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Erin tends to cringe when she hears the phrase “biblical womanhood.” That’s because so many of the sermons, studies, and books with this theme seem to lead to checklists and a works-based mentality. When talking about biblical womanhood—or manhood, for that matter—we must start with a proper a foundation. Otherwise, our concept of biblical womanhoo…
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Most reformed Christians have said, thought, or written something to the effect of, “Oh, I am a wretched, wicked worm…” This is because Scripture teaches the total depravity of man before he is saved. In Christ, however, we have been made a new creation, so what does total depravity mean for the Christian?…
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Remember “Doubting Thomas,” who insisted on seeing the resurrected Christ before believing that He was alive? When Jesus appeared to Thomas, He said to him, “Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed.” We love Christ even though we haven’t seen Him, but we can still know what He looks like by studying His marvelous attributes as found in t…
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God is faithful. It’s easy for us to give lip service to this, because we intellectually know it to be true, but sometimes it helps to reflect on real, living examples of how God has exercised His faithfulness to His people. That’s when our Lord stops being an unreachable entity in the sky, and starts being the personal Shepherd that He is.…
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Dreams, visions, voices - are these the best ingredients for biblically sound teaching? A recent Christianity Today article upholds Beth Moore as a favorable example of a female Bible teacher. This leads us to ask in this latest episode of Equipping Eve: What happens when we see Beth Moore teach the Bible?…
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Sanctification is a lifelong process that begins at the moment of salvation and will not end until we are called home to glory.As new creatures in Christ, renewed and regenerated by the Holy Spirit, we are called to live lives of holiness. As Christians, we must be active in our sanctification, seeking to please God, choose righteousness, and morti…
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Legalism is deadly. It deceives unbelievers into thinking they can earn their salvation, but it can also enslave believers, leading them to add works, not as a condition of salvation, but as a condition of God’s continued favor and love. This type of “doctrinally sound legalism” leads to a dangerous combination of spiritual pride toward others and …
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Ladies, we like to be well dressed, don’t we? And while we certainly don’t want to neglect our outward appearance, we know that Scripture emphasizes the greater importance of our spiritual adornment. When Christ saves us, we are given, in essence, a whole new wardrobe. The best part? This is one wardrobe that will never go out of style!…
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These days, we hear many Christian leaders talking about the very real possibility of a rise in the persecution of Christians. What should be our reaction to this as Christians? Do we cower? Join the latest political rally? Form a picket line? What about rejoicing? What about thanking the Lord? In this episode of Equipping Eve, Erin turns to the bo…
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Contrary to what the Word of Faith preachers would have us believe, we are not promised lives of luxury as Christians. In fact, Scripture promises us quite the opposite. Scripture also promises us that God will strengthen us in our trials, sustain us in times of persecution, and grant us joy in all circumstances. God never promised us a rose garden…
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Luther, Calvin, Zwingli. Without these men and many others, there would not have been a Protestant Reformation. We owe them a tremendous debt of gratitude. But the Reformation was not only impacted by men. What about the women behind those men? What about those women who were wives or sisters of the Reformers and who influenced the movement, not ju…
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A recent Pew survey reveals that many professing protestants do not actually know or understand what they believe. 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, but is it possible that there has been a steady reversal of the reformation over the years? In this episode, we’ll continue our discussion from last time, emphasizing the …
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Is the plan of redemption too violent? Is it really just a horrific tale of “cosmic child abuse”? Believe it or not, there are those who profess to be Christians who would say that it is. As always, let’s go back to the Bible and see what God has to say about the penal substitutionary atonement.By Erin Benziger
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Is the plan of redemption too violent? Is it really just a horrific tale of “cosmic child abuse”? Believe it or not, there are those who profess to be Christians who would say that it is. As always, let’s go back to the Bible and see what God has to say about the penal substitutionary atonement.By Erin Benziger
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At one time, the church at Ephesus was a stalwart body, sound in doctrine and intolerant of sin and error. Yet, in a sobering letter to this first-century church, Jesus Christ said these gut-wrenching words: “I have this against you, that you have left your first love.” Is it possible to be zealous for sound doctrine but lacking in love for Christ?…
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Mary and Joseph. The angels. The shepherds. The wise men. The innkeeper. And of course, the baby Jesus. These are the people we think of when we remember the Christmas story as told in the gospels. But there is another important character introduced in the early days of the life of Christ who often seems to be forgotten. Open your Bibles to Luke 2 …
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It's unlikely that anyone actually gleans their theology from a church sign. Church signs are notoriously cheesy and oftentimes the churches that display them are theologically unsound. Erin drives by lots of church signs everyday, and finally realized that they can make a great teaching tool—of what not to believe, think, or teach. Open your Bible…
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It's unlikely that anyone actually gleans their theology from a church sign. Church signs are notoriously cheesy and oftentimes the churches that display them are theologically unsound. Erin drives by lots of church signs everyday, and finally realized that they can make a great teaching tool—of what not to believe, think, or teach. Open your Bible…
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