Christianity, where the old paradigm believed that heaven, was something we worked for here, only to be experienced when we die. We also talk about Jason's understanding o…
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Dr Nthombi Menze discusses African Healing, the distinction and similarities between traditional African Spirituality and Christianity, and finding your purpose in life. We touch on why in the West, it is perhaps even harder to "come out" about your spiritual gifts than in traditional societies like South Africa, and the anguish that so many people…
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Noémie decides to leave her awesome husband at 35 and pursue a spiritual path. Was listening to her intuition the right thing to do? Or was she driven by an unknown but deep subconscious desire?By Ivor
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